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Supporting EA after BF4 clusterfu*k?


I think the easy solution is to not buy games right away. Wait a while for customer reviews, not critic reviews because they get paid to say stuff, but customer reviews. If people are saying it's a broken mess such as BF4, then don't buy it. If it's running great like Titanfall, then buy it. This way you can support the good stuff that EA publishes and reject the bad stuff.

Indeed. I bought BF4 at launch, but I'm not buying the next one until it's proven to me that it's not screwed up.

Kydd BlaZe


I own BF4 on Xbox One, PS4, and PC as well as premium on both consoles. Yup...I'm a part of the problem.

At any rate, I think DICE will have a hard time convincing a lot of folks to buy BF5, though. I think BF4 has done a lot of damage to the franchise.
I don't think I'll ever buy another battlefield at launch.

And I can't comprehend why, with all the flak they are getting for the bugs, they decided to release naval strike the way it is. Those maps in cq64 are unplayable, really laggy and lots of rubberbanding.

My theory is that rubberbanding in certain water-maps is impossible to fix. So their strategy right now is simply to release every DLC on time however it is, cope with the criticism the best they can and then try to do a better work with their next game.


RPS: SimCity and BF4 both had terrible launches. SimCity didn't work for more than a month, and BF4 still has issues. Surely you're overhauling how you approach launches internally from now on?

Hilleman: I'm not sure I accept your premise. Battlefield 4 has been an exceedingly successful product on both consoles and PC. From a sales perspective, from a gameplay perspective.

RPS: Sure, BF4 is fundamentally a good game, but you can't just write off months of glitches and server issues. Some people straight up could not play for the first couple weeks.

Hilleman: I think there was a lot of noise about the game, but some of that is a function of your surface area. The more customers you have, the more noise becomes available. We did things wrong. We know that. We're gonna fix those things. We're gonna try to be smart about what customers want in the future. But I'm not willing to accept – and I don't think most of my customers are willing to say – "it's a bad product, I wish I didn't buy it." That's not the conversation we're having now. I think what we're hearing is, "You made a game we really liked. We would've liked it a little better if it didn't have these problems." Many of those problems we can fix, and we have and will.

Never again, I stopped buying their rehashed sports games, now I am done with BF at least as far as buying it early.
If EA releases a game that is good I'll buy it. Just because they released a broken game doesn't mean everything from them is made out of shit or hatred for the consumer.

Pretty much this. Most of the games EA releases I have no interest in anyway so it would be relatively easy for me to just boycott them, but I decided that I don't want to limit myself. If they release something I'm curious about I'll still give them a chance. Granted, because of all the horror stories I've read and heard, I probably would never buy from them on Day 1.
BF1943 was a disaster for me too. Couldn't connect to their severs for weeks at a time some times. Also was such a bitch to get on a friends team.
God these games so fun when they work though. Fuckers!
It's hard to support a company that doesn't make the games I want, so I'm just watching from the sidelines, hoping that they eventually lose exclusive control of their NFL, NHL and FIFA licenses.


Bf4 will likely be the last dice and/or ea product that I buy at least at launch. 4 and a half months later and I still get booted back to the ps4 menu just about every time I try to join a 64 player conquest server for the first time of the day. I have little hope that battlefront will be anything more than a bug filled mess for the first few months that it's out. I think I'll give my money to companies with viable qa


What really kills me is the inconsistency in the games crappyness. For two months after launch, I had all the typical ailments, severe rubber-banding, game freezes, audio cut-outs, etc. Around the end of Jan, most of my friends started experiencing matches without these issues. I just kept getting worse. It was WORSE having my game fail as my friends offered me condolences through my headset and suddenly turning into fricking engineers telling me, "did you reboot? Uninstall and re-install the patch, try standing while shooting". It infuriated me to no end.

Now, post Naval Assault, I run almost flawlessly. My friends? Ha! They have so much lag and rubber-banding they can't even make it through one match and if they do the game freezes at the end and they lose everything. As we play now, I ask them things like, "Steve, have you tried to turn off and on the console?" Oh, the rage....

