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SMITE Beta Thread

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Developer: Hi-Rez Studios (Global Agenda, Tribes: Ascend)
Platform: PC
Price: Free 2 Play (Open Beta!)
Genre: 3rd Person MOBA (aka Dota-style game)
Where: http://www.hirezstudios.com/
When: Estimated Release time is ... some time

  • 5v5 team play
  • 3rd person view allows for fresh gameplay
  • The entire game is based on skillshots - even autoattacks do not hit automatically
  • Fast-paced and exciting gameplay
  • Over 30 gods from 7 different pantheons, with a new god every 2-3 weeks
  • Ranked matches with banning/drafting system
  • Solo Queue, and group queue for 2-5 players
  • Special 1v1 Jousting Mode
  • 5v5 Arena, All Random All Mid, and Domination Modes
  • Match of the Day - fun themed matches (e.g. starting with 100000 gold; only Greek gods playable, etc.)
  • Free Character Rotation - 5 new playable characters every week
  • God Rental - use some favor you gained during your games to play a god for a game!
  • Spectator mode
  • Training mode allowing to play all gods, including those that are locked
  • Social features such as friends list, followers, Twitch TV integration and clans
  • God Ranks - gain worshipers for each of the gods you play and unlock special golden skins


There is a gem system that allows you to unlock gods and skins for the gods. You can unlock gods and "recolor" skins with experience (Favor), while you can get some skins only with gems. However, skins are only purely aesthetic and have no gameplay benefit. Any purchase you make will give you access to the Beta.

There currently is the "Ultimate God Pack" for 30$ or 25€, which gives you access to all currently released Gods, as well as all upcoming Gods (including those after the game goes out of Beta). And if you bought any Gods with Favor or Gems prior to this release, you will be released 5500 Favor for every God that you unlocked that way.
The pricing will be adjusted upwards after the Beta ends.

The current gem purchases are as follows:

Pantheons and Characters:

As of now, the game has characters out of 7 pantheons. If you start a new account, you have access to 5 gods, while you have to unlock other ones with favor, gems, or other deals. Every bigger patch, an additional 5 gods will be on free rotation (making it a total of 10 you can play at any given time). In this list, the underlined characters are starters.

  • Aphrodite
  • Apollo
  • Arachne
  • Ares
  • Artemis
  • Athena
  • Chronos
  • Hades
  • Coming Soon: Nemesis
  • Poseidon
  • Coming Soon: Scylla
  • Thanatos
  • Zeus

  • Fenrir
  • Freya
  • Hel
  • Loki
  • Odin
  • Thor
  • Tyr
  • Ymir

  • Anhur
  • Anubis
  • Bastet
  • Geb
  • Neith
  • Isis
  • Ra
  • Sobek

  • Ao Kuang
  • Chang'e
  • Guan Yu
  • He Bo
  • Ne Zha
  • Nu Wa
  • Sun Wukong
  • Zhong Kui

  • Agni
  • Bakasura
  • Kali
  • Vamana

  • Bacchus
  • Cupid
  • Hercules
  • Mercury
  • Vulcan

  • Ah-Muzen-Cab
  • Chaac
  • Hun Batz
  • Xbalanque

In the game's files, there also have been found placeholders that date way back until just after the Beta started. But all of these gods have the chance of being released sooner or later. These characters are
Garuda, Medusa, Qi-Lin, Rakshasa, Set, Shiva and Yen-Lo-Wang
. Dionysus also is mentioned, but he was renamed and released as Bacchus. Chamunda also is on this list, however, Kali's Convention 2013 skin is titled "Chamunda" in the files, suggesting that the character was deemed too similar to Kali and as such has been turned into that skin instead.

Gameplay Trailer PAX 2011
Gameplay Trailer for PAX 2012
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2

Useful Links:
SMITE Wiki - Source for basic information regarding items, characters, etc.
Smitefire - Guides, item overviews, general SMITE news etc.
SMITE Sub-Reddit

http://www.twitch.tv/smitepro - HiRez's own stream, online every day during the week. Hosted by several professional Smite players.
http://www.twitch.tv/smitegame - HiRez's own stream, online every day during the week, with sneak peeks for upcoming stuff, as well as giveaways for Gems and other goodies. Whole day's worth of streaming schedule of casual casters, as well as HiRez's own streamers. Also streams tournaments.

Casters (for commentating tournaments matches etc.) are:

Players are:

All of these players generally stream once a day.
I dunno man, I think Hi-Rez is doing pretty well, and I have this feeling that this game has the potential to get really big since it's much faster-paced.

