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Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Battle Pentagram Import Impressions Thread


By the grace of Godoka, Madoka Magica: The Battle Pentagram showed up at my doorstep on this wonderful Christmas Eve. As nobody else has made one yet, here are my impressions of the game.
For anyone worried about anime spoilers, you should probably steer clear from this thread.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Battle Pentagram is a Vita game. The limited edition comes with an art book, soundtrack CD, Charlotte screen cleaner, DLC costumes for each of the five girls, and a Homura Voice World chat number that assumedly works like a telephone choose your own adventure story. Both the regular and limited editions come with Mami Voice World chat number.

The game opens with a very brief runthrough of the general Madoka timeline, ending with Homura unable to save Madoka after fighting Walpurgisnacht, and thus resetting to a new timeline. Now Homura aims to unite all five Puella Magi immediately, and ensure that all of them are alive to take on Walpurgisnacht at the end of the month.

Gameplay consists of two phases. Daytime, where you do regular teenager stuff to improve relationships between the five girls, and nighttime, where you take on Witches and their Familiars.

Daytime is almost like Persona 3/4 social link stuff. You're given a list of locations, and shown the faces of the people at those locations. Select that location, witness character interaction, and the characters present will gain relationship points towards one another. It's fun to see characters interact with other characters that never really had the chance to meet in the proper series. Unfortunately, the game doesn't allow you to take screenshots, so yay massive photographs.

Nighttime has you fight Familiars and occasionally Witches. When a Witch isn't present, the menu below usually gives you two difficulty choices/locations for where you want to battle. Higher difficulty = more experience points. The icon below represents a Witch dungeon.
Once you've chosen your destination, you can select which magical girl you want to use and a partner. Partners provide extra help, can revive you if you die, and if your relationship levels are high enough, you can use special team-up attacks.

Now onto the actual gameplay. Triangle is your melee attack, square is special attack, circle is dash, X is jump, L is lockon, R is combined with other buttons for various things, and select can recharge your MP (1 point) and revive you when you die (3 points iirc) at the cost of Soul Gem points. You can switch between your three current specials by using the DPad. All special attacks drain your MP, but it slowly regenerates and you can find pickups to restore it.

Excuse the quality on this pic, totally wasn't expecting Mami to instantly dash at me and smash my face in.

There are a few faults with the battle system. Each time you do a single melee attack button press, your character will attack twice. Button presses are also buffered. This means if you miss, you're pretty much committed to a single direction until the animation ends. There's also no knockback animation for getting hit or invincibility period. Only a few attacks actually cause you to fall over. So if you're careless, you may lose over half of your HP without realizing it. It also seems like the game may dip slightly subnative when action gets heavy. During one of Homura's gun attacks, she turns kind of pixelly mid-animation. I don't know if it's the gun effect that looks odd over her model, or if it's actually dipping, so I can't say for sure. But overall it keeps a steady framerate and doesn't bother me too much.

Familiar dungeons usually finish with a stronger-than-regular enemy that can summon more enemies. The Witches are the real boss enemies, and you do actually need some effort and strategy to beat them. When you defeat a Witch though, you get a Grief Seed that increases your Soul Gem points permanently by 1 on level up. You'll also gain relationship points with your partner, increasing compatibility between the two characters. Homura and Kyouko pictured below.

I'm only a couple of hours in so far, but as someone who's watched the series, the first two movies, and the third movie twice and loved the whole thing, I'm enjoying the hell out of this. If you like Madoka, you'll probably really enjoy this game as well. If you're not a fan or familiar with the series, this probably isn't going to win you over. In that case, the gameplay probably isn't intuitive enough to really carry you through the game. It's very much for Madoka fans, to see so-and-so characters interact, the slice-of-lifey social link stuff, and the chance to use special attacks from the show, like having Homura stop time, shoot off a rocket, toss a time bomb, launch a truck out of nowhere, resume time, and seeing the enemy disintegrate into nothing. It's not perfect, but it's fun for what it is.

Anyone else import it or looking to import? What are your thoughts?


Mine should arrive soon from cdjapan. It looks great.

So you can't take screenshot? Never heard of that before.


Mine should arrive soon from cdjapan. It looks great.

So you can't take screenshot? Never heard of that before.

It happens in a few games, like UMvC3. It might be that they don't want people taking screenshots of the art since it would make the artbook kind of worthless, or it just doesn't screenshot very well and they didn't want people to get the wrong impression. Who knows.

PK Gaming

The game opens with a very brief runthrough of the general Madoka timeline, ending with Homura unable to save Madoka after fighting Walpurgisnacht, and thus resetting to a new timeline. Now Homura aims to unite all five Puella Magi immediately, and ensure that all of them are alive to take on Walpurgisnacht at the end of the month.
Ok that sounds awesome.

I'm keeping my eye on this game.


Now I've had the chance to try each of the girls, I'll describe how each of them plays.

