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NCAA files suit against EA to stop $40 million payout to past/present college players


Wow. That's fucking shitty.

I don't even get it, why does the settlement hurt the NCAA? Are they actively looking to pass the buck to EA in order to mitigate damages that exceed the 40 million?


Unconfirmed Member
Wow. That's fucking shitty.

I don't even get it, why does the settlement hurt the NCAA? Are they actively looking to pass the buck to EA in order to mitigate damages that exceed the 40 million?

Because the settlement left the NCAA as the sole remaining defendant in the case. Meaning if the ruling does eventually come down against them, they're probably going to be ordered to pay much much more than what EA was per the settlement. What they're trying to do here is pass the buck so that if the lawsuit does end unfavorably for the NCAA, it would be EA who has to pay for it, on top of the settlement EA is already paying for.

Basically NCAA is trying to have its cake and eat it too. They want to be able to take this case all the way to the highest court to try to win it, but they don't want any of the risk in the event that they might lose.


Quite possibly the only organization/company in the world that could make EA look like good guys.

truly amazing how much of a piece of shit the NCAA is.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Wow if true. Luckily it sounds like the NCAA (body that governs college sports in America) is slowly dying though.


I thought this was funny when the settlement was announced. EA and the Collegiate Licensing Asociation settling basically admits the NCAA's guilt. If NCAA wants to hold on to the status quo for dear life they have to have them both fight the "good" fight too.


Do they have a leg to stand on with the whole not paying students for their likeness? The article says that they are willing to go to the supreme court about this, is there any law that allows the NCAA not to pay people?

I'm not American so this all sounds really strange to me.
what is NCAA I don't follow sports s summaries it for me please

Every college American sport more or less. The NCAA has been under fire lately because of their strict rule of not allowing student athletes to be paid no matter what. They won't even let student athletes have a job while they're playing.


what is NCAA I don't follow sports s summaries it for me please

The NCAA is the governing body for college sports in the US.

They're involved in a lawsuit regarding them profiting on of college players (who are not professionals), yet not allowing the players to profit off of themselves.

Do they have a leg to stand on with the whole not paying students for their likeness? The article says that they are willing to go to the supreme court about this, is there any law that allows the NCAA not to pay people?

I'm not American so this all sounds really strange to me.

No, there isn't a law.

The Supreme Court is the final authority for court cases, what they say, goes. If the NCAA loses, they'll just keep appealing until it gets that high.
what is NCAA I don't follow sports s summaries it for me please

The NCAA basically governs college sports. They have a vested interest in "amateurism" which is to say, that their players are considered "student athletes" and as such cannot be paid or receive benefits outside of scholarships to attend school.

The thing is, college football (and basketball, but less so) is HUGE and there are tons of people wanting to give these athletes free things for fame, autographs, just to have them around, to be involved with the program, or quite often to become their agent for the NFL. What's more is that a lot of these kids come from lower-income backgrounds so all the money being thrown in their face is very attractive for them and their families.

However the NCAA and its partners have a sweet deal right now where they get to profit off the name, likeness, and work of the students without paying them a dime. Not only that, it's the RULES that they don't get paid, or else everyone will want to get paid, and you can see how the guys in charge don't like that idea. South Park recently had an episode about "crack baby basketball" that lampooned the idea and basically had Cartman dressed up in southern gentlemen attire, relating the entire enterprise to slavery.

Anyway, what results is a neverending stream of hypocrisy from the NCAA. The NCAA says they are allowed to make money by selling products with the student's names on them, but the players themselves aren't allowed to do it. Even sanctioned players don't fall outside of this. The NCAA sanctioned USC and Reggie Bush so hard that USC isn't allowed to even acknowledge his existence anymore or even the games he played in, let alone sell things with his name on it. However, that didn't stop the NCAA from selling Reggie Bush memorabilia as recently as a year ago. And those sanctions were part of a corrupt investigation that one judge recently declared to have "malicious intent" on the part of the NCAA, and the NCAA is fighting to keep all records related to the case sealed because it would look bad for the NCAA if they came out.

Just this year, the NCAA flubbed yet another investigation, this time of Miami, where a booster was leading the football team out onto the field when he wasn't taking them clubbing, taking them on cocaine cruises (exactly what it sounds like), paying for prostitutes or, in one case, paying for an abortion after a player got someone pregnant. The NCAA came down with a slap on the wrist for that one because they had fucked up the investigation so badly that they didn't want to face the repercussions otherwise, which are mostly financial and also their crumbling credibility.

What you're seeing now, with the lawsuit by the players, EA bailing out of NCAA games, etc. is the NCAA's scheme is crumbling around them and they're incredibly weak and desperate.


