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Angry Joe gets called out by IGNs review editor for misquoting their Titanfall review


The decimal arguing is silly, but Joe should have just owned up to using a quote from a preview while talking about reviews. He comes off as pretty dickish

He didn't even make any explicit claim that he was quoting from a review. He was simply saying that he's surprised that the game is so well received in major media outlets and he raised the "Believe the hype" quote as an example of this reception. I don't see anything objectively wrong here - his point would not have changed regardless of what the article was titled. It could be a preview, review, "Musings Of A Reviewer", "Thoughts Of The Day", etc. It doesn't matter.

If Joe really did claim that he was quoting from a review, then he would obviously be in the wrong. But he didn't.


The 8 and 9 have an important difference in connotation as a direct result of the (modern) review scale.

Yeah, rightly or wrongly. It seems as though the 9 threshold is a big deal for IGN which makes the difference between 8.9 and 9 somewhat important to them.


I have no problems with YouTubers. Yahtzee is a brilliant journalist, and I also enjoy the Jimquisition by Jim Sterling.

My problem is douchebags like Joe who act completely unprofessional and then start crying and shouting when they get called out on it. Either get your shit straight or be ready for people to call you a jackass, but I'm sure he's used to being called a jackass.

I know this is old but I have to mention that Yahtzee is no stranger to getting things wrong or not giving things a fair chance and then acting like a complete ass when called out on it


He voices opinions, commentates news, conducts interviews and reviews games for a large audience. He is fulfilling the role of a journalist whether he claims to be one or not.

You say that word but you clearly don't know what that means. Howard Stern and Elvis Duran are journalists? No they are radio jocks. Are Oprah or Ellen journalists? No they are talk show hosts. Youtubers are their own breed of media personalities but they aren't journalists.


I think you masterfully missed the point

No. My point was rather simple. I have no interest in what some guy has to say about the industry simply because he has a web cam. They are jack of all trades, but masters of none. A school of people who assume, incorrectly, they are an expert on all topics relating to the industry.
You say that word but you clearly don't know what that means. Howard Stern and Elvis Duran are journalists? No they are radio jocks. Are Oprah or Ellen journalists? No they are talk show hosts. Youtubers are their own breed of media personalities but they aren't journalists.
People view them the same here because of how low the bar is for video game journalism. The fact that someone from IGN saw Joe's video and tried to hold him up to the same standard of professionalism as the work of him and the company he works for just shows that the line between video game journalist and Youtube entertainer is so razor thin that even the people who are supposed to be professionals don't see the difference.


:lol :lol :lol

Joe is a grown man with the mentality of a child. It has nothing to do with journalists vs. youtubers and everything to do with Joe being an embarrassment.

That's not even close to fair. Most reviewers/journalist/youtubers are completely unprofessional and some have spats so much worse than this and still get a free pass.

Lets use the earlier Yahtzee as an example. His video review of MH tri is completely misrepresenting the game and filled with hyperbole (to be fair most of the video reviews are just hyperbole) Through his video it's completely obvious he didn't get past the tutorial. People called him out on it and he went back to it with painfully obvious reluctance. In his written review there are things ranging from outright false hoods like a ten hour tutorial to blaming the game for his own incompetence. Now most of this is fine actually beyond the outright lies as I have heard similar stories of giving up and blaming the game elsewhere but when called out on this again for both those things he thought it would be a good idea to pull the "I have a life and job" card. Forgetting for a sec that that's an excuse a petulant 16 year old would use because he is out of talking points and clearly assumes the critics are lacking those things... It literally IS his job to get things right and review games

He is essentially insulting his viewer base there which is something not even Joe has done. He clearly got so much about the game wrong but just didn't care.


The normal mission is under 2 hours, The average main story playthrough is 1h41 minute. And if you rush it, it's about an hour yes.

The main mission was speedrunned in 5 minute and 41 sec.If you do all the side missions its 5 hours.

People complain about the lenght. Joe gave a really fair review of the game saying that the game is awesome, but the lenght do not justify the price.
Hell, I waited a sale for Gone Home because 3 hours of "normal" play time for 20$ is way too high for a game like that. Gone home can also be speed runned in under 30 sec. That's why people complain.

