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Supporting EA after BF4 clusterfu*k?


Battlefield, my favourite franchise. Rubberbanding, lag, glitches and crashes. Naval Strike is actually unplayable due to rubberbanding. It's been what, 5 months since it was released? Great. They will probably announce new BF game soon that will come out in 6 months. "We've already got your money, stupid!"

I don't think I've ever been burned this badly. BF4 is great fun when it works, but most of the time it's just a broken piece of shit. I paid 55 euros for the game and 47 euros for the Premium. Yeah, stupid me. I know.

Well... They royally screwed over the fanbase and in return they gave out additional XP.
To paraphrase "To make up for the broken game we'll give you more xp".

It's a shitty situation. Consider it an IOU from EA; any future game by EA that are single players or have a single player campaign are to be stripped of DRM and available to you via you for free. Har har matey'. 2 wrongs don't make a right but since they wouldn't refund people unless it was purchased via Origin then it seems like a fair compromise.


PC, and about 120 hours, due to work. Otherwise I would have put a lot more into it.

Your comment however is really weird. 300 hours of experience,,, and I hated it,,,, what is wrong with you?
385 hours to be precise. Well, last saturday was a great example: I was playing BF4 with 4 friends online, having fun in the party chat. One of our guys had serious issues joining our game, and got kicked for some reason all the time. Terrible lag also in the vanilla maps, which was new to me. My console froze, so I had to join the game again, but got several "EA connection lost" notices, and if I tried to join the server I got a black screen and couldn't do anything but reboot my console. One of our friends couldn't switch sides for some reason until he restarted the game.

Out of 3 hours we played maybe 1 hour was were we actually played together as a squad. It was still great fun but also very frustrating experience. Just like every game of BF4. Like I've said a hundred times, it's so much fun when it actually works, but most of the time you are having at least some issues. And there is no other game like Battlefield for me. Either lag, rubberbanding, stupid glitches and bugs, can't join a server, game crashes etc.

Someone said he would buy BC2? I would actually go back to BC2 if my friends also did and it was available for Xbox One. Good times.


Surprisingly Titanfall has very few issues on the technical side of things.

Only issues with the game are dev choices regarding MM at launch.

Titanfall has no issues because the engine they are using is a known quantity and EA doesn't get to call the shots. Respawn also had plenty of time to make sure everything worked right. If you put them on the timeline that DICE were on for BF4 they'd probably turn out a turd too.

Battlefield 4 is only just now getting any sort of serious attempt at balancing the game and fixing major issues. This isn't sustainable. EA can keep the hammer down on sports titles but they really need to let off on these creative efforts.


I never supported EA in my life. I buy their games to enjoy myself.

I'm not getting another DICE game on day 1 though, that's for sure. They're known for releasing broken products but this time they took it too far.


Playing BF4 made me not want to buy their next BF early or not at all. As for supporting EA, well, it depends on the game really.

AU Tiger

I waited until I could get BF3 + all the DLC including end game for $25. I feel like I got my money's worth. I didn't play a whole bunch but it was fun when I did play and really didn't have hardly any problems out of it.

For whatever reason, they had a deep discount pretty soon after release of BF4 and I got it and china rising for again, $25. I liked the beta but it felt like more of the same and for me, felt like it would be worth the 25 bucks.

I didn't have terrible problems the few weeks I played it but I did have numerous matches just all of a sudden end or problems connecting to a server or something along those lines (SP campaign was fun though)

BF3/4 is just a different feeling/playing game than the old 1942/desert combat mod that I grew up loving. The classes, the leveling, unlocking stuff, etc just doesn't appeal to me. I know why they do it but the old BF games where everyone was just on a level playing field the whole time no matter if they were seasoned vets or brand new to the game felt more fair.

As far as the whole boycotting EA thing goes, meh. A good game is a good game. If I feel like a game is good, I'll buy it no matter who the publisher is. I've gotten burned by companies besides EA and EA, presuming credit due to the actual devs and not EA themselves, have had some solid releases that I really enjoyed. I'm permanently in "Wait and see" mode for pretty much every new game these days though regardless of publisher/dev so no one gets a free pass in my book anymore.... well maybe except CDPR but with a world as massive as Witcher 3, I can't imagine that the game will be flawless on day 1.



EA is a shit company. If you didn't know it before, you know it now. I'll do everything to avoid spring them in the future.


At some point, people will realize that there are more good games nowadays than time to play them, so we don't have to accept these kinds of games any more.

The rise of indies and democratization of distribution (Steam) is making any one game (or game publisher) easy to ignore.