The game has some things that need fixes, ofc, but it's Beta, after all.
Thor has been sneak peeked on the HiRez stream, and has a reveal trailer.
He's supposed to come out tomorrow, including 2 skins for him!

Edit: Whoops, had the wrong link copied! Fixed it.
My friend emailed me a beta key so I downloaded it and started playing yesterday. I'm hooked! I've never played a game like this before. What genre is this considered to be in?

I've been mostly using Ymir, but last night I finally got enough Favor to buy my first new god — Ao Kuang! I think he looks fucking awesome and his abilities seem cool. Unfortunately I had to hit the sack before I got to use him.

One thing that you should put in the OP is the link to the SMITE Wiki, which is really helpful when you're starting out. Especially when you want to see what all the items do.


And here's some more videos for the OP:

SMITE God Reveal - Bakasura, The Great Devourer
SMITE God Reveal - Anhur, Slayer of Enemies
SMITE God Reveal - Cupid, The God of Love
SMITE God Reveal - Thor, God of Thunder
I've never played a game like this before. What genre is this considered to be in?

The genre is called MOBA - Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.
The most popular examples of the genre are the RTS-based DotA (Defense of the Ancients), LoL (League of Legends) and HoN (Heroes of Newerth). There's games that part from the RTS roots, such as Awesomenauts, (Super) Monday Night Combat and, of course, SMITE.

One thing that you should put in the OP is the link to the SMITE Wiki, which is really helpful when you're starting out. Especially when you want to see what all the items do.

Yeah, I was going to add streams and useful links, I just didn't have the time to. SmiteWiki is meh, though... it's only really useful if you want to check data real quick, but it won't help you really improve your game. =)

I will add the links now in the upcoming edit.

And here's some more videos for the OP:

Well I did link Thor's trailer, but I didn't feel like the character trailers were really "worth" adding to the OP - after all, they're all on the channel with the videos I already linked. ;)
Great work, Red. The OP is getting better every day! Those links are really useful. I just wasted an hour at work reading the SMITE forums.
Ugh... had a really frustrating night. 2 of my teams surrendered and the other game we just got wrecked. Had a lot of teammates with elitist/bad attitudes, too. Not fun.

Apparently Ao Kuang is considered to be the bottom tier god, and it shows. Now, I don't want to blame all my problems on tiers, because I'm new and still pretty bad, but his defense and escape move are pathetic. Every melee character was able to run me down, even when I had level 3 boots on.

I'm not really sure what I should do. I might try a tanky build. Or I might just deal with the fact that I wasted my Favor and save up for someone good, like Hel, Cupid, or Bakasura.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
been hooked on it for the past 2 weeks cupid is fun as hell to play

Ugh... had a really frustrating night. 2 of my teams surrendered and the other game we just got wrecked. Had a lot of teammates with elitist/bad attitudes, too. Not fun.

Apparently Ao Kuang is considered to be the bottom tier god, and it shows. Now, I don't want to blame all my problems on tiers, because I'm new and still pretty bad, but his defense and escape move are pathetic. Every melee character was able to run me down, even when I had level 3 boots on.

I'm not really sure what I should do. I might try a tanky build. Or I might just deal with the fact that I wasted my Favor and save up for someone good, like Hel, Cupid, or Bakasura.

hes ok i build all spell damage and penetration and use him as a poke/harasser seems to work as long as you dont engage by yourself and know to get the fuck out if the enemy come pushing in his 3 and 4 are solid

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
also not in the OP but if you are new to these types of games the game has a system that will auto assign skill points and buy somewhat proper items for you if you found that part of DOTA/LoL daunting
also not in the OP but if you are new to these types of games the game has a system that will auto assign skill points and buy somewhat proper items for you if you found that part of DOTA/LoL daunting

Well, to be fair, once you're past the novice servers, you should look into the character(s) you want to play in more detail, and find what skills you should prioritize and what items you should buy.
The auto-builds are sub-par in most situations.
^ Yeah but then you have people like my friend who can't be bothered to do any research on the game, so they end up stacking physical attack items on mage characters because they have no idea what they're doing. Lol. So, in his case, the auto-item choose would probably be a good idea.

hes ok i build all spell damage and penetration and use him as a poke/harasser seems to work as long as you dont engage by yourself and know to get the fuck out if the enemy come pushing in his 3 and 4 are solid

Yeah, I think I need to play even more defensively. It was just really frustrating that I was always losing against other gods in 1v1 situations. Since Ao is so squishy, they really need to buff his sprint move. And his spell 1 (Squall) does pathetic damage, so all he really has is his tornadoes and his ultimate.

