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Full Bore - PAYWHATYOUWANT (starting $0,25 for one of my favourite games this year)

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Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Once this game has been greenlit, you will get a Steam key if you paid at least $1

After the pay what you want offer is over, we'll switch back to the OT.
OT link:
link to purchase it:

Game still needs a few votes on Greenlight as well: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=145273589

And yes, I decidedly screamed at you in the title :p

For impressions, links, gameplay hints etcetc head over to the OT. I'll be answering any questions here for the remainder of the offer though. This game currently has only part 1 out, which will still take you between 12 and 20 hours to finish. If you bought the game, you will get the second part for free later this year (last thing I heard).

Current offers:

$0,25 - get access to the Full Bore installer
$1,00 - get the Desura key (which also includes the Steam key once its on Steam)
$1,37 - this number changes depending on the current average, get the Full Bore OST
$10,00 - Get Operation Smash, Full Bore AND the next game they put up (not yet known)

Quick and dirty impressions

On track to enter my GOTY list considerations. If you liked 1000 Amps on Steam, check this game out, it has the same "exploration via puzzles" base idea with lots of charme, polish, quirkiness, secrets and adorable animations.

Quote from the description:

Deep underground lies a reminder of Boarkind’s darkest hours. All it takes is one little boar to dig it back up. A block puzzler with an exploratory twist, Full Bore throws the player into an open world filled with crumbling mines, arcane ruins, and technological wonders with only curiosity to lead the way. This world is packed to the brim with secrets and hidden rooms, because when everything is made of blocks, puzzles could be anywhere.

Full Bore rewards curiosity and thought. The player is free to explore a large open world, where they can find secret treasures and uncover mysteries by solving puzzles built into the environment. The game world is made of many different block types, and each type has its own unique behavior. Some blocks are simple and can be pushed or dug out, while others are complex machines that move on their own. Interaction between different blocks creates new and different barriers and bridges for the player, with each new block building on the challenges of the previous blocks. As the player explores, they encounter and master new blocks, which in turn allows the player to open new paths. This means that the ability to explore is based primarily on what the player has learned about the world, and not a sequence of arbitrary goals.

The game is really, really, really good and I'd appreciate if someone here had enough interest to check it out and maybe write up their impressions over in the OT. It deserves it. Buying the game should give you a Steam key once its on Steam. Full disclosure, currently the first chapter is playable, and the second chapter is added end of the year.

Seriously, all go buy it now and post some impression in the OT, so that more people hear of it.
I watched the trailer on IndieGameStand and it looked very platform-y. Would you say the game requires a lot of twitch reflexes, or does it tilt more towards the cerebral?

EDIT: Er, never mind, I didn't realize there was also an OT. In Toma's words:

There is some racing in the trailer, is that the main part of the game?
No, I havent reached that part yet, but I assume its one challenge, most of the game is based around critical thinking and exploration rather than reflexes.
Always a little wary of platformers on PC. Does this control well on keyboard/mouse, or do I need a controller to really enjoy it?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Did you make this game?

I am currently not affiliated with any Indie developer, if that was your question. The game is simply good enough so that I want you guys to know of this deal because it otherwise gets buried with a few mentions in the OT, Indie and Steam thread. This will get more exposure.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Always a little wary of platformers on PC. Does this control well on keyboard/mouse, or do I need a controller to really enjoy it?

It actually controls better with a keyboard for me than with the controller since the movement is tile based and precision movement (hitting a key vs pushing analog sticks) made it way easier to play for me.

Using the d-pad might work, but since you'll use up+right and up+left constantly, I found that a bit more tedious than pressing w+d or w+a as well.
I watched the trailer on IndieGameStand and it looked very platform-y. Would you say the game requires a lot of twitch reflexes, or does it tilt more towards the cerebral?

There is one notorious section where you have to move pretty fast (in terms of decision making). But by and large it is a slow paced experience.

I wrote up some thoughts a while back, but since I enjoyed it quite a bit, I thought I'd add my 2 cents in support of the game:



Full Bore is an indie exploration puzzle game from the affectionately named Whole Hog Games. Whilst they may have somewhat painted themselves into a corner with their name choice, that isn't an issue for now as Full Bore is out and about and picking up a bit of hype.

