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Supporting EA after BF4 clusterfu*k?


Battlefield, my favourite franchise. Rubberbanding, lag, glitches and crashes. Naval Strike is actually unplayable due to rubberbanding. It's been what, 5 months since it was released? Great. They will probably announce new BF game soon that will come out in 6 months. "We've already got your money, stupid!"

I don't think I've ever been burned this badly. BF4 is great fun when it works, but most of the time it's just a broken piece of shit. I paid 55 euros for the game and 47 euros for the Premium. Yeah, stupid me. I know.

If the rumors are to be believed, EA forced Dice's hand to release a broken product because they had to have a game out to compete against CoD but to also have a big game for the launch of new consoles.

Ok, so I was thinking about actually not supporting EA anymore by buying their software. I was pretty hyped about Titanfall and actually really liked the demo. But I haven't purchased it yet, and if I will I'll buy it used. Too bad those people at Respawn will also be affected.

What difference could one person make by boycotting a huge mega corporation? I don't know, not much I guess. But what if more and more people would stop supporting their business, maybe it could have some positive effect?


Battlefield, my favourite franchise. Rubberbanding, lag, glitches and crashes. Naval Strike is actually unplayable due to rubberbanding. It's been what, 5 months since it was released? Great. They will probably announce new BF game soon that will come out in 6 months. "We've already got your money, stupid!"

I don't think I've ever been burned this badly. BF4 is great fun when it works, but most of the time it's just a broken piece of shit. I paid 55 euros for the game and 47 euros for the Premium. Yeah, stupid me. I know.

If the rumors are to be believed, EA forced Dice's hand to release a broken product because they had to have a game out to compete against CoD but to also have a big game for the launch of new consoles.

Ok, so I was thinking about actually not supporting EA anymore by buying their software. I was pretty hyped about Titanfall and actually really liked the demo. But I haven't purchased it yet, and if I will I'll buy it used. Too bad those people at Respawn will also be affected.

What difference could one person make by boycotting a huge mega corporation? I don't know, not much I guess. But what if more and more people would stop supporting their business, maybe it could have some positive effect?
As i said in that other thread,

Those things are not exclusive to bf4.

Pretty much all the battlefields have had this problem.


Well I haven't heard about many if any problems with Titanfall. Sounds to me like you should be cautious about future DICE titles and not EA.

Of course they could have rushed it out. I'm personally more worried about Battlefront.


All battlefields may have their problems, but BF4 is a shambles.

I for one wont be buying another one.
I will buy Mirror's Edge 2, all the new Star Wars games, Battlefield Police Cops, Mass Effect 4 and Dragon's Age 3.

BF4 was simply rushed to launch for $$$, it is still a fun game


As i said in that other thread,

Those things are not exclusive to bf4.

Pretty much all the battlefields have had this problem.
I remember BC2 was pretty awesome, same as BF1943 and 2142. BF3 had some serious issues, but it got better pretty fast. BF4 is just... something else.


Well I haven't heard about many if any problems with Titanfall. Sounds to me like you should be cautious about future DICE titles and not EA.

Of course they could have rushed it out. I'm personally more worried about Battlefront.
Why do people compare Titanfall to BF4's problems. Titanfall is from a dev that isn't even under EA like DICE is. Just because it's published under EA doesn't mean use should expect "EA problems".


Should we still be blaming EA since the game has been out for how long? Not to mention every patch that seems to come out for it fixes one thing and breaks another.



"Buy Battlefront, I will. If broken, the game is, support EA I will no longer."


I will take a wait and see approach. Think it is mostly on Dices end though. Stoked for Dragon Age and Mass Effect doe
I'm only going to buy Mirror's Edge 2, and then then I will wait a while after its launch to see everyone's impressions of it.

hell, might buy it at launch if gameplay trailers wow me

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
unless the star wars game is top notch, my ea support starts and stops at the ps4 version of peggle 2


As i said in that other thread,

Those things are not exclusive to bf4.

Pretty much all the battlefields have had this problem.

If you seriously think that any of the previous BF games were anywhere *near* this broken this far from release, you obviously haven't tried to play CQ large on PS4.

Yes, they have all been in some sense broken on release, but never like this.
I will probably keep buying fifa, as I play it with a bunch of other on here every year. But eh, they dont have anything else that interests me anymore. Got burnt badly on both BF4 and Sim City, feel like they can go fuck themselves.


Well, I don't even like BF but I'm staying away from everything EA in the future. I've just had enough with their disregard for their franchises and some terrible biz practices, even when Mass Effect 1 was one of my favorite games of last gen and my favorite game universe, and the new Dragon Age looks like it won't completely suck ass.

I don't think (or care if) it will have an impact on anything or anyone, so it is not a "boycott". I just don't want to keep being a hypocrite when it comes to them. I really don't feel they deserve any more of my money, as little and inconsequential as that might be.


Should we still be blaming EA since the game has been out for how long? Not to mention every patch that seems to come out for it fixes one thing and breaks another.
Game breaking bugs are on server side. Servers owned and managed by EA.

I won't preorder any EA game in future until I know it's playable.

Doctor Ninja

Sphincter Speaker
As i said in that other thread,

Those things are not exclusive to bf4.

Pretty much all the battlefields have had this problem.

