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AC:Unity Hype Thread/Everything We Know So Far.

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Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
AC:Unity is the first true next gen iteration of the longstanding AC franchise. Ever since e3 we've received tons upon tons of information about the game. But what I find baffling is how little people seem to know about the game, it's mechanics, and how Ubisoft is enhancing the tried and true AC experience. And also how often threads where people display even a tiny bit of hype we have the same people who come in with their drive by posts.
For example, the last AC:Unity thread had several posts like this.
^ None of this please.
I for one, am very excited about playing the new version of one of my favorite gaming franchises, even more so considering that it won't be held back by last gen consoles.
And courtesy of reddit, here's everything we know so far about AC:Unity. I can edit in the information for those who don't wanna click the link.
Highlights from the Reddit post.

Cast and Crew
-The Creative Director on ACU is Alex Amancio; who was also the Creative Director on ACR
-The Lead Writer on ACU is Travis Stout; who was also the lead writer on State of Decay
-ACU will have three composers: Chris Tilton, Sarah Schachner and Ryan Amon, preview of the game's soundtrack here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb0moWEErOM
-Arno's voice actor is Dan Jeannotte

-Seamless 2-4 player co-op
-The skills and unique gear you acquire in solo missions will be accessible in co-op
-You will also select one of four unique co-op skills that will help your team survive, evade or kill more effectively.
-Full co-op support in the open world
-There is a large incentive to replay the co-op missions with randomized enemies, alternate paths, and various tactical options that can lead you to new challenges, encounters, and rewards.
-You are always playing Arno. When you're playing co-op, you're actually playing a memory of Arno performing a Brotherhood mission for the Assassin Brotherhood. From everybody’s perspective, they're playing Arno. However, other players can see your gear, outfits, and weapons so unless everyone chooses the exact same gear, weapon types, colors, and cloth textures, it's very hard to make clones.
-All co-op missions are optional, story based and can even be played solo. The developers promise that those of us who love playing through the game's solo campaign and side missions will not feel underserved. Warning, missions for obvious reasons are harder if you play with less than the recommended amount of players, and naturally easier when you play with more than the recommended amount of players.
-There will be at least eleven Brotherhood (co-op) missions. NEW Co-op missions are confirmed to be All 30-40 minutes long.

-As you complete missions, you’ll earn skill points, which you’ll be able to spend upgrading your skills.
-Unity includes different skill trees for stealth, combat and navigation; it’s up to you how you spend those points.
-Confirmed available weapons: Spears, Axes, Swords, Pistols, smoke bombs, muskets and the Phantom Blade.
-The skills and unique gear you acquire in solo missions will be accessible in co-op
-NEW For the first time, Assassin gear has special properties, like a hood that lets player disappear into crowds faster[/B]
-There is a massive amount of customization options for Arno’s robes. You can mix, match and decide which hoods, top body, lower body, and boots you can wear. As well as the option to get rid of the iconic assassin coat tails. You can also edit the texture that appears. From plain white clean clothes to dirty stripes.

-The new combat system is based on skill, timing, and flow
-Enemies are both smarter and tougher, but so is Arno. Button mashing will no longer work when facing a large crowd.
-The instant, one button counter kill and kill streaks are both gone
-The Phantom Blade, the new form of Hidden Blade which can also fire projectiles. It has two main modes, the instant kill bolt, and the berserker bolt (Which works the same as the berserker dart in AC4). The Phantom Blade can also be helpful with causing a distraction, where a guard will go over to check a dead body
-New combat moves include parry, dodge, tackle and heavy attack.
-One skill tree will be devoted to combat
-Confirmed available weapons: Spears, Axes, Swords, Pistols, muskets and the Phantom Blade

-The stealth system has had a complete overhaul
-There is now a dedicated stealth mode, where at the press of a button, you crouch, move slower, are harder to detect and can cover against objects
-Stealth mode is activated by pressing LB(On XB1) or L1(PS4)
-When evading your pursuers it is vital you break the line of sight, they will search for you in your last known position
-There is a new disguise skill