We're not even on the same page, I'm not talking about the primary mission. My point of contention was that that he claimed all the side op missions could be cumulatively finished in an hour. Total nonsense, he plays loose with the facts so I'm not surprised he misrepresented IGN in his Titanfall review.

And don't get it twisted, most people are not going to speed run through games, speed runs are not the way games are typically played.. and factoring in speed run times into what you consider the average length of a game is a precedent you shouldn't be setting.

That's not even close to fair. Most reviewers/journalist/youtubers are completely unprofessional and some have spats so much worse than this and still get a free pass.

Lets use the earlier Yahtzee as an example. His video review of MH tri is completely misrepresenting the game and filled with hyperbole (to be fair most of the video reviews are just hyperbole) Through his video it's completely obvious he didn't get past the tutorial. People called him out on it and he went back to it with painfully obvious reluctance. In his written review there are things ranging from outright false hoods like a ten hour tutorial to blaming the game for his own incompetence. Now most of this is fine actually beyond the outright lies as I have heard similar stories of giving up and blaming the game elsewhere but when called out on this again for both those things he thought it would be a good idea to pull the "I have a life and job" card. Forgetting for a sec that that's an excuse a petulant 16 year old would use because he is out of talking points and clearly assumes the critics are lacking those things... It literally IS his job to get things right and review games

He is essentially insulting his viewer base there which is something not even Joe has done. He clearly got so much about the game wrong but just didn't care.

The fact that other reviewers are what you call unprofessional is irrelevant to the fact that Angry Joe is indeed a child both in his style and the way he reacted in this twitter spat. Finger pointing is not the correct response.

And you're right about Yahtzee, it's funny seeing Yahtzee completely shit on Demon's Souls.. then later embracing Dark Souls for the very same reason he blasted Demon's Souls. He reluctantly gave Dark Souls another chance then admitted it was a good game. Makes you wonder what other games he pre-maturely shit on in previous reviews. Guys like Yahtzee are cancerous to the game industry, spreading misinformation and giving dishonest reviews under the guise of entertainment.

Angry Joe is nowhere near as bad as Yahtzee but it's awful seeing members here post defending him with the logic of "Angry Joe rules, his videos are entertaining!" as if that's relevent


Junior Member
:lol :lol :lol

Joe is a grown man with the mentality of a child. It has nothing to do with journalists vs. youtubers and everything to do with Joe being an embarrassment.

This is one example of a post that is too one sided and exaggerating.

The mentality of a child? Did you forget how Dan reacted and how he started throwing insults?

Both acted childish and could have handled things much better, but to focus your comments on Joe makes me wonder why that is the case.

The fact that other reviewers are what you call unprofessional is irrelevant to the fact that Angry Joe is indeed a child both in his style and the way he reacted in this twitter spat. Finger pointing is not the correct response.

And you're right about Yahtzee, it's funny seeing Yahtzee completely shit on Demon's Souls.. then later embracing Dark Souls for the very same reason he blasted Demon's Souls. He reluctantly gave Dark Souls another chance then admitted it was a good game. Makes you wonder what other games he pre-maturely shit on in previous reviews. Guys like Yahtzee are cancerous to the game industry, spreading misinformation and giving dishonest reviews under the guise of entertainment.

Angry Joe is nowhere near as bad as Yahtzee but it's awful seeing members here post defending him with the logic of "Angry Joe rules, his videos are entertaining!" as if that's relevent

You...I've read all your comments about Joe. Do you have a chip on your shoulders? Did Joe kill your dog or something?

Also, those members are not defending him with that mentality that you are describing. People are defending him with the logic that IGN, known for their excellent quality writing and fact checking, are nitpicking over one minor mistake and they are creating a second mistake out of thin air. That Dan decided to attack a youtuber without talking things over like adults.

Joe is not some cool dude who does no wrong, but at least his videos are informative and lack marketing speech. His videos at least give a good idea of what to expect from games and whether they're worth buying. He might make or have made mistakes along the way, but I prefer the way he handles reviews than many official outlets out there. You're downplaying his contributions and the things he does right. I wonder if you have watched any of his reviews?


It's interesting how much hate you have for Angry Joe. If you want I can show you how every single human being on Earth isn't perfectly accurate. Also, when you play the accusation game, then provide concrete evidence, such as the time on the video that you saw him say that. Since you heard him say it then you should know when he said it, it would save me some time. Thanks.