DICE is so inept, that they don't even have any consistency to their crappyness.
I am not that burned by BF4.

No one likes these messages but: The issues were not so apparent for me.

No rubber banding. The one shot kill was not that bad,, I can accept unfair deaths for I am sure I got unfair kills just as well.

Netcode kills that I am sure I was around the corner only happened 2 times, those suck true. But still, I am sure I got kills like that as well so didnt burn me that bad.

I do feel sorry about the people that could not enjoy BF4 due to issues.

To answer the thread question. No, BF still my favorite shooter. Will blindly buy the next one. Although I do not expect to see one this year. Not after all the backlash from thousands of consumers with actual issues.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Why should I punish Respawn for creating an extremely fun and innovative game because DICE and EA are fucking up? I just won't buy a game if its shit.

Titanfall is worth the full $60 by the way.
It's easy to say that you won't buy, harder to actually do it, especially if friends are in at launch.

It's gone well beyond teething problems this time though, shameful stuff when their intention seems to be to sell us another MP shooter at the end of this year. I wouldn't want to be the developers of that game, it's probably them that will feel the backlash, not the team who made this.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
At this point I'm just hoping for Mirror's Edge not to be shit.
Beside that? EA doesn't have any series I'm interested in so, yeah, unless they drop a new Burnout (unlikely) I'm pretty much done with them.

Bold One

Why wont they just make a BF:BC3 for the consoles, they are powerful enough now :(

This is the EA game I am looking for, all the rest can Gtfo!


I rarely buy EA games anymore, maybe once or twice every few years. I hope the new Battlefront will be good, maybe it won't be rushed.
If they have a title I'm interested in, sure.

Haven't had that many problems with pc bf4, mostly killcams right now. I'm not a big fan of broken games, but EA isn't the first and no developer has ever released a bug free product.


I am not that burned by BF4.

No one likes these messages but: The issues were not so apparent for me.

No rubber banding. The one shot kill was not that bad,, I can accept unfair deaths for I am sure I got unfair kills just as well.

Netcode kills that I am sure I was around the corner only happened 2 times, those suck true. But still, I am sure I got kills like that as well so didnt burn me that bad.

I do feel sorry about the people that could not enjoy BF4 due to issues.

To answer the thread question. No, BF still my favorite shooter. Will blindly buy the next one. Although I do not expect to see one this year. Not after all the backlash from thousands of consumers with actual issues.
How many hours have you put into BF4? What platform?

I'm on Xbox One and my 300 hours experience tells it's a piece of shit.


you put 300 hours into a piece of shit game?
What else you gonna play? :/

Nah, like I said in op it's great fun when it works, but most of the time doesn't. Still, that's the only game to play atm with my BF friends. Titanfall was in the talks, but it's so different from BF.


Ehh, I bought Titanfall and I'll buy whatever interests me whether from EA or elsewhere. Life is too short to worry about boycotting multinational companies.


Tier Whore
BF4 had some issues, but guess I was able to get 70 hours of gameplay out without much problems, so yeah if they make a game I care about I will buy!
For me, the one thing I truly want is Mirror's Edge 2. I do still want to play ME4, the next Battlefield and the new Battlefront, but ME2 comes first. If they fuck that up, goodbye EA.

Bob White

Dice burned their bridge with me. Done with them. To release BF4 like this, I don't even understand how. That is pure disregard for a fan base.

The game is unplayable.
Dice burned their bridge with me. Done with them. To release BF4 like this, I don't even understand how. That is pure disregard for a fan base.

The game is unplayable.

EA happened way more than DICE. DICE isn't helping in the fact that it's not fixed, but still, EA rushed it so that it would go up against COD.


ill still buy most games that are released by EA. but that is because i didn't many problems with the PC version of BF4


I.... I mean... Uhm...

