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Would you date an under-age (i.e. under 18) person?

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Now before everyone starts freaking out and calls 911 making the Helicopter police crash through the window and bash me with their taser sticks I want to make it clear that I am speaking of a rather specific set of circumstances. First, I am 23 years old myself.

Say you are 20-something adult and one day you meet this young teen at say a coffee shop. Normally we mistakenly perceive the current teen generation as #YOLOSWAG and nothing else. Bunch of dumb airheads who will get nowhere in life. But this one is different, they are one of those rare wise-beyond-their-years or early matured types. The reasons for this could be several, perhaps they were required to become responsible or the man/head of the house at an early age, or they are living by themselves in a paying guest arrangement and are here in the city for higher studies but regardless they might as well be a tiny adult.

You obviously hit it off and the boy/girl wants to meet you again except you learn that they are within the 14-18 age bracket. Do you run off screaming immediately or would you consider dating this person? Now this comes with some restrictions:

1. NO physical intimacy due to them being under-age. Are you willing to wait however long it takes them to reach the age of consent? Your partner never asks for it anyway.

2. You can't be public with your relationship because of the first few lines of the OP, people tend to freak out and with good reason.

So given the above specific circumstances which can be a rare occurrence, would you ever consider such a relationship or it goes beyond your moral limits?
When I was up to around 23-24, yeah.

At 29, I'm not sure if I could deal with the aggravation. PASS

edit: Oh wait, UNDER 18? Like, in high school? No way. I was thinking like Freshman/Sophomore in college.

Ban Puncher



So not worth it
Why would you want to? Disregarding legality and morality... Sure, looks might play a factor, but a teenager in the middle of going through puberty? Who in the hell wants to ever deal with those, let alone have a relationship with one.


Funky Papa

Eh. My father was 23 when he started dating my then 17 year old mother, so...

It's pretty damn at the limits, but I don't see anything inherently wrong about it.

Edit: I already see a bunch of gaffers being shit scared of the very notion. Let's get real, folks. People don't magically become any more mature the day they turn 18...

Edit 2: 14? DUDE.
Fair and logical answers so far. I request everyone to carefully read the OP
This is a very dangerous subject and I am only doing it out of curiosity


Nope. Even with the hypotheticals in the OP, there are plenty of ''legal'' girls out there. I knew 16 and 17 year girls who dated college aged guys in HS.
Now before everyone starts freaking out and calls 911 making the Helicopter police crash through the window and bash me with their taser sticks I want to make it clear that I am speaking of a rather specific set of circumstances. First, I am 23 years old myself.

Say you are 20-something adult and one day you meet this young teen at say a coffee shop. Normally we mistakenly perceive the current teen generation as #YOLOSWAG and nothing else. Bunch of dumb airheads who will get nowhere in life. But this one is different, they are one of those rare wise-beyond-their-years or early matured types. The reasons for this could be several, perhaps they were required to become responsible or the man/head of the house at an early age, or they are living by themselves in a paying guest arrangement and are here in the city for higher studies but regardless they might as well be a tiny adult.

You obviously hit it off and the boy/girl wants to meet you again except you learn that they are within the 14-18 age bracket. Do you run off screaming immediately or would you consider dating this person? Now this comes with some restrictions:

1. NO physical intimacy due to them being under-age. Are you willing to wait however long it takes them to reach the age of consent? Your partner never asks for it anyway.

2. You can't be public with your relationship because of the first few lines of the OP, people tend to freak out and with good reason.

So given the above specific circumstances which can be a rare occurrence, would you ever consider such a relationship or it goes beyond your moral limits?

OP is this you???



I would have nothing in common with them. What am I going to talk about, the new Bruno Mars song? I barely know who that is.
I'm 19 and I wouldn't even think about dating anyone under 16. A fourteen-year old, seriously? What would we even talk about, the beauty of Algebra 1?


Unconfirmed Member
Depends on the maturity level. I'd definitely date someone if they're 17.9999 years old.

No way in hell would I date anyone underage. Even if you paid me.

Nice try but no-one is going to pay you.
The problem is maturity, you'll be hard pressed to find someone under 18 that is mature enough to handle a relationship with an older person (20 -23) not only that but anyone under 18 is pretty young and probably hasn't seriously dated much. You don't want to be the guy that has to deal with her going through her discovery self enlightenment phase.
LOL at people freaking out. If the difference is like 5 years, who gives a shit. My sister dated a guy who was 8 years older than her when she was like 15, they stayed together for three years and she's just fine. Turned out she was more mature than him.

To answer the topic, I think my limit would be 16 (I'm 22) but I'm into older people anyway so there wouldn't be the occasion probably.


We could be friends, but I really can't see someone younger than my little sister as a potential love interest.

At all. And 14? Set yourself up for that one OP.
17 is legal in my state but no. Not worth the hassle. I wouldn't even go NEAR a 14 year old. Illegal, wrong, and I wouldn't want to hear about Bieber over and over and over or whoever is popular with the youth today. I'm 26 and I like girls in my age range. Their heads are usually on straighter because they've usually mentally matured.


Gold Member
I'm just waiting for this thread, the genital herpes thread and the sexless marriage thread to align.

It will be hilarious.
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