Madoka seems pretty ineffective compared to the others. Her melee is a very vanilla smack with her bow, a butt drop, and a dashing hip bump. Her specials are mostly different bow shots, a quick shot, a raining shot, and a charged shot. They're not very powerful, but they get the job done. She also has an attack that distracts enemies by throwing Kyubey out, he wriggles on the floor then hops away. Pretty much worthless. Honestly, probably the least fun character in the game. She's like the Mario of Battle Pentagram.

Homura is probably my favorite. Her melee is pretty much gun kata, a spinning bullet volley, and materializing an exploding truck out of nowhere to hurl at the enemy. Her specials are pretty rad too. Her time bomb does solid damage, her Uzi shoots a three second stream of solid bullets, but leaves you open to attack. There's also the rocket launcher which has excellent range and is pretty powerful, and the Time Stop that freezes everything to allow you to set up as many attacks as you can, then watch as the enemy's obliterated when time resumes. Really fun character due to her moveset variety.
Best meguca.

Sayaka is a fairly plain sword character. Her melee is made up of different types of sword slashes, a jumping downward slash, and an air-based stinger. Her specials are a mid-range projectile slash, a blade tornado that surrounds her, and a slow but powerful close-range slash. Her final attack is the psychotic berserker mode from the show. Her attack power increases, but she attacks automatically. Not really useful but it looks cool. Not a bad character, but not very fun.

Kyouko is pretty strong overall. Her melee involves spear twirling, a diagonal dive, and a drop kick. Her specials are very solid. Her first one is a long-range spear toss, which was killing enemies in a single hit. The next one raises spears under the enemy and does okay damage. I didn't check her third one since I switched it out, but I think it's a clone attack. Her last one is probably the most powerful out of the entire cast. She creates a massive laser that travels in a straight line and destroys everything in its path. It can easily take off a third of a boss's health bar if you position it right. It does leave you open to attack, but it's still worth it. Kyouko destroys, she's pretty fun to use.

Mami is interesting. She also gun katas for melee, drop kicks, and has a ribbon attack that can paralyze both enemies and bosses. This comes in really handy if you want to set up a big attack. Kind of head-game stuff.
Her specials are are a gun blast, a multi gun blast, an aoe ribbon paralysis, and Tiro Finale. It does about the same amount of damage as Kyouko's spear toss but has a much larger area of effect. Good for clearing out a crowd. She's especially solid if you partner with Homura, since their time bomb, paralysis, time stop, Tiro Finale shenanigans sort of complement each other. Slightly more strategic than the others, pretty fun.
Worst girl character-wise though.


So does the game's story change depending on which pairing you're focusing on (like routes in a Visual Novel), or are there just a handful of character scenes that are present regardless of what you do?

Are the characters also better written than they were in the PSP game? There were a lot of OOC moments that plagued that game (mostly revolving around jealousy).

p.s. Sayaka is best girl. Come at me, Homu nerds.

(Homura is my 2nd favorite)


So does the game's story change depending on which pairing you're focusing on (like routes in a Visual Novel), or are there just a handful of character scenes that are present regardless of what you do?

Are the characters also better written than they were in the PSP game? There were a lot of OOC moments that plagued that game (mostly revolving around jealousy).

p.s. Sayaka is best girl. Come at me, Homu nerds.

(Homura is my 2nd favorite)

Seems like things probably do change depending on which events you see. I had a Sayaka, Kyouko, Miami scene where Kyouko ate Sayaka's cake, and the night battle was to fight Kyouko with Sayaka. If I had've picked the MadoHomu scene, that wouldn't have happened. So yeah, some replay value there.

I never played the PSP game, but the characters do seem written to be pretty close to the show. Nobody really feels "wrong" so far.


Again, jealousy was a big factor for dumb character moments in Portable, including:

1. Mami getting jealous about Madoka and Moemura's friendship (to the point that she becomes a Witch over it).

2. Sayaka being jealous at Moemura for taking Madoka away (that she even ignores Kyosuke). This one is semi plausible, but not to the point that Sayaka would be mean to Moemura.

3. Madoka practically lusting after Homura to the point that she takes her to see her mom (who then comments about them being a cute couple)

It basically feels like fanfiction written by Homura herself. Anything that puts Homura in a 100% positive light completely misses the point of the character.

Which is why I loved Rebellion so much.


Oh wow. Yeah, that would bother me too.

No, so far the game seems very much based on cooperation. Everyone's getting along, they're having fairly normal interactions, very little despair.

I'm only on the 16th day, so shit's probably going to get crazy soonish. I also only have one or two pink hearts out of nine for each girl, so I'm expecting different endings depending on trust.
What I want to know most is if there is any link at all to the latest anime film and this game, given that apparently this one is supposed to take off from the two films that recap the anime TV series rather than the original TV series itself.

Please to have a secret end where HomuHomu goes batshit nuts again.


