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How can people not like 'Nintendo Games'?


Before you comment, please read the OP. In the past few months I've noticed quite a few posters saying that they "don't care for Nintendo games" or a a statement of similar intent. I can't really get my head around that statement though, are there really people don't appreciate any Nintendo franchises?

I'm not saying that there aren't certain games that people cannot appreciate. I for example am not really a fan of the Metroid Prime series, despite it's high praise but I find it almost inconcievable that there are people out there who genuinely don't like ANY Nintendo franchises.

There are so many Nintendo made games that are released to high praise spanning a multitude of genres that it seems almost impossible for such a large number of people to make the blanket statement that they "don't like Nintendo games." Granted there may be a tiny tiny fraction of a percentage of people that, even if they played every Nintendo game ever release, would not enjoy them but again surely this is only a tiny fraction.
So my question is, are people just "judging a book by it's cover" or are there are actually reasons why certain people dislike Nintendo games as a whole?
I know some people that refuse to play Nintendo games out of principle because they're too 'kiddy'.

Some of these guys are in their 30's. Yeah.


I was listening to an interview with Jonathan Blow the other day and he said he didnt enjoy Mario Galaxy like, at all

blew my mind

Azure J

Opinions, how do they work.

At the same time that you'll see the contingent of folks that just don't like Nintendo versus not liking Nintendo games, I can believe that someone might not be interested in their output. Different strokes and all.


Well, in a sense it's really not so dissimilar to saying you don't like EA games, or SEGA games. They have varied libraries, but it may well be that either nothing or at least next to nothing from them interests you, I'm sure there's some company out there that doesn't have a specialized focused you'd feel similarly about. Yeah, to me Nintendo's generally fantastic or OK at worst, but for some people it's just not appealing at all.

EDIT: Actually, this highlights how there's usually overarching feel to a company's output. It's also why I'm not fond of Eidos being bought by SE and effectively displacing them in recent years for the US, I rarely cared for Eidos games, I cared for Square Enix games. Even if you want to still treat Square and Enix as distinct entities it'd still hold true.


Even when I was a hardcore Sega fanboy I still liked Nintendo games.

So this new breed of fanboy must be hardcore as fuck.


different taste?

Sure but they span so many genres, art styles, themes and gameplay elements that one would think that there would be something for everybody: yet a lot of people seem to put them all under one banner.
Don't get me wrong it's done for Sony too, and I feel that's just as bad as they also span many Genres and themes, but I feel like it's particularly prevalent when talking about Nintendo.
Because Nintendo franchises, while different from each other, carry a similar tone and aesthetic that people may not enjoy?

Maybe they played a game from each individual main Nintendo series and happened not to like any of them?

It's not that difficult to see why someone may not like Nintendo games.


That's just their opinion. People have different tastes, and it's entirely within the realm of possibility to not like Nintendo's franchises.


Its kinda weird when people phrase it that way since Nintendo games cover so many different genres and look different from each other but they probably mean that they just don't like Nintendo.
Sure but they span so many genres, art styles, themes and gameplay elements that one would think that there would be something for everybody: yet a lot of people seem to put them all under one banner.
Don't get me wrong it's done for Sony too, and I feel that's just as bad as they also span many Genres and themes, but I feel like it's particularly prevalent when talking about Nintendo.

Some people prefer mature and adult themed video games (interpret that however you like), which Nintendo has nothing of the sort.


I love Nintendo, but none of their characters really ever grabbed me.
I'm very much into characters and story over most other things.

Other than Pokemon, but they just kept adding to it since I was a kid and sort of alienated me.
Sure but they span so many genres, art styles, themes and gameplay elements that one would think that there would be something for everybody: yet a lot of people seem to put them all under one banner.
Don't get me wrong it's done for Sony too, and I feel that's just as bad as they also span many Genres and themes, but I feel like it's particularly prevalent when talking about Nintendo.

They really don't span so many genre's. Most of them are platformers. Also when many people say it I think they mean Nintendo games of now. Nintendo back in the NES and SNES were too good not to like. For instance I have recently been playing Zelda LTTP and oh my god does it humiliate all the zelda's we have had this gen.

Additionally, most of Nintendo's franchises don't really have stories and if they do they are usually simplistic so I think that sometimes stops people from being absorbed into their franchises.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I like them, but if what you're looking for in games is less about mechanics and more about enjoying stories in interesting worlds, then there's not a whole lot for you in Nintendo's camp.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I cannot relate to the characters or game worlds. A bunch of mute cute cartoon stuff. The game play might be good, but that is not enough to make me want to play them. I've tried over the years, but they just never click. I don't like short fat plumbers, so I don't want to see him jump around in a nonsensical world, jumping on turtles or whatever. I play games more like interactive movies. I want the story to unfold and characters to grow or at least be able to empathize with them. Of course that isn't true for racing and sports games, but I want to be interested in the game not turned off by it.

Foxix Von

I have unusual tastes. Not to mention that I have literally played most of their new games before in the form of older entries in their respective series. Also, generally speaking those older entries are both better games and can be found considerably cheaper on hardware I already own.

I actually just purchased a 3DS XL for Soul Hackers somewhere around last week. Despite having a bunch of games for it, I am completely not compelled to open the device and as such it will probably remain sealed until SMT comes out. Nintendo software is just... I don't know, completely bland and not compelling in any fashion to me.


I know some people that refuse to play Nintendo games out of principle because they're too 'kiddy'.

Some of these guys are in their 30's. Yeah.