If EA is the worst organization in America... what's that make the NCAA?

EA ponies up 40 million dollars for a settlement, which is less than 1 million NCAA branded games sold in total throughout EA's partnership (lasting just shy of 20 years, 94 was the first year release) with them. Ask yourself if EA would still be leaving had the NCAA NOT come under fire recently.


Wow. That's fucking shitty.

I don't even get it, why does the settlement hurt the NCAA? Are they actively looking to pass the buck to EA in order to mitigate damages that exceed the 40 million?

It's not that it hurt the NCAA but that the NCAA got caught in a legal situation where they could have their cake and eat it too or in this case making rules preventing students from making accepting money for endorsements while at the same time selling EA the temporary rights to use their names in the video games.

So NCAA says fuck it we will stop licensing their names and says they will leave it up to the players to persue EA for unpaid endorsements. EA didn't give a shit. They said to the players and their agents here take 40 million and now the NCAA is suing EA for breaking rules that are still being enforced on their students.

It's classic taking the ball away passive aggression. I never thought I would see a playground lawsuit like this in my lifetime.

EA suddenly America's best company.

I usually find your pithy remarks on point. But not this one. I can't wait to call back to this post when voting starts :p

Dead Man

Every college American sport more or less. The NCAA has been under fire lately because of their strict rule of not allowing student athletes to be paid no matter what. They won't even let student athletes have a job while they're playing.

Wait, really? I knew they were fucked, but really?


I hope the NCAA fails in this lawsuit and that the very act of filing the lawsuit serves as another PR disaster to continuously chip away at their very existence. A damn shame even when they are gone they will have kept the profits from years of labor done by others and the damage they did to the generations of athletes by locking them out from other income opportunities will never be replaced.
Nope, most don't have time for a job anyways.

R.I.P. NCAA Football, we had some great times together.

Student athletes do get compensated by having free meals, housing, education, etc...

Let's not act like they are put into a camp and made to sleep under the stairs.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
If there's any organization I hate worse than EA (aside from the obvious ones like terrorist organizations, etc.), it would be the NCAA.

Fuck them, it deserves to burn.
Every college American sport more or less. The NCAA has been under fire lately because of their strict rule of not allowing student athletes to be paid no matter what. They won't even let student athletes have a job while they're playing.

Yet they make insane amounts of money off these kids. That's basically the NCAA...
Once the big football schools break away and make their own super divisions, the NCAA will be no more... And that day can't come soon enough (and this is coming from a guy who's sister is working for the athletic law department for a big ten division school).


Student athletes do get compensated by having free meals, housing, education, etc...

Let's not act like they are put into a camp and made to sleep under the stairs.

You'd be surprised how many of them don't get housing and food. Football is a bad example because all of the other sports tend to get the shaft since they don't make anywhere close to what football makes. Schools are trying to make football programs more and more attractive because of the millions of dollars they pull in if they are good.

I played lacrosse at the University of Colorado and because of the football team, we weren't able to become a full D1 team because they wouldn't give up scholarships. Fucking title 9.
You'd be surprised how many of them don't get housing and food. Football is a bad example because all of the other sports tend to get the shaft since they don't make anywhere close to what football makes. Schools are trying to make football programs more and more attractive because of the millions of dollars they pull in if they are good.

I played lacrosse at the University of Colorado and because of the football team, we weren't able to become a full D1 team because they wouldn't give up scholarships. Fucking title 9.

Yes, but the vast amount of money which is generated by Football and Basketball is what is fueling the debate here. No one's making billion dollar TV deals off of Lacrosse.


Wow. That's fucking shitty.

I don't even get it, why does the settlement hurt the NCAA? Are they actively looking to pass the buck to EA in order to mitigate damages that exceed the 40 million?

It hurts them because on some level, it admits knowingly that the NCAA tried to profit on its student Athletes. They also don't want to be the last man standard and be hit with the largest penalty, despite you know, running the entire operation.


Student athletes do get compensated by having free meals, housing, education, etc...

Let's not act like they are put into a camp and made to sleep under the stairs.

I actually agree with both sides of the argument. I think that people undervalue what they receive, but also undervalue the sacrifices that they make. However, don't think that theys should be paid (over the table), a huge can of worms right there.


Student athletes do get compensated by having free meals, housing, education, etc...

Let's not act like they are put into a camp and made to sleep under the stairs.

If you think that's enough to compensate the revenue they collectively bring in, I would suggest you look at the numbers again. There's a reason people are suing each other over this, we're literally talking about billions of dollars at stake here.
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