Open World/Side Missions
-Full co-op support in the open world
-The buildings in Paris, including historic monuments like Notre Dame, are 1:1 scale, the city itself, is about the size of the frontier in AC3
-You can explore sewers and the famous catacombs of Paris seamlessly with no loading screens.
-Solvable murders are spread throughout Paris
-NEW In Assassin's Creed Unity, "Cafe-Theatre" is the Equivalent of The Villa from AC2 and The Homestead from AC3.
-NEW Each district will have a "satellite" cafe that, once purchased, will unlock new missions which when completed, will change the crowd "ecosystem"

Paris stories missions revealed so far
-Nostradamus treasure hunt; You will to use the database entries to help solve riddles left by Nostradamus

Changes/Enhancements to the AC Formula
-Dynamic events like participating in fights or chasing a thief are available in the open world
-The new high ground feature allows you to see all the gameplay opportunities in the near by vicinity by simply being high up
-There will no longer be guards patrolling the rooftops
-There is no longer an automatic day/night cycle
-One quarter of buildings are enterable seamlessly with no loading screens.
-There is a max of 5,000 NPC’s on screen at once
-NEW For the first time, Assassin gear has special properties, like a hood that lets player disappear into crowds faster
-Parkour changes
1.The parkour system has been overhauled, we now have the ability to parkour down as well as up just by the press of a different button.
You parkour up by holding A/X and RT/R2 and can parkour down by holding B/Circle and RT/R2
1.Parkour Footage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1tkFclHpDE

Main Missions/Story
-Arno grew up in Versailles and that is where the game will begin
-Arno has French and Austrian heritage and joins the Assassins in 1789
-NEW Arno has a habit of quoting the classics & tends to use humor to deflect when he is emotionally vulnerable.
-There are two main categories of missions: Adaptive Mission Mechanic (AMM) and Blackbox
1.B]AMM missions give a theme and can change depending on what you do during a mission. For example, if you’re caught during a tailing sequence, it becomes a chase sequence. If you lose your target, it becomes a locate sequence.
2.Blackbox missions give you an area to explore, “create opportunities, and kill your target.”
You can replay missions and complete them in different ways.
When accepting a mission, you can see the difficulty of the mission on a scale of 1-5 stars, what friends are playing it, and, if it’s a Brotherhood (co-op) mission, the maximum number of players that are allowed.[/B]

NEW Size of Paris

Ubisoft wasn't kidding when they said 1:1 scale.

August Updates
Full Gamescom Demo

Get to Know Arno

Get to Know Elise

Game Informer made this really informative article about one of the major characters of AC Unity, Elise the fiery templar.

Highlights from the game informer article
-Don’t dismiss this skilled swordswoman as a mere damsel in distress or minor character. Elise plays a pivotal role in Arno’s journey, having a larger place in the plot than previous non-player characters.

-She grew up with Arno, after her father took him in, and eventually falls in love with the man who becomes an Assassin.The two lose touch after some time, but are brought back together when Elise’s father is murdered.

-Love stories are always a hard thing in video games because ultimately they can very easily become a tangent.By making Elise a Templar and making that part of the core, it’s part of the actual struggle of the character. It prevents it from becoming a B-plot or a tangent.”

-Arno feels guilty about the death of Elise’s father and is searching for redemption. Elise, on the other hand, is out for revenge. She’s also watching a shift of power occur in the Templar Order. The man who is taking over for her father has different ideals, and it’s clear that betrayal and manipulation is going on behind the scenes

-Elise is very driven and sticks to her values, which will put her in conflict with Arno, who second-guesses his allegiance to the Assassins. According to Amancio, the story will also explore the “dangers of vengeance and where that can lead you to.” Elise is hellbent on justice for her father, but how far will she go to get there?

-She also won’t sit idly by and wait for Arno to do all the work. She’s much better with a sword than Arno and can hold her own.

-“She’s that girl when you’re growing up who always gets you into trouble,” he muses. “She always ends up being fine, but you always end up being in trouble, too. You know you’re going to end sneaking into an apple orchard and getting chased by dogs, and she’s laughing because they just missed her. And she’s sitting there laughing and teasing you. She’s a free spirit.”

-She wasn’t just shoehorned into the plot to represent the female gender either. “We wanted to create a smart and intelligent, multi-layered character that didn’t represent any cliches that any character may have,” Amancio says. “When we create any character, whether it’s Arno or Elise, we treat all of them as characters. Gender is something that is an intricate part, but it is never a deciding factor in anything of how that character will be. All that’s [important] is that she’s a strong character.”