My friend (not the one I mentioned above) mains Guan Yu — what would make a good teammate for him? I've been thinking of playing Ymir. I figure his ice wall and freeze move would be nice for cornering enemies. Plus, he's really tanky so it'll be a nice break from playing squishy Ao. ;)

*Edit: Oh, and if you guys wanna play sometime, my username is Xelha. I usually play 2-3 matches a night. I go on around 9pm pacific time.
Guan Yu does really well with physical damage dealers ("AD carry" in other MOBA lingo) that roam around and jungle, such as Bakasura, Wukong or Bastet.

Also, I disagree on your assessment of Ao Kuang, at least regarding his damage output. He has among the highest damage output of the mages, and his Squall actually does quite good damage. =)
But he is indeed squishy and one of the easiest to take out because he has a garbage escape. However, you should never engage in 1v1s as a mage anyway, especially not as a mage who prefers to stay in the back and play more passively like Ao Kuang does. If you do get initiated, go into the jungle, and drop a tornado behind you.
Yeah, I played with a few Ao Kuang's yesterday who actually did really well. It appears he isn't for me, though. Maybe I'll try again sometime down the line.

I experimented with different characters yesterday, and I actually did really well with Ymir. I love being tanky, and he does really respectable damage with his 3, 2, Ult combo. I got way more kills with Ymir than with Kali or Sun Wukong. Plus, he works pretty well with Guan Yu — though admittedly a physical attacker would probably be a little better like you said. I think I'm gonna buy Anhur next, so that should make a good pair. Anhur owns.

The only matchup that we couldn't handle last night was Sobek + Cupid. Sobek would charge, fling one of us back to Cupid, they'd nuke, and one of us would die every time. It was extremely frustrating. We still won the game though.
Well after wasting my first bunch of Favor on Ao Kuang (thankfully he's cheap), I've almost earned enough to buy my 2nd god. My friend has over 7k Favor, and he said that if I buy Sobek he'll buy Cupid. I've found that I like playing tanky characters anyway, so I'll probably take him up on that. Just watch my Irish luck though — 20 bucks says that the day after we buy Sobek/Cupid, one of them gets a huge nerf and the pair becomes useless. :p

The only other god I really want is Odin. I bet he'd be a really good teammate to Guan Yu, especially because he's physical and Guan is magic. But looking at the forums, a lot of people are calling for a nerf on him too.

I have a feeling Odin, Cupid, Hel, and maybe Bakasura are getting nerfed next patch. Hopefully it doesn't break them. Any guesses on who's getting buffed? I'll wager Thor.


For some reason I got an invite to this beta, though I do not have any time or interest to really get into this game.

First one to pm me gets the key :)
For some reason I got an invite to this beta, though I do not have any time or interest to really get into this game.

Time is actually one of my favorite things about this game — especially after my recent WoW bender. As long as you have ~45 minutes to spend, you can get a solid game in every day. If you win, you get a nice favor bonus for your first win of the day, every day. So that's nice.

The only bad thing is that it's a bit of a commitment for those ~45 mins. I've had my gf call me several times while I was playing, and it sucked because I had to go afk and screw over my team for 20-30 minutes.


Yeah I'm quite familiar with the concept, been playing a lot of DotA/HoN and now DotA 2. Just being swamped with backlog and studies at the moment. I am a fan of Hi-Rez Studios though so I'll likely check it out once it's been officially released :)
I only knew Hi-Rez because I played Tribes Ascend at my buddy's house a few months ago. It's a really fun game and I think they're doing great with SMITE, seeing as it's still in closed beta.

Anywhoo, here's a rough list of the upcoming changes that will take place on this Friday's patch:

*EDIT* — Look at my post below for the official patch notes.

I called it on the Hel and Cupid nerf. ;) Glad to see Thor and Hades are getting buffed. Vamana's buff is... interesting. His ultimate is already a pain in the ass. Oh well, my friend mains Vamana so it'll help us.

Also, it is now confirmed that we will not get the new god Ares until next month. It sounds like they're focusing more on fixing bugs and balance issues before adding more content. I am OK with that.
Vamana's ult never was a real threat, though. =)
Just slow or stun him and run away - that is now counteracted and his Ultimate actually is the threat it's supposed to be. That said, he was really good before, so we'll prob. see more Vamanas!
That's true. I would always just run away when he used his ult lol.

