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New-Parent-Age: My parents would rather smoke weed than see their new granddaughter

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I come to you guys because I trust your advice. You guys are awesome at helping people and getting down to the nitty gritty, and I need a 'nonpartisan' view on this. Wall of text incoming.

tl;dr, me and my girlfriend don't want to bring our 4-month old daughter to my Mom's house, unless everyone goes outside and smokes while we are there. They don't want to go outside, and now it's gotten to the point where they don't even care if we visit. They will not come over to our apartment because my mom says she is intimidated by my girlfriend.

My Mom (56) lives with my Dad (51), Little Brother (19), His girlfriend (18), and my Little Sister (19). They are all chronic Marijuana smokers (whole ounces in matter of days), and pretty big on cigarettes (at least 1 pack a day for each person, my mom does not smoke cigarettes.

Side Note: I smoke marijuana, but not nearly as much (probably a half ounce every two weeks), and I go outside on my balcony. I air out for about 5 minutes before I come in, and wash up immediately. I used to smoke cigarettes years ago.

Of course, this has been an issue since before we even revealed the pregnancy. We both don't want our daughter breathe that shit in, and we don't want her to be exposed to it (especially from her own family). All through the pregnancy, my girlfriend would refuse to go to my mom's house because she didn't want to be around second hand smoke while pregnant. They didn't care.

Around the beginning of August (our daughter was born in September), I finally made an ultimatum with my mom. I told her if the family couldn't give up smoking while we were there (at most 3 hours at a time), then we can't come over. Period. If they can't deal with that, then they are more than welcome to visit our daughter at our house, a smoke-free home. Yes, I do feel bad for keeping her from my Mom but this is just how it has to be. My mom finally realized what she would be missing out on, and agreed to have everyone go out on the back porch to smoke if they wanted to when we were there. We visited for Thanksgiving dinner and everything was golden! No smoke at all in the house and we had a good time (save for my Dad trying to light up a cig in his bathroom, and my Mom catching him and scolding him for it). I was very proud of my family.

Fast forward to Christmas Eve, we were having dinner and opening gifts. After dinner I ran down to the rec room by myself (basement of a 3 story house) to grab something, and lo and behold, clouds of smoke thicker than an opium den. 2 blunts and about 6 cigs all at once. I said "What the fuck guys, shes gonna take Scarlett and make us leave" and everyone was like "calm down, she's not going to leave on xmas eve, it's not a big deal, she'll never find out... etc." I just went back upstairs with a disappointed feeling and didn't say shit.

Of course my girlfriend could smell it on them after they came upstairs, and didn't say anything because it was Christmas eve. After we came home she very calmly said "I'm done with your mom. She's selfish. I'm not going over there anymore, especially with Scarlett. Period." My girlfriend will not talk to my mom, because she has stated her case many times before and after the pregnancy, and my Mom just doesn't seem to care. Mom gets offended every time we say "its for Scarlett" and thinks we are attacking her.

I finally brought it up while visiting my mom (by myself) last night. In summary, my Mom basically said "I don't care if she's mad, and I don't care what you guys think. My house cannot be smoke-free. The most we can do is restrict it to down in the rec room, take it or leave it." She also has only been over to my apartment to visit 3 times since Scarlett was born (we live 3 blocks away). I asked her why this is and she said that "I don't feel comfortable there because I'm intimidated by your girlfriend" I told her this really wasn't going to work out, something needs to be done. The last thing she said to me was "i'll just wait for one of my other kids to have a baby so I can feel like a Grandma." I was crushed. I cried the whole way home and haven't talked to either woman about it since.

I appreciate the responses and advice in advance, and I'm sorry for the wall of text. Everything needed to be said to understand the scope of the situation.

Who is in the wrong here, and what do you guys think I should do?

Edit: http://instagram.com/p/UKNpaugSx8/ my daughter and gf for reference (and bragging rights :-D)
Your family is fucked up and you seem to have a pretty good gf. Don't go over there at all. Your daughters health (especially at that age) is too important.


If you need to ask this question on GAF, you are hopeless.

They are being extremely selfish and obviously don't care about your child.


Sounds like your family needs to smoke less weed.

I have nothing against marijuana, but it sounds like your family's habits are far beyond anything resembling responsible use.

I think it's absolutely fair for you to insist that they not smoke in the house when the baby is over, but it also sounds like you have some deeper conflicts to deal with between your girlfriend and your family (especially your mother).

Good luck man.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I certainly don't think you or your girlfriend are in the wrong.


Your family seems like a bunch of pathetic losers if they can't not smoke in the house for a few hours. It's not even not smoke period.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
For fuck's sake... smoke outside. Easy fix.

You sound entirely reasonable OP. Shitty situation.


Your parents need to grow the fuck up. If they can't, they pay the price by not having a relationship with their grandkid, but rest assured, that is their decision to make.