Did you even watch the review? it is at about the 3:40 mark, you didn't even have to watch the whole video to get that far.

He says you can finish each side mission in under 15 minutes a piece, total HORSESHIT. There is no way a first time playthrough without a guide can finish each side mission in 15 minutes. This is why he is disingenuous.


Near the end of his review he says you can complete the GZ mission in the time it takes to watch his 22 minute review, bullshit. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you will or that it represents the average completion time for a first time playthrough. a speed run is not an accurate assessment of the game's length. On average playthroughs the main mission completion times are 1.5 hours minimum to 3 hours if you're playing it normally without rushing or using a guide.

16 minutes into the review he says he can't speak on how the game has departed from previous entries in the franchise since he is new to the franchise... then later on he says the game is a natural evolution for the series. What?

Angry Joe's only fair point was that the game was bad at pointing out certain things, some of them you have to figure out yourself. (in the map screen, nowhere does it state that you can press X to manually set a waypoint for yourself)

You...I've read all your comments about Joe. Do you have a chip on your shoulders? Did Joe kill your dog or something?

No. You can't be critical now without there being some hidden agenda? Get real.

over one minor mistake and they are creating a second mistake out of thin air. That Dan decided to attack a youtuber without talking things over like adults.

That's true, Dan should have handled it more maturely. Angry Joe should still have been called out publicly, but not in the way Dan handled it. My point is this isn't an isolated incident, Angry Joe always plays loose with facts and it's forgiven because he's not a mega corporation (even though he's actually owned by a mega corp)

His videos at least give a good idea of what to expect from games and whether they're worth buying.

This is true maybe half the time, though people here bash IGN for having a similar ratio

I wonder if you have watched any of his reviews?



Greg Miller and Daemon Hatfield, on video. Infectious energy. If I'm going to IGN, I'll only type ign.com/videos
This is why "why is this thread still going" type posts should be bannable. Not just a page ago you were attempting to stunt the conversation and now you're adding to it.



Junior Member
No. You can't be critical now without there being some hidden agenda? Get real.

Sorry, but the way you word yourself and the way you exaggerate a one sided view, it's hard to think you don't have a grudge against the guy, for whatever reason.

I apologize if that is not the case.

That's true, Dan should have handled it more maturely. Angry Joe should still have been called out publicly, but not in the way Dan handled it. My point is this isn't an isolated incident, Angry Joe always plays loose with facts and it's forgiven because he's not a mega corporation (even though he's actually owned by a mega corp)

Then we're in agreement here.

I have no idea if he has been too loose in the past and what mistakes he made, I don't remember noticing mid or huge mistakes by him, but yeah. Of course he should be called out on his mistakes if he made any, in a less hostile way.


About him being owned by a mega corp, does that change anything about him when he is not getting any fund or support from this corp and he has no control over who he is being bought by?

I would like to know more about how this works with youtube channels, I'm not very experienced on what goes around between being bought and how that affects videos.

This is true maybe half the time, though people here bash IGN for having a similar ratio

I don't know about that. It sounds to me like you're exaggerating his fail ratio too much.

Honestly anything is better than IGN's media overhype, typo/grammar errors and reviews that lack depth or some that have the wrong target audience in mind.

I disagree that Joe should be held the same as IGN. He does a better job at reviewing despite being one man on a youtube channel.

That's good to know.


Late to the party, but I can't help but feel that this is an example of how videogame journalism is filled with egotistical babies.

What happened to being polite, understanding, and diplomatic? Burning bridges through senseless bickering does nothing but turn people off.

King E

Sounds like Joe was in the wrong and didn't want to admit to it, technicalities aside. He still could have proved his case afterwards, yet the conversation focused on a tenth of a point. That's easily one of the more annoying traits about people in general. Some will never own up to the decisions they make (or have made).

The topic of journalistic integrity should be brought up on both fronts here; however, I doubt Angry Joe claims to be a journalist by any stretch of the imagination. IGN's editors should not even engage in such debates in the first place. It's not a winning situation regardless if they're right or wrong. It's fine to release a statement and move on to say the least. Either way, it was not that big of an issue.

