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What's the worst thing done by a company this generation?

I'm struggling to narrow down the absolute worst - something rotten that a company has done that shows absolute disdain for their customers. The most jaw-droppingly horrendous thing that you can thing of - something either so anti-consumer that it sets a dangerous precedent for the future of the industry, or so offensive that it makes your stomach churn.

Some examples - I've included links to the original GAF threads to help provide insight into how angry people were:

Nintendo Region Locks the 3DS, then act like they are doing us a favour:


Nintendo tells us that region locking is to "ensure the best possible gaming experience for our users".


Sony remove advertised and functioning features from customer's privately-owned consoles:


In the build up to the PS3 release, Sony repeatedly emphasised that the machine was a computer, and not a games console, citing the OtherOS function. During the consoles continuing lifetime, the company continued to advertise the hardware as an "open platform".

When a security vulnerability reared its head, Sony presented its customers with an ultimatum - upgrade your firmware (but have the OtherOS function permanently locked out and wiped from the system), or retain OtherOS (but be barred access from online services and playing newer games). Either way, the customers were forced to sacrifice functionality in their privately-owned property for the entire convenience of Sony Corporation.

This action set the precedent that companies in the industry can remove functionality in customer's hardware at their convenience, and face little consequence.


The head of Sonic Team blames fans entirely for "negative perceptions" of their games:


After the releases of the dismal Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 and eventually that one with the werehog, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka was asked by Eurogamer as to why, he feels, there are endless "negative comments" about his games. The response:

It's more that those fans are not positive towards the recent 3D Sonic games because we've been releasing only 3D Sonic games in the past couple of years.

It's hard to please both 2D and 3D fans at the same time, in the same title for instance.

Its nothing to do with the games being sub-par, oh no. Its entirely 2D fans wanting 2D games, and 3D fans wanting 3D games, that has led to unrecognised gems such as Sonic 2006 receiving "not positive" comments. It takes a special type of company to blame your low reputation on the fanbase.


Microsoft dismiss millions of faulty consoles:


When confronted with the notion that millions of customers had bought faulty hardware, and were trapped out of warranty with three red lights, Microsoft's Peter Moore offered this condescending response:

Y'know, things break


Capcom, BioWare, and others makes its customers pay twice for content on their discs


This generation, companies have been selling games without telling the consumers something pretty vital - that a chunk of the disc content is locked, and a second purchase must be made to unlock this supposed DLC. BioWare tried this with Mass Effect, but it was Capcom that really made headlines, when the on-disc characters were unlocked and entirely playable by hackers.

This led to an entirely offensive situation in which customers were denied access to characters freely playable by hackers. Later, the customers were given the privilege of paying more money to Capcom, to unlock the content on their already purchased discs, and play the characters the hackers had access to for free.


Bethesda con millions out of PS3 customers by selling them a broken game:


Despite claiming that the Skyrim engine is "all new", Bethesda knowingly released a broken PS3 port of Skyrim and raked in the sales. As confirmed by a Fallout New Vegas developer, the engine issue was known and not remedied before release. The company appears to have conspired to keep the condition of the PS3 version as quiet as possible before release - only allowing the media to access and review the 360 and PC releases.

Criticism should, of course, be labeled to the various PlayStation-enthusiast reviewers who based their reviews on 360 code without telling their readers, thus awarding the broken game a veritable cavalcade of top mark scores and cementing its success.



They're the best I can think of. Can anyone beat these, GAF? If not, then which of these is the worst?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think its gotta be Bethesda or Sony for doing something that should be borderline illegal or Microsoft for sheer dick points.
EA makes these look like misdemeanors.

Serious answer though, selling PS3 Skyrim knowing exactly what would happen is pretty damn scummy.


Neo Member
You won't hear about the worst thing done by a company this generation, because the details are being kept all tied up with the lawyers.


I think its gotta be Bethesda or Sony for doing something that should be borderline illegal or Microsoft for sheer dick points.

I would say Bethesda definitely did something illegal but I guess it comes down to your definition of selling a product that they know doesn't work. If it works for 40 hours and then becomes unplayable does it count as fully broken? There's probably tons of laws that surround something like this with dozens of technicalities like that.


The ending of Mass Effect 3. One of the most bitter experiences I have had as a consumer of gaming related entertainment.
Ubisoft and their shitty treatment to PC gamers, and acting like they're righteous by doing so.

And how about Sony,EA and Nintendo supporting SOPA ?


PS3 Skyrim and the DLC is up there.

