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EA Access early limited-time game access is for 6 hours with the full game


The difference is that you could play the demo for all the time you wanted, so yeah is even worst than a demo.

How is this worse than a demo? Have you ever played a Madden demo? It's not even worth playing for more than 1 hour. In the demo you get to choose from 2 teams with 2 minute quarters with the clock speed set on fast. The early access is 6 hours of access to the full game. Thats a pretty big difference.
I know everyone likes to jump on EA, but this is exactly what they said it was going to be. It's giving you a chunk of time to play a game a week before it comes out so you can decide if you want to preorder it and get the discount.


Neo Member
It's weird to see all the Gaffers confusing the early access games with the vault games. We always knew the difference between the two. Honestly, this is a pretty incredible deal. I get to play the first 6 hours of Dragon Age 5 days before it releases? Holy shit. Assuming my game save will carry over to the physical edition, that may make it really hard for me to not just go with the XB1 version, when I planned to get the PS4 version, which is probably the point.

EA's website for Access doesn't really do much in the way of making a distinction.

To be fair, they have:

If you’re an EA Access member, you can download upcoming EA games five days before the release date to play for a limited time. Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, FIFA 15, NBA LIVE 15 and Dragon Age: Inquisition are all included, with more to come. If you love it, buy it, and you can pick up right where you left off.
but this image is way more in your face if you're doing a quick glance at the site.


EDIT: Thought the Madden in the image was the same as the one this thread is about. Don't mind me, my reading comprehension apparently could use work.


have you really ever played a demo for longer than 6 hours?

Sure have. The Tony Hawk's Pro Skater demo from 1999 got more than that from me. I played demos for FFVII and Xenogears multiple times.

It's not a *common* thing, but it isn't unheard of.
Lol I spend much more than that on a new FIFA demo, Each year it comes out, I really find it hard to go back to playing the previous title, so I just keep playing the demo until the new game is released.

This, clearly isn't gonna happen if they give FIFA the same limited-time treatment. :/

FIFA might not have a 6 hour limit. It varies with the game.


Just when I thought EA