The exchange is pretty embarrassing on both sides.
No. You can't be critical now without there being some hidden agenda? Get real.

That's true, Dan should have handled it more maturely. Angry Joe should still have been called out publicly, but not in the way Dan handled it. My point is this isn't an isolated incident, Angry Joe always plays loose with facts and it's forgiven because he's not a mega corporation (even though he's actually owned by a mega corp)

This is true maybe half the time, though people here bash IGN for having a similar ratio


Which reviewers at IGN are you grouping into that? Joe is one guy. IGN is more than one individual.

I don't like IGN's site, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I don't like IGN's reviewers. I'd say "I don't like Greg's Infamous review". (just using Greg as an example)


Sorry, but the way you word yourself and the way you exaggerate a one sided view, it's hard to think you don't have a grudge against the guy, for whatever reason.

I apologize if that is not the case.

It's not the case. I understand the populist appeal of a guy like Angry Joe but it doesn't let him off the hook for not fact checking or misrepresenting the truth (not an isolated incident)

I disagree that Joe should be held the same as IGN.

I don't believe in double standards.

That's good to know.

You asked.

Which reviewers at IGN are you grouping into that? Joe is one guy. IGN is more than one individual.

I don't like IGN's site, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I don't like IGN's reviewers. I'd say "I don't like Greg's Infamous review". (just using Greg as an example)

I'm not targeting any one particular reviewer, I mean IGN as a whole is on point half the time in their reviews. I've seen Colin get shit wrong more than half the time, and I don't agree with Greg all the time either.

RPGn stated that Angry Joe gives you a better idea of the quality of a game than IGN does, my counter point is that IGN as an organization and Angry Joe miss the mark half the time, equally.


Junior Member
I don't know this Dan guy. That's why I'm focusing on Joe. Every time I'm exposed to him I'm reminded of all the cringeworthy aspects of "gaming culture" that he stands for. Whiny, entitled and immature.

Okay, I understand where you're coming from more.

I don't believe in double standards.

I don't understand, what are you implying? That I have double standards?

You asked.

I know, I wasn't trying to sound sarcastic if that's what you mean.


He didn't even make any explicit claim that he was quoting from a review. He was simply saying that he's surprised that the game is so well received in major media outlets and he raised the "Believe the hype" quote as an example of this reception. I don't see anything objectively wrong here - his point would not have changed regardless of what the article was titled. It could be a preview, review, "Musings Of A Reviewer", "Thoughts Of The Day", etc. It doesn't matter.

If Joe really did claim that he was quoting from a review, then he would obviously be in the wrong. But he didn't.
I think what Dan is trying to say is that he partly changed his opinion since the preview. Why quote the outdated preview when the more refined review is right there? Also, first showing the quote and then the review score does kind of heavily imply that they're from the same thing.


And you're right about Yahtzee, it's funny seeing Yahtzee completely shit on Demon's Souls.. then later embracing Dark Souls for the very same reason he blasted Demon's Souls. He reluctantly gave Dark Souls another chance then admitted it was a good game. Makes you wonder what other games he pre-maturely shit on in previous reviews. Guys like Yahtzee are cancerous to the game industry, spreading misinformation and giving dishonest reviews under the guise of entertainment.

Angry Joe is nowhere near as bad as Yahtzee but it's awful seeing members here post defending him with the logic of "Angry Joe rules, his videos are entertaining!" as if that's relevent

Thank you.

The angry/annoyed/miffed/upset/moderatelydisconcerted gamer type is deeply problematic. It was funny when AVGN did it, because they were old, obscure, and almost always bad games, as best I remember things. If someone's hunting down Bad Rats to rage at it, cool, I'ma have a good time.

What we have here are a lot of people just going "hey, that's popular, I should lambaste it."

Oh, can't have people universally praising Skyrim, a game most people put hundreds of hours into it (because they enjoy it!), gotta bash it for being "dumbed-down," even though it's actually just making things more sim, less-abstract, and better criticisms could be found elsewhere.

What's this? People think a MP-only shooter is really good? HOW DARE THEY. Everyone's in on a conspiracy! There's no way Titanfall could actually be everything it was promised!

Blah blah blah. All we're getting are shallow, rarely funny videos.

