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LTTP: Resident Evil 6 (more fun than a houseful of C-virus!)


He touched the black heart of a mod
Let me preface this by saying that I've only finished Jake's campaign to completion. Leon's I left off at chapter 3, Chris's I've only just started, Ada's I haven't touched.

And one disclaimer which might discredit my opinion on the game for some of you: I've never owned a Resident Evil game before, I've never beaten a Resident Evil game to completion before, and most I haven't touched at all. I did play 5 almost all the way through twice, but both of my split screen companions took a break and never came back, but I'm familiar with what I imagine is the large majority of the game. So, bear in mind that I am writing this as a person who has only played Resident Evil 5 and liked it quite a bit. Still, I'm not without empathy for the situation, and I'm not clueless about the nature and style of the older games. I've seen 'em, I've just never played them myself.

So, because I've heard tell that Resident Evil 6 is a bad game, I've avoided it for a while, despite being intrigued by the demo. However, I sighted an opportunity to procure a brand new PS3 copy for no more than $6, and jumped at the chance.

Since it's release a year and some months ago, I've heard several differing opinions on RE6, which probably helped in going into the game. I had an opened mind, eager to enjoy what the game did right, and try to understand what it did wrong, and why it did these things.

Coming away after one campaign finished, I'm impressed. It's an action game with horror elements, and it has clearly strayed from it's roots, but I don't think it's awful by any measurement except--again--against the same elements that make up the older titles. Compared to other action games, it has a lot going for it and a lot unique to it as well. The controls are great, (outside of, perhaps, QTEs), the environments are interesting, the enemies are cool, the gameplay design is very good once you understand it, the story is eh, the scenes can be really corny in a supremely Japanese way, the graphics are gorgeous and the framerate is solid, and the animations are smooth. Oh, and there is a lot of content to be had.

The control scheme and the player's abilities in combat aren't very well explained, but with sufficient knowledge, they're excellent and extremely fun to use. The dodge abilities and tricks give the player a freedom of movement rarely seen in most third person shooters, but it actually works quite well with the rest of the game's design and isn't just a response to all the complaints of "tank controls" and "standing still to shoot". Enemies eat a lot of bullets, and the player is generally given a lot of bullets to work with, so you want to take every opportunity you're given to fill those enemies with said bullets. This means that once you learn the visual cues of an enemy about to attack, you can use every available second to take a shot at an enemy, and then dodge out of the way of--or past--the enemy's attack and resume firing, or give yourself some strategic distance. This all happens very quickly and very responsively, which gave me a really good feeling of being in control. I don't recall a single time I felt frustrated because I was "stuck in an animation" and couldn't move the way I wanted to.

The combat gauge is also neat, serving as a throttle to the new dedicated melee attack button, which--while not completely replacing the old knives and other assorted killing sticks--provides a quicker and more intuitive way to deal with close threats or vicious loot boxes. It's fun to use, and very useful, but not overpowered because of it's limited use, which makes sense too, because, you know, you're exerting yourself (unlike rolling around and throwing your body like a ragdoll). The combat gauge also enables another close-range tactic, the quick-fire. While removing some of the panic of frantic aiming and firing on the horror side of things, it's inclusion furthers the more action-movie flavor that this game seems to be shooting for. Many a friend was maddened by the fact that I could brilliantly no-scope zombies in a Resident Evil game.

The environments of this game (Having witnessed Jake's journey from beginning to end and Leon's journey from beginning to deep beneath the cathedral) are wildly varied, and very interesting. It's one of those games where, at the end, I think back to earlier parts of the journey and become a little wowed with how many places we visited. I got that feeling with Resident Evil 5 too, and I love it. It's a good sign of a real, well-made journey and not a three hour stint in Afghanistan.

I already kind of touched on this, but the unique enemies are a lot of fun. You've got the typical mutations here (flying thing, big-armed thing) but then you have frilled lizard monsters crawling out of cocooned corpses, eel-men whose body parts split apart and still try to kill you and never die, Nemesis wannabe Ustanak, and a few others. In a time when more and more I find games to have too few enemies or too many uninteresting enemies, these guys are a lot of fun to fight.