That doesn't make his arguments any less valid you know. Is it too much to ask from one of the largest companies in the entire industry to release a functional game ? Old games being buggy doesn't excuse this shitty release.
I am at the point with EA that no matter how hyped I am for one of the games they publish, I will wait until a title is out for at least a week (if not more), and our fellow gaffers have not found game breaking mechanics. Its going to be hard to resist the temptation especially with FPSs - as I really enjoy learning the MP maps/guns along with the rest of the players during launch week.


BF:BC2 - MP shooter of the generation

BF3 - hyped to the moon but the signs were there. I took my cues.

BF4 - shit mountain. Glad I waited. I think it's actually funny that I'm still waiting.

DICE was the best but now they're dead to me. As for EA, it seems that they cannot sheppard a good game to the market anymore. I honestly see Titanfall as the outlier. I think Respawn wrote a lot of independance into their contract and that's why Titanfall, though bare-bones, is competent.
As i said in that other thread,

Those things are not exclusive to bf4.

Pretty much all the battlefields have had this problem.

While this may be somewhat true nothing has ever been this bad at least on PC. It also hasn't gone on this long before.

Everyone who complained about BF4 ran out to buy titanfall, EA laughs to the bank

No not really, most of my Battlefield friends including myself skipped Titanfall after BF4 soured most of us.


I dont support EA, i just buy their games, if you mean support equals buying, then yes i wll.

On the other Hand i didnt buy B4, because i wasnt interested
I stopped supporting EA after BF3 clusterfu*k

If ME4 is going to turn out good I might buy it but other than that there is no EA game right now that I'm interesseted in
Since the game STILL has issues, i think its more accurate to blame DICE (at THIS point in time) rather than EA.

EA could of given DICE a lot longer, and perhaps they should of, but considering the game is still a mess sometimes....i think the blame shifts a little. Especially because a lot of the issues arent like, "new" battlefield issues.

Problems DICE has had for a real long time. (Bugs, not just the terrible singleplayer....even though theyve been bad for awhile too."

I can just picture EA getting a QA report or something and thinking "well we either delay it a full year or we force it out in front of COD and new consoles". Sitting here today a few months later...I can see that decision being maybe close to the sounder business decision.


Game breaking bugs are on server side. Servers owned and managed by EA.

I won't preorder any EA game in future until I know it's playable.

I don't get this. It's DICE patching the game and laying patches on the server. I don't see how EA is getting fitted with all the blame. DICE has to be held accountable too.


You're not alone, I haven't picked it up for the same reasons, I also haven't picked up Dark Souls 2 for the false advertising. I don't think I am making a huge difference, but I am doing it regardless.


Can we please stop quoting the entire OP in the first post?

And why are you supporting a company, especially EA?


was a BF player since day 1 1942 DS Mod before dice even signed with EA. Played and owned every game in the series.

BF4 was my last. Dice & EA have just completely sold out to greed currently. you can't just blame EA and you can't just blame Dice. they knew together what was up.

Star Wars will be by the same people ran on the same EA servers as BF4. it will have the same server & "netcode" problems and they will feed you fix problem are coming all the way up until BF5 releases etc.

Sucks they ruined what underneath is a good fun game at it's core.
I think the easy solution is to not buy games right away. Wait a while for customer reviews, not critic reviews because they get paid to say stuff, but customer reviews. If people are saying it's a broken mess such as BF4, then don't buy it. If it's running great like Titanfall, then buy it. This way you can support the good stuff that EA publishes and reject the bad stuff.


Stopped buying ea crap years ago and am baffled that people aren't doing the same.

Its like Stockholm syndrome with you people.


Seriously, EA is a scam company.

Every single game they make has a superior counterpart elsewhere.

If you willingly give them money time and time again you cannot say you weren't warned.


Yeah I tried Naval Strike last night, played about 10 minutes before giving up on that mess. Can barely move because of the rubber banding. Why even release it if it's that bad?

Feel like a chump for buying premium. Never again.
If EA releases a game that is good I'll buy it. Just because they released a broken game doesn't mean everything from them is made out of shit or hatred for the consumer.


I'll buy EA games if they're worth buying, not going to boycott them or anything, but definitely not going to buy any of their broken messes like SimCity or BF4.


I really don't think that BF4 is as bad as some make it out to be. I enjoyed it and didn't really have a problem with the occasional lag or dropped game.
I'm kind of done with their abuse, and I've never even played Battlefield. Every EA game I buy there's some bullshit that I can't fathom. The way FIFA and Mass Effect(that's also Bioware's fault) have been handled made me sick, so I'm just straight up done until they prove me several years in a row they'll stop releasing broken or rushed games. That'll probably never happen though.
I haven't really supported EA for a long time apart from Battlefield 4. Didn't bother with Crysis 3 (didn't enjoy 2) or Titanfall (tried the beta, meh).

It's on PC and its not buggy for me, but it takes 5-8 minutes for maps to load so by the time I get in, the game is over or changing map. I have a decent PC and I connect to local servers, so I'm not sure why this is. I've only played it a few times because of this. From what I have played of BF3 and 4, I enjoyed Bad Company 1 and 2 a LOT more.

But I am very aware of the other problems with the game and it is definitely affected my decision to buy from them in the future.

So I'm pretty much done with EA unless Mirrors Edge 2 comes out, but that's it.


I will take a wait and see approach. Think it is mostly on Dices end though. Stoked for Dragon Age and Mass Effect doe

You realize the game has been out for like 5 months ?, idk whats left to wait and see.
Guns dont kill people, rubberbanding does.
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