To be angry, you have to find fault. So you either limit yourself to stuff that's faulty, or--like most people do--you find faults where there are none, under the guise of protecting the 'consumer,' who isn't generally your audience for the videos.


34 pages over a twitter slap fight.

Bravo gaf, bravo.

I haven't really kept up should I be twitter outraged in some hashtag or liking some facebook post?

Walter Matthau

Gold Member
Never heard of Angry Joe before this thread. I can't imagine his criticisms impacted IGNs traffic very much. However I can imagine an escapade like this one might increase his greatly.


Thank you.

The angry/annoyed/miffed/upset/moderatelydisconcerted gamer type is deeply problematic. It was funny when AVGN did it, because they were old, obscure, and almost always bad games, as best I remember things. If someone's hunting down Bad Rats to rage at it, cool, I'ma have a good time.

What we have here are a lot of people just going "hey, that's popular, I should lambaste it."

Oh, can't have people universally praising Skyrim, a game most people put hundreds of hours into it (because they enjoy it!), gotta bash it for being "dumbed-down," even though it's actually just making things more sim, less-abstract, and better criticisms could be found elsewhere.

What's this? People think a MP-only shooter is really good? HOW DARE THEY. Everyone's in on a conspiracy! There's no way Titanfall could actually be everything it was promised!

Blah blah blah. All we're getting are shallow, rarely funny videos.

To be angry, you have to find fault. So you either limit yourself to stuff that's faulty, or--like most people do--you find faults where there are none, under the guise of protecting the 'consumer,' who isn't generally your audience for the videos.

Are you actually watching Angry Joe's videos? He is nowhere close to AVGN. And that's a positive thing. He is rarely angry, and it's usually only because he's playing a shitty game. He gives detailed information about games that most "reviewers" don't bother with.

And he actually knows how to play them. And this is the main point. Joe is an Xbox and PC player, and PC games have higher skill levels. Some random game juicebox is gonna talk at most about the story and how pretty it looks, or maybe that there was something hard to do, but they won't break it down like this:


Can you show me a single other reviewer who asks for MGR to be harder? Some couldn't even handle the parry.

Joe is a corny dude, but he's honest about who is. That's why people like him, especially when the other side is manufactured posers trying to out scoop each other by selling us reheated franchises so they can say they're friends with developers.

I actually go to IGN for all my gaming "news" though I never look at gaming reviews. I did not know IGN held a bad taste in most gaffers' mouths. Are there any other site you all recommend? I enjoy being able to see gaming news and TV and movies all in one location.

Just follow Wario64 on twitter.
I actually go to IGN for all my gaming "news" though I never look at gaming reviews. I did not know IGN held a bad taste in most gaffers' mouths. Are there any other site you all recommend? I enjoy being able to see gaming news and TV and movies all in one location.
I actually go to IGN for all my gaming "news" though I never look at gaming reviews. I did not know IGN held a bad taste in most gaffers' mouths. Are there any other site you all recommend? I enjoy being able to see gaming news and TV and movies all in one location.


They don't do tv and movies though.
Are you actually watching Angry Joe's videos? He is nowhere close to AVGN. And that's a positive thing. He is rarely angry, and it's usually only because he's playing a shitty game. He gives detailed information about games that most "reviewers" don't bother with.

And he actually knows how to play them. And this is the main point. Joe is an Xbox and PC player, and PC games have higher skill levels. Some random game juicebox is gonna talk at most about the story and how pretty it looks, or maybe that there was something hard to do, but they won't break it down like this:


Can you show me a single other reviewer who asks for MGR to be harder? Some couldn't even handle the parry.

Joe is a corny dude, but he's honest about who is. That's why people like him, especially when the other side is manufactured posers trying to out scoop each other by selling us reheated franchises so they can say they're friends with developers.

Just follow Wario64 on twitter.

Well said


We're not even on the same page, I'm not talking about the primary mission. My point of contention was that that he claimed all the side op missions could be cumulatively finished in an hour. Total nonsense, he plays loose with the facts so I'm not surprised he misrepresented IGN in his Titanfall review.

And don't get it twisted, most people are not going to speed run through games, speed runs are not the way games are typically played.. and factoring in speed run times into what you consider the average length of a game is a precedent you shouldn't be setting.

