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Five-hour play sessions with an Oculus Rift are giving me “grid eyes” - Ars Technica


This is interesting, and I'm wondering if a higher resolution display would help?

I most definitely am running into some weird issues with how the device’s 1920x1080 Samsung AMOLED display affects my everyday vision. With the Rift fitted properly against my face, the normally too-tiny-to-see pixel grid of the display is clearly visible, and staring at that grid for hours at a time is burning the pattern into my retinas, like a Pac-Man maze making a permanent impression on a CRT monitor.

I can still faintly see this grid right now when I squeeze my eyes shut, in spite of the fact that I’ve had a solid night’s sleep. It’s superimposed over the usual retina noise I get when I close my eyes—or perhaps it’s better to say that it’s a very prominent part of the noise. It’s definitely less prominent than it was last night after a five-hour gaming session, but it’s still there.


Reminds me of the time I spent all day playing Elite Beat Agents and saw afterimages of shrinking circles for a good while afterwards.


I used to see enclosing circles when trying to go to sleep after long sessions of Elite Beat Agents. It was pretty cool.
When I used to play Frequency/Amplitude for a couple hours, if I looked away at a wall, there'd still be a weird scrolling distortion effect in my vision.


when I had lan parties and went home after 24-48 hours I swear i'd hallucinate about having a health/ammo count on the corners of my vision
5 hours staring at a screen tends to do that. Surprise!

Not to mention a screen that completely takes over your entire vision periphery. Even briefly looking away from a monitor/TV "rests" your eyes for a bit when gaming. Your eyes are 100% engaged in the screen with the Oculus at all times.
This could actually be rather problematic. We usually don't have a display stuffed that close to our eyes, especially one without outside light sources.

We may accidentally kill off a segment of our enthusiast brothers and sisters or something. Time will tell.


I don't think 1080p is enough for this kind of stuff. Can't see Sony's VR working very well with the PS4's hardware constraints.
A five hour play session on PC will make my eyes bloodshot red so I'm not surprised. There's a reason they tell you to rest your eyes after every hour of play (which no one ever does).
Gotta get dat 4k in there.

Morpheus hast just 1080p displays in there right? Would guess the PS4 wouldn´t be able to render the image twice @ 60+fps. Gonna be a lot of complains about that....


Gold Member
Common sense kind of dictates that having a screen 1 inch from your eyes for 5 hours straight might have some effects on said eyes.

I mean, I understand the "issue" here, but come on. 5 hours non-stop. With an Oculus. Come on.


I think it's valid concern. gamers and especially those who would get oculus, are the type of players that would play for hours on end.


I've had after-images of games appearing when I close my eyes like most people here, but if I was still seeing them after a night sleep, I would be worried too.


The Grid: a digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What did they look like? Ships? motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways? I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see. And then, one day...

It was seared into my retinas.
The Grid: a digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through the computer. What did they look like? Ships? motorcycles? Were the circuits like freeways? I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see. And then, one day...

It was seared into my retinas.


That soundtrack..
What's with the sarcastic remarks or attempts at damage control? If he's seeing "grids", and he's not the only one, it's a legitimate concern. Let's not act like 5 hours staring at a TV will do anything equivalent. I'm sure a lot of us have marathoned shows and been watching for roughly that long at some point in time
So if I play a twelve hour marathon of call of duty my retinas will be so burned I'll be walking around with the gameplay HUD superimposed over real life?

I'll take 100.

What's with the sarcastic remarks or attempts at damage control? If he's seeing "grids", and he's not the only one, it's a legitimate concern. Let's not act like 5 hours staring at a TV will do anything equivalent. I'm sure a lot of us have marathoned showed and been watching for roughly that long at some point in time


It's weird the things people will defend.


What's with the sarcastic remarks or attempts at damage control? If he's seeing "grids", and he's not the only one, it's a legitimate concern. Let's not act like 5 hours staring at a TV will do anything equivalent. I'm sure a lot of us have marathoned showed and been watching for roughly that long at some point in time

I dont care about defending any product. I am a firm believer in self responsibility though and moderation and this reviewers attitude to me doesnt really encourage anything other than sarcasm in me to be honest.

Look at the product. Its a pair of goggles you are strapping to your head. It is not the same as a TV. If you dont say to yourself 'hey, five hours straight on these isnt a good idea' without the manufacturer needing to tell you, then to be honest I dont know what to say.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It's not your eyes, it's your brain. Try playing DDR for 5 hours. You'll still be seeing those scrolling arrows.
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