Apparently the patch is now live? It's only 10:30 AM here and I'm at work, so I can't confirm. Here are the official patch notes though:

Smite Closed Beta Version 0.1.1069 is currently expected to be released on Thursday, September 20, 2012. The servers will be down for several hours while the patch is deployed.

Here are the important items in the patch:


RENT GODS: You may now “rent” an unowned god for a single match using Favor. To rent, choose the unowned god during the God Selection process and follow the prompts.

PURCHASE IN MATCH LOBBY: Both skins and gods may now be purchased while in the God Selection process (Match Lobby).

NEW GAMEMODE: The “Joust” Gamemode has been added. This game mode allows you to play against a friend in a 1v1 format, using a map similar to the one used in the Solo Practice Map. To play Joust, you must first create a party with the friend you want to play against, and then join the queue. First to kill the opposing minotaur wins! Normal XP and Favor are earned for one match a day playing this mode. There is no First Win of the Day bonus for this gamemode.

ASSIST CHANGES: Significant changes have been made to how you earn assists inside the game. Under the new system:

- The killed player has an array of players that have "affected" the player within the last 10 seconds (non damaging spells like slows or stuns are included). Anyone that is in this array will receive an assist upon the killed players death
- Any players within 80 ft of the killed player that have not "affected" the killed player will receive an assist also. So gods like Ymir who only placed a wall to help with the kill will receive an assist.
- Any player within 80 ft but is dead will receive an assist if they have been dead < 10 seconds, else they are removed from an assister.
- XP and Gold earned from proximity kills stops after 10 seconds

SPECTATOR IMPROVEMENTS: Major improvements have been made to the game&#8217;s Spectator mode. This feature is currently still usable only by GM&#8217;s or other persons that are Casting games. Watch the HirezStudios channel on Twitch.TV Monday through Friday for daily casted High Elo matches.

FIRST BLOOD ACCOLADE: The first player to earn a player kill in the game gains the First Blood Accolade, which includes 100 gold.

EXCLUSIVE SKIN FOR FACEBOOK FANS: The Red Demon Skin for Sun Wukong has been added. This skin will be available as a promotion to those players that have liked the game on Facebook. Visit https://www.facebook.com/smitegame for more information. NOTE: If you are already a fan of SMITE on Facebook, there will be a button on the SMITE Facebook page to claim your code for the skin.

NEW ITEMS: Four new items have been added. See below for additional information.

SCOREBOARD ITEM FOG OF WAR: Your ability to see the items of enemy players on the scoreboard is now limited by the Fog of War rules inside the game (that is, you will only be able to see enemy items when the enemy player is viewable on the mini-map).


- Several improvements and fixes to how disconnected players are handled inside the game.
- Among other changes, disconnected players are now shown on the scoreboard with a special icon. Disconnected gods also no longer twitch in the spawn area.
- Several improvements to how Friends availability is handled.
- On the god screen and in the match lobby, skins now appear in the order in which they were released, with the default skin always appearing first in the list.
- Fixed a handful of crash conditions.
- Several improvements to the in-game web browser. Among other improvements, the browser now includes back and forward buttons.
- Any time you are in the queue, there will be a &#8220;Leave Queue&#8221; option on the bottom bar (where the chat is).
- There is now a visual indicator on the Gods menu when you have enough Favor to unlock a god.
- When viewing a god, skins are now sorted based on the order they were released.
- Fixed skins not showing up in the lobby sometimes.
- A new panel has been added to the chat window showing channel members.
- Buying Void/Aura items will no longer affect the area where you died.
- Fixed an exploit that would allow multiple items to be upgraded of the same type.


Purification Beads
This item now protects you from knockback as well.

Hand of the Gods
Price has been increased from 700g to 750g.
Cooldown has been increased from 60s to 90s.

Rank 1 price of Reinforced Boots, Warrior Tabi and Boots of the Magi have been increased to 750g.

Boots of the Magi
Magical power has been changed from 10/30/50 to 20/35/50.

New Items:

Ankh of the Golem
+30 Magical Protection
+300 Mana
+15 MP5
PASSIVE - You gain physical power equal to 1.5% of your maximum health.

Death&#8217;s Toll
+15 Physical Power
+15 Physical Penetration
PASSIVE - You are healed for 75 when your basic attack deals a killing blow. Only occurs once every 10 seconds.

Spear of the Magus
+30 Magical Power
+300 Health
+30 Magical Penetration

Winged Wand
+60 Magical Power
+150 mana
+10% Movement Speed
PASSIVE - When hit by a slow, you are immune to slows for 2s. Only occurs once every 90 seconds.