What I want to know most is if there is any link at all to the latest anime film and this game, given that apparently this one is supposed to take off from the two films that recap the anime TV series rather than the original TV series itself.

Please to have a secret end where HomuHomu goes batshit nuts again.

I've been wishing for that too, particularly as an end boss for the SayaHomu route end.


Update time.

I started using the ability upgrade system and it's pretty awesome. Once you reach a certain level, you're able to level up your abilities to be more powerful, shoot more projectiles, or last longer. For example, every time you level up Homura's missile launcher, it shoots another simultaneous missile when you launch it. You can do the same with passive abilities like MP Cost Reduction. The more you level it up, the less your attacks cost to use. You can pump your attack, magic, HP, agility, etc. stats as well. Melee attacks also evolve as you level up, adding new attacks to the chain.

Story-wise, I got to the battle against Walpurgisnacht. Using my level 29 Homura, her attacks did barely anything. Walpurgis floats outside of the arena often, summons crowds of high level enemies to attack you, and chucks buildings and lasers at you. Needless to say, I lost pretty hard.

When you fail against Walpurgis, it shows a scene of Homura deciding to rewind time to try again. You can either choose to go back to the mission select screen, or all the way back to the beginning of the game with everybody's stats intact. You're pretty much meant to pick the second one, since there's no way you'd be ready in the first loop (and you get a trophy for it). You also get new cutscenes, probably because of the carried over character affection. Through that, I got the MadoHomu combination attack pretty early on.

This game's a lot more fun than I initially gave it credit for. Well worth the import.


Nice impressions. If this gets a release over here, I'd probably buy it. It isn't everyday that a niche license gets a good game to its name.


Since there's such a small chance of this getting localized, I might have to import it when I get some more money. I'm glad that the game is actually good! How's the soundtrack, by the way?


Since there's such a small chance of this getting localized, I might have to import it when I get some more money. I'm glad that the game is actually good! How's the soundtrack, by the way?

The soundtrack's a mix of music from the show (Sis Puella Magica, Mami's Theme, some other stuff) and a pretty decent original soundtrack. Personal favorites are Kyouko's theme and Dolus Vel Lascivia. The opening is the one from the first two movies.
I can't vouch for the gameplay, but I've heard the story was pretty well done (which doesn't surprise me, since Urobuchi wrote it).

Did it actually involve Urobuchi, or was it mostly the main staff of the Madoka TV series?

Also, who is the composer of the original music for this game?


Did it actually involve Urobuchi, or was it mostly the main staff of the Madoka TV series?

I had heard that he was the writer, but looking again it seems as though he was credited with "project planner" and "supervisor", so I'm not certain how much he was directly involved in.
Thanks for the impressions. I think you've convinced me to import it. I'm a fan of the anime so it looks like I'd enjoy it. I like when these licensed anime games have sim aspects to them.
My friend came back from Hong Kong and found this for me, so I just started it. Having the movie OP was a nice touch, and NOBODY TOLD ME THAT KYUBEY'S FACE WOULD BE ALL UP ON THE VITA GAME ICON.


After clocking over 26 hours and finally getting the true ending, these are my final impressions.

The story does what it sets out to do. It's not a Urobuchi-fueled despair fest like the main series, but it does have its moments. Even the best ending implies *vague spoilers*
the events of the game contributed to setting Rebellion in motion
. Battle Pentagram's main purpose is to see characters get closer than they did in the series, form bonds, and do normal teenager stuff with Witch fighting on the side.
I actually came to enjoy the gameplay. I initially had issues with button presses being buffered, but you can dash cancel out of it. With the horizontal and vertical launchers, different air attacks, and upgradable magic specials, it was a little basic but there was enough to the battle system that it was fun.

Some characters and attacks are definitely better than others, projectiles in particular. Nobody's really the worst character now that I've had lots of time with each, but Homura's still ridiculously powerful. That truck is crazy good for crowd control, and combining the 15 second time stop with multiple max level time bomb tosses killed almost any Witch instantly. She also gets all of the MP cost reduction/restoration abilities, so you can shoot missiles all day. Didn't help I used her so much that she became level 60 while everybody else was around level 30. Whoops.
Barrier/dungeon variety was pretty good. The design, aesthetics, and layout are different depending on the Witch, but you need to fight a few nights' worth of Familiars in those dungeons before you get to the Witches themselves. The dungeons have little gimmicks, like timed door switches, fake switches, looping doors, barriers, item traps, enough to keep things interesting.

Overall, this was definitely worth importing. If you're a fan of Madoka because of the characters, you'll probably enjoy Battle Pentagram. If you like Madoka for the despair, you'll probably be a little disappointed that it's relegated to the bad ends. I wouldn't really recommend this if you aren't into the series already, or you're buying purely for the action. If ArtDink had the chance to do a sequel and evolve the gameplay, they might be able to make something really special. It's certainly not for everyone, but as it is, this is the best Madoka game yet and a solid effort.

Onward to the platinum trophy.
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