The story is serviceable from where I'm at, so long as you don't examine it too closely, though it's full of Japanese zaniness. The scenes fare a little worse though, with touching moments and quiet words shared on an extremely fast moving transport platform, or Jake roaring at Chris and then shooting at the wall next to his cheek because he killed his father who Jake never knew and had always assumed was a deadbeat before learning that he actually had tried to take over the world. Scenes like those I just sort of roll my eyes at. I've never heard of Resident Evil having storytelling descended from heaven though, so I just chuckle.

I'm really impressed with the game's visuals. For running on the crotchety old PS3, it's quite pretty with great lighting and a framerate that I don't recall ever stuttering (though maybe that's just because I'm not playing right now). I remember feeling the same about Resident Evil 5's graphics (perhaps even more stunning at the time in '09), and I kind of wonder why Capcom doesn't use this engine for more games.

Lastly, this game is long, and there's a lot in it. There are 4 campaigns all of similar length, each with unique moments and enemies and characters that are more than just reskins, and weapons and themes. Plus all the extras, like Mercenaries, and the DLC stuff that I haven't got but might get. Still, it's impressive to see a game like this ride off the success of a previous entry (5) and try to one-up what that game offered. Even if it misses that old Resident Evil spot by a mile, it's occupying a new spot that isn't exactly bad. Different, but not bad. If they do move back to something more traditional, I hope they keep the gameplay from Resident Evil 6 alive somewhere else. It's not horror, it's not classic Resident Evil, but it's too good to go to waste.

There's a lot more that I'd like to say, but I'm getting disorganized here, and I'm losing the feeling of what I wanted to write in the first place. So I'll leave it at this. Having finished less than a third of the game, I like Resident Evil 6, though it may have missed what fans of the series wanted. I'd say that if you liked Resident Evil 5 because of what it was and not despite what it was, you'll probably find something to enjoy here.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Fun game in coop, it's also one of the best PC versions of last year

Sadly I've only been able to play a bit of the game in co-op. Not enough occasions to do it with a friend in split-screen, and the one time I tried online with a random player, I felt like I was getting dragged along the whole time. Unable to explore or figure things out at my own pace. My experience solo hasn't been bad though. The AI partner is competent enough, if not useful. Just... well, clearly AI.
Liked Chris' campaign because it knew exactly what it was and wanted to be.
Sherry was the only thing I liked about Jake's.
Hated Leon's and Ada's was just meh.

Co-op was so much better in 5.


Can we talk about the RE cycle at this point?

-An RE game is announced, all the previews imply a 100% action game

-People expect Survival Horror even though there hasn't been a true Survival Horror RE since 1999

-Game is released, is obviously an action game

-People go nuts saying Capcom keeps milking/ruining the franchise for not being horror enough


I enjoy the contrast between the OP and the first post.

OP I would have recommended playing the campaigns in chronological order to keep things fresh and the cliffhangers semi-interesting.

Can we talk about the RE cycle at this point?

-An RE game is announced, all the previews imply a 100% action game

-People expect Survival Horror even though there hasn't been a true Survival Horror RE since 1999

-Game is released, is obviously an action game

-People go nuts saying Capcom keeps milking/ruining the franchise for not being horror enough

-By the time the next sequel comes out, about half the people who are still following the series realize they've made a good action game :3


Resident Evil 5 is a great game. Shut up you guys. :(

It's on par with RE4.

Yeah that's my feeling as well. They are the only two games of the franchise I played. Well I guess RE4 is a bit better: it's better paced and it doesn't have an on rail turret sequence. RE5 is better on some other aspects though, including the gameplay, which was fleshed out (especially the melee) and the controls. I also felt more threatened by the normal enemies in RE5. Even the chainsaw guys are more threatening in that game. They don't decapitate you as quickly anymore but they stay on their feet a lot better. I never got killed by a chainsaw guy in either game though, but in RE4 as long as you have a shotgun they are a complete joke.

Story wise both games are just as stupid.

I loved them both.


I finished Leons campaign but cant seem to find the will to finish Chris.

I think RE6 is a massive drop in quality from 5. The headshots seem non existent, or if they do exist they dont do much. All enemies feel like bullet sponges. The graphics took quite the hit.

I think RE4 is the pinnacle of the series followed closely by 5.


I finished Leons campaign but cant seem to find the will to finish Chris.