A video interview with the creative director about the plot of AC Unity

Elise is also getting her own novel that will tell the events of Unity from her perspective.
Sounds like a pretty sweet character to me. Looking forward to how the story pans out.



I'm really excited about the RPG elements. I love this series but always felt it was missing it. I didn't see from that reddit post, but do we know if they're targeting 1080/30 this time around?


It's the only asscreed i want to really play. I love history and this series really allows you got run around a certain timeframe but for some reason I just can't get into them. Super excited to play this wih friends though.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I'm really excited about the RPG elements. I love this series but always felt it was missing it. I didn't see from that reddit post, but do we know if they're targeting 1080/30 this time around?
I read somewhere that they were targeting 60. So it might be a situation like infamous where it's a variable framerate that you can lock to 30.
I don't want to get overly excited (it's a new Assassin's Creed so I'm automatically excited as it stands), but a lot of the info on the OP's link is worth getting excited about:

- The RPG/upgrade elements. I know this was a point of criticism against games like Tomb Raider (2013). But it actually worked well in that game, and it can work well here. I mean, a lot of games these days have some sort of upgrade mechanism, whether it's bigger clips for your gun, more damage for your melee attacks, faster movement, improved special abilities, etc. It would be kinda cool to start with a watered-down version of "Eagle Vision" and upgrade it as the game goes on; as it stands, for the previous AC games, Eagle Vision was kind of overpowered.

- From the Reddit link: "The new combat system is based on skill, timing, and flow." So is the combat in the Arkham series, and I have yet to have more fun with the combat system in any game. So this sounds awesome!

The stealth system has had a complete overhaul
this gave me the warm fuzzies everywhere, until I read this:

There is now a dedicated stealth mode, where at the press of a button, you crouch, move slower, are harder to detect and can cover against objects

I'm excited about this! However...Forgive my ignorance, but how's this different from the original AC's "Low Profile?"

There will no longer be guards patrolling the rooftops


This is amazing news. The guards on the rooftops were annoying, and constantly broke the flow of some missions, and the flow of navigation in general. It also seemed that the AI of the rooftop guys wasn't great; sometimes, they would just automatically turn around JUST as you were approaching them, resulting in detection for some missions.


Subbing this hype thread. One if the three games I'm picking up this fall.
The French Revolution has been an era the fans wanted forever, so I'm glad we're finally going to get it, especially without multiplayer.
I really dislike the new "high ground" feature mentioned on Reddit. When you watch the video, you see how awfully cluttered the icons look. I want to see some nice vistas from rooftops, not some ugly icons. Hopefully it can be turned off.


I really dislike the new "high ground" feature mentioned on Reddit. When you watch the video, you see how awfully cluttered the icons look. I want to see some nice vistas from rooftops, not some ugly icons. Hopefully it can be turned off.

Ubi is usually really good with allowing players to completely disable the UI in their games, so there's a high chance you'll be able turn them off.


I don't want to get overly excited (it's a new Assassin's Creed so I'm automatically excited as it stands), but a lot of the info on the OP's link is worth getting excited about:

- The RPG/upgrade elements. I know this was a point of criticism against games like Tomb Raider (2013). But it actually worked well in that game, and it can work well here. I mean, a lot of games these days have some sort of upgrade mechanism, whether it's bigger clips for your gun, more damage for your melee attacks, faster movement, improved special abilities, etc. It would be kinda cool to start with a watered-down version of "Eagle Vision" and upgrade it as the game goes on; as it stands, for the previous AC games, Eagle Vision was kind of overpowered.

- From the Reddit link: "The new combat system is based on skill, timing, and flow." So is the combat in the Arkham series, and I have yet to have more fun with the combat system in any game. So this sounds awesome!

this gave me the warm fuzzies everywhere, until I read this:

I'm excited about this! However...Forgive my ignorance, but how's this different from the original AC's "Low Profile?"


This is amazing news. The guards on the rooftops were annoying, and constantly broke the flow of some missions, and the flow of navigation in general. It also seemed that the AI of the rooftop guys wasn't great; sometimes, they would just automatically turn around JUST as you were approaching them, resulting in detection for some missions.