I'm 31 and I don't play Nintendo games, but only because they don't appeal to me anymore. There's no Nintendo franchise right now that excites me other than Mario and DKC and I wouldn't get a console just for those two.


Not enough mature content.

I suppose if you're the kind of person who wants to "finally get rid of the cartoony look" the Nintendo probably wouldn't do much for you. Fans of only military shooters or realistic simulation games probably wouldn't find too much to like out of Nintendo software either.
I tend to agree, you have a company that is behind some of, if not THE greatest games ever made, and of so many genres aside I guess from FPS, and people say they don't like Nintendo games.

Could be the general kiddeh style of their most prominent IPs like Mario, DK, Kirby, Pokemon, etc, but they have made games for older audiences like Metroid and in a sense Zelda, Star Fox can be pretty damn epic.

But to me Nintendo's IPs are timeless and to me for EVERYONE, and age, taste, you name it, they're like the Disney of games, it's like saying you don't like Nintendo games is like saying you don't like Disney movies. It's taboo I tells ya!


Not all Nintendo games but I have certainly fallen out of love with them over the last few years. Outside of Mario Kart, Mario games do nothing for me. Same old, same old with a few bits added and polished. Love Zelda, so I have high hopes for the Wii-U one but outside of that, then make nothing that I really like.


Because most people see Mario and Zelda and put all Nintendo games in one group of "games for kids".

It's actually kind of sad, they have so many different types of games there is at least something for everyone.


I find that I want to like Nintendo games more then I actually do. I appreciate that they are well designed, I appreciate the emphasis on local multiplayer, and the quirkiness always makes them fun to follow. I have owned every since Nintendo home console (including the Wii U) and most of the portables (including a 3DS XL) but at the end of the day I could live without Nintendo before I could live without the 3rd party games that do not appear on Nintendo's platforms.


Well, Nintendo doesn't make games in every genre. They also don't really create many story-driven games (and even then the story is secondary, generally), and there are a lot of people who feel the story should be at the forefront.
I don't know. People have a hard time dealing with the opinions of others. I've got people that have thrown a bitch fit on me because I like Bad Company 2 over BF3. Same for saying Uncharted 1 and 3 are better than 2. They simply can't deal with someone liking or disliking things that they do or don't...


Beats me, when it comes to studios like Ubisoft that are focused on homogenizing their complete catalog, I can kinda understand why are people put off by a certain publisher. Theres also a lot of goalpost moving going on, the people that say those comments dont tend to include Retro Studios, MonolightSoft, Fire Emblem and the Fatal Frame games cos reasons.


Nintendo relies on this point in a very core stable of franchises and then tries to branch into other genres by whoring out their core characters.

So, for me, this eliminates their 'side-Mario' games as points of interest, unless it's a Mario RPG, and it's starting to make even their core games tiresome, because one of the best parts of games is exploring new worlds and characters and places and themes, and so many of Nintendo's core games recycle everything from assets to remixes of classic songs to themes that it's making it slowly get hard to get excited for those.

They make a ton of smaller scale games which can often be quite fun, but I feel they don't even attempt to make many Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Donkey Kong scale franchises anymore which receive the same level of marketing and budgeting support, and so the smaller scale games tend to be interesting (and often fun diversions) that simply lack ambition and don't stay in the memory very long.

So I can see why people would not like Nintendo games, at least at this point. Nintendo needs to do a much better job diversifying their flagship offerings withOUT any core IP characters. New shit, Ninty. I consider Nintendo the best game developer STILL, but their glow is slowly starting to fade for me and others are fast starting to get near passing them.


It's easy if you have never liked 3D platformers and hate motion controls. Very easy
I basically have zero interest in Mario and motion control Zelda wasn't for me.

I'm strictly speaking about console Nintendo, I have always loved their handheld offerings-notably Pokemon


I don't like the vast majority of Nintendo's output. I'm not really sure why. I love Zelda, and the non-New Marios, the Prime trilogy was pretty amazing. There's the odd random thing like EBA, etc. But for the most part, I don't think highly of them. I could certainly see people also not liking the few I like.


I think the biggest group of people that disregard Nintendo games are kids that love CoD. Their taste in games is pretty poor.
I think it's more a matter of Nintendo's tried and true staple characters getting too much exposure and wearing thin due to a multitude of recent releases.
Right now, I can honestly say I think I'll be quite alright if I never play another Mario game again.
On the flip side, I'd like to see some more Metroid.

Lumping them into "Nintendo" isn't sound reasoning. That isn't a genre.


I see consumers like this often at Best Buy.
They played Mario games when they were kids, but now that they are in their Late teens and 20s they feel that they've "Out grown it". That it should only be for kids. Then I have the late 20s to early 30s Parents that get and Xbox or PS3 and ask for Mario games on their systems for their kids.
Though most find that they've "Out grown" Mario, they also feel that their kids should still be raised by Mario and other Nintendo games.


You said Nintendo games reach a broad audience, but whats the Nintendo equivalent of Halo and God of War for example? That audience is not buying a Wii/Wii U/3DS at all.

Im not saying Nintendo need this kind of games. I actually enjoy some Marios and Zeldas sometimes, but they sure aim for different audience, and those are the ones that dont like "Nintendo Games".
They really don't span so many genre's. Most of them are platformers.

Yep. Like Fire emblem. Or Kid Icarus Uprising. Or Luigi's Mansion. Or Metroid Prime series. Or Xenoblade.

I can understand the "too much Mario" complaint, but dont' give the "they are most platformers" because it is not true.
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