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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)

Taking it all in.....

This really sucks. I own a Xbox One so it doesn't affect me that much but I can understand the stand Point and the argument. After all the money fans (especially Sony) have put in to make this game a franchise, bring forth the new updated version, dbl dipped on the Remaster, then to be told... Well thanks buy we are going to take this to Xbox? That's a smack in the face.

Some people of course are going to support this and say, well Microsoft is smart for this. Which they are, but I can't put the blame solely on them. They made a business transaction. Square was the one who didn't give af. It's utterly disgusting.
The fact that Microsoft have to pay for exclusives to make people want their console is another sign that the xbone is massively inferior to the alternatives

Since people don't seem to appreciate the irony here, Sony did the exact same thing with Tomb Raider 2 and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 to combat the Saturn.


Numbers wise, if it is truely Xbone exclusive in full it must have been HUGE cash figures to incentivise S-E to lock this down. Both in light of the PS4 install base and the difference in TR: Definitive sales wise on PS4 / Xbone.

Madness in light of them being disappointed sales wise initially with TR 2013.
this should be a sign that MS will snatch third party games up for the right price. could you imagine the meltdown if MS secured Fallout 4 as an exclusive lol.


Wow. Nothing against exclusives when companies are bringing games to market that wouldn't get there without it, but deals like this feel anti-consumer and leave a bad taste in my mouth.

My thoughts exactly. As a consumer it just pushes me away from the product.


Time Traveler
All those posts stating that this is a timed exclusive, are basically port begging.

I don't own an Xbone, and probably never will, because I own a gaming PC, and will probably buy a WiiU. You lost your 5 dollars S-E (I'm a cheapass on PC).

Great move by Microsoft, the salt on this thread confirms that they struck were it hurts.


This is basically if one team buys out the contact to another team's player but that player is just a small forward or a tackle.

Tomb Raider has wained for awhile but TR2013 seemed like the franchise was coming back but to then cut people from the sequel who likely brought the game more on PS seems...shitty.


Good I guess? Lare Croft serie is still better and more fun though.

But it's still doesn't make sense. The first one sold more on PS3 with 2..22 millions unit and 1.71 on 360.
It also sold better on PS4 than Xbox one.

Considering that SE was disappointed in the sales of the first one this decision is pretty stupid. Or they got a big huge lump of cash.
I think people are missing the point. People are upset because it was a multiplatform game that is now exclusive. They can't play a game in a series they're already invested in.

People weren't this upset at something like Sunset Overdrive or Titanfall, because they're new IP's and they're not being removed from their console's library.


Tomb Raider definitive isnt going to be "removed" from you library or something.

People are acting like this is the first time a franchise ever released an exclusive game.


Here's the thing. When we look back at how Tomb Raider evolved on last gen, it's a heavy partnership with the 360 first and foremost. Legend launched there, and it didn't come to the PS3 for years. Anniversary started as download packs on XBL, Underworld had two chapters exclusive to Xbox that never came to any other platform, and Guardian of Light was on Summer arcade for months before it arrived anywhere.

It seemed like they had a strong relationship with Microsoft throughout- but to go fully exclusive is still surprising. To not be on PC? That feels rough though. Always looked forward to playing it on PC.

Since it would be a Microsoft affair on PC as well, it make sit so much more blatant that this MS just moneyhatting them in the hopes that it will spur sales.

They've vastly overvalued Tomb Raider as a system seller.

So much for all that good will bullshit Phil Spencer loves to spout on twitter. Is he still everyone's golden child?


Hahahaha now PS4 owners know how Wii U owners feel.

Anyway unless Mircosoft is actually funding for the game development, it won't stay exclusive for very long.
Amazing thread!

So glad I own both consoles. You know these things gonna happen eventually. Good times being able to play Bloodborne and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Well fair play to you man, some of us don't have the cash to spend on two consoles to play the 3rd party games they want.
Why would there be? They didn't show the game.

...And now we know why lalalalala

UC4 is on one platform, ROTTR is on two. Just for stat's sake.