Kinda torn on this personally I feel the amount of guards on the roof was a bit unrealistic in BF. But I think just a rare few would be fine here and there, especially if they chase someone up there. But most importantly I am gonna miss bum rushing someone from behind and knocking them to the ground far below. Hopefully I can still do this some how

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I really dislike the new "high ground" feature mentioned on Reddit. When you watch the video, you see how awfully cluttered the icons look. I want to see some nice vistas from rooftops, not some ugly icons. Hopefully it can be turned off.
Willing to bet that it's a type of system where it's at the click of a button instead of constantly showing symbols whenever you're actually on rooftops.


I'm curious about the co-op multiplayer. If it's like Destiny: Where other players are active in the background of SP, and gameplay is not interrupted when a friend sneaks into your mission already in progress... This will be game of the forever for me.


Not sure if it has been said or not, but has it been said you can play couch co-op? Or is it going to be online only co-op?


I'm curious about the co-op multiplayer. If it's like Destiny: Where other players are active in the background of SP, and gameplay is not interrupted when a friend sneaks into your mission already in progress... This will be game of the forever for me.
It doesnt seem to be like that. Going off that ubi blog post it seems SP and co op are seperate. So there are co op missions. I am hoping there are a lot though, as that is what I am most excited for. I wish it was how you described it though.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Cast and Crew
-The Creative Director on ACU is Alex Amancio; who was also the Creative Director on ACR
-The Lead Writer on ACU is Travis Stout; who was also the lead writer on State of Decay
-ACU will have three composers: Chris Tilton, Sarah Schachner and Ryan Amon
-Arno's voice actor is Dan Jeannotte

-Seamless 2-4 player co-op
-The skills and unique gear you acquire in solo missions will be accessible in co-op
-You will also select one of four unique co-op skills that will help your team survive, evade or kill more effectively.
-Full co-op support in the open world
-There is a large incentive to replay the co-op missions with randomized enemies, alternate paths, and various tactical options that can lead you to new challenges, encounters, and rewards.
-You are always playing Arno. When you’re playing co-op, you’re actually playing a memory of Arno performing a Brotherhood mission for the Assassin Brotherhood. From everybody’s perspective, they’re playing Arno. However, other players can see your gear, outfits, and weapons.
-All co-op missions are optional, story based and can even be played solo. The developers promise that those of us who love playing through the game's solo campaign and side missions will not feel underserved.
-There will be at least eleven Brotherhood (co-op) missions.

-As you complete missions, you’ll earn skill points, which you’ll be able to spend upgrading your skills.
-Unity includes different skill trees for stealth, combat and navigation; it’s up to you how you spend those points.
-Confirmed available weapons: Spears, Axes, Swords, Pistols, muskets and the Phantom Blade
-The skills and unique gear you acquire in solo missions will be accessible in co-op
-There is a massive amount of customization options for Arno’s robes. You can mix, match and decide which hoods, top body, lower body, and boots you can wear. As well as the option to get rid of the iconic assassin coat tails.

-The new combat system is based on skill, timing, and flow
-Enemies are both smarter and tougher, but so is Arno. Button mashing will no longer work when facing a large crowd.
-The instant, one button counter kill and kill streaks are both gone
-The Phantom Blade, the new form of Hidden Blade which can also fire projectiles. It has two main modes, the instant kill bolt, and the berserker bolt (Which works the same as the berserker dart in AC4). The Phantom Blade can also be helpful with causing a distraction, where a guard will go over to check a dead body
-New combat moves include parry, dodge, tackle and heavy attack.
-One skill tree will be devoted to combat
-Confirmed available weapons: Spears, Axes, Swords, Pistols, muskets and the Phantom Blade

-The stealth system has had a complete overhaul
-There is now a dedicated stealth mode, where at the press of a button, you crouch, move slower, are harder to detect and can cover against objects
-Stealth mode is activated by pressing LB(On XB1) or L1(PS4)
-When evading your pursuers it is vital you break the line of sight, they will search for you in your last known position
-There is a new disguise skill

Open World/Side Missions
-Full co-op support in the open world
-Paris is, or is near a one to one scale
-You can explore sewers and the famous catacombs of Paris seamlessly with no loading screens.
-Solvable murders are spread throughout Paris

