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Spainish government approves restrictive abortion law

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Spain's conservative government has approved an abortion law that rolls back current legislation permitting the procedure without restrictions until the 14th week.

Justice minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón said on Friday that abortion will only be allowed in the case of rape or when there is a serious mental or physical health risk to the mother. Accredited fetal deformities that would endanger a child's life if born will also be accepted.

He said 16- and 17-year-olds will once again have to obtain permission from their parents to have an abortion.

The bill, which must be approved by parliament, has been vigorously opposed by most opposition parties and women's groups across the country.

Gallardon's ruling Popular party has always sided heavily with the Catholic church on moral and social issues.


That piece from The Guardian is leaving the most nefarious bit aside, BTW: deformities and damages will need to be accredited with TWO different reports issued by different doctors.

This decision has two incredibly nasty implications:

1) Conservative doctors may deny an abortion even one where the mother is at risk.

2) Waiting lists are now incredibly long due to the PP's warring against the public healthcare system, so plenty of mothers won't be able to have a report in time.

Anybody who voted for the PP in the last elections can go fuck himself. Extrahard in the case of women. This is on you.


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Shameful. What conservative politicians refuse to recognize is that this will lead to an increase in unwanted children and, by extension, more crime and disorder.

In the modern developed world, teenage girls are by and large not fit to be mothers. Forcing such roles on them is inhumane.


Shameful. What conservative politicians refuse to recognize is that this will lead to an increase in unwanted children and, by extension, more crime and disorder.

In the modern developed world, teenage girls are by and large not fit to be mothers. Forcing such roles on them is inhumane.
Even worse it can lead to pushing abortions being made underground in less safe environments.
Pretty much how it was when it was outlawed...
Good luck turning that economy around when you'll get an increase in criminality as a result of the new abortion restrictions, Spain.

Shameful, absolutely shameful.

Funky Papa


Do they have a majority in parliment?

A massive one. They've been tearing the country to pieces since the previous administration fucked up so bad most of the left didn't even bother to vote.

I hope those numbnuts learnt what happens when you allow Opus Dei conservatives to rule a country without facing an actual oposition.

For the record, EVERYBODY but the Catholic fringe hates the new abortion law. Polls show that the draft was rejected by around 70% of the population, but conservatives have become so massively unpopular since they came to power they are now trying to retain the favour of the cave dwelling electorate.
Spain has to have one of the lousiest political systems in the world.

There are no good choices that are viable. That and the population is in my experience VERY partisan and still fighting the civil war.

Makes republican vs. democrats look like a bunch of people singing Kumbaya

Funky Papa

That piece from The Guardian is leaving the most nefarious bit aside, BTW: deformities and damages will need to be accredited with TWO different reports issued by different doctors. This obviously well researched decission has two incredibly nasty implications:

  1. Conservative doctors may deny an abortion even if the mother is at risk.
  2. Waiting lists are now incredibly long due to the PP's warring against the public healthcare system, so plenty of mothers won't be able to have an accrediting report in time.

Anybody who voted for the PP in the last election can go fuck himself. Extrahard in the case of women. This is on you.


That piece from The Guardian is leaving the most nefarious bit aside, BTW: deformities and damages will need to be accredited with TWO different reports issued by different doctors.

This decision has two incredibly nasty implications:

1) Conservative doctors may deny an abortion even one where the mother is at risk.

2) Waiting lists are now incredibly long due to the PP's warring against the public healthcare system, so plenty of mothers won't be able to have a report in time.

Anybody who voted for the PP in the last elections can go fuck himself. Extrahard in the case of women. This is on you.
I'll add it to the OP.


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Even worse it can lead to pushing abortions being made underground in less safe environments.
Pretty much how it was when it was outlawed...

Ugh. Abortion restriction is so fucking disgusting. It's misogynistic, it's inhumane, and it is an obvious net harm to society.

Can't they just put their child up for adoption if they don't want to be the mother?

Of course, but the mother still has to go through the trauma of pregnancy and childbirth, and the majority of teen mothers opt to keep their babies.


Justice minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón said on Friday that abortion will only be allowed in the case of rape or when there is a serious mental or physical health risk to the mother. Accredited fetal deformities that would endanger a child's life if born will also be accepted.

Lets see how this turns out. I did not expect this from Spain.

Funky Papa

Lets see how this turns out. I did not expect this from Spain.

It's not exactly "Spain". It's the government all by themselves. I expect a storm of demonstrations and shitkicking.

I'd like to point out again that the current government is supported by just a small fraction of the population. They didn't achieve their rolling supermajority because the voters love them, but because Spain's political system is a de facto duocracy and the second biggest political party outright imploded, which created a massive power vacuum in the left that couldn't be filled in time for the elections.