Desert Fury
Now properly hits all targets up close.

Ao Kuang
Now properly hits all targets up close.

Poison Claws (Passive)
Base damage increased from 5 to 8.
Physical power contribution increased from 10% to 15%.
Drain Life
Arachne no longer falls off of enemies that jump when Arachne attaches.

Heart Bomb
Full stack damage now properly damages enemies that are leaping.
Attack speed buff decreased from 15/20/25/30/35% to 4/8/12/16/20%.
Cooldown increased from 17/16/15/14/13s. to 19/18/17/16/15s.

Guan Yu
Fortified Defense
Passive is no longer active near destroyed structures.

Devour Souls
Removed the delay between hitting and the detonation of blighted enemies.
Base damage increased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 75/110/145/180/215.

Movement speed buff has been removed.

He Bo
Crushing Wave
Aegis now cancels the ultimate and also consumes the cooldown.
This no longer goes through deployable walls.

Sobek Tail Spin now hits the first time it is used, where as it did not before (bug fix).

Updated descriptions for a few of Thor&#8217;s abilities to be more accurate.
Mjolnir&#8217;s Attunement
The base damage has been increased from 50/80/110/140/170 to 50/90/130/170/210.
Tectonic Rift
The rock wall now comes up quicker than before.
Berserker Barrage
The damage per tick has been increased from 20/35/50/65/80 to 20/40/60/80/100.
Anvil of Dawn
Stun has been increased from 1s to 1.5s.

Colossal Fury
Vamana is no longer slowed when using his basic attacks in giant form.
Vamana is immune to slows for the duration of Colossal Fury.

Known Issues

On Arachne&#8217;s Drain Life, if she uses it on someone while they are jumping, then the person jumping retains their cooldown.

When purchasing skins in the Match Lobby, text says &#8220;Purchase God&#8221; instead of &#8220;Purchase Skin&#8221;.

Also, here's the model for Ares, the upcoming god:

Yes it's live.

I'd suggest putting the image in a quote so it doesn't pagestretch.
Also, here's his loading screen card, tho I'd wager it's more of a concept art than the end product.

Finally, there's a free promotional skin for Wukong. You can get it by liking Smite on Facebook.
Man. I have access to the beta but I am deathly afraid of jumping in to this having pretty much no experience with DOTA style games and knowing how notoriously ruthless these communities tend to be. It looks like a lot of fun.
Man he looks so badass.

Man. I have access to the beta but I am deathly afraid of jumping in to this having pretty much no experience with DOTA style games and knowing how notoriously ruthless these communities tend to be. It looks like a lot of fun.

This is my first MOBA game too. Don't worry about the community — yeah there are a lot of assholes, but there's also a nice mute button for them. ;)
So my friend and I ended up doing the reverse &#8212; I bought Cupid and he bought Sobek. (I was really enjoying Artemis so I figured I'd enjoy Cupid as well.) My friend still mainly plays as Guan Yu, which is fine because Cupid + Guan Yu is a very strong team with two heals and plenty of attack power. The only combo that has really given us significant problems has been Odin + Zeus, because neither of us have a leap to escape Odin's ult.

Here is the setup I use for Cupid (edited 10/21/12):

I start with:
Warrior Tabi (Lv. 2)
2 Health Potions

Qin's Blades
Brawler's Beat Stick

And the last item varies. I usually go for Void Blade, Golden Bow, or Fatalis.

By the mid/late game I am doing insane damage with my auto attack crits, and my high attack speed means I crit often. Honestly, I do think Cupid should be (slightly) nerfed. He is very squishy &#8212; stun him and he's probably going to die &#8212; but he has a great escape and a decent heal. His utility is only matched by Hel and Guan Yu, IMO.
The patch for this week was already released yesterday.
HiRez stated that Ares will come out early next month, so at the soonest he'll be out next Friday.
Yeah, I logged on late last night and I was surprised to see the patch was already out!

Here are the official patch notes:

General Features

- Players may now view their recent match history and other statistics in-game from the Profile menu. This is a VERY EARLY version of the player profile functionality. Additional functionality and refinements will be coming in future releases.
- New “God Killed God” accolades have been added when a player is killed.

- Several cleanups and fixes have been made to the Joust gamemode, including:
---- Proper character cards on the loading screen.
---- The ability for Joust matches to be spectated (for those with access to the spectate functionality).
---- Ability to chat with your opponent in game.
---- If you disconnect from the match, you can now reconnect.
---- Buff camps have been adjusted to be more balanced.