Paris stories missions
-Nostradamus treasure hunt; You will to use the database entries to help solve riddles left by Nostradamus

Changes/Enhancements to the AC Formula
-Dynamic events like participating in fights or chasing a thief are available in the open world
-The new high ground feature allows you to see all the gameplay opportunities in the near by vicinity by simply being high up
-There will no longer be guards patrolling the rooftops
-There is no longer an automatic day/night cycle
-One quarter of buildings are enterable seamlessly with no loading screens.
-There is a max of 5,000 NPC’s on screen at once
-Parkour changes
1.The parkour system has been overhauled, we now have the ability to parkour down as well as up just by the press of a different button.
You parkour up by holding A/X and RT/R2 and can parkour down by holding B/Circle and RT/R2

Main Missions/Story
-Arno grew up in Versailles and that is where the game will begin
-Arno has French and Austrian heritage and joines the Assassins in 1789
-There are two main categories of missions: Adaptive Mission Mechanic (AMM) and Blackbox
AMM missions give a theme and can change depending on what you do during a mission. For example, if you’re caught during a tailing sequence, it becomes a chase sequence. If you lose your target, it becomes a locate sequence.
Blackbox missions give you an area to explore, “create opportunities, and kill your target.”
You can replay missions and complete them in different ways.
When accepting a mission, you can see the difficulty of the mission on a scale of 1-5 stars, what friends are playing it, and, if it’s a Brotherhood (co-op) mission, the maximum number of players that are allowed.
Cast and Crew
-The Creative Director on ACU is Alex Amancio; who was also the Creative Director on ACR
-The Lead Writer on ACU is Travis Stout; who was also the lead writer on State of Decay
-ACU will have three composers: Chris Tilton, Sarah Schachner and Ryan Amon
-Arno's voice actor is Dan Jeannotte

-Seamless 2-4 player co-op
-The skills and unique gear you acquire in solo missions will be accessible in co-op
-You will also select one of four unique co-op skills that will help your team survive, evade or kill more effectively.
-Full co-op support in the open world
-There is a large incentive to replay the co-op missions with randomized enemies, alternate paths, and various tactical options that can lead you to new challenges, encounters, and rewards.
-You are always playing Arno. When you’re playing co-op, you’re actually playing a memory of Arno performing a Brotherhood mission for the Assassin Brotherhood. From everybody’s perspective, they’re playing Arno. However, other players can see your gear, outfits, and weapons.
-All co-op missions are optional, story based and can even be played solo. The developers promise that those of us who love playing through the game's solo campaign and side missions will not feel underserved.
-There will be at least eleven Brotherhood (co-op) missions.

-As you complete missions, you’ll earn skill points, which you’ll be able to spend upgrading your skills.
-Unity includes different skill trees for stealth, combat and navigation; it’s up to you how you spend those points.
-Confirmed available weapons: Spears, Axes, Swords, Pistols, muskets and the Phantom Blade
-The skills and unique gear you acquire in solo missions will be accessible in co-op
-There is a massive amount of customization options for Arno’s robes. You can mix, match and decide which hoods, top body, lower body, and boots you can wear. As well as the option to get rid of the iconic assassin coat tails.

-The new combat system is based on skill, timing, and flow
-Enemies are both smarter and tougher, but so is Arno. Button mashing will no longer work when facing a large crowd.
-The instant, one button counter kill and kill streaks are both gone
-The Phantom Blade, the new form of Hidden Blade which can also fire projectiles. It has two main modes, the instant kill bolt, and the berserker bolt (Which works the same as the berserker dart in AC4). The Phantom Blade can also be helpful with causing a distraction, where a guard will go over to check a dead body
-New combat moves include parry, dodge, tackle and heavy attack.
-One skill tree will be devoted to combat
-Confirmed available weapons: Spears, Axes, Swords, Pistols, muskets and the Phantom Blade

-The stealth system has had a complete overhaul
-There is now a dedicated stealth mode, where at the press of a button, you crouch, move slower, are harder to detect and can cover against objects
-Stealth mode is activated by pressing LB(On XB1) or L1(PS4)
-When evading your pursuers it is vital you break the line of sight, they will search for you in your last known position
-There is a new disguise skill

