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Alright GAF, lets talk about Gran Turismo.


With all the recent hullabaloo about next-gen and PS4s and such, I figured it was about time we discussed what's in the pipeline for Gran Turismo, Sony's most important franchise.

As well as the murmurs and rumblings suggesting that the next console cycle is upon us that have only seemed to increase, recent media straight from Polyphony Digital also suggests that a new entry in the series (or at the very least, a substantial content update to tide us over) is on the horizon. These two trailers only serve to tease us with what awaits us (Valve/Kaz time or not) in the future.

Polyphony have been hard at work since the release of Gran Turismo 5 in 2010, with a numerous reports of PD engineers visiting locales like Silverstone (England) and Bathurst (Australia) as well as collecting data for additional vehicles.

Despite Polyphony’s focus on the next entry in the series, their support for Gran Turismo 5 has been nothing short of astounding, and to this day they are still churning out updates and content (with the most recent patch only a week old).

However, let us not forget the saga that was the lead-up to GT5’s eventual release. Remember how it got delayed? And how everyone went insane waiting for a new date?

What about all the missing content? Like how those Italian dudes threatened legal action over in the inclusion of their logo in an environment that ultimately led to said environment being removed from the game altogether? The livery editor? The cut-back damage? The Stig and his friends seemingly moneyhatted away only months before launch? 32 player lobbies that are STILL being advertised even on the most recent version of the game even though 2 YEARS LATER this still isn't possible. Misuse (or rather lack of use) of acquired licenses (WRC, NASCAR, Super GT etc)

What happened to this car?


And this one?




I could go on for much longer, but that just would be pointless. Truth is, GT5 was in some ways, a shambles. Sony sent it out the door with Kaz kicking and screaming closely behind. But after 6 years of dev time, who could blame them? We'll probably never know the exact reasons of why it turned out the way it did, but all signs point to PD’s difficulty in working with the PS3 and Yamauchi’s vision for the series.

15+ years later, and we’re STILL doing 0-400m license tests and grinding the Sunday Cup for exhaust upgrades. I appreciate the tradition in some ways as I have been fortunate enough to have grown up with the series, but there comes a time where it must move on.

For all the things GT5 does right as a driving simulator, it fails in so many aspects as a video game. The series has always lacked a proper career mode, and with it a lack of direction. GT5 did however show some promise in this regard with their Special Events which if expanded on, could provide the “drive” players need. Obviously those who are just in it for the driving experience don’t necessarily need a career mode, but for the casual fan, GT needs something more video gamey to hook them (and make it damn sight more enjoyable to boot).

When I mean career mode, I’m obviously not talking about some epic saga all to win the heart of that chick that you see in the license tests. You know, simple stuff like working your way up from karts to track days and other racing categories like drifting, touring cars, open wheelers etc etc. Just give the player more to work towards than that sum of credits they need for performance tyres.

Whatever the next iteration of Gran Turismo brings we can be absolutely sure it will blow minds visually. With the amount of power that the PS3’s successor is packing, I can’t wait. Fuck, I’m not at all one for technical jibber-jabber and stuff but I mean just look at this shit:


(credit to emula over at GTplanet)

Real-time, in-game, straight from the source. Now imagine that, but better. Polyphony are freaks.

The added power Orbis offers will only benefit PD even more. The once promised YouTube integration is now all but possible. Full headtracking? Smoke without the nastiness? Actual good AI? 32 cars on track? The opportunities are endless.

Blah blah blah bish will eat you more cars more tracks discuss.


This series could own the industry liked it used to with some better organization and planning. It's a shame they don't use all its potential.


My fav. I just want the customization that Forza gives for the enthusiast inside me, but with the GT feel.


This series could own the industry liked it used to with some better organization and planning. It's a shame they don't use all its potential.

Current Gran Turismo is still miles better than the competition though

in my opinion
I have started playing GT5 a few days ago. What I want for a successor:

- I want to be able to tune electric cars

- Third person view needs a function to view the side of the car

- Tracks with more details / things going on
For GT5, I didn't know what to do after getting S-license and unlocking Top Gear track.

When friends came over, its horrendous multiplayer wasn't appealing at all either.

I hope they improve multiplayer modes...
And they need more cars we care about.
They couldn't even model half the cars properly with HD assets this gen, what will they skimp on next time round?