Your gf sounds like a good mom.
Your GF is strong willed and correct. Stick to your guns. Also, you should stop doing drugs if you have a child. It's time to grow up.
I come to you guys because I trust your advice. You guys are awesome at helping people and getting down to the nitty gritty, and I need a 'nonpartisan' view on this. Wall of text incoming.

My Mom (56) lives with my Dad (51), Little Brother (19), His girlfriend (18), and my Little Sister (19). They are all chronic Marijuana smokers (whole ounces in matter of days), and pretty big on cigarettes (at least 1 pack a day for each person, my mom does not smoke cigarettes.

Of course, this has been an issue since before we even revealed the pregnancy. We both don't want our daughter breathe that shit in, and we don't want her to be exposed to it (especially from her own family). All through the pregnancy, my girlfriend would refuse to go to my mom's house because she didn't want to be around second hand smoke while pregnant. They didn't care.

Around the beginning of August (our daughter was born in September), I finally made an ultimatum with my mom. I told her if the family couldn't give up smoking while we were there (at most 3 hours at a time), then we can't come over. Period. If they can't deal with that, then they are more than welcome to visit our daughter at our house, a smoke-free home. Yes, I do feel bad for keeping her from my Mom but this is just how it has to be. My mom finally realized what she would be missing out on, and agreed to have everyone go out on the back porch to smoke if they wanted to when we were there. We visited for Thanksgiving dinner and everything was golden! No smoke at all in the house and we had a good time (save for my Dad trying to light up a cig in his bathroom, and my Mom catching him and scolding him for it). I was very proud of my family.

Fast forward to Christmas Eve, we were having dinner and opening gifts. After dinner I ran down to the rec room by myself (basement of a 3 story house) to grab something, and lo and behold, clouds of smoke thicker than an opium den. 2 blunts and about 6 cigs all at once. I said "What the fuck guys, shes gonna take Scarlett and make us leave" and everyone was like "calm down, she's not going to leave on xmas eve, it's not a big deal, she'll never find out... etc." I just went back upstairs with a disappointed feeling and didn't say shit.

Of course my girlfriend could smell it on them after they came upstairs, and didn't say anything because it was Christmas eve. After we came home she very calmly said "I'm done with your mom. She's selfish. I'm not going over there anymore, especially with Scarlett. Period." My girlfriend will not talk to my mom, because she has stated her case many times before and after the pregnancy, and my Mom just doesn't seem to care. Mom gets offended every time we say "its for Scarlett" and thinks we are attacking her.

I finally brought it up while visiting my mom (by myself) last night. In summary, my Mom basically said "I don't care if she's mad, and I don't care what you guys think. My house cannot be smoke-free. The most we can do is restrict it to down in the rec room, take it or leave it." She also has only been over to my apartment to visit 3 times since Scarlett was born (we live 3 blocks away). I asked her why this is and she said that "I don't feel comfortable there because I'm intimidated by your girlfriend" I told her this really wasn't going to work out, something needs to be done. The last thing she said to me was "i'll just wait for one of my other kids to have a baby so I can feel like a Grandma." I was crushed. I cried the whole way home and haven't talked to either woman about it since.

I appreciate the responses and advice in advance, and I'm sorry for the wall of text. Everything needed to be said to understand the scope of the situation.
Put your family first (meaning your girlfriend and daughter). You chose to have them in your life, and your biological relatives are actively choosing to not be a part of yours in a way that is respectful of you.

Also, the most disconcerting part is the bolded. You need to talk about this shit with your girlfriend, not GAF (or not exclusively GAF/friends). If you want to build a safe, trusting, and open environment for your daughter and your new family, you have to be open about these things.


I would say keep your daughter away from drugs (Not for health reasons, just as a way of life), but it really comes down to your own opinion on it.

If you're fine with your daughter becoming a habitual smoker and arguing with your wife, siding with your mother is a choice.


good on you and your gf for trying to be responsible (although the possible legal problems that may stem from your own weed habit wouldn't be good for your daughter). sorry that your family sucks, but stay strong for you daughter.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
tell you parents clearly that the baby will never come to their house due to smoke. Tell them you'll never visit and to see their grandkid they must come and visit. tell them it's for the health of your child an nothing more.

sidenote, you smoking dope is going to be a problem for your girlfriend in the next couple of years. If she's not a smoker, she's going to start to see it as loser behaviour and associate you with your mums habits.


LOL your family sounds awesome.

In all seriousness, since ya'll are only 3 blocks away then they should have no problem walking three blocks to see your daughter if they can't keep their home smoke-free, no?


sidenote, you smoking dope is going to be a problem for your girlfriend in the next couple of years. If she's not a smoker, she's going to start to see it as loser behaviour and associate you with your mums habits.

This is a really good point. I don't fault people for the things they enjoy, but you also need to realize that yours is still illegal, silly as that is. If you're prepared to face any consequences that might arise from getting busted, that's up to you.