The fact that other reviewers are what you call unprofessional is irrelevant to the fact that Angry Joe is indeed a child both in his style and the way he reacted in this twitter spat. Finger pointing is not the correct response.

And you're right about Yahtzee, it's funny seeing Yahtzee completely shit on Demon's Souls.. then later embracing Dark Souls for the very same reason he blasted Demon's Souls. He reluctantly gave Dark Souls another chance then admitted it was a good game. Makes you wonder what other games he pre-maturely shit on in previous reviews. Guys like Yahtzee are cancerous to the game industry, spreading misinformation and giving dishonest reviews under the guise of entertainment.

Angry Joe is nowhere near as bad as Yahtzee but it's awful seeing members here post defending him with the logic of "Angry Joe rules, his videos are entertaining!" as if that's relevent

I was pointing out a double standard that exists both elsewhere in the thread and in other areas of the gaming community. I was not defending joe for how he handled this twitter spat but merely pointing out obvious bias.

Personally I think neither party handled this well and both could have gone about it better. Assigning who is more right or wrong just muddies it all when neither of them should have let it go this far and they both look bad because of it unfortunately.
kinda 30-70 on joes reviews. His MGR is totally off point minus the game length.

Hes just a casual game
reviewer that targets the casual gamer.

Not going to hate on him for what he does. Though I take all talks of competitive gaming from him with a grain of salt or less.
He didn't even make any explicit claim that he was quoting from a review. He was simply saying that he's surprised that the game is so well received in major media outlets and he raised the "Believe the hype" quote as an example of this reception. I don't see anything objectively wrong here - his point would not have changed regardless of what the article was titled. It could be a preview, review, "Musings Of A Reviewer", "Thoughts Of The Day", etc. It doesn't matter.

If Joe really did claim that he was quoting from a review, then he would obviously be in the wrong. But he didn't.

I'd say your assessment is completely accurate. People are making too many assumptions about what he meant, as opposed to what was actually said.


I trust angryjoe more than any of the so called press.
When the mass effect bullshit went down they did little but dismiss the claim (some insulted gamers) while Joe started right of the bat in his video. He points out glitches, bad game design , short gamelength, dlc bullshit , microtransactions and all other problems no matter how small or popular the game is while ign most of the time never mentions these things. His videos are lengthy and detailed about the game and he has sketches to entertain the viewer (it's okay if you don't like them) but those sketches never detract from what he likes and dislikes about the game.

The guy called him out and I have no problem with Joe hitting back plus it's Twitter
way to go Joe keep doing what you're doing.
This is why "why is this thread still going" type posts should be bannable. Not just a page ago you were attempting to stunt the conversation and now you're adding to it.


First, backseat modding is frowned upon. Second, I wasn't stunting the conversation by wondering why the thread was still alive. I wasn't ordering anything like you seem to be right now.
And you're right about Yahtzee, it's funny seeing Yahtzee completely shit on Demon's Souls.. then later embracing Dark Souls for the very same reason he blasted Demon's Souls. He reluctantly gave Dark Souls another chance then admitted it was a good game. Makes you wonder what other games he pre-maturely shit on in previous reviews. Guys like Yahtzee are cancerous to the game industry, spreading misinformation and giving dishonest reviews under the guise of entertainment.

Angry Joe is nowhere near as bad as Yahtzee but it's awful seeing members here post defending him with the logic of "Angry Joe rules, his videos are entertaining!" as if that's relevent

I think a line should be drawn through Yahtzee and Angry Joe. I may be remembering wrong, but on more than one occasion Yahtzee has said that his videos are primarily comedy and shouldn't be taken as a real review of a game; he admits that he picks out stupid, minuscule details and harps on them for the sake of the joke, just like how AVGN has said he actually likes a lot of the games that he's "reviewed" but shits on them for the comedy. It's kind of stupid of anyone to try and take his videos seriously when he flat out says they aren't and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Joe, on the other hand, does take himself very seriously and acts like he's the savior of game journalism. And he will complain about his own stupidity and act like it's the game's fault and it's somehow a legitimate issue, like how he said Ground Zeroes doesn't explain whats going on and is confusing because he neglected to play the previous five/two games in the series
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