I believe you are American, so allow me the comparison: Try to imagine what could have happened in the United States if just one year before the 2012 presidential election the Democratic party lost most of its support.


Ugh. Abortion restriction is so fucking disgusting. It's misogynistic, it's inhumane, and it is an obvious net harm to society.

There's literally no reasons to outright ban abortions except if you're a sick fuck who like people suffering.
Even it's not rape or some kind of shit, you'll always have a demand for abortions for various personal reasons.
Those that have the means to do it will (even if that involve a costy trip overseas or something) and the others can get into harms way doing it.
The consequences can be downright horrific and can even lead to the death of the pregnant woman in horrible pains.


It's not exactly "Spain". It's the government all by themselves. I expect a storm of demonstrations and shitkicking.

I'd like to point out again that the current government is supported by just a small fraction of the population. They didn't achieve their rolling supermajority because the voters love them, but because Spain's political system is a de facto duocracy and the second biggest political party outright imploded, which created a massive power vacuum in the left that couldn't be filled in time for the elections.

I believe you are American, so allow me the comparison: Try to imagine what could have happened in the United States if just one year before the 2012 presidential election the Democratic party lost most of its support.

Oh yes. I can see that, and it will most likely be reversed in time, but abortion has a far larger affect on society so for research purposes, this is a unique way to be able to study that affect on society for however long it takes for this to be repealed. Thanks for explaining.

Funky Papa

El País has a good summary in its English edition: Government approves most restrictive abortion laws since return of democracy
10 key points of the new law

  1. The new law brings to an end the right to have an abortion.
  2. Abortions will now only be permitted in two circumstances.
  3. These are, rape, and risk to the mother.
  4. The risk must involve “lasting harm” to the mother’s health.
  5. Fetal deformation will no longer be allowed as a reason to request an abortion.
  6. Fetal deformation will only be a valid reason if it is “incompatible with life” of the baby.
  7. A woman requesting an abortion will need the approval of two doctors outside the clinic treating her.
  8. All doctors will be able to refuse to perform abortions.
  9. Under-18s will need to be accompanied by their parents, and have their permission, before an abortion can be performed.


I'm surprised Mariano hasn't been shot to death yet.
I mean, he's really pissing off the entire country


I see that Mr. Rajoy can also play the "let's put our society into civil war mode so they don't mind about our pillage" game that Zapatero mastered. This is a blatant smoke bomb for our electricity bill spike, and perhaps, for even worse things to come. Second bank rescue? UE intervention? New corruption scandal! Stay tuned!

As for the law itself, if I have understood it correctly, it is more or less the same status that abortion had on pre-Zapatero days, but with the "double doctor check" addition. Fuck you, Rajoy, fuck you. This wasn't even in your ellectoral program. But you need this debate to happen at this specific moment, don't you?


I suppose the right choice is to allow it in all circumstances.

But the "If you don't want it, kill it" attitude doesn't jive with me too well.

Funky Papa

Wow, this is pretty much the GOP's dream bill. They're are not constitutional provisions stopping this?

No. And if they were, they'd try to ammend the constitution by themselves or enact it anyway and leave it be until the Constitutional Court shut it down. Because the PP doesn't. Give. A. Fuck.

They know they lost the majority of the voters a long time ago, so seducing the ultracatholic fringe and waiting for another four years of leftist confusion is their best bet. And so far it's working.


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I suppose the right choice is to allow it in all circumstances.

But the "If you don't want it, kill it" attitude doesn't jive with me too well.

Unfortunately, with current technology a woman has two options: end the pregnancy or carry it to term. Both are difficult choices that can cause emotional and physical trauma, but the former is almost always a less long-lasting decision. Even if a woman gives up a baby for adoption, for her entire life she will be a mother. Even if she wants to get married and have children later in life, that child will always stay with her, whether she would like it to or not. If she decides to end the pregnancy, that doesn't happen.

It's possible that in the future we would be able to extract an embryo from a woman and let it grow in some kind of incubator, but at the moment that is not feasible.


If you're a 14-year-old girl in rural Andalucia, good luck.

If a 14 year old girl can do it without lasting risk I'd be surprised.

No. And if they were, they'd try to ammend the constitution by themselves or enact it anyway and leave it be until the Constitutional Court shut it down. Because the PP doesn't. Give. A. Fuck.

They know they lost the majority of the voters a long time ago, so seducing the ultracatholic fringe and waiting for another four years of leftist confusion is their best bet. And so far it's working.
What is this confusion anyway?


You like teenagers having to resort to unsafe life threatening procedures instead of going to a hospital for an abortion?

