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Anticipating E3: Kid Icarus


Kid Icarus

Kid Icarus is one of Nintendo's lost franchises, and shares a lot in common with Metroid, Gumpei Yokoi's more well-known series (such as multiple endings). There are plenty of vertically-scrolling levels, Pitt fires arrows a short distance, just like Samus' starting beam shot. And as you progress, you earn a longer health bar and obtain flaming arrows that can be fired a greater distance. Yokoi also invented the Gameboy, and so it comes as no surprise at all that both Metroid and Kid Icarus spawned portable sequels.


Yep, those are Metroids.

Kid Icarus is rather unique among platformers in that the screen wraps around (similar to Pac-Man or Wrecking Crew) allowing you to move from one side of the screen to the other. Pitt can duck, fire arrows straight up into the air, and flutter if you tap the A button while in mid-jump. Pressing Select equips him with the hammer, which can be used to destroy certain blocks and free centurions who've been turned to stone.


Warning: screen only scrolls up. If you fall, you die.

Kid Icarus takes a cue from Mario however in its level structure. Pitt traverses two (horizontal or vertical) levels and then enters a labyrinth-like dungeon. The standard levels contain training rooms where, if sucessful, Zeus grants Pitt an item or upgrade. Freed centurions will help out when he encounters the dungeon's overlord, usually a creature lifted from Greek mythology (such as the three-headed dog, Cerberus).


Pitt fights Pandora (or perhaps the evils she unleashed?)

Despite its title, Kid Icarus doesn't strive for mythological accuracy, sprinkling complementary elements throughout. Like Cupid, he collects hearts along his journey, which serve as currency. The world, called "Angel Land" (so-named because the inhabitants have wings) is somewhat of a misnomer since Pitt only wears a hallow once he's dead. Pitt will encounter many a strange creature, the most notorious of which is the cruel Eggplant Wizard, who will turn him into a hapless vegetable - the only cure for which is a visit to the dungeon's resident nurse.


Eggplant Wizards. It doesn't get any better than this.

The final stage is a horizontal shooter where Pitt flies around wearing Pegasus wings. At the end of the stage you fight Medusa, who fires beams from a giant eyeball and snakes from her mane of hair. Once he's rescued the Goddess Palutena, the kid grows into a man (and may range from a farmer, a knight and so on depending on certain factors). The multiple endings were a novelty at the time.


Pitt takes flight with Mirror Shield in tow.

The Gameboy sequel to the cult hit NES game, Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters follows much the same formula as the original and is even more challenging. This time Pitt has been given the task of protecting Angel Land (not Palutena) from the invading hordes of Orcos (instead of Medusa). The main difference is that the Gameboy game features a battery-back up allowing players to save between levels instead of writing down a lengthy 24 character password, and the screen can scroll up AND down.


What it lacks in color it makes up with fun.

Perhaps it was out of respect for Gumpei Yokoi that Nintendo refrained from creating sequels to Metroid during the N64 era, and why Kid Icarus hasn't seen a sequel since the release of Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters on the Gameboy. But there are murmurs that a sequel is well underway for their new console, the Revolution...


Gone but not forgotten, Pitt puts in an appearance in 3d...
As great as this E3 should be, I'm not expecting Kid Icarus... has anything whatsoever been said that could lead anyone to believe that a new one is in the works? Still, it's a nice thought...


Kid Icarus benefitted from the fact that there were not many deep (read as: hard) adventure games early in the NES lifespan. Almost anyone that owned an early NES, played the game, because there wasn't much else to play.

Not taking away from what was a bizarre, fun platforming game. But, it is what it is.

If they remade it, it would probably be in 3D and it would lose it's charm. IMO.

It's one of those treasures, like Bionic Commando or Master Blaster, that will forever remain in the past. Maybe, for good reason.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Fallofmart said:
I seriously hope so.

But I'm not expecting it.

Believe! It will be in the booth to the left of Shenmue 3, right before the Nights sequel. :lol

I could have sworn the last EGM had a mention of how those are the top 3 games people ask about every year.


I've resigned myself to the fate it'll never happen. :( Kid Icarus was third behind Zelda and Metroid for my favorite NES titles... never forget.

I'll spring for it on the Rev though. Downloads better be like 5 bucks, tops!


Maybe you can flap your wings with the wigglestick and shoot with a micophone, that sounds like FUN :rolleye:


[Nintex] said:
Why is everyone looking forward to a sequel I dont know anyone who got past the first level.:lol

How could you not get past the 1st level. Almost the whole game was laid out in the oh so lovely Nintendo Player's Guide. That book could sit on my coffee table and be the main attraction.


What sucks is that Nintendo has created the perfect platfrom for another one because the DS dual screens is perfect for the game, but I think we have a better chance of seeing another ice climbers instead, which sucks but whatever.

Edit: It took me 3 years without a guide to get past the first level.
PolyGone said:
The Gameboy sequel to the cult hit NES game, Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters follows much the same formula as the original and is even more challenging.

If you really want to play another Kid Icarus, then you should actually play the Gameboy game.