I think RE6 is a massive drop in quality from 5. The headshots seem non existent, or if they do exist they dont do much. All enemies feel like bullet sponges. The graphics took quite the hit.

I think RE4 is the pinnacle of the series followed closely by 5.

Even with stronger guns and upgrades? Leon's default pistols are the weakest guns in the game IIRC.


Unconfirmed Member
RE6 is the greatest insult a game can do to a franchise.

I take it you never played Ninja Gaiden 3 then.....

I must be one of the few people who's enjoyed all the recent Resi Evil games. 5, 6 and Revelations. 6 is the one I like the most after 4. ( in terms of recent years Resi Evil)


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
RE5 isnt as bad as it was made out to be, RE6 was just as bad as it was made out to be

Dont get me wrong I still enjoyed RE6 more than most but the endless boss fights, constant QTE's and Chris' awful campaign really dragged it down


Resident Evil 5 is a billion times better designed game. It's a solid title despite copy and pasting a shit load of stuff from Resident Evil 4. Everything's functional and it's an enjoyable title with a superior cast/story too.

Resident Evil 6 is just a complete and utter hilarious mess of a game. However, it's also more fun to play than Resident Evil 5. The combat is really enjoyable.


I've been replaying Revelations- I still love it. I haven't spent nearly enough time with RE6 to make a judgment call, but it felt completely different. To get hyped for the re-release of 4 on PC, I'll dive in.

I find that Mercenaries really is truly spectacular in these titles- a ton of fun, solo or duo. I also have to get used to the control scheme for 6 on PC!

As far as newer RE titles go, I really loved 5 in co-op. Sheva was rad!


Even with stronger guns and upgrades? Leon's default pistols are the weakest guns in the game IIRC.

Doing Chris' campaign on the default difficulty and I have shot guys in the face with the rifle and it still takes a fair few bullets to down them.

I actually re played a few levels as Leon to get the gun damage increase skills, havent seemed to do a whole lot though. And yes, I equipped them!

I'm going to give it another shot, I played it at launch and shelved it, then put it back in after a bunch of game fixing patches we're released. Made the game a lot better, but still off.

The animations are complete ass, too. My friend (who I co op with time and again) and I still mock the "ok" hand gesture Leon does :p

I am a big fan of RE. Started back on the PS1 and have played pretty much everything to date. As well as bought and rebought the hd re releases. I WANT to like this game. There are parts of it that are brilliant! I love the physicality of the game, very Vanquish - esque with the dodging and rolling and sliding. But the lack of gun upgrades a la RE4-5 kill a lot of the fun and progression I used to have with this series.


He touched the black heart of a mod
The animations are complete ass, too. My friend (who I co op with time and again) and I still mock the "ok" hand gesture Leon does :p

I think it's a little unfair to call all of the animations bad, but yeah, the thumbs up is the goofiest thing in the game.



Can we all just take a minute to remember just how fucking terribad RE5 was? Thanks.

I have never understood the hate for 5 and even the purists hate for 4. I'm one of the crazies that has loved every RE, aside from 6.

I've been replaying Revelations- I still love it. I haven't spent nearly enough time with RE6 to make a judgment call, but it felt completely different. To get hyped for the re-release of 4 on PC, I'll dive in.

I find that Mercenaries really is truly spectacular in these titles- a ton of fun, solo or duo. I also have to get used to the control scheme for 6 on PC!

As far as newer RE titles go, I really loved 5 in co-op. Sheva was rad!

Maaaaaaaaaaaan Revelations is what we should have got with 6. I loved it!

It was nice to have a weapon upgrade system again, and was very atmospheric!

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
RE5 wasn't THAT bad, it's just it wasn't as good as 4. It would have been a whole lot better withough Sheva though, and that bloody Jill/Wesker battle!


He touched the black heart of a mod
My favorite trick that the game doesn't tell you about (I think) is extending the slide or forward roll and ending up facing in reverse (potentially aiming at the backside of a zombie) by moving the left stick down after the initial maneuver. I didn't use as often as I thought I would, but it was always fun to make happen.


Will do!!! I definitely disliked the game a lot less in Chris' campaign.. does it get better? Or is it going to be gun fights through out this story?

It's gonna be gun fights during the whole game.

The important is that you learn to make the most of the combat, the game is a lot more fun when you learn the mechanics of using melee and not just run n' gun.


