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The Order: 1886 - Preview Thread

NO, the demo we saw was about 12 minutes of gameplay. I know this because I recorded the audio so I could transcribe it for me article.

Still that is such short period of time for a game that was showed at last year E3.
The talk about destruction , second weapon fire etc etc and showed off none of it has me smh .
Then we get less than 1 min of game play from the press.


This isn't a QTE, though - or, rather, that's not what developer Ready at Dawn is calling it. In their parlance it's "branching melee", whereby failure at any stage in the process simply sends you down another path. The knife isn't the only option open to Galahad, and the fight can be concluded in many more ways. All of which sounds very much like a QTE, albeit a very generous one. It seems it's not just in The Order's twisted take on Victorian history that there's been some slight revisionism and a little bending of the rules.

Are they serious with this?

Remember when Crytek said:

"How do we get the information across, keep it as cinematic as possible, without taking your attention away from all the things that we painstakingly [crafted]?" Esteves says players should be focusing on the world of Ryse, not a floating blue X. "We know we don't have a QTE-based system, and I think when people see it and they play it, they'll realize that as well."

And we all laughed at them?

Seriously, QTEs are almost universally reviled by gamers and the gaming press alike -- why do developers keep going back to them?
Why Ryse talk and not Tomb Raider? That game had QTE's and you could only fail them accidently really. But the game was actually good


Seriously, QTEs are almost universally reviled by gamers and the gaming press alike -- why do developers keep going back to them?

Makes for a good trailer, easier to design than gameplay, and looks great. I'm no fan of the cinematic route, but then again this is a game that has black bars. Which I'm still not sure why they went with a wider resolution and black bars considering the gameplay and direction would be fine in full-screen with what they've shown so far

Insane Metal

Gold Member
From PS Nation (thanks Torgo)





So the media consensus seems to be great looking but bog standard linear TPS with QTEs. Game has been in development since 2010 but maybe they can pull a Demon's Souls and despite initial misgivings amaze everyone on release. Or maybe it will be a bit shit. 4 player co op and sword fighting would have been great.
Really don't know what people were expecting. Didn't they already tell before that they are aiming for third person cinematic shooter? That is exactly what were are getting. Sony's Gears of War. I am totally fine with it as I loved Gears games (except Judgement).

Endo Punk

It may sound crazy and as much I wanted to see more of the game after the E3 trailer I think it clearly was too early for RAD to show the game again. They should have just left it for another huge E3 gameplay demo reveal, since the gameplay segments weren't as polished as the cinematics. And there is no chance this game is going to release this year. Early 2015 for sure, new IP's need to cook a lot longer than franchise sequels.


Saint Titanfall
Are they serious with this?

Remember when Crytek said:

And we all laughed at them?

Seriously, QTEs are almost universally reviled by gamers and the gaming press alike -- why do developers keep going back to them?

Vanquish's QTE were awesome though that's about it.
So the media consensus seems to be great looking but bog standard linear TPS with QTEs. Game has been in development since 2010 but maybe they can pull a Demon's Souls and despite initial misgivings amaze everyone on release. Or maybe it will be a bit shit. 4 player co op and sword fighting would have been great.

It would be even more stupid though...Nobody was sword fighting on the streets of London at this time...
Very disappointing reveal. All this talk about the unique weaponry, the destruction, metal bending, cloth particles flying through the air, and the only gameplay is the 15 second QTE segment and the 10 seconds of jumping from cover to cover with some jerky looking shooting. The game looks freaking amazing and the voice acting sounds good, but for a big media event and a 2 week embargo causing an insane amount of hype for what we got is nothing but disappointing.


Sweet jesus this looks gorgeous. I'm a little less disturbed at the prospect at it "just being another TPS" than others but i still want to see some more gameplay and actual hybrid enemies.

Seriously, QTEs are almost universally reviled by gamers and the gaming press alike -- why do developers keep going back to them?

I'd say more people don't give a shit about QTE than do but making statements like this is ridiculous in the first place when you have no solid basis for them outside of anecdotal evidence. Gamers don't universally love or hate anything.


Junior Member
Very nice, it isn't open world which good news for me as no more lot of waste space. I'm glad it's play like Gears of War based in 1886 at London.

QTE is only best for hand-hand combat because like in the real life, that you will don't know when it coming but you gotta be quick. Button Mash for noobies.
So the media consensus seems to be great looking but bog standard linear TPS with QTEs. Game has been in development since 2010 but maybe they can pull a Demon's Souls and despite initial misgivings amaze everyone on release. Or maybe it will be a bit shit. 4 player co op and sword fighting would have been great.
Admittedly I haven't read every preview on the internet, but the only negative-ish thing I've seen so far is from IGN (and I don't believe they actually got to play the game). We have yet to hear from people who have played any substantial portion of the game, so it might be a bit early to judge its gameplay (and anyone who was expecting something other than a TPS from this must have been following a different game all this time). The graphics, though, are amazing. I'm looking forward to the hands-on impressions in the hope that they deliver on the gameplay, too.
Can't believe they were able to achieve this this early in next gen in 1080p. Best looking next gen console game I have seen yet. No competition

Mr. Fix

An awkward situation. No one can really say anything other than the fact that it looks really impressive visually. I don't mind the QTE stuff, it sounds interesting, but not something to write home about.
Why are people expecing it to play like Gears? I've only read the bolded parts but doesn't it just state that the camera view/perspective is reminiscent?