I've been EA free since 2011, and it feels good.


Only bought Titanfall since BF3. Tried BF4 multiple times at a friend's place and yeah won't touch. Also I haven't payed in full for a Bioware product since DA2.


Rubberbanding has been a battlefield staple since BC2. I still can't believe its still in the game. Frostbite sucks.
I bought titanfall and plants vs zombies garden warfare, aside from the lag/server problems the first few days its been decent ever since

plus i only had one crash and some lag on BF4 on xbox one


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I find it hilarious that after all the heinous shit that EA has done over the years that it's finally taken a buggy dudebro shooter to finally break the camels back.

Not buying EA products is *so easy*. Why? Because 95% of the time they are absolute shit. In the rare occurrence that they release an actual good game, it's guaranteed to either be sent to die or get some sequels that absolutely ruin everything that was good about it.


In a gaming world with tons of consumer unfriendly practices, BF4 having server problems over a very long period of time in what seems more like incompetence than anything is not my biggest worry. I'm more hesitant about supporting EA after SimCity. BF4 has worked for me most of the time anyways, my only issue was for a couple days after I bought the game. My biggest issue with BF4 is that it's not a very good game, Imo, but that's partially because I'm not a military shooter fan in the first place.


I really don't want to support them but...



I support games, not publishers per se. If EA makes a game I'm interested in or is otherwise good, I'll buy it.

Fox Mulder

if EA makes a great game that interests me I'll check it out.

I don't really buy many $60 games day one, as shit like review embargoes and broken servers just makes me wait for impressions or play other things I got real cheap. There's too many games around to sit on my ass waiting for EA to fix their fucking games months after release.


I'd like to not support some of EAs practices but they own my favorite franchise along with my favorite FPS and a ton of upcoming games which I simply have to buy. So, I think it's important to boycott those broken games and not everything EA owns. Also aside from rumors, they and everyone else are still innocent until proven guilty.


It would take a very extreme situation for me not to buy Mirror's Edge 2 day one.

I really fail to care about games I don't care about being 'broken'. It's really bad of course, but I can't get angry about it.
I play BF4 on Xbone all the time. The rubberbanding is a lot better. Bugs or not, I've had a lot if fun with BF4.

I still buy EA games. My biggest gripes are Dragon Age 2, Dead Space 3, forced multiplayer to get a perfect campaign in Mass Effect 3 (or was it 2), and shitty, shitty server support for every game ever.

SW:TOR - not enough servers at launch.
Battlefield 1942 XBLA: not enough servers for the demo, or launch, or weeks after launch. Some of the player population finally gave up trying and the game finally became playable because of lessened demand. Pure crash grab.
Battlefield 3: not enough servers at launch, despite the open beta.
Battlefield 4: lag, rubberbanding, disaster at launch for many people.
SimCity: disaster at launch for multiple reasons, including lack of servers.
Many games: shutting down servers obscenely early.

...the list of shitty server support could go on and on, but I think my point has been made.
They flat out REFUSE to build a proper server infrastructure. Early adopters get screwed over and they get pissed off and decide to quit playing a game. With declining player counts, the server problems mysteriously get fixed and EA claims they "added servers" about the same time. -- The cost of running a stable server network is too much for EA, which us why they shut games down early and never have enough at launch.

Luckily, the guys at Respawn had the good sense to use Microsoft's Azure instead of EA's shitty network.
BF4 is the last EA game I buy.

It was such a tremendous disappointment and the rage it induced on me was just too much when it crashed.

This will pain me as I want titan fall and the new dragon age looks good but enough is enough.
It would take a very extreme situation for me not to buy Mirror's Edge 2 day one.

Mirror's Edge was probably the last EA game I bought at full price, but after all this time I've lost all faith in DICE's competence. I'll maintain a wait and see approach. Besides this franchise I haven't had an interest in an EA game since the original Mass Effect.
The last EA game I bought was Bad Company 2, they've screwed up way too much and don't deserve my money, and honestly the last games I even cared to play from EA was Dead Space 2, which I didn't even pay for(friend gave it to me).


Right... like any rational person is going to boycott an entire publisher for the shortcomings of a single developer with a shoddy track record.

BF4 was a hot mess at launch, Titanfall was not. Both EA products...
The last EA game I bought was Bad Company 2, they've screwed up way too much and don't deserve my money, and honestly the last games I even cared to play from EA was Dead Space 2, which I didn't even pay for(friend gave it to me).