Considering their best still outshines Forza (you can even compare Forza 4, to GT5) and their models are still better, I'm not sure what you mean "skimping". It is clearly taking them lots of time to remodel all these things.


GT5 looks pretty.

I'm not a huge sim guy, but I much prefer Forza and pCARS to GT. GT always felt boring to me for some reason. It's probably because I suck at it haha.
Kind of amuses me seeing in the official thread people hoping for GT6 as a launch PS4 game. If it took them five years to make GT5 and then they used older assets in some places, how on earth do people expect them to have the next in the series ready when it will clearly need even higher quality assets because of the upgrade in hardware - and resolution maybe.


Kind of amuses me seeing in the official thread people hoping for GT6 as a launch PS4 game. If it took them five years to make GT5 and then they used older assets in some places, how on earth do people expect them to have the next in the series ready when it will clearly need even higher quality assets because of the upgrade in hardware - and resolution maybe.

I recall the polyphony digital team saying GT6 would be done muuuuuuch faster than GT5.


One of my biggest disappointments was how they handled head tracking. It freaking works, why lock it to arcade mode? Did they simply run out of memory?

Also no Tsuchiya/Nomuken=massive loss.

Still racing game of the generation though.


I really tried to enjoy GT5 but no matter how much I tried, the game still seems like a dinosaur to me. Agreed, the game has fantastic physics and Sony does an awesome job in spicing up the franchise with GT Academy and stuff. But IMO that just doens't cut it. I just see this incongruity between making a game for hardcore sim fanatics on a console system that caters to a mass audience.

I'm not into rFactor and those hardcore driving sims, so when comparing GT5 to Forza as an entertaining realistic driving experience, FM4 just delivers so much more. Something clearly messed up badly within PDs development process. I hope they'll be able to look outside their offices and see that the world has actually progressed. For starters, who the heck decided that the GT5 menu design was good enough? And this whole standard/premium car thing was a big laugh.


I remember when GT was cutting edge, on top of it's game. It was the racer to play.

Now it's kind of still running, but in a lime green and purple 80's shell suit, a heavily stained headband, and crusty old smelly trainers.


As long as GT6 hits the Vita and the PS4 in some capacity, I'll be a happy man. I don't care how, what, where or why, just make it happen.


I did this last Saturday. The fifth game developer tribute in the series.


Tweet this to Kaz, he will be happy, great work.


And as for the OP, GT5 represents astonishing foundation for the further development.

Next-generation hardware will allow PD to overcome all obstacles imposed by PS3.

I am among the people who are absolutely satisfied with GT5 in its current form, there could be so many small things, options, functionalities and details that could be improved, but team of 150 can only do that much.

Can't wait to witness what future will bring.


Kind of amuses me seeing in the official thread people hoping for GT6 as a launch PS4 game. If it took them five years to make GT5 and then they used older assets in some places, how on earth do people expect them to have the next in the series ready when it will clearly need even higher quality assets because of the upgrade in hardware - and resolution maybe.

That'd not the right way to look at it, the PS2 assets were never upto the mark and they never really "worked" on them for GT5, the bulk of dev time for GT5 came from laying out a foundation such that it could easily be used next generation without consuming much time which is why the things they came up with were far beyond the capabilities of the hardware (even more reason for the delay). And this is the reason why GT6 won't take as long.


So many things to do, so many things that could be done to improve the game.

PD needs to embrace the shit out of the idea that GT is essentially the digital recreation and outlet of automotive passion.

So... with that said, a few things.

- Keep GT5 premium cars and assets. They're good enough. They know/knew it, so if they start griping over it and take even longer to redo all the assets again, I'm just going to have to straight up murder someone.

- VR is a thing now. Get it in there.

- Players shouldn't have to grind. There should be enough content to satisfy players. It's really not that hard to create gameplay content for a racing game. Pick some tracks. Pick some cars. Set some restrictions. Set some conditions. Badabing, badabang, badaboom. You've got a new level. Too easy.

In combination with the lack luster but traditional race/event system, it's very easy to squeeze enough gameplay out of this thing.

The challenges are a great expression of what I'm talking about... but can be taken even further.

An example is an mini, initial D rip-off campaign. Limit the player to a certain car. Set them against certain opponents. Limit what they can customize on the car (or just limit customization altogether). Put them on a certain track in a certain condition (night time, driving reverse, with these obstacles). Intersperse with a bit of fun dialogue/cutscenes - doesn't have to be complicated. JRPG style talking heads with text overlay is sufficient. Just to create a bit of story feel to it.