On Disc DLC

Saints Row 3 Season Pass

Capcom in general

Mass Effect 3 ending


Nintendo forgot to include single-player Versus in Mario Kart 7, forcing me to play nearly an entire Grand Prix when I really just want to face the AI in Bowser's Castle. :mad:

Would've took two extra lines of code and glancing at the features list of MKDS and MKW (which -did- have it) to remedy, but noooooo.
Region Locking...really? REALLY? THE WORST THING?


I mean...really?
Really, really reeeeaaalllllyyyyyy??????

The Skyrim one is 100% right and am still shocked how softly the gaming press played that one. As a non-PS3 player I have to say they got outrageously fucked over by Bethesda and the simple truth is there should have been a bigger thing about an entire gaming community getting ripped off and sold faulty products that failed to provide the experience clearly advertised.

More noise should be made about this. It isn't. Fuck Bethesda for what they did (and knowing exactly what the issue was).

rdrr gnr

I'd have to go with the faulty consoles. I remember how it was topic of daily conversation with my friends.

Then, I'd say the PSN hack/downtime.

Followed by day-1 on-disc DLC.

- J - D -

I think tge sum total of EA's actions in the past couple years is a greater evil than most game companies can achieve in a generation.


Capcom killing off any and every Megaman game they can. Also Yoshio Sakamoto claiming that the Metroid Prime games weren't cannon because he didn't work on their story. The story in the Prime games wasn't very difficult to understand, and were MUCH better than other M's crap-tastic story.


Sony and Microsoft in particular did some shady stuff but at the same time they do invest billions of dollars into the industry. Of course a lot of it is for their own long term benefit but they do it nonetheless. I have a lot more respect for them than I do for some of these third parties that act like parasites. Nintendo annoys me as well but I can't think of any major issue, maybe I have just gotten so used to the stuff they do that I am numb to it.
IIRC also: "People will wanna work 2 jobs to buy a PS3" XD

Sony PR in general has approached offensive at times. Telling their fanbase that they'll buy PS3s even if it had no games, I can't remember any company ever taking their customers for-granted in such a vocal way.

Region Locking...really? REALLY? THE WORST THING?


I mean...really?
Really, really reeeeaaalllllyyyyyy??????

Two things:

(1) The OP focuses on Nintendo telling us that region locking is beneficial to the customer.

(2) The DS had a legendary selection of games not published in all regions. The 3DS' region locking has immediately made a comparable library impossible. For import enthusiasts, its very sad news.


Valve and or Sony deserve a mention for adding exemptions for class action lawsuits. Valve's was particularly egregious for holding your games hostage until you 'agreed' to their updated terms and conditions. Disgusting behaviour.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Resuscitation of an entire genre only to brutally murder it.

- Courtesy of Capcom.


The dumbing down of level design by the entire industry is a joke. You can literally just draw a straight line on some paper and that's it in a nutshell.


The red ring saga was probably the worst, because it was

1) A real thing that someone could open up the console and see.
2) Had a negative impact on people, rather than just having a negative impact on peoples' perceptions.
3) A longer period of effect than most of these other scandalous events.

The Sony PSN thing hurt customers in that it locked them out of the Playstation Store, and the the "Other OS" thing was a dumbfounding decision.

I would say that anything that actually costs a person their own money against that person's will.

So if you had to buy another 360 because yours died, that's the worst thing.
The Skyrim one is 100% right and am still shocked how softly the gaming press played that one.

It's less shocking when you have some games journalist that just flat out say that they didn't care that the PS3 version was a mess because they were playing it on the 360.
Retail exclusive pre-order DLCs, by everyone.

We're supposed to pre-order the game on multiple retailers to have access to all the content. Pathetic.
project 10 dollar isn't the companies fault, it's gamers fault for supporting those games.
RROD isn't microsofts fault, it's gamers fault for supporting xbox.
Sony removing otherOS isn't sonys fault, it's gamers fault for being pirates.
Skyrim PS3 is bethesdas fault.
The worst is PSN outage for like a month or whatever. That is sony fault. I remember there was a leap year bug that sucked too. who hires enginner at sony?
project 10 dollar isn't the companies fault, it's gamers fault for supporting those games.
RROD isn't microsofts fault, it's gamers fault for supporting xbox.
Sony removing otherOS isn't sonys fault, it's gamers fault for being pirates.
Skyrim PS3 is bethesdas fault.
The worst is PSN outage for like a month or whatever. That is sony fault. I remember there was a leap year bug that sucked too. who hires enginner at sony?

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