Well, you win, internet. You win.
I see your point, but where else are you gonna get your BF fix? :/ It's a broken game but there really isn't another game like it in the market. Maybe Planetside 2? But not gonna buy a new PC for it, and highly doubt my friends would as well.

Also, I paid 100 euros for this game so I might as well play it for the money.

edit: oops, old info. I'm logging almost 400 hours now.


Fool me once and all that. Just wait it out.

DICE/EA have had many years and games to get their act together. BF4 was what finally pushed them over the edge but they've been close for a long time. Quality needs to be a priority no matter how epic the games are. Can't let it slide any more.
I will still buy EA games that I think are interesting/fun.

This. My standard for what I'll put up with rises with every crappy EA release, but I'm not going to stop buying them outright. It DOES mean I'm far less likely to buy a Battlefield 5, though, just like I probably won't buy another SimCity and am hesitant to support another Dragon Age or Mass Effect.

At the moment, I'm still on board for a second Mirror's Edge, but we'll see if that project gets screwed up too.
Pretty much the only EA game on the horizon I have any interest in is Battlefront but I'm sure DICE will fuck that up too.

My only hope is that because Battlefront isn't going to compete directly with CoD the same way Battlefield does it won't be rushed and released unfinished.

Feel free to screen cap this so we can all laugh about my naivety whenever the game is released.


I'll get Mass a Effect, Dragon Age, and Mirror's Edge, but other than those franchise I won't go near EA.
For me, the one thing I truly want is Mirror's Edge 2. I do still want to play ME4, the next Battlefield and the new Battlefront, but ME2 comes first. If they fuck that up, goodbye EA.

Stay strong.

You guys are my inspiration going forward.

I haven't really supported EA for a long time apart from Battlefield 4. Didn't bother with Crysis 3 (didn't enjoy 2) or Titanfall (tried the beta, meh).

It's on PC and its not buggy for me, but it takes 5-8 minutes for maps to load so by the time I get in, the game is over or changing map. I have a decent PC and I connect to local servers, so I'm not sure why this is. I've only played it a few times because of this. From what I have played of BF3 and 4, I enjoyed Bad Company 1 and 2 a LOT more.

But I am very aware of the other problems with the game and it is definitely affected my decision to buy from them in the future.

So I'm pretty much done with EA unless Mirrors Edge 2 comes out, but that's it.

What is your CPU? HDD speed?

Seems like a hardware issue.
Battlefield 1942 was broken but all the brokeness was charming at the time. I guess gamers have a low acceptability to brokenness now.

Activist consumerism never works. When you give up trying to change the world and just enjoy the good things in the world you will live happier.


I treat things like that on a case by case basis. When developers fuck up, I don't buy the game. When they don't, I buy it. I rarely buy games day 1 so I don't oft get burned on these things. But I don't believe enacting some blanket ban toward a company because of one experience.
Ex-Gaffer/friend wrote this up earlier this month: 127 days later, and Battlefield 4 is still amazingly broken

I didn't know about this tweet:

As January opened up, DICE’s community-manger-turned-producer Daniel Matros tweeted the following:

zh1nt0 said:
Haven't had time to play bf since november. What's it like?
As the great Walter Sobchak once said, “you’re out of your element”.

The explosion from the community could have been seen from space with the naked eye. As a person with one of DICE’s most forward-facing jobs, Matros essentially spit in the face of a group of players that had been having major, legitimate issues for the better part of 3 months. In my estimation, this was the turning point of the community against DICE; up until January, the prevailing voices tended towards “let’s give DICE a little time to iron these kinks out”, but beyond Matros’ tweet, vitriol rapidly seeped into the conversation and talk of lost consumer confidence took hold.

I've essentially stopped pre-ordering games. EA may be the market leader, but they're not the only ones pushing out questionable stuff. There's considerable risk and very little benefit to playing a game day one.

Battlefield is my jam and I'll probably buy it forever. But I'll be waiting maybe a month to make sure it's not a piece of shit in some manner.


Supporting EA? People consciously support companies like that? I thought people just put up with them because they published games they like.
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