Open World/Side Missions
-Full co-op support in the open world
-Paris is, or is near a one to one scale
-You can explore sewers and the famous catacombs of Paris seamlessly with no loading screens.
-Solvable murders are spread throughout Paris

Paris stories missions
-Nostradamus treasure hunt; You will to use the database entries to help solve riddles left by Nostradamus

Changes/Enhancements to the AC Formula
-Dynamic events like participating in fights or chasing a thief are available in the open world
-The new high ground feature allows you to see all the gameplay opportunities in the near by vicinity by simply being high up
-There will no longer be guards patrolling the rooftops
-There is no longer an automatic day/night cycle
-One quarter of buildings are enterable seamlessly with no loading screens.
-There is a max of 5,000 NPC’s on screen at once
-Parkour changes
1.The parkour system has been overhauled, we now have the ability to parkour down as well as up just by the press of a different button.
You parkour up by holding A/X and RT/R2 and can parkour down by holding B/Circle and RT/R2

Main Missions/Story
-Arno grew up in Versailles and that is where the game will begin
-Arno has French and Austrian heritage and joines the Assassins in 1789
-There are two main categories of missions: Adaptive Mission Mechanic (AMM) and Blackbox
AMM missions give a theme and can change depending on what you do during a mission. For example, if you’re caught during a tailing sequence, it becomes a chase sequence. If you lose your target, it becomes a locate sequence.
Blackbox missions give you an area to explore, “create opportunities, and kill your target.”
You can replay missions and complete them in different ways.
When accepting a mission, you can see the difficulty of the mission on a scale of 1-5 stars, what friends are playing it, and, if it’s a Brotherhood (co-op) mission, the maximum number of players that are allowed.

You should put all of this in the OP, and highlight and bold the part that mentions everyone plays as Arno and that there are no additional playable characters.

So many uninformed people desperately need to know that part.

EDIT: never mind, you already did it lol.


Hype! Very excited about all the changes they are promising, most of all the stealth.

-ACU will have three composers: Chris Tilton, Sarah Schachner and Ryan Amon
-All co-op missions are optional, story based and can even be played solo. The developers promise that those of us who love playing through the game's solo campaign and side missions will not feel underserved.

Ah, confirmed composers? I was hoping that Kyd would return, but I guess I'll take Chris Tilton as well. Haven't heard of the other two.
I'm also happy to hear that the co-op is optional.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I have not played AC3 yet, should I buy it cheap and play it. I've played all the other AC titles.
I recommend it. With the advice that you definitely play the homestead missions to get the full story and characterization of Connor. The main plot has very little moments of reprieve and genuine "happiness." The homestead missions offer you that reprieve.


Having only finished Brotherhood and ACII, I'm interested in seeing what they can come up with on current gen systems.

I will say though that hype for an Assassin's Creed game seems kind of odd considering there's been over ten titles released in the last sevens.
I'm most excited about the setting and architecture, I was elated when they revealed we were returning to Europe


Ah, confirmed composers? I was hoping that Kyd would return, but I guess I'll take Chris Tilton as well. Haven't heard of the other two.

I was hoping for Jesper Kyd to return as well, he helped shape the series with his incredible music, but I'm open to what these guys offer

Sarah Schachner previously worked on AC4 alongside Brian Tyler, she composed additional tracks like Pyrates Beware and Under the Black Flag.

EDIT: @OP, just found a mistake in the details you listed, the whole of Paris isn't 1:1, only the buildings are 1:1 scale. Paris is the size of AC3's Frontier according to Alex Amancio (he mentioned it in the making of video)
Having only finished Brotherhood and ACII, I'm interested in seeing what they can come up with on current gen systems.

I will say though that hype for an Assassin's Creed game seems kind of odd considering there's been over ten titles released in the last sevens.

If they can make a game as good as Black Flag, I'm definitely hyped. That, and it looks to be like the first real overhaul of the base engine. Everything else up until this point has felt iterative in some way or another.
This is the first AssCreed I have been excited about since AssCrees 2. Love the new traversal and tail-the-target missions won't be such a pain.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
EDIT: @OP, just found a mistake in the details you listed, the whole of Paris isn't 1:1, only the buildings are 1:1 scale. Paris is the size of AC3's Frontier according to Alex Amancio (he mentioned it in the making of video)
I recommend it. With the advice that you definitely play the homestead missions to get the full story and characterization of Connor. The main plot has very little moments of reprieve and genuine "happiness." The homestead missions offer you that reprieve.