It all starts innocently enough, if dropping a cute pixelated boar into a huge pit could be described as innocent. Glossing over this is a good idea, because it quickly becomes apparent that all is not as it seems. You will start by moving around and digging away at sand and rock. You'll probably scratch your head a little at the controls and wonder why you can't jump. But before too long you'll be making a bit of progress and starting to feel like you have a good read on what the game will be about.

Then you emerge from the pit and meet the big boss:

And you might start to wonder if there are more layers to the experience. Then he sends you back into the pit and you bring up the map...

...and the full scope of what you have got yourself into starts to hit home. That sense of discovery continues throughout the game (12-15 hours). Be aware there is no hand holding or objective markers which can be a plus or a minus. You really are one beast alone against a big strange world here.

Full Bore isn't just about pushing blocks and digging yourself out of trouble. It quickly becomes apparent that it is the type of game where the more you dig (pun most certainly intended) the more you will find. You'll soon be hit by a huge amount of areas, strange purple glowing pillars, messages on computer terminals and confused critters just trying to get through the day in the mines. Based on the screens and animal PC you might not have even expected a story at all. But there is one and it unfolds nicely with a deft hand.

Meanwhile you are still solving puzzles to dig up that treasure. If you have played similar puzzle games, you know the drill (more puns, more intention). Blocks are dismantled or pushed providing stairs or causing other blocks to fall. This lets you get to another section or go back to the last checkpoint to try another sequence. The game mixes things up by introducing new blocks and elements like lasers at a frequent pace. Progress is always steady, although you will get used to looking at the map to try to work out "where to go next".

Where does it all lead? Well to date, it doesn't exactly lead anywhere conclusive. Full Bore is a work in progress and given the ambition there is going to be a long way to go. If you venture into the mines, just be aware that you'll be waiting for more episodes and content at some stage. Whilst you will be wanting more, you are still getting a complete enough experience to make it worth your time.

But that issue is a long way off. The general mechanics and puzzles you are presented with are complete and solid enough to tide you over. The game does a good job of giving you frequent checkpoints just before places where you can mess up and mess up you will.

Eventually you wrap your head around the game, but until then it is difficult to know exactly what you can dig and from what position. For example some platforms can be dropped down from and some can't and it wouldn't hurt for the game to make this all clearer in the presentation.

In general, the graphics are a mixed bag. The main character models are excellent and animate smoothly. The music (including tracks named in game) is top notch and complements the digging action well. On the other hand the environments themselves seem to be of the more generic nature and it all seem to be stuck somewhere in between full on pixel-art and a more natural look. Since these tiles comprise the majority of the game I would hope some more attention is spent on them to make it all more cohesive down the track.

Ultimately, those criticisms are approaching nit-picking due to the high quality of the experience. It isn't quite the full deal yet, but it is close enough to demand your cash or at least a greenlight vote. Check it out and see how deep the rabbit hole goes (there has to be a pixel bunny down there somewhere!).


Awesome game, definitely worth a try. Has a really nice atmosphere and so many puzzles and mysteries, you will be busy for quite some time. Try it.


I am currently not affiliated with any Indie developer, if that was your question. The game is simply good enough so that I want you guys to know of this deal because it otherwise gets buried with a few mentions in the OT, Indie and Steam thread. This will get more exposure.

Toma is just very passionate about the games he likes. He's got a pretty great batting average.

Gotcha! I'll check it out.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Since you just mentioned that again Todd, the second part of the game is already finished and they are only polishing it up at the moment. No one needs to fear a non-ending game, however I also think that the first part of the game would be easily worth $1 many times over alone.
Since you just mentioned that again Todd, the second part of the game is already finished and they are only polishing it up at the moment. No one needs to fear a non-ending game, however I got to admit that $1 would easily worth the first part alone as well.

Agreed (edited for clarity). If the first part gets greenlit, does the second part automatically follow?

I think it is very odd that it isn't through yet, given the look of some other titles that made it.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Agreed. If the first part gets greenlit, does the second part automatically follow?

I think it is very odd that it isn't through yet given some of the other titles that made it.

