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LTTP: Bulletstorm, or How Did I Nearly Overlook This Incredible Game


Got this for $5 on the Steam sale.

Prior to playing the full game, I never would've imagined myself saying this, but after much deliberation I think this may be my favorite game of the year, and that's saying something given how good this year was. Bulletstorm is amazing. But I never would've guessed it with barely anyone talking about it.

Here's the Bulletstorm formula:

First, take a Jack Black-esque protagonist. Make him witty and self-aware... Foul-mouthed but inoffensive... Rough around the edges, but warm with a hint of pathos. Give him the boost-sliding legs of Vanquish's Sam and the grappling arm of Metroid's Samus. Call him Grayson Hunt.

Make it so you can reel in a distant foe and send him hurtling toward you, or close the distance in the blink of an eye with a high-speed slide. Either way, follow up with a swift kick from a boot the size of Kuribo's Shoe, and send the sad sap spinning away like Sonic hitting a spring.

Chances are they'll be impaled on a cactus, or tangled up in sparking wires, or sucked into a turbine, or eaten by a carnivorous plant. Maybe you quickly run forward, kicking them repeatedly in the head, their body floating in midair just long enough to keep the combo going, even as the rest of the battlefield rampages in real time. Maybe you kick a hotdog cart into them, flattening them like a pancake. Maybe. Limbs fall like rain and blood gushes everywhere, but it's so slap-happy that nothing feels mean-spirited, only spontaneous and fun.

So you can do all of that with a grapple beam and a boot. Grayson doesn't need guns, clearly, but let's give him some anyway. Let's give him an arsenal so over-the-top it's the envy of Unreal Tournament.

Let's give him a four-barreled shotgun that can vaporize a foe's musculature in a single shot, so only a blood-red skeleton remains... Let's give him the Flail, a grenade launcher that shoots two grenades connected by a chain, tying foes up if not flat-out severing them in two, the grenades detonating when you squeeze the trigger again, allowing for setups like reeling in a bomb-strapped baddie with the grapple beam and then kicking him back at his buddies before going BOOM.

Let's give him a sniper rifle where at the last second the bullet goes into slow-mo and you steer the projectile into the fleeing target's skull like a pint-sized Redeemer missile, or perhaps veer off and hit a red barrel instead.

Let's give him a cannon where the bombs bounce like basketballs until you release the trigger and allow them to explode... Let's give him a drill-tipped harpoon launcher that pins foes to the ceiling so they spin round and round like a fan, or skewer multiple foes like a shish kebab...

Give Grayson all these tools and more. Now put him in a GORGEOUS alien world that feels alive, whether it's the swaying palm trees with trunks more gnarled than a Dr. Seuss drawing, or the friggin' Cloverfield monster herself. It's a world smoldering with color -- pastel pinks, golden yellows, twilight blues -- and full of touristy charm because, well, it's a tourist trap, complete with a disco and a thrill ride featuring a miniature city with a remote-controlled Godzilla. And in the badlands beyond are the bones of giants, foothills like jagged shards of glass, and skyscraper-sized cogs that tumble along as though they fell off of God's chariot.

Take this gorgeous world full of deathtraps... This arsenal of the most creative weapons in shooters today... This core gameplay of slide/leash/kick... And structure it so the action is fast, furious, nonstop -- no filler, no fetch quests, no bullshit. The "skillshot" system challenges you to kill in creative ways, scoring points that can be used to restock ammo and upgrade your weapons at the drop-kits spread liberally throughout the world.

It pushes you to push yourself and have a blast doing so. And it's all driven by a smartly written narrative that comes full-circle so no detail is irrelevant, and that feels complete by the time the credits roll. A plot where your character actually develops; a plot that calls out the mass murder committed in first-person shooters and contemplates it, yet never takes itself TOO seriously, all but breaking the fourth wall at times and reveling in irony left and right. Every chapter has a laugh-out-loud moment. Every chapter has memorable moments or a memorable line.

As the game progresses, the set pieces become grander, the scenarios more absurd, the variety relentless, and the game doesn't overstay its welcome, nor does it conclude too quickly, with a whiz-bang finale and a great setup for a sequel... It plays with your expectations, subverts them and inverts them, always surprising, always delighting...

And yet... No one seems to be talking about this game. For me it's the sleeper hit of 2011, and the most fun I had with an action game this year. Surely I can't be the only one? I haven't been this euphoric about a new game in awhile.