I could for some Gears shootin' but the few seconds of gameplay i've seen from this game don't yell Gears at me?
Whatever the case, Ready At Dawn refused to properly discuss multiplayer. Whether that’s because they do want to make sure we understand this ‘new IP’ before talking about it, or because they’re not sure if they’re going to have time to implement it, remains to be seen.

As the only brand new and exclusive PS4 shooter with a triple-A budget behind it, there’s enormous pressure on The Order to deliver. What we’ve seen so far is packed full of potential, but we’re not yet convinced enough to let excitement get the better of us. We’ll have to go hands-on before that might happen.

Wait. So it's still possible?
The preview bits explaining the gameplay are pretty damning. Eugh.

They're not damning it they just have nothing to really go off of. The reactions make perfect sense. They see 12 min of very sparse gameplay with visuals that are unbelievable and action that is very by the numbers and limited. We are all having the same reaction so of course they are as well. The truth is though they did a "gameplay" demo it seems like it was more to show how amazing their engine is then how the game plays.


Can't believe they were able to achieve this this early in next gen in 1080p. Best looking next gen console game I have seen yet. No competition

I don't think its that surprising.

One thing the PS4 has over its precedessor is a much "easier" development environment. These consoles are probably going to peak a lot sooner than we're use to.
Looks incredible from a visual standpoint - quite easily the best looking game I've seen to date (which is unsurprising given the massive focus and discussion around the games visuals).

From a gameplay perspective - I'm disappointed with what we were given, but I remain interested all the same. I was a big Gears fan last gen and it has been a while since I've played a third person shooter, nevermind a quality one (last time was probably Vanquish or one of the Gears sequels).

I must say that as much as I dislike QTE's as a gameplay mechanic, I do find them to be quite 'cool' in small doses. For example, the QTE's/mashing in Vanquish were quite fun. I also enjoyed the non-combat QTE's in Ninja Blade (the QTE's in combat were woefully overdone Ryse-style). It doesn't make me any more interested in The Order, but it certainly hasn't hurt the hype for me. More importantly, that scene looked fucking badass.


benevolent sexism
After waiting for 2 weeks, this is one of the most pathetic reveals I've ever anticipated. Game looks fine, graphics look excellent, but what they chose to show and how little it amounts to is utterly baffling.

Very concerned about the philosophy behind the game if they think the seamless transitions between cinematics and gameplay are the game's crown jewel. There better be some fucking game design in there somewhere.


I tried to upload it to Mega, but it kept failing. I'll try again tonight after work.

btw, Anyone that says anything about technical glitches etc when we saw the demo is just trying to get a rise out of people. They warned us no less than 3 times that it was unoptimized code. I heard at least 2 people say something like that after teh demo, and I seriously wanted to slap them.
Yeah there is still quite bit of polish left to go. But this should atleast give people an idea about the taste of what to come.

Compare the Chateau scene in Uncharted 3 from the reveal on Jimmy Fallon to the final product. It'll explain to you just how much things will improve.
I was jumped at in the other thread for saying that the gameplay is very similar to GEOW, i am glad that the previews are reflecting that just for the sake of it :p.
Can't say I'm overly annoyed with it being a "bog standard TPS". As long as the story is engaging and the core gameplay is good I'm looking forward to it.

Anyone else? Or are we all TPS haters now?


Still, I did love 1886’s clean HUD. Your weapon and ammo count are only shown during battle, so as to not muddy the screen during exploration, with weapon swapping seemingly mapped to the directional pad.


Dead Man

Of the 12 or so minutes of the game demonstration, a hefty chunk is given over to cut-scenes and exposition. Like those QTEs - or should I say "branching melees"? - there's a twist; throughout each cinematic you're given a slither of agency, with the ability to scope the landscape when Galahad looks down an eyeglass, or to examine a newly acquired weapon by rotating it in your hands.

Weerasuriya suggests that the balance in the final game will be weighted much further towards more tangible gameplay, but nevertheless it's a mix he believes is integral to the experience. "If you really think about it, it took you from a cinematic to an interactive cinematic to navigation to talk and walk, which are the moments where you navigate conversing back and forth, to gunplay to branching melee and back into cinematic," he says. "In that short moment, we're able to go on this ride while keeping the flow together. The tricky thing is you can do that and completely fail - where people don't understand what's going on. It's not 'I'm playing for 15 minutes, and I'm going to put down the controller and watch something for five minutes.' It's really about understanding that your pace is going to be built and slowed down by all these different things together."

