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Lost Planet 3 Gameplay Video

I heard "Survival Horror" and "Dead Space" mentioned a bunch of times.

....Capcom already has RE for that, Lost Planet was about giant bugs, bosses and mechs :(


The definition "Resident Evil 5 on ice" comes to my mind watching the trailer.
Not necessarily a terrible thing, by the way.








Everything except for the QTE looks kinda cool. Mechs and neat snow area. Will be kinda weird if Dead Space 3 really is set on a snow planet though.

My opinion doesn't really matter though since I fucking hated LP1&2, especially there competitive mulitplayer, fucking invincibility frames on rolls.


the last guy commenting the game is delusional. He is saying that Spark Unlimited showed in the past that they have a lot of experience with shooters and they understand how to make games with good action and horror and goes on saying that LP3 will show this.

and the guy at 3:38 says that he wants to see more of the game --- in a not really authentic way.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Looks like someone threw Dead Space, Lost Planet and Gears of War in a blender and pressed the turbo button.


This word truly has lost all meaning.I'm not very excited for this game but how does it look generic?
Was also thinking this. Someone said in the Ghost Recon FS thread, "Meh, looks generic". I replied, "almost as if it's set in generic real world locations using generic real world weaponry." People say "visceral" is overused, at least it generally gets used correctly.


well...it doesn't look bad, but i felt the world needed a new proper Lost Planet more than a Dead Space clone.

And by proper Lost Planet i mean something similar to the first one, which just needed a few tweaks to become an action classic.
why can't quick time events die a horrible death?

it's seem cheap. why go through the trouble of programming meaningful controls when they can just throw QTE after QTE at us.
I adore the first Lost Planet. I just hope they can pace the game well. The first game had great pacing. It feels so cold and isolated in those scenes. I will cross my fingers and hope for the best. Capcom did well not to abandon this franchise. Finally Capcom does something right. Now my fear is if this developer doesn't get this game right, the franchise may be buried for a long time.

Now if we can get Platinum to push forward with Vanquish.
Well, that looks...interesting. Not why people are calling it generic, doesn't look generic at all.

Saying that, what the hell at the QTE's and the first person mech action. BOO! Bring back the awesomeness that made LP1 so damn awesome. The grapple hook, the large levels (for the most part), the constant jumping and using your environment to your advantage....enough with more focused/cinematic gameplay.


Well, that looks...interesting. Not why people are calling it generic, doesn't look generic at all.

Saying that, what the hell at the QTE's and the first person mech action. BOO! Bring back the awesomeness that made LP1 so damn awesome. The grapple hook, the large levels (for the most part), the constant jumping and using your environment to your advantage....enough with more focused/cinematic gameplay.

I knew we were off to a bad start when they introduced the gameplay by slowly rotating the camera around the character while he rode an elevator.


This word truly has lost all meaning.I'm not very excited for this game but how does it look generic?

Was also thinking this. Someone said in the Ghost Recon FS thread, "Meh, looks generic". I replied, "almost as if it's set in generic real world locations using generic real world weaponry." People say "visceral" is overused, at least it generally gets used correctly.
Uh... Maybe because "generic" isn't *necessarily* about the setting, but also about how a game looks or plays?
And in fact a lot of modern "triple A" games feel generic and uninspired to play, indeed.


Uh... Maybe because "generic" isn't *necessarily* about the setting, but also about how a game looks or plays?
And in fact a lot of modern "trilpe A" games feel generic and uninspired to play, indeed.

Yeah, the setting looks cool, visually it's not boring, but based on what we were shown I feel like I've played this exact game many times already, QTEs and all.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I really hope this is a return to glory for the franchise. The survival horror talk is off putting though.


lost planet has an identity crisis it seems. Also weren't there rumors of dead space 3 happening on an ice planet? this will become pretty confusing.

Yo Gotti

Looks like Deadspace, not a good thing in my book. I've already played Dead Space, don't need to play a rip-off of it.

Mech combat looked pretty janky too.


That looks all kind of awful. :(

Riding a giant mech, but instead of shooting lasers or missiles out of your ass, the only option you have is to grab an enemy and drill them to death with your other hand, just to see some guts spray on your screen, then move on to enemy 2, rinse/repeat. bah

Lots of QTE's for no fucking reason besides them "looking cool"...

Trying to be like Dead Space and Alien for no other reason than they think it's the cool thing to do.

I'd much rather replay the first two games than bey this garbage.
If I want Dead Space 3, I'll get Dead Space 3, not this shit.
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