RE6 Mercenaries is a fantastic game and worth every penny of the £5 I spent on it. The campaign seems a bit rubbish so far but that's not really a concern considering.


Come to think of it, I don't think I disliked any of the main RE games. Still didn't play REmake though, can't wait to get to it.


The animations are complete ass, too.

nawwww, dawg~
(yessss another excuse to post more re6 gifs)


But yeah, RE6 campaign is pretty unbelievably terrible. RE6 No Mercy Mercs is basically a 5-10 dollar game absolutely worth every single penny.

edit: Haha, somebody echoed that. It's also only worth it on PC because the game has to be played at a stable 60fps or so because the console version runs from like 5-20, which is absolutely unacceptable for an action game that requires timing and aiming precision like this one.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Will do!!! I definitely disliked the game a lot less in Chris' campaign.. does it get better? Or is it going to be gun fights through out this story?

One thing to note about the guns: They'll knock you over if they manage to take out a block of your health with bullets. If you get knocked over, mash X/A/PC-equivalent just before hitting the ground and you'll roll right back onto your feet.

I am sad I'll never get to play this DLC for the game.
RE6 is a mess.

-Horrible shooting mechanics, RE: Revelations dual-stick layout feels far more accurate and fast.
-Terrible scripted animation.
-Horrible cover mechanics, why even bother having it in the game.
-Enemies that dissolve almost before they even hit the ground, felt like fighting in a simulator.
-QTE shite, can this horrible mechanic just die. Once and for all.
-Ridiculous non-stop action.
-One of the worst intro sequences I can recall, it was embarrassingly bad.
-Never, ever scary.

RE5 > RE4. Yes I said it. RE4 looks like the whole fucking game is in black and white. RE5 is much more varied in it's locations imo. Both games have their low-points though: Volcano fight with over-the-top Wesker, and Chris rock punching in RE5 and the little pirate/clown Ramon Salzar character in RE4. Simply complete shit ideas both, seems like a five-year old wrote the script.

And I fucking hate Leon's stupid feminine haircut that falls into his eyes. Dude looks like a douchebag.

Come to think of it, I just realised I really don't like the RE4, RE5, RE6 "trilogy", they are, for me at least, another series completely compared to the other main RE games.


-Horrible shooting mechanics, RE: Revelations dual-stick layout feels far more accurate and fast.
-Terrible scripted animation.
-Horrible cover mechanics, why even bother having it in the game.
-Enemies that dissolve almost before they even hit the ground, felt like fighting in a simulator.
-QTE shite, can this horrible mechanic just die. Once and for all.
-Ridiculous non-stop action.
-One of the worst intro sequences I can recall, it was embarrassingly bad.
-Never, ever scary.

Revelations shooting is awful. It's slow, clunky, and enemies are bullet sponges even moreso than in 6. At least in 6 they react differently to gunfire and set up your melee followups accordingly, in Revelations you need to headshot an enemy two or three times in order to do a canned melee kill that never changes.


Dat Jill model in BIO6... awwwwwwwwhhhh yeahhhhhh.

The color is fantastic compared to BIO5.

Haha, you caught my post before the edit?

Might as well post the other image then since I didn't wanna put two huge gifs in one post.


I think RE6 has fantastic lighting and set design, but the extremely low quality textures that really obviously done out of performance worries really make me sad.


RE5 wasn't THAT bad, it's just it wasn't as good as 4. It would have been a whole lot better withough Sheva though, and that bloody Jill/Wesker battle!
I have to disagree with this, frankly. Resident Evil 5 was a terrible game, apart from its presentation. Nothing worked to produce anything resembling a cohesive experience. A Co-Op Focused Single Player Action Survival Horror Third Person Shooter? Yeah, no. And, my God, the final fight
with Wesker in a fucking Volcano, spamming buttons?
Worst thing to happen to Resident Evil.


Makes this kind of rubbish look like poetry.


RE6 is the greatest insult a game can do to a franchise.

Both DMC and RE fans who don't like the later games still have it better than poor Dino Crisis fans


Glad to see OP is enjoying Resident Evil 6 for what it is.
Also all these wrong opinions about RE5 being a terrible game. Seems to me the people who dislike 5 and 6 the most are those who are still hung up on what the previous games were....though they always give RE4 a pass.
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