Sounds a lot like unskippable narrative or exposition sections with cosmetic player agency.
The strange thing regarding this new piece of media news is that... we've/non-GI press still yet to see the GameInformer demo from back in November.

I was expecting that at the very least.
Looks like this will be another pretty game with average gameplay.

EDIT: Actually scratch that. I haven't played the game. Maybe the gunplay will be impeccable. If that is the case it would leave the question for why no MP.
I know, but one of the previews mentioned RAF being cagey regarding multiplayer as if a final decision hasn't been made. So just letting my demands be heard.

Pretty late in the game for them to still be mulling over whether the game will have multiplayer. I'd rather they not try to shoehorn in a rushed MP and add co-op instead with MP happening in any sequel.


Yeah there is still quite bit of polish left to go. But this should atleast give people an idea about the taste of what to come.

Compare the Chateau scene in Uncharted 3 from the reveal on Jimmy Fallon to the final product. It'll explain to you just how much things will improve.

This was a rather...uneventful reveal, so I do have to wonder why it gave you UC2 Napal reveal vibes, in terms of overall impact on the viewer.
I won't be buying The Order(not my thing) and am purely amazed by the graphics.

I just can't get my head wrapped around the hyperbolic nature of the negative reactions to this. It was only a few weeks ago Gears of War was popped out to nigh-universal praise and suddenly The Order, which by all accounts appears to be similar in nature is receiving, aside from praise for it's technical prowess a lot of disappointment and over the top statements.

Is it merely because it was suggested the game would be more than that or is the obvious answer just that obvious?


Junior Member
I have to say that I'm sincerely floored by the negative vibes here. To me, what I saw was finally that "next level" of games that we all expected from this new generation of consoles. I love the alternate universe that they're using, I love that they're bringing Arthurian legend to a more modern time, and I love that this squad is essentially the Knights of the Round Table.

There's a LOT more to the game than what was revealed today (even evident in the new trailer.) Personally, I just don't understand some of the comments here, and it makes me feel like some people have finally gotten to a point where NOTHING is going to impress any more. It also makes me realize that a good chunk of the community here has 0 understanding of the process of developing a video game, and those comments just make me laugh.


I'm glad that the balance will be weighted toward more tangible gameplay.

Could be cool if the pace and story are good where your kind of interacting with the cutscenes before going into combat. Still, I hope the next trailer shows more bigger battlefields.
They're not damning it they just have nothing to really go off of. The reactions make perfect sense. They see 12 min of very sparse gameplay with visuals that are unbelievable and action that is very by the numbers and limited. We are all having the same reaction so of course they are as well. The truth is though they did a "gameplay" demo it seems like it was more to show how amazing their engine is then how the game plays.

Yeah that's fair. The game does look incredible. I updated my PC, so I don't think I'll be buying an XB1. I'm incredibly close to purchasing a PS4 and I just want to know more about this game :/
Can't say I'm overly annoyed with it being a "bog standard TPS". As long as the story is engaging and the core gameplay is good I'm looking forward to it.

Anyone else? Or are we all TPS haters now?

I get what you are saying. I think people were saying the same thing about Uncharted and TLoU though each of them had a "gimmick", either traversal or crafting/stealth plus an entertaining or powerful story to pull them up. Still, RAD really need to show something else that sets them apart. There was nothing in the cutscenes or gameplay they showed that seemed really compelling.
He said it doesn't sound good from previews (which exist to give an impression of an unreleased product) and you respond with this non-sequitur. Very clever.

Actually he said reviews, so I guess he was going for irony...

Also, not to beat a dead horse, but the comparisons to Ryse do actually seem pretty fitting now that I have seen more previews...they are prioritising the cinematic experience as in that game, although they have the advantage of not being saddled with kinect origins. When he said he didn't want to introduce mechanics that took people out of the gameplay experience, he meant cinematic gameplay experience, I think. Now I am all for cinematic gaming, but I think you can still have that have some variety in gameplay mechanics and non-linearity in narrative. The Witcher 2 does this pretty excellently, and the Witcher 3 is looking to push this forward even more.


About the QTE's from Kotaku:

They come in a sequence, and missing a button doesn't doom you immediately but changes that sequence. Fail too many times and you're dead, sure, but this is the new age, not the old one. Ready At Dawn wants these QTEs to customize the experience a bit for you, and to be one of many bits of curation the studio is using to deliver its vision
The question is how many times am i allowed to fail? And if it were me i would want to know how many times i can fail before each QTE scene because i would want to experience the lengthiest fight possible.

Who wouldn't want a 3-minute fight scene over 1-minute scene?
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