Now do this for other racing subcultures - an F1 campaign, a Japanese racer campaign, rally campaign, nascar, etc, etc, etc.

- Next is, get some city maps that can be traversed as a city in there. It was on the plan, but perhaps out of the scope of GT6. Well, if they do this, they can derive multiple tracks based off city creation, and also enhance the none-racing aspects of the automotive experience.

- Get some in-game community happening. Player forums are an excellent way of creating community... have that forum accessible in game and out of game. Elements in the game links to the forum for discussion; looking at the car info screen? There's a button there that brings up the GT forum for that particular car. People can discuss handling and performance and opinions of the car. Track? Same deal. Campaign? Yep. Coffee lounge? Sure why not. Embrace the community that your game brings together and give them a place to hang, chill and help build up your brand value.

- Get as much marketing/promotion material associated with each car as is possible. People that love GT series generally love all car things. Put out a request to get old advertising brochures and ads of cars in the game; have them accessible when you go to the car info screen. Maybe even have a community editable wiki (that can be accessed in game) to do this kind of thing if PD are too lazy to do so.

- Car info; love the stuff. Now narrate it, and play it to me while I test drive the car.

- Multiplayer: Needs to be done much better. Current leaderboard system is anemic; doesn't give context for performance. Should plot player times on scatter plot to let players see how they are performing relative to the rest of the field... and get a sense of how the field is performing in general. Filters can be used to help narrow down the specificity of the search. Normal match making is required as well.

But a good way to improve community and to make a bit of coin as well is to mimic the multiplayer system from more exclusive services like... the name of it escapes me at this point unfortunately, but it's the one where you pay a monthly fee to get access. Poor behaviour (inside and out of the car) gets you booted, and there are times and schedules to keep to, and umpires for more important matches, as well as a system that allows for reviews of recorded races.

- Better UI design. Please for the love of god, design the UI with usability in mind. Moving in and out of races and between them shouldn't take 15 button clicks and 30 seconds of loading. Either make things lighter weight, or design a better menu! Fire the current guy!

- Let me car porn the models. Rotate around them at will, and press buttons to do things like pop the hood, open door, turn on lights, etc, etc. All the things that are... *already* in the game, but only circumstantially available.

They have the resources to just utterly blow everyone else out of the water... but they're just overly obsessed about detail and accuracy in car modelling at the expense of many other things, including the playability of the game.
They need something for the PS4 launch, a Prologue would do, but it needs to be generous. I do wonder how big it will be next gen, racers seem to have been completely overshadowed by FPS.


This series could own the industry liked it used to with some better organization and planning. It's a shame they don't use all its potential.
I honestly don't think it'll ever have a chance to own the industry like it used to. When it did, Forza was still playing catchup. Whether you view it as an equal game or not is a matter of taste and personal preference, but the game (pardon the pun) has significantly changed since Polyphony were the only people making a decent console driving experience.

I'd love for Polyphony to step up to the plate again and just deliver to everyone and everything before it a complete fucking KO, but they had the chance with GT5 and gave all of us the opportunity to (rightly) question what they were capable of.

Prove us wrong, guys.
Fuck, I’m not at all one for technical jibber-jabber and stuff but I mean just look at this shit:


(credit to emula over at GTplanet)

Real-time, in-game, straight from the source. Now imagine that, but better. Polyphony are freaks.
Sorry to bring up some jibber-jabber, but that is not real-time. It's a photomode shot that takes several seconds to render. It looks absolutely amazing because it has been downsampled from super high resolution with bags of AA. At the real-time resolution it looks nowhere near as impressive, although the modelling and lighting quality is clearly good enough for this level of scrutiny.

PS4 should hopefully be able to make better use of the same assets in real-time (it still wouldn't be able to render that image quality at 60fps though).


Yup. Fix this.

And this.

Cars only end up sounding like vacuums when you upgrade the exhausts unfortunately - appears they don't capture actual tuned exhaust notes since there's difficulty in finding many of the more expensive and recent cars with tuned exhausts fitted. Instead they seem to use an, admittedly pathetic, standard exhaust note. The standard/stock exhaust sounds for each car, at least on my 6.2 system, sound very close to the actual car sounds - since they are accurately recorded

The above is really no excuse though. They should really just head to a racing track and at least record better generic notes for racing cars with the same number of cylinders and aspiration - if not the exact cars. I mean if you've ever been to a race track you'd know how bone shattering those unfiltered exhaust notes sound. You can hear them from a mile outside the track usually
GT6 is the single only game I'm currently excited for for next gen.