UC sells about 5 to 6 million on one platform, compared to TR which does 7 across 5. TLOU did even more. By holiday 2015 the PS4 will be over 10 million ahead.... yea, it's not going to be close.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
As far as we know, it's not the same thing.

There would be no Bloodborne without Sony going to FROM and asking for a collaboration in a new IP. Japan Studio is co-developing and funding Bloodborne.

We don't 100% know the situation, but it seems like Rise of the Tomb Raider was going to appear on Xbox consoles ANYWAY. This is just Microsoft paying Square to keep it off of the competition.

I dont know about this. Dont you think with how supremely talented Miyazakis team at FROM is, that he would be able to get a publisher for Bloodborne? They went with Sony because it is the safer route to go, guaranteeing the studio money even if the game fails, which is probably just the same reason Square Enix made this deal with MS.
With all the comments about TR underperforming etc, I am not so sure. With this move they will be in a secure position with the sequel (that will probably also cost a ton), so it makes sense for them. Also, as far as I remember, From just released two Dark Souls-games that was multiplattform (and PC!). There surely would have been a way to do it with Bloodborne as well, but partnering with Sony was probably the safer move for them.

Bloodborne wouldnt have been made had Sony not approached Miyazaki and From first. Bloodborne wasnt even in the works until that happened.

Stop trying to spin it to seem like Sony took that IP from expecting fans.
If memory serves, a Saturn version of TR2 was in development but canceled after a deal was made with Sony. The agreement lasted until 2000 or so, just in time for the series to return to Sega platforms on the Dreamcast.

Hey, look at that, you're right. The Wikipedia source points to nothing, but I'll take it.




Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Keighly just said it was a holiday exclusive

I'll play it when I finish Uncharted so


Anti-consumer?? you mean anti-Sony consumer. All exlusives are paid for, get over it. This is a business and MS is just trying to stay competitive. Nobody made this much of a big deal when Tomb raider moved to PS exclusive back in the day, when the DMC series was PS2 exclusive or when RE4 was believed to be exclusive to GC. 3rd party exclusives is nothing new and there is nothing wrong with the practice. I was already planning on getting this but now that they are only focusing on one platform then its possible that this may a have a positive effect on the quality of the game.


I don't understand companies. TR is not a system seller. It sold 6 million on all platforms. Now you limit it to one? It's going to sell even less. They just destroyed what could of been a great franchise.

hence the moneyhat, MS is going to pay for the lost sales on other platforms, probably good for SE in the short term


Hey Square, go die in a fire you worthless POS company.

Way to make Tomb Raider exclusive to the Xbox One. Scared that you won't meet sales targets without Microsoft's money huh? Fuck you if you think I'm paying for this now after you just shat on your fanbase. That's going to hold up, right? Fucking making this exclusive to the Xbox One despite Tomb Raider's history on the Playstation? You're a bunch of clowns. I take it as a personal insult that you mouthbreathers are allowed to make decisions with regards to how franchises I used to really love are handled. Your asses got bailed out when you purchased Eidos because their president, like all of you, was a complete and utter mook. I make two better executives than your entire company combined in the toilet every morning before I go to work. I look forward to the day that your company crashes and burns into the fucking sea, only to be picked apart as salvage by western iOS developers, at which time the franchises you've already defiled with incompetence and negligence can be finally whored out to smartphones.

That's assuming you asshats don't beat your eventual western smartphone overlords to the punch, which you probably will because you give fuck all about the legacy of these franchises, to say nothing about just how little regard you hold towards the fans who made them what they where.

As the owner of a PS4 please go swallow glass

Never been more appropriate ;) It's a joke if people didn't catch on btw.


Gold Member
Tomb Raider (2013) Sales by platform

PS3 - 2.2 million
X360 - 1.71 million
PS4 - 0.46 million
PC - 0.27 million
XOne - 0.17 million

It's good that they're targeting their largest fanbase. Should do wonders for their sales. I'm just afraid that if they'll abandon the franchise if they do poorly with this game.
55% of sales on Sony platforms.
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