Pretty sure the idea of no abortion means sex is now more meaningfully determined by both parties. To think men and women are unchanged by this action just wouldn't be seeing the full picture. Lets see what Altered says as to why it's "GOOD!" though.
Unfortunately, with current technology a woman has two options: end the pregnancy or carry it to term. Both are difficult choices that can cause emotional and physical trauma, but the former is almost always a less long-lasting decision. Even if a woman gives up a baby for adoption, for her entire life she will be a mother. Even if she wants to get married and have children later in life, that child will always stay with her, whether she would like it to or not. If she decides to end the pregnancy, that doesn't happen.

It's possible that in the future we would be able to extract an embryo from a woman and let it grow in some kind of incubator, but at the moment that is not feasible.
The whole "extract an embryo and put it in the incubator"-solution/compromise isn't worth it, as some fetuses are better worth being destroyed rather than allowed to continue developing.

Is it really right to bring forth a life into this world without parents wanting it?

The fetus doesn't care, because it lacks a mind, and society might care either way but will be negatively impacted by an increase of unwanted children.


Just moved here six months ago, boy I sure know how to pick my countries to live in!
What is it with money issues that turn governments into conservative callous absolutists fucks?


Sickening. Really, I'm quite furious something like this happens in 2013. We should know better.

Also it's a good reminder that the European right wing isn't really on the left (like people have joked around here for ages), when given the opportunity they can show their proper right wing feathers. It's a sad thing that the left has been so incompetent and visionless around Europe lately that they've given just that opportunity to them on a silver platter.

More people should participate in politics again. Our society's too important to be run by politicians and commerce alone.


And this is empirically proven but anti-choice people do not believe in empirical evidence.

Actually you don't even need any more evidence for that other than looking at the death rate of women.
Death by abortions usually fall like harder than prices during sales.
It leads to unnecessary deaths that could be avoided


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Pretty sure the idea of no abortion means sex is now more meaningfully determined by both parties.

Yeah, no. The American states with the least access to abortion and contraception have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country. Making sex dangerous doesn't make it less popular.


I think Portugal will see an increase in Spanish ladies coming here to make an abortion, like the Portuguese women used to do before, going to Spain to get an abortion.

Any spanish could tell me if the older law that allow abortions was hell on referendum...
wtf really?


The congressional interior committee on Tuesday approved a bill granting authorized private-sector security personnel some of the same powers as the police, such as the right to arrest people.

The thrust of the proposed new legislation is in response to the need “to qualify the general principle of excluding private security from acting in public places, which in its current form is excessively rigid and has made more difficult or impeded the necessary authorization of services to the benefit of the public.”

The bill was approved by the ruling conservative Popular Party and by the center-right nationalist Catalan and Basque groups, CiU and PNV respectively, and will now go to the Senate for consideration. The new legislation was vigorously opposed by the main opposition Socialist Party and the United Left (IU).

Under the bill, private-security services with enhanced powers — such as the right to ask people to identify themselves and to detain them — will be allowed in certain situations and circumstances, such as at bank cash machines, at sporting and cultural events, or any event “of social importance” held in public places and thoroughfares.
'Social Importance' I can't help but think means protests and dovetails nicely to this other new law


Under the proposed law, unauthorized demonstrations in front of the Parliament building carry a fine of up to 30,000 euros (about $41,000), but the measure is likely to pass as conservatives hold the majority in the government.


What do you mean by this?

Abortion not being there will make sex less available, making the view of sex more responsible, which in turn allows it to be better controlled in society.

The biggest complaint about abortion hasn't just been about life, though it is a valid complaint, but about the affects it has had on propelling the sexual revolution and how that has led to things we did not plan - a massive rise in teen pregnancies, more broken families because of lack of responsible view of sex, and sex now being able to be fully explored and exploited, leading to further objectification of women (to the point where what was once considered liberation is now considered harmful). These are all valid and researched complaints against this, which is why the fighting is as big as it is.

But this sort of view is very hardly shown and understood. I remember the pope saying "condoms spreads aids/pregnancies worse" and people just thinking he's stupid but people ignore the social affect contraceptive methods have on society as a whole on the view of sex. It surprises even researchers now that just teaching monogamy and responsible sex without support from condoms and such actually slows the spread of pregnancies and AIDS. I suppose that's because we live in the product of he sexual revolution and it's hard to separate ourselves from that.

That said, I just want to make clear that this is not me fighting in favor of this view. I'm good with whatever others want to do, but I like to have all the options understood by people. It makes for interesting discourse. The biggest complaint to stopping abortion now is that sex is still promoted because of the social affect of other surrounding groups. They just get swept in by this and ultimately harmed.
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