Judging by this line it appears that you haven't.
Whatever happened to that Capcom game... what was it, Dead Pheonix? It was shown once, and never heard from again, except for the numourus rumors that, like Dinosaur Planet turning into StarFox Adventures, it had been retooled to be a Kid Icarus sequel. It was never confirmed to be cancelled, and it did look ALOT like a Kid Icarus game, and Miyamoto has said in the past (N64 era) that if fans don't stop asking for a Kid Icarus sequel, he'll eventually have to make one...

Plus they hint at it in Smash Melee like little bitches. "Will Pit fly again..?" Nintendo KNOWS a demand for this game is there.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Wait... wasn't the Super Mario Land team composed of some of the same people as the Kid Icarus team? Or am I nuts?

If true, that could explain the side scrolling shooter levels in both games.


DavidDayton said:
Wait... wasn't the Super Mario Land team composed of some of the same people as the Kid Icarus team? Or am I nuts?

If true, that could explain the side scrolling shooter levels in both games.
Yes, same team. Yokoi was the producer on both Mario Land titles.


brandonh83 said:
As great as this E3 should be, I'm not expecting Kid Icarus... has anything whatsoever been said that could lead anyone to believe that a new one is in the works? Still, it's a nice thought...

Miyamoto has stated that people keep asking him about it in interviews. I'm sure it'll happen eventually because of that.


Mashing said:
Miyamoto has stated that people keep asking him about it in interviews. I'm sure it'll happen eventually because of that.
People bugged Nintendo to bring over Mother 1 + 2. They had 30,000 sign a petition and multiple bigwigs at Nintendo like Miyamoto have commented on the constant questions about bringing it out over here. Did they bring it over? Nope.

Nintendo has not shown itself to be swayed by the press.


Cheebs said:
People bugged Nintendo to bring over Mother 1 + 2. They had 30,000 sign a petition and multiple bigwigs at Nintendo like Miyamoto have commented on the constant questions about bringing it out over here. Did they bring it over? Nope.

Nintendo has not shown itself to be swayed by the press.

Maybe they will release it M1+2 to tide us over while they do the translation for M3??

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Gunpei Yokoi and Satoru Okada were not game designers. They were engineers mainly responsible in designing all the hardware that the R&D1 game designers worked on. The Metroid Team and Kid Icarus Team were very similar. The man most associated with Kid Icarus right now is Yoshio Sakamoto after the retirement of the other members. Shigeru Miyamoto mentioned himself and Sakamoto making another Kid Icarus now that R&D1 was merged under EAD and under Miyamoto's supervision.
I think the chances of seeing a Pilotwings or even another Punchout are greater then seeing another Kid Icarus game unfortunately. :-(
Warioware twisted

once you obtain the kid icarus record, the scrolling banner says
"This is the closest youll ever get to a sequel! HAHAHAHAHAHa!"

So they are either bieng brutally honest or they are well aware of the demand and plan on doing something about it.


Cheebs said:
Clu Clu Land and Mach Rider probably have a better chance at a revival than Kid Icarus. :-/
Clu Clu Land had a revival. It's called DK King of Swing, and it's well worth playing if you can ignore the horrible Rare DK crap it's covered in.


Probationsmack said:
Warioware twisted

once you obtain the kid icarus record, the scrolling banner says
"This is the closest youll ever get to a sequel! HAHAHAHAHAHa!"

So they are either bieng brutally honest or they are well aware of the demand and plan on doing something about it.

Are you serious?? It the game actually has that.... That's just mean
I'd imagine that a 3d Kid Icarus would work rather nicely with a revmote design. Something like move/fly/jump with the nunchuck and use your bow and other nifty weapons with the remote. Although, this is similar to how zhq2 said TP would control, and I don't want so many new Nintendo games to be in first-person. But I don't believe first-person is necessary in this case, or for any game where you use the remote to swing around/aim a weapon.
I think the reason Nintendo hasn't made a Kid Icarus game since the GB days is that the games weren't that good to begin with. I remember loving the game as a kid, then going back to it a few years ago and realizing that the game was merely good for its time. (Though SMB3, Kirby's Adventure, and Legend of Zelda are still quite playable today.)

I think the main problem is that the game is a combination of Metroid, Mario, and Zelda, but doesn't have any unique aspects that make the experience any better (or much different) than the source material.
DeathMonkey said:
but doesn't have any unique aspects that make the experience any better (or much different) than the source material.
It has a kick ass opening screen theme song, which is enough for me.
Benadryl Hitman said:
I think the chances of seeing a Pilotwings or even another Punchout are greater then seeing another Kid Icarus game unfortunately. :-(

Wha-wha-whaaaat? I feel like hurting someone.


I am willing to go on the record right now and bet a one month ban against anyone who thinks Pilotwings will NOT be a launch title. Any takers?


xaosslug said:
is this for real or fanart??? I could see an action game like this taking on GoW and DMC... :O

come on, its obviously fan art. Pitt would not smoulder with generic rage like that guy does.
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