Perfect answer. OP, you're on a roll today!


My biggest worry is that it's Ubisoft and I'm planning to play it on PC. Really hoping that since it's not cross-gen anymore and the console architecture isn't nuts that maybe we'll get a good PC version as well.

I'm most excited about the setting and architecture, I was elated when they revealed we were returning to Europe

I was hoping for Jesper Kyd to return as well, he helped shape the series with his incredible music, but I'm open to what these guys offer

Sarah Schachner previously worked on AC4 alongside Brian Tyler, she composed additional tracks like Pyrates Beware and Under the Black Flag.

I'm excited to return to Europe as well, and to a big city.
Kyd was great in the first AC, but the Ezio trilogy is where his blend of electronic and acoustic really shone through for me. The Trilogy is probably my favorite set of soundtracks, game or otherwise. And good to know about Sarah Schachner, I thought Tyler did everything except for the shanties on Black Flag.
My biggest worry is that it's Ubisoft and I'm planning to play it on PC. Really hoping that since it's not cross-gen anymore and the console architecture isn't nuts that maybe we'll get a good PC version as well.

I'm excited to return to Europe as well, and to a big city.
Kyd was great in the first AC, but the Ezio trilogy is where his blend of electronic and acoustic really shone through for me. The Trilogy is probably my favorite set of soundtracks, game or otherwise. And good to know about Sarah Schachner, I thought Tyler did everything except for the shanties on Black Flag.

Well, the PC port is handled by the people behind every shitty Ubi PC port. So... your worries are justified.


I'm most excited about the setting and architecture, I was elated when they revealed we were returning to Europe
Me too. Loved AC1 most based on the setting and Acre, but AC2/Brotherhood had excellent locales too. Outshone the other settings for me. Europe and major religious architecture are essential AC to me.

EDIT: @OP, just found a mistake in the details you listed, the whole of Paris isn't 1:1, only the buildings are 1:1 scale. Paris is the size of AC3's Frontier according to Alex Amancio (he mentioned it in the making of video)

It's "close to 1:1" according to the 1st dev diary, but it is the largest city they've recreated (they don't actually say the in-game interpretation is the largest city in an AC game, just it's source is the largest they've drawn from).


Junior Member
my biggest concern about this game is that the atmosphere will be too oppressive and there won't be a reprieve from it. one of my favourite aspects of AC worlds is how relaxing they are.


Crouch is almost enough for this to be a series reboot.

I realize how absurd this sounds. But this is honestly the first time that they seem to even be attempting to make this a stealth game.

Co-op is certainly a huge bonus as well.

Unfortunately, the melee combat once you are discovered looks as busted as ever.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
my biggest concern about this game is that the atmosphere will be too oppressive and there won't be a reprieve from it. one of my favourite aspects of AC worlds is how relaxing they are.
This may be a tragic story. This is the story of the first french revolution. Which was mostly a failure. But the moments where we succeed, right a wrong, and see how that changes and effects the world could be considered reprieve. I'm actually curious about the fate of the main character.
-Seamless 2-4 player co-op
-The skills and unique gear you acquire in solo missions will be accessible in co-op
-You will also select one of four unique co-op skills that will help your team survive, evade or kill more effectively.
-Full co-op support in the open world
-There is a large incentive to replay the co-op missions with randomized enemies, alternate paths, and various tactical options that can lead you to new challenges, encounters, and rewards.
-You are always playing Arno. When you're playing co-op, you're actually playing a memory of Arno performing a Brotherhood mission for the Assassin Brotherhood. From everybody’s perspective, they're playing Arno. However, other players can see your gear, outfits, and weapons so unless everyone chooses the exact same gear, weapon types, colors, and cloth textures, it's very hard to make clones.
-All co-op missions are optional, story based and can even be played solo. The developers promise that those of us who love playing through the game's solo campaign and side missions will not feel underserved. Warning, missions for obvious reasons are harder if you play with less than the recommended amount of players, and naturally easier when you play with more than the recommended amount of players.
-There will be at least eleven Brotherhood (co-op) missions.


great thread op
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