I hope this time the visuals are a lot more consistent (awful smoke , jaggies everywhere, low res shadows, paper trees, several tracks being 'HD' versions of the ps2 ones) and that they further improve upon the physics.

Tyre overheating physics were a broken hack that totally messed with how unpowered front wheels would behave on a high powered car.
Front right wheel on formula gt skids for 0.2 seconds in a hairpin at 5 mph and goes into maximum overheat mode because the game treats it like an 800bhp powered wheelspin smoking up your tires. You then lost all ability to steer after stopping the wheel from skidding. That pretty much just killed the game for me when I got to that point.

+ there was clear as day steering assists in certain corners on certain tracks while braking to pretend to simulate brake steering.

Other than that gt5 is still the most polished, well supported and entertaining racing game on consoles by miles. The force feedback is also REALLY good, especially for a console game.

PD deserve endless credit for continually supporting gt5 (like the OP mentions).
No other dev this gen has bothered with that except for valve with team fortress, but this was common practice in the 90s.
Just give me even realistic-er handling physics (whatever this means) and a learning, competitive AI.

And all the graphic extras you can manage in, volumetric dynamic smoke (as shown in one of the builds), time and weather for all tracks, water/rubber placement on tracks, soft body dynamics, even better lighting and reflections and shadows and player animations.

More tracks. More dirt/snow tracks and track creation presets. A tighter track creator, even if not allowing to define the actual track layout.
Point to point traaaaacks. City 'areas' to drive around.

Career mode and special events should blend into one. Keep license tests, but make the last ones even harder. Continue with the online events, bring back the super expert ones, I loved the series that had the subaru on laguna seca and a fiat500 I think.

I like the UI and it is pretty fast now to just go to a race.
An option to make garage "folders", just like there are favorites, let me categorize my cars to my likings!

Virtual Kaz and Translator-san panel bobbleheads that narrate your performance, giving tips to improve like friggin Clippy.
Btw anyone put much time in the rally mode of gt5?

It's kind of funny, it's absolutely unplayable (I found so at least) with a controller, but with a FFB wheel it's the closest thing I've played to Richard burns rally.

It is so endlessly satisfying (and difficult, but consistent and rewarding).

When you can actually feel when you lose grip through the ffb it just clicks , ended up being my favorite part of the game.


How would that even work?
I don't care, I just want it. Make the fully fleshed out version for PS4 and then strip strip strip until it runs on Vita. Add an AR mode where I can take photos of the cars on my driveway and away we go.

Hell, I'll settle for a qHD remake of GT: PSP. I just want another portable GT.
I keep saying this, I tweeted to Yamauchi and Yoshida about it too with no response, but they really need to have employed a bilingual community manager like a year ago. PD also need to outsource some of their work because they are incapable of doing it themselves to a satisfactory standard.

I really think GT6 is going to end up a shambles like GT5. That game showed me they are just out of touch with what makes a good modern game and out of touch with what modern gamers want.


It's kind of funny, it's absolutely unplayable (I found so at least) with a controller, but with a FFB wheel it's the closest thing I've played to Richard burns rally.
It is a completely different game with a wheel. In fact, it's the only racing game where I used a wheel for 500 + hours. Couldn't play with a controller even if I tried.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Isn't the Mini Cooper S in the game? I could swear it is, but maybe I'm thinking of the plain-ol' Mini Cooper...

Anyway, the biggest crime GT5 got away with is the stupid-long grind to 40 in A AND B-spec in addition to the money grind. It may appeal to the "GT hardcore," but as a casual in the series: NOPE. And I don't think I'm the only one that doesn't want to sit for an hour to get enough money to get a car.

"So play Arcade,"

I would, if it had all the cars (didn't need to play simulation mode) and had the damage/etc. unlocked.

The next biggest crime is that rally/point-to-points aren't truly random and there's only like five types of races for it and the course editor doesn't do them, it only does (IMO, boring) circle circuit races.

The third would be the total neuter of the Top Gear license, but I think that's more Turn 10 swooping in than anything.
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