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Holy crap, guys. I can't believe it!

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Full werewolf off the buckle
So yesterday I turned 35. Today, for the first time in my life and after a long and complicated process, I got my driver's license!

You see growing up nobody cared if I got it or not. As I got older I married young and my not having my license was used as ammunition for emotional and mental abuse by my ex. She'd threaten to not drive me to work if I gave her static for cheating and such. Hell, we've been separated for years but even yesterday she threatened to keep our kids from me if I didn't give her some money. I knew I was pretty fucked since she was the gatekeeper to my kids.

Today, though, on my forth attempt and waiting a year after my third, I passed. I've spent the past year like a monk. Studying, obsessing, thinking of nothing more than doing what every single fucking teenager in this country does with little issue. Long nights fearing having my children ripped from me at the whims of a woman who knows she has me over a barrel.

And like that, the dream that seemed impossible to me has come true. I cried when the dude told my I passed, truth be told. I was incredulous.

I'm sure to most of you this comes across as pathetic. Hell, I acknowledge it as so. We've all got our albatrosses, though. I'm pretty successful in my modest job, I've lost nearly 200 pounds, but THIS seemed like the impossible dream.

Today the driving goal of my life has come to fruition and I hardly know what to do with myself.

Thanks for reading.


29, cortical visual impairment, no license.

Good on you man, congratulations. Time to take the kids to Disney World.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm 30 in December but don't know how to drive.

I lived within cycling/walking distance of work and university though. That and I was too poor to jump through the many financial hoops of driving in Scotland.

I plan to learn to drive in the near future though. It's unfair to ask my girlfriend to drive my ass everywhere - especially if/when we have kids.
I kind of understand you OP: I am 37 and finally bought a car this year and I have no intention of driving it since I get too stressed, though I've had a license for years. I actually decided to not drive ever again about 10 years ago, heh. I bought it mostly so that my girlfriend does the driving.

So yeah, congrats on passing the test! :D Yay!
Congrats OP!

By comparison, I got mine when I was 14. Idaho's age restriction is real short, and you can't really get anywhere without a car.

Everyone has their personal struggles. Congrats on overcoming your own man!


Congrats man! And I thought I had to feel bad for not having it yet at 19, everyone of my friends is already driving. It's really expensive around here though (more than 1000€).

Congrats OP!

By comparison, I got mine when I was 14. Idaho's age restriction is real short, and you can't really get anywhere without a car.

wtf, I really don't think most 14 year olds are mature enough to drive.


Way to go, OP. To commiserate a bit, I didn't get mine until I was 24, though I hadn't really needed it prior to then.

I failed the test once, too. I had less trouble with the fucking bar exam, it's ridiculous.


Hey, congrats, man! And don't let other people around you try to belittle your accomplishment, that's a pretty big feat!
Congrats, bro! Although it can be a pain in the ass when it comes to maintenance and days where you do nothing but stop and go, there are the moments where the passing scenery and the music sync beautifully to the cool summer evening air coming in through the driver side window that makes driving a magical experience.
Congrats, I didn't take my test until I was 25 so I know sort of how you feel!

I have no idea why I waited so long though.

Anyway enjoy it!


You may have done it late but that's okay. All people do things differently. Glad you accomplished this. Kudos. :)


I didn't get mine until 22 or 23, never really cared to get it since I didn't think I'd like driving. 100% true as I still hate driving to this day and walk almost everywhere, but it definitely is a good thing to have. But congrats OP, that will make your life a lot easier!


22 here and just started practicing for my license a couple of weeks ago. Hoping to have it by September.

Congrats dude!


Kudos OP. I got mine young and drove a bit wrecklessly with it, and got a number of speeding tickets/etc. Maybe i'd have been better off waiting awhile.
You just made your life a million times easier!

I'm so glad my high school pretty much made driver's ed. mandatory for everyone as a sophomore.


Congrats! I didn't get my license until I was like 24 and I thought it was late, but I'm from Boston where it's not really beneficial to drive through.


I haven't driven a car once since getting my license four years ago. Kinda feels like money down the drain now.
Congrats! If it makes you feel any better, as a teenager I took multiple tries to be granted my license. It's a lot of complicated processes all at the same time.

Seth C

I thought I was late waiting till I was 17. Which also means I've now been legally driving for over half my life.


Good job dude. Im in my 30s and do not have a license yet as i have no need to spend 3000 euros on it atm.


Nose how to spell and rede to
I was hoping for pics of a shit that looked like the Virgin Mary or something. Disappointed.

congrats on the sex


I've got with my driver's license at 18.

Now im 20 and still can't afford my own car xD


Drive safely OP! There are enough jerks on the street.

Oh and I forgot to ask: Are you from the US? Can you drive on manual transmission too?
That's awesome! :D Congrats, man! ^_^ Very glad to hear you finally have it--knew you could do it! That really is awesome and I hope you enjoy having it. :)
Congrats! I didn't get my first license until April of this year, and I'm 25. I was perfectly content with public transportation, until someone decided to give me their old car lol.
There needs to be a motivational video or something for people who don't want to drive. I remember feeling indifferent about driving when I was still in high school, but as soon as I graduated my dad told me that I needed to get my license so I did, and man, it's liberating. No more asking someone to take me somewhere and then having to wait an hour for them to be ready, then having to tag along on their errands for another two hours. I can't imagine being 35 and having to ask my wife to drive me places.
Those of you who got through your 30s without needing a car for whatever reason, I kind of envy you. Driving and car ownership are a pain in the ass.
Congratulations. :) I didn't get mine until last year, at 27.

I never cared about driving, it's so boring and humans shouldn't be allowed to do it, except on private tracks. I can't wait for a self-driving car future.


Congrats, man, that's awesome! I was a late bloomer driver myself so I can empathize. You'll really feel like the world's your oyster more than ever now, though. Also, happy belated birthday, hope you had a great one!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Congrats! I've had mine since I was a teen, but I can certainly understand different life situations. Also good to hear you're not with that ex anymore, she sounds horrible.
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