Honestly, BC2 was the last great BF game. The SP was good, not great. But the destruction levels and Rush maps were OUTSTANDING. I still think Arica Harbor is a better map than any other BF map since, and I'm a huge fan of Caspian Border.


I didn't support EA even before BF4

I believe the last EA game I bought was Sims Medieval for my wife, on sale for $0.98 by mistake on Steam.

Before that it might have been Mirrors Edge about 2 years prior for $3 during another Steam sale.

I was hardly supporting them before, and there's no way I'm giving them a cent after the Sim City/Dungeon Keeper fiascos.


I usually wait for reviews AND forum impressions as I don fully trust reviewers....

So I did not buy BF4, and don't think I will ever buy a BF game until its been cleared by many people maybe a week or 2 after launch.

Will still buy Mass effect


I don't get this. It's DICE patching the game and laying patches on the server. I don't see how EA is getting fitted with all the blame. DICE has to be held accountable too.

DICE is/was a reputable developer. EA wanted the game out on those specific dates on five platforms.

I find it hard to believe that DICE (or many other developers), would they have been in the position to, had shipped the game as it was if it were up to them. I suspect there are a lot of people at DICE that are rather upset at the state they had to ship BF4 in.


What difference could one person make by boycotting a huge mega corporation? I don't know, not much I guess. But what if more and more people would stop supporting their business, maybe it could have some positive effect?

It would definitely have effect (EA will change if what they do loses them money), but.... good luck with that. Most gamers seem satisfied enough with complaining and maybe even making themselves feel good by voting EA worst company but they don't actually want to have to give up anything by actually doing the one thing EA would listen to, resist buying any games from them.

Not saying I don't resist buying games. But I'm cynical that what I do will ever be effective cause it needs more than a few people doing it. But, at least I know my money isn't going to condoning practices I dislike *shrug*. And it's not like there aren't plenty of other games to play. EA isn't the only game company out there.

Now... if it was Bethesda I admit I'd have a harder time giving up the games (So please don't tell me of reasons why I should boycott them ;) ).


I said this in the other thread but figured I'd ask it again here:

Since we know Visceral is working on a BF game and one is supposed to come out this year, do you think EA is waiting to announce it hoping the hostility dies down and that people will forget about the bullshit or are they just waiting until BF4's DLC is over with since it's pretty obvious by the XP changes and the DLC schedule that they always planned to rush the DLC in preparation of a new BF game.

I just don't see how they can possibly announce the new BF game without huge backlash although I suppose they don't care and it will still sell well enough. It's going to be tough for them to sell people on the next game focusing on all the good PR bullet points while acting like BF4 never happened. Does Visceral tackle it head-on and address the problems of BF4 and state how they plan to avoid them?

Either way, this BF fan who started on day 1 of 1942 and bought every single game at launch since will be sitting out. Even if they go back to WWII and make a true sequel to 1942, I couldn't see myself getting it at launch unless I want to bitch about things.

The fact that I can't even play Naval Strike with my friends really pisses me off and I won't forget it. It's ironic to see them mention next-gen graphics and gameplay but then provide us with netcode and servers that are worse than previous BF games and most other MP games.
I can't see me boycotting EA games. I may dislike them as a company, but not enough to stop buying games like Titanfall which I have been enjoying. However, I won't be getting the next Battlefield until I've read proper feedback from gamers way after release. So angry I bought premium...still hurts.


Not day 1, that is for god damn sure. I don't care what preorder perks I don't get.

DICE went from Day 1 for me to wait and see. That is an amazing about face for me from the days of Bad Company 2 (which had its problems too, but nothing like this)


I have not played an EA game since...well, I guess you can technically say the first Mass Effect? Or maybe Dead Space, but that bored the shit out of me.

They make products I don't want to support, so I don't play them. Seeing the quality of Battlefield 4, I think I'm pretty alright not buying their sort-of-working games. If I want a military experience in a game, I want something more authentic, and really the only series in that sort of arena for years has been ArmA.


I stopped supporting EA before BF4 and the BF series use to be one of my favs as well.

Felt great knowing I didnt get screwed by them again wuth that game.
I will buy their games if they are good, but I'm done preordering games from them. BF3 was what made me take this stance; the input lag on PS3 took over six months to fix.
"Support," sure. You'd be ignoring a fuckton of games to not support them. But the BF4 ordeal has finally turned me off to the notion of pre-ordering and season passes.


Junior Member
for me EA got in to a coma after the mass effect 3 fiasco, they died after dead space 3, funny enough i have battlefield 4 because my dear wife gift it to me, a digital copy, haven touch that game
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