Best $5 I ever spent!


The second I got the Breakdance Skill Shot I nearly lost my shit when playing the game.

It's a wonderful game that was sadly overlooked, and was pretty refreshing. All the awesome stuff found and done complete by accident was just amazing.
I bought it full price at launch and it was still worth it.

Rick Remender + Incredible Shooting And Scoring Mechanics = This Year's Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


Awesome game, I'm disappointed it won't get a sequel. I loved the colors and art design of the world.
I also bought this at launch and it ended up becoming my favorite FPS campaign in years. Amazing game that over looked too quickly. I really hope we'll receive a sequel because...
god is dead.
Playing the demo I was not convinced, but decided to pre-order it after the very positive EDGE preview. Never had a dull moment. This is a great game. Especially enjoyed sniping.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I was severely disappointed with the game. I was counting down the minutes until it was over.
Nice op, reading it brought a smile to my face. One of my favourite games this year and easily my favourite fps of recent times (still need to check out ss3 though). I'm glad more people seem to be discovering it, just wish it sold better.
This was one of the most well-written OPs I've seen. Wow, that was beautiful lol. Way better than a professional video game article. Totally agree with everything. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Bought it for the GoW 3 beta, turned out to be the best and most fun fps this generation

Same here, bought it for gears and ended up being such a fun game. Probably my favorite FPS single player campaign of this gen. Sucks we won't get a sequel.

Another thing that was rad about this game was graphics, dripping with awesome art and set pieces.
rumored to be a new Gears trilogy, they'll probably never be allowed to work on a new IP or sequel to this for at least 4 or 5 years :(
It makes me sad there probably won't be a sequel.

I don't know what the sales of this or DNF were, but I bet DNF outsold it by a considerable margin and if that's the case I hate life.


Got this for $5 on the Steam sale.

Prior to playing the full game, I never would've imagined myself saying this, but after much deliberation I think this may be my favorite game of the year, and that's saying something given how good this year was. Bulletstorm is amazing. But I never would've guessed it with barely anyone talking about it.

Here's the Bulletstorm formula:

First, take a Jack Black-esque protagonist. Make him witty and self-aware... Foul-mouthed but inoffensive... Rough around the edges, but warm with a hint of pathos. Give him the boost-sliding legs of Vanquish's Sam and the grappling arm of Metroid's Samus. Call him Grayson Hunt.

Make it so you can reel in a distant foe and send him hurtling toward you, or close the distance in the blink of an eye with a high-speed slide. Either way, follow up with a swift kick from a boot the size of Kuribo's Shoe, and send the sad sap spinning away like Sonic hitting a spring.

Chances are they'll be impaled on a cactus, or tangled up in sparking wires, or sucked into a turbine, or eaten by a carnivorous plant. Maybe you quickly run forward, kicking them repeatedly in the head, their body floating in midair just long enough to keep the combo going, even as the rest of the battlefield rampages in real time. Maybe you kick a hotdog cart into them, flattening them like a pancake. Maybe. Limbs fall like rain and blood gushes everywhere, but it's so slap-happy that nothing feels mean-spirited, only spontaneous and fun.

So you can do all of that with a grapple beam and a boot. Grayson doesn't need guns, clearly, but let's give him some anyway. Let's give him an arsenal so over-the-top it's the envy of Unreal Tournament.

Let's give him a four-barreled shotgun that can vaporize a foe's musculature in a single shot, so only a blood-red skeleton remains... Let's give him the Flail, a grenade launcher that shoots two grenades connected by a chain, tying foes up if not flat-out severing them in two, the grenades detonating when you squeeze the trigger again, allowing for setups like reeling in a bomb-strapped baddie with the grapple beam and then kicking him back at his buddies before going BOOM.

Let's give him a sniper rifle where at the last second the bullet goes into slow-mo and you steer the projectile into the fleeing target's skull like a pint-sized Redeemer missile, or perhaps veer off and hit a red barrel instead.

Let's give him a cannon where the bombs bounce like basketballs until you release the trigger and allow them to explode... Let's give him a drill-tipped harpoon launcher that pins foes to the ceiling so they spin round and round like a fan, or skewer multiple foes like a shish kebab...

