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SHAKER: An Old School RPG - Kickstarter [Not funded, cancelled for later date]



Uncharted Isles, Mineshaft, Contraption...

In the industry, games are pitched every day. Some make it to the next stage, but many don't, like those named above. We regret to announce that we're adding Shaker: An Old-School RPG to the latter list.

We are profoundly grateful to our fans. You were as excited about this game as we were, and from the very beginning, you encouraged us to post more details about it and even sent in fan art! We have received backing from over 7,000 of you and raised a quarter million dollars in just a few days (!). That's humbling and wonderful.

We are profoundly grateful to the press. You covered our Kickstarter's launch and story update and gave it as much attention as you possibly could. It was through your efforts that many heard about our game.

We are grateful to our friends in the game industry who gave us suggestions, support and critique. We are a wonderfully tight-knit community, and we owe you for all your feedback and friendship.

Ultimately, our pitch just wasn't strong enough to get the traction we felt it needed to thrive. Sure, it may have made it. We could have fought our way to a possibly successful end. In reading your feedback and talking it over internally, however, we decided that it made more sense to kill it and come back with something stronger.

In game design, mercy killing is the law.

So, please accept our thanks and apologies in equal order. Expect something more soon.

You may keep in touch by joining our forum, following @LootDrop on Twitter and friending us on Facebook. Again, thanks so much for your help and support!

- Tom & Brenda

(Original post below)


Legendary, award-winning RPG designers and game industry veterans Brenda Brathwaite and Tom Hall are teaming up to create a classic, old-school RPG reminiscent of the true masterworks in the genre!

Brathwaite got her start on the classic Wizardry® series of role-playing games, having worked on every award-winning game in the series, before moving on to work on Dungeons & Dragons®, while Tom Hall's visionary design on Commander Keen™, Anachronox™ and DOOM™ set the standard for character development, world design and over-the-top immersion. We want to get back to our roots and create an old-school game worthy of 30 years of RPG fan devotion.

The pitch feels a little bit weird and awkward, but their hearts are certainly in the right place. Interested to see where this goes. Goal is 1 Million.

This part is the most bizarre/amazing;

All our stretch goals add up to an epic kick-axe game experience, but none more so than the $1.9M mark. If you're kind enough to help us reach this amount of funding, we'll create TWO FULL games - one designed by Brenda Brathwaite and one designed by Tom Hall. Not only will you cast, smash and slash your way through two full games, the endings of each game provide exclusive NEW game beginnings in the other! Import your crew from Tom's game into Brenda's and vice versa. The ending you create affects not only your new game beginning (if you choose it), but also provides unique advantages that you earn no other way.

More at the link of course. Can't wait to see Tom Hall back making games.

Edit: Here are all the goals;



Wow another one ! 2013/2014 will be amazing.

haha two games ! even better !

edit: It just started and they have Notch as hostage. This will end well :)


At the highest tier, Brenda Brathwaite, Tom Hall and John Romero will personally deliver the game on a red velvet pillow to you at your location

Something about this just conjures up this image

[Well, you know the one]

On a serious note though, the concept of the game definitely sounds interesting, hope it ends up happening. Although still waiting to see the results of most of these Kickstarter things which are being funded and now are in the development stage, but, the fact that stuff like this is even being considered/planned is a good thing.


As much as I loved those games back then, I would prefer to back some new ideas, instead of getting games I already played back then.
Unfortunate timing with the Project Eternity Kickstarter still going for a couple more weeks. People gotta learn to space this stuff out.


It´s both silly and boring to continue to bring up that as soon as his name is mentioned.

Well, it was also largely to do with the whole "flying out to your house, and hand-delivering a game on a red carpet on a velvet pillow" thing.
Of course, if it gets great games made, that's the important thing.

But, in any event.


I loved Tom Hall's take on the RPG genre with Anachronox and everything, but I have to be honest here: what the fuck are they thinking running this head to head against Obsidian's Kickstarter?

I'm pitching in some cash for this, but I honestly doubt this even breaks the 3/4 mark.


So what is this supposed to be? Top down? Turn based? RtWP? I'm guessing a fantasy setting with a d20-esque character system given all the mentions of D&D across the page.


Oh my god watch JAffe video it's hilarious ! It's at the end of kickstarter with quotes.

I can't really tell what is he saying because most of it is censored... lol.


They got John Romero, Notch and Tim Schafer to make cameos, I'm impressed. Hopefully Tom Hall's game is kind of light-hearted in atmosphere.


Neo Member
Will back. Anachronox is amazing and I want to see Tom Hall make more games.

Just keep Romero out of it.


I don't like kickstarter projects but the guy did make Anachronox.
Hard to decide :d

They got John Romero, Notch and Tim Schafer to make cameos, I'm impressed. Hopefully Tom Hall's game is kind of light-hearted in atmosphere.