In all seriousness, since ya'll are only 3 blocks away then they should have no problem walking three blocks to see your daughter if they can't keep their home smoke-free, no?

Gotta get off that couch to walk 3 blocks. If there's a 7-11 near you, you might stand a chance.


wow..you guys live 3 blocks away and they can't even bother? Sorry op, your parents are in the wrong and you should stick with what you feel is right.


LOL your family sounds awesome.

In all seriousness, since ya'll are only 3 blocks away then they should have no problem walking three blocks to see your daughter if they can't keep their home smoke-free, no?

Awesome? What is awesome about them?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Your GF is strong willed and correct. Stick to your guns. Also, you should stop doing drugs if you have a child. It's time to grow up.

At least hide it.

I don't think parents need to abstain from weed or alcohol entirely, but getting debilitated in front of the kids is not a good idea. This family in particular seems to be pretty far in the wrong direction on that....


The honest truth is that you've started a new family and it needs you more because you are the #1 male earner and doer. You have responsibilities your siblings cannot yet even dream of, responsibilities that your parents may have forgotten (which does actually happen, not just with potheads.)

Cool off on your old family and focus on what's important. This infant thing only lasts a couple years so it's best to dig in and give it your all. Your folks will come around and everyone is going to survive only seeing you a few times a year for the next couple years. When they see how serious you are when it comes to your new family and commitments then they will give you respect and be more accommodating.

In a perfect world families are around and available to help when a new life comes on the scene. In our world this is perfectly normal and I wouldn't get too stressed out over it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Maybe I'm just naive, but isn't a half-ounce of weed every two weeks a lot of weed?


Someday they'll probably look back and wish they had spent more time with you guys and your daughter instead of acting like selfish assholes.

Or maybe they won't, I guess. Who knows?

Either way, you should stop going to see them and make it very clear why. Force them to look at their drug habits and see what it's doing to their relationship with your family.
Should he grow up and quit alcohol while he's at it?

Exactly. To a regular weed smoker it is about the equivalent of drinking coffee. If dude is going to quit something for the sake of a child, it should be alcohol first (assuming alcohol+marijuana are the only recreational "drugs" he does).
Stick with your wife, and stick to your guns.

This is a mom/girlfriend power struggle and if you buckle it will change your relationship with your girlfriend. Trust me.

Your mom told you her position, so in that regard you must deal with it.


Should he grow up and quit alcohol while he's at it?

Kids don't get secondary drunk.

Smoking is a disgusting habit that doesn't just fuck you up, it fucks people around you up. That should make it illegal, imo. I don't care what your smoking, it's affecting everyone around you completely disregarding their health. Technology has progressed to the point where smoking isn't needed, it's a completely barbaric method of consuming a drug and should be banned.

Get an e-cigarette, making pot brownies. Just don't fucking smoke.


ya know, old habits are hard to break and having been a former cig smoker I can relate to an extent. It's still selfish that they're not going to go out of their way to accomodate you in their house but fine... what boggles me is in light of being stubborn w/the home smoking, they just can't walk 3 blocks away and visit you instead? Just a few hours out of a day?

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Yeah, I don't partake as much as I used to, but I still see it similar to having a single drink to relax. However, because it's illegal, I could see myself giving it up if I had a child. I'd also be a very anxious new parent and wouldn't want anything to exacerbate that.

You're right to keep your child away from your parents until they can shape up at least somewhat. I'd recommend only smoking at friend's houses, though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
That's quite a bit, yeah. I imagine that's a wake-n-bake, 3-5+ big joints per day lifestyle for the whole family.

That's what OP said he smokes; he said is family is doing way more. That seems like being high pretty much all day (assuming you aren't high at work).


You have to look out for the best interest of your child. You are their first and only means of protection right now.

Also, I don't mean to scare you, but I would consider changing your clothes after you smoke and handling your baby. It's probably crazy, but when my daughter was born two months ago they were going on and on about third hand smoke....basically, chemicals from smoke that seep into your clothes and can rub off on the skin of the baby.

I'm not sure how much that really affects a baby, but you never know.


Honestly, if this is really a thing, I wouldn't even take your child over there if this shit is all over their furniture, etc.


Unconfirmed Member
Should he grow up and quit alcohol while he's at it?
If he's of the type who gets drunk all the time, yes. If not, no need. Enjoying wine or beer to food etc. is fine. No point in going total straight edge just because you're a parent.

Weed is a little bit different, as it is illegal and might get him and his family in trouble. But ideally it's the same.

Edit: Also, OP's parents are stupid on so many levels. They are the kind of people that maintains the stoner-stereotype, further preventing reasonable drug laws.


OP, I think curbing your vices should be top priority for you this year. Only good things will follow. Also, think about what you're tweeting, son.

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