It will just be an update to the game, so no need for separate greenlight processes. Once its out, the copy you have (either direct download on IGS or desura/steam key) will automatically update to the 2 part version. Once the game updated, you'll probably wont even notice it was made in 2 parts.

Which reminds me, I actually preferred playing it in two parts, because the games content and length can get rather taxing. 20 hours was the perfect length for my first dive into the Full Bore world, seriously cant wait for part 2.

And its boggling my mind as well that its not greenlit yet because its easily one of the best Indies this year, but they said they arent far off, so here is to hoping.
Which reminds me, I actually preferred playing it in two parts, because the games content and length can get rather taxing. 20 hours was the perfect length for my first dive into the Full Bore world, seriously cant wait for part 2.

Yeah I can certainly see that, it is a lot to ask.

I wonder how much they can keep mixing things up. I want a bore with a jetpack by the end...or at least rocket skates.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Yeah I can certainly see that, it is a lot to ask.

I wonder how much they can keep mixing things up. I want a bore with a jetpack by the end...or at least rocket skates.

Well, going by the current nature of the game there wont be any updates, buuuut here is a small peek at some stuff that might be still to come:

Mechanical Castle:
Deep in the industrial bowels of a ruined civilization, an evil festers and long-dead machines have awoken to serve its dark purpose.

I cant remember that in the first part, so I guess they did a lot of work for new settings and some new puzzle mechanics.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Going to hop off into bed now, someone do me the favor of bumping the thread a few times this night :)


Going to hop off into bed now, someone do me the favor of bumping the thread a few times this night :)


Did the developer ever follow up on this?

Hey, sorry I haven't been checking in today, its been crazy trying to keep up with all the promotion for this sale. I'll try to answer all the questions I can from when I last was on

1. We wanted to show our game inspirations without trying to copy Metroid or Castlevania.

2. I love to hear from people who like the animations, because I made them!

3. If you're going to go after that one last hard to reach gem, try finding an inactive save point first, as recall sends you back to the last save point or door used.

4. I'm bugging a guy from playstation right now about getting us on their console, and if that happens, a vita version is not our of the question.

5. The second part of the game focuses on what is through the big half-circle door into the temple area. the second part of the game will work like a patch to the first part.

6. Many of the puzzles have multiple (and sometimes they are unintentional) ways to solve them.

7. Sorry about the framerate issues. Full Bore uses normal map lighting, which is fairly graphics processing intense. It doesn't run on my laptop either :(

8. We just broke 8,000 yest votes on greenlight. If you haven't voted yet, I would really appreciate it if you did! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=145273589

Thanks for the questions, folks!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

Did the developer ever follow up on this?

Not that I know of, but I certainly would like an answer as well. If we collect a few more questions like these, I might poke the dev via mail once the deal is over and we switched back to the OT.


Well, I'm an idiot for holding out for that long. Played it for ~45min earlier and I can already tell I'm going to love this a lot. Reminds me of SteamWorld Dig in some regards - a game that I really enjoyed - but the emphasized puzzle aspect makes this fall under a wholly different weight class for me. Lovely animations and great soundtrack, as well.

Worth way more than this ridiculously low offer is making it out to be.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Well, I'm an idiot for holding out for that long. Played it for ~45min earlier and I can already tell I'm going to love this a lot. Reminds me of SteamWorld Dig in some regards - a game that I really enjoyed - but the emphasized puzzle aspect makes this fall under a wholly different weight class for me. Lovely animations and great soundtrack, as well.

Worth way more than this ridiculously low offer is making it out to be.

Just wait until you are more than your current 5-7% in. Just you wait, the beginning is noooooothing. The game gets so crazily good. If you love the beginning already, you'll probably join me in my GOTY considerations once you are done with the first part/first 20 hours. :p


Just wait until you are more than your current 5-7% in. Just you wait, the beginning is noooooothing. The game gets so crazily good. If you love the beginning already, you'll probably join me in my GOTY considerations once you are done with the first part/first 20 hours. :p

Aye, I shall be happy to do just that once I get there.


I don't think I'll make it in time, but I'll still get it once it hits Steam, I've been interested in this game ever since you posted your impressions a while back.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Aye, I shall be happy to do just that once I get there.