I don't think Romero is a cameo


They got John Romero, Notch and Tim Schafer to make cameos, I'm impressed. Hopefully Tom Hall's game is kind of light-hearted in atmosphere.

John Romero works in Loot Drops he will be too making this game.

BTW people you do realize that in 2013/2014 we will probably have 5 good RPGs ?

2 games from this kickstarter (i know they will do it)
Wasteland 2
New Shadowrun
Project Eternity.

That's 5 reasons to be happy as RPG gamer.


John Romero works in Loot Drops he will be too making this game.

I'm definitely looking forward to this then.

BTW people you do realize that in 2013/2014 we will probably have 5 good RPGs ?

2 games from this kickstarter (i know they will do it)
Wasteland 2
New Shadowrun
Project Eternity.

That's 5 reasons to be happy as RPG gamer.

Also Divinity, Age of Decadence and Dead State. It'll be a good year.


Will back. Anachronox is amazing and I want to see Tom Hall make more games.

Just keep Romero out of it.

I think Romero gets too much shit these days. Yeah he's not good management material for large-scale projects, but I'd be excited as hell if he got a small team of people together to make a small budget indie action game.


Romero is a great designer (see: DOOM, DOOM 2, and Quake), he just needs someone to tell him no occasionally to keep his ambitions in check.


I think Romero gets too much shit these days. Yeah he's not good management material for large-scale projects, but I'd be excited as hell if he got a small team of people together to make a small budget indie action game.

Yeah I agree, he gets too much shit for what really was one shitty game and maybe the worst marketing slogan ever, but it was twelve years ago. He's not exactly a George Broussard who tries his best to maintain a crappy rep.


Holy crap! This is what I've been waiting for from Kickstarter

I'm afraid this won't fund, it's perhaps too old school for today's PC gamers (like the David Crane and MULE Kickstarters, though neither were really PC related that much, but old). I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

BTW, she's a really nice person. Back during the Sir-Tech days, I wrote a little note on the feedback card that came with the game, and she wrote me back. (The gaming industry was a lot different back then)


Like some other people, I think this one will have a hard time reaching funding stage. Everything seems to be in place but I just have a feeling this won't make it. Happy to be proven wrong though. Their pitch page is a lot better than Project Eternity was on day 1 but it was a tough situation, either go out now while Eternity is still running, or wait few extra weeks which still might not help because Eternity literally just happened.


They were so preoccupied with saying"old school" as much as possible that they forgot to mention if it's going to be first person, top down or isometric.

Oh well, they'll get my 15$ anyway.
Ah-ha the cameos in the video... Tim Schaffer, John Romero, Notch....

As much as I love Tom Hall (and John Romero), I will be shocked if this makes it. It's not impossible for a Kickstarter to hit a million, Homestuck hit 2 million, Project Eternity has 2.2million. But unfortunately unlike those two, Tom Hall doesn't have the rabid (
bat shit insane
) fanbase of Homestuck or the big name of Obsidian.

But I would be pleasantly surprised if it makes it. Would be awesome if that second RPG was Anachronox 2.... but it probably wouldn't happen due to ownership rights.


My first thought when I read the title was "who?" -- sorry!

But I'll be backing this at a low tier.

FFS man I will buy your ass Anachronox (from GOG.com) if you PM me an email so you can see just "who?" these guys are.

Before you say anything, just consider it a thank you for all the time and effort put into DSfix.

But I would be pleasantly surprised if it makes it. Would be awesome if that second RPG was Anachronox 2.... but it probably wouldn't happen due to ownership rights.

Well considering who currently owns the rights to that series (square-enix), I wouldn't be surprised if they were looking into a potential opportunity for revival...so I'd say that's out =\


FFS man I will buy your ass Anachronox (from GOG.com) if you PM me an email so you can see just "who?" these guys are.

Before you say anything, just consider it a thank you for all the time and effort put into DSfix.

But I would be pleasantly surprised if it makes it. Would be awesome if that second RPG was Anachronox 2.... but it probably wouldn't happen due to ownership rights.

Well considering who currently owns the rights to that series (square-enix), I wouldn't be surprised if they were looking into a potential opportunity for revival...so I'd say that's out =\

Do it. It's amazing game. Cursor is your ally.


They should have waited until Project Eternity's Kickstarter is finished. Two rather similar projects competing for attention is not a good situation for either party.


FFS man I will buy your ass Anachronox (from GOG.com) if you PM me an email so you can see just "who?" these guys are.
I do know Anachronox and Wizardry, I just didn't know the developer names. Really, there are at most 6 or so developers I recognize by name (3 of which are no Project Eternity), it's not meant to be an insult :p
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