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Some Random: Michelle and Barack filed for divorce in 2000?

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Trump's Obama announcement is slated to come tomorrow, but one respected financial pundit said he already knows what the big reveal is - Michelle Obama filed for divorce from her husband in 2000 after his failed bid at winning a House seat in Chicago.

Douglass Kass, an investor who is a frequent guest on the CNBC talkshow "Squakbox" broke the news earlier today in a tweet, saying "High above the Alps my Gnome has heard that Donald Trump will announce that he has unearthed divorce papers between the Prez and his wife."

But while this might come as a shock, the news isn't new. Ed Klein, the bestselling author of books about various presidents, made a similar claim in a recent book about the Obamas. The White House, however, dismissed the rumors, claiming Klein has a habit of making things up.

In Klein's book, "The Amateur," he claimed that Michelle Obama filed for divorce from Barack in 2000 after he lost the race for a Chicago House seat, saying Michelle was disgusted that he risked their "stable and secure future," according to the Daily Mail. The book goes on to claim that the couple's marriage, in its eighth year at the time, was so rocky that Barack Obama was "suicidal."
Douglas Kass
HIgh above the Alps my Gnome has heard that Donald Trump will announce that he has unearthed divorce papers between the Prez and his wife.

Does Trump Have Obama Divorce Papers? And If He Did, Why Would He Release Them?

Here's a recap:



Woop de doo? Not sure if I could care any less even if the divorce papers paint him as an abusive dirtbag in his home life when the alternative candidate is a scumbag of epic proportions.


If true, then Trump is a bigger piece of shit than I could have imagined. What purpose would revealing something like this serve? It would have no bearing whatsoever on the election.

Fox Mulder

Who gives a shit.

What's the percentage of divorces right now. Plus trump digging up a divorce as dirt is hilarious.


Then, not only is it nothing politically, Trump's going to basically fucking up the Obama's children.

F U Trump, if this is your big surprise.
Which, if true, would make their reconciliation and forming of the stable and loving family it clearly is today even more praiseworthy and a solid character mark for them.
Filing for divorce and actually going through with the legal process to a finality are two different things entirely, Mr. Trump. People file for divorce and then reconcile. It happens.
IF this were true it would've came up back in 08. The GOP has been searching for FIVE YEARS to bring this man down.

It's safe to say that Obama is squeaky clean.
And they worked out their problems and are stronger because of it.

People working through a divorce and becoming closer as a result makes me respect the couple more. If this is true, I greatly respect their relationship more now than I did before.


But they didn't... I don't know what the story is here that they can spin?

Which, if true, would make their reconciliation and forming of the stable and loving family it clearly is today even more praiseworthy and a solid character mark for them.

Bullshit that that would be the assumption most people would go with. One of the things people love about the Obamas the most is that they come off like a loving couple. This casts doubt on that, makes them look manufactured. People hate that shit.


As a person with a functioning brain and the ability to reason I say, "who the fuck cares."

But if you're an honestly undecided voter or slightly leaning Obama voter and this changes your mind (if it's true); I'd like to recommend an IQ test for you because maybe you're dumb enough to receive government assistance.
As completely irrelevant as this seems, it's hard to know what will change an undecided voters mind at this point. They are pretty clueless.

Fox Mulder

Which, if true, would make their reconciliation and forming of the stable and loving family it clearly is today even more praiseworthy and a solid character mark for them.

Or they're monsters that force a sham marriage because they're so greedy for power.


This won't change anything, but it's pretty fucking low to wave this around. As if we needed more evidence to show that Trump is a repulsive piece of shit.


The only people this is going to upset are hardcore religious people who don't believe in divorce who are in all likelihood voting for Romney anyway.


No Scrubs
Bullshit that would be the assumption most people would go with. One of the things people love about the Obamas the most is that they come off like a loving couple. This casts doubt on that, makes them look manufactured. People hate that shit.

Come on son. This would have been 12 years ago, you talk like it was 12 months ago.


So long as Michelle doesn't have to stand next to him while he announces that he is sorry he slept with that hooker/had an affair/fancies boys despite voting against gay rights (delete as appropriate) isn't he still doing rather well by American Politics standards?


Bullshit that would be the assumption most people would go with. One of the things people love about the Obamas the most is that they come off like a loving couple. This casts doubt on that, makes them look manufactured. People hate that shit.

You're crazy. Republican surrogates trotting out this as some sort of attack would be a huge Obama win.


The only way this could possibly be relevant is if it said Barack beat her or something.

It still wouldn't.

I'd rather have a wife beater with half a brain in office than a fucking lunatic that will fuck our country up even further to the point that I'd consider leaving very strongly.
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