Feel free to post about your impressions a bit if you decide to play more over the next few days. These threads can always use a bit of bumping for the duration of these sales for more exposure.
Did you make this game?
Ha, here we go again. No, Toma just has a deep passion for indies.
And, really, Toma, another thread? :p

Anyway, this is a great game, guys. Worth way more than $1. Polished, challenging, atmospheric, with sprawling levels, great puzzles, and charming pixel animations. And the best part is that even though there's many hours of puzzle-based exploration here, there's even more to come.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ha, here we go again. No, Toma just has a deep passion for indies.
And, really, Toma, another thread? :p

Anyway, this is a great game, guys. Worth way more than $1. Polished, challenging, atmospheric, with sprawling levels, great puzzles, and charming pixel animations. And the best part is that even though there's many hours of puzzle-based exploration here, there's even more to come.

As many threads as it needs :p

This one is a one time use only anyway, we'll switch back to the main thread after the deal is over, and the $1 title helps attracting more people. Couldnt have gotten 1k views now with the other thread no matter what I wrote in it.
Did you make this game?

I am currently not affiliated with any Indie developer, if that was your question. The game is simply good enough so that I want you guys to know of this deal because it otherwise gets buried with a few mentions in the OT, Indie and Steam thread. This will get more exposure.

Okay, that is a strange way of answering "no"

Anyways, game looks cool.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Okay, that is a strange way of answering "no"

Anyways, game looks cool.

I have no and never had any connection to the development of this game, if you needed clarification.

Edit1: I tried giving a general answer to this question as its the one millionth time I've been asked about this for several Indie games.

Edit2: Besides, its 4am and I am tired. Tired people write weirdly.

Edit3: seriously off to bed now.
I bought the game during the Not on Steam sale after seeing a thread by Toma. It really is a great game, and I can't wait until the second part releases. I highly encourage everyone to give it a chance.

Always a little wary of platformers on PC. Does this control well on keyboard/mouse, or do I need a controller to really enjoy it?

It's not a platforming game. You can't even jump. As for the controls, it plays just fine with a keyboard. The climbing controls might seem odd at first, but it quickly starts to feel natural.
Well... thanks to Toma, I now own this. I got it installed and played about 30 minutes so far. I must say I love the way it has started off. My youngest son was the proverbial straw that actually broke the camel's back. He came in when I was watching a video of it... "That looks awesome! I want that! Am I old enough to play that?" Needless to say I am sure my money has been well spent. Maybe I should snag a couple more to give away in the steam thread... anyways, thanks for the heads up!


Greatly appreciated for the topic. Wanted this ever since I saw the OT and it mentioned "Metroid". With a 500 game backlog, though, I couldn't justify another $10.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Greatly appreciated for the topic. Wanted this ever since I saw the OT and it mentioned "Metroid". With a 500 game backlog, though, I couldn't justify another $10.
I gotta admit I was stretching it a bit with the Metroid comparison, but it made for a good title, and it is sort of open world in where the skills you receive to unlock other areas are only your own raised improved abilities. It felt like Metroidvania progression to me a bit because I was wandering around and suddenly might stumble over the knowledge how to solve an area I passed earlier by learning a certain puzzle solving approach that I could have used right from the start, but wasn't good enough for yet.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Well... thanks to Toma, I now own this. I got it installed and played about 30 minutes so far. I must say I love the way it has started off. My youngest son was the proverbial straw that actually broke the camel's back. He came in when I was watching a video of it... "That looks awesome! I want that! Am I old enough to play that?" Needless to say I am sure my money has been well spent. Maybe I should snag a couple more to give away in the steam thread... anyways, thanks for the heads up!
That is really cute, I hope you both enjoy it :)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Bought, thanks for the notice Toma

No problem, I figured most people wouldnt see the notice in the other threads where its usually buried fast.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Eagerly bought. I've had my eye on it for a while. I'm considering waiting for it to launch on Steam before I dive in, though.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Eagerly bought. I've had my eye on it for a while. I'm considering waiting for it to launch on Steam before I dive in, though.

Perfectly understandable. By then its probably among the biggest games in the genre too. I would have never expected ~40 hours for the complete Full Bore before I started playing.
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