Give Grayson all these tools and more. Now put him in a GORGEOUS alien world that feels alive, whether it's the swaying palm trees with trunks more gnarled than a Dr. Seuss drawing, or the friggin' Cloverfield monster herself. It's a world smoldering with color -- pastel pinks, golden yellows, twilight blues -- and full of touristy charm because, well, it's a tourist trap, complete with a disco and a thrill ride featuring a miniature city with a remote-controlled Godzilla. And in the badlands beyond are the bones of giants, foothills like jagged shards of glass, and skyscraper-sized cogs that tumble along as though they fell off of God's chariot.

Take this gorgeous world full of deathtraps... This arsenal of the most creative weapons in shooters today... This core gameplay of slide/leash/kick... And structure it so the action is fast, furious, nonstop -- no filler, no fetch quests, no bullshit. The "skillshot" system challenges you to kill in creative ways, scoring points that can be used to restock ammo and upgrade your weapons at the drop-kits spread liberally throughout the world.

It pushes you to push yourself and have a blast doing so. And it's all driven by a smartly written narrative that comes full-circle so no detail is irrelevant, and that feels complete by the time the credits roll. A plot where your character actually develops; a plot that calls out the mass murder committed in first-person shooters and contemplates it, yet never takes itself TOO seriously, all but breaking the fourth wall at times and reveling in irony left and right. Every chapter has a laugh-out-loud moment. Every chapter has memorable moments or a memorable line.

As the game progresses, the set pieces become grander, the scenarios more absurd, the variety relentless, and the game doesn't overstay its welcome, nor does it conclude too quickly, with a whiz-bang finale and a great setup for a sequel... It plays with your expectations, subverts them and inverts them, always surprising, always delighting...

And yet... No one seems to be talking about this game. For me it's the sleeper hit of 2011, and the most fun I had with an action game this year. Surely I can't be the only one? I haven't been this euphoric about a new game in awhile.

Best $5 I ever spent!

Glad you decided to bring this up, i can't stress this enough how good Bulletstorm is, it can compete with Vanquish...actually i think Vanquish and Bulletstorm should exchange names as they fit more appropriately with what they do.

I loved the art direction in Bulletstorm alot of orange and green.

I often have fantasies of a Bulletstorm/Vanquish love child......sliding, skillshots, robots/transformers, kicking, leashes, God-rays, bullet-time, vistas, etc.


Yea it's a game that really did not get enough love. I think a big part of that is that EA published it and a lot of people including me hate them with a passion. Hence we haven't bought it or given it a chance. Luckily like you I said screw it with the Steam sale and said even though I hate EA I do like Epic and bought it. Best 5 damn bucks I've spent in years.


Great fucking game. Shocked it did not get more attention. I laughed my ass off at most of those stupid as hell fucking jokes.
Other than the great gameplay and beautiful graphics, I'm so impressed they wrote a story that had such witty and dumb dialogue but was actually quite interesting and kept pushing you through.

Not greatest story ever told or anything, but better than a lotttt of games.


Other than the great gameplay and beautiful graphics, I'm so impressed they wrote a story that had such witty and dumb dialogue but was actually quite interesting and kept pushing you through.

Not greatest story ever told or anything, but better than a lotttt of games.

The story and characters were great. I was so puzzled that some gamers had a real stick up their ass at the obvious tongue in cheek dialogue.

I remember a few people on here saying they didn't want to buy the game because of the swearing.
Some of the best jokes weren't even foul-language humor.

Like being told to sneak past because you don't want to make too much noise and causing a chain reaction of noise that goes on for 15 - 20 seconds.

Main character: Well...whoops.
The story and characters were great. I was so puzzled that some gamers had a real stick up their ass at the obvious tongue in cheek dialogue.

I remember a few people on here saying they didn't want to buy the game because of the swearing.

I think a lot of people just completely misjudged it based on the trailers. It got caught in some ridiculous anti dudebro backlash (plus ea and epic hate) by the same people that then happily paid for Killzone 3 or Homefront. Which is hilarious because the characters and dialogue are so much better in Bulletstorm than either of those games. And the gameplay is in another league entirely.

Some of the best jokes weren't even foul-language humor.

Like being told to sneak past because you don't want to make too much noise and causing a chain reaction of noise that goes on for 15 - 20 seconds.

Main character: Well...whoops.

Exactly. It was a genuinely funny game.
Some of the best jokes weren't even foul-language humor.

Like being told to sneak past because you don't want to make too much noise and causing a chain reaction of noise that goes on for 15 - 20 seconds.

Main character: Well...whoops.

Haha, yeah, and it's SO stupid and SO obvious but it just works. You crack a smile at the very least.
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