- Gods may not be rented if you are playing in a Ranked match.
- For the first approx. one to two weeks after their release, new gods will not be rentable in Normal matches, and they will not be playable in Ranked matches.
- There have been a variety of updates to the spectator mode.
- Fixed issue with Watch Tutorial dialogue popping up multiple times.

General Gameplay

---- No longer affected by slows.
---- Regenerates his health over time when all of the Phoenix are standing.
---- Moves faster when in combat.
---- No longer stops moving while attacking.
---- Does even more damage when defending structures are standing.

- Maximum cooldown reduction is now 30%, up from 25%.
- Maximum bonus gold and xp gain moved from 10% to 20%.
- An effect now plays on all players receiving extra gold after the Gold Fury is killed.


Ankh of the Golem
This item has been changed from providing Magical Protection, Mana and MP5 to provide Physical Lifesteal, Attack Speed and Health instead.

Frostbound Hammer
Basic melee attacks now slow your target by 25% instead of 35%. Ranged attacks remain at 15%.
Overall price has been increased from 2350 to 2575.

Gem of Isolation
Only damaging abilities proc the slow on this item and only when the damage is done.
Abilities now slow your target by 20% instead of 35%.
Overall price has been increased from 2650 to 2850.

The benefit gained from stacks is now over 60 stacks instead of 40.

Midas’ Boots
Gold and XP from kills bonus is increased from 10% to 15%.

Rod of Will

Overall price has been reduced from 2200 to 1950.

This item now properly buffs the owner with +95 Physical Protection instead of +85.

Staff of Mana
MP5 has been removed from this item.
Item now provides 10/20/30 physical protection.
Overall price has been reduced from 2700 to 2600.


CDR Buff camp
The CDR buff camp now provides a 15% cooldown reduction buff instead of 20%.
Various changes to the AI aggro behavior on minion camps and Fire Giant.


Colossal Fury - Vamana again has the same movement penalty while attacking during his ultimate.

Glacial Strike - Reduced the delay between firing this ability and Ymir being able to move.

Known Issues

- Sometimes you wont see the Summary at the end of match lobby (page with Victory/Defeat god 3D model), only Scoreboard.
- Fire Giant can hit you with rocks just outside of volcano.

Not happy about that Heartseeker nerf. :[ But at least they also nerfed Gem of Isolation and Frostbound Hammer. Love the Minotaur buff and the new player death announcement.
I edited my Cupid build above. I've had a lot of success with building crit and attack speed &#8212; basically the same setup I use for Artemis. I recently bought Anhur and tried the same item setup for him too, but it didn't work out all that well. It might be that I'm just not good with him. So far I don't like him as much as Artemis or Cupid.

lack of ares saddens me

Soon, my friend. Soon...

Those skill icons are interesting. Looks like his 1 and 4 make use of chains; his 2 looks like a shield; and his 3 looks like a nuke of some sort.

Also, dat Freya concept art.

Haha wow, DAT ULT. He is going to be crazy good in team fights.

Speaking of moves that pull you in — I got absolutely wrecked by an Arachne last night. She was laning with a Zeus, and she'd pull me in with her Cocoon, do her Drain Life, and Zeus would finish me off. I had no answer for it. I couldn't even hug my tower because she'd just pull me away. I went 0-6-3. I've never wanted to ragequit so bad.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I can't wait for all of these game developers to feel the pain of Dota 2 sucking away marketshare and make all characters free to play.
I thought DOTA 2 came out a long time ago... but I just Googled it and apparently it's still in development.

But anyway, I can't speak for League of Legends, but I feel that SMITE will still do well because it's just different enough. It's in 3rd person and all moves are skill shots &#8212; even auto attacks. I finally looked into LoL yesterday, but the fact that it's click-based is a huge turn-off. I'll stick to SMITE.


formerly sane
I thought DOTA 2 came out a long time ago... but I just Googled it and apparently it's still in development.

But anyway, I can't speak for League of Legends, but I feel that SMITE will still do well because it's just different enough. It's in 3rd person and all moves are skill shots — even auto attacks. I finally looked into LoL yesterday, but the fact that it's click-based is a huge turn-off. I'll stick to SMITE.

Dota 2 as a beta came out valve is still trying to make it like the original and add back missing bits it's not a finished product.

Also you don't need to click that much in LOL you can use a keyboard for just about anythign and hold down the mouse to move. You're better off experiencing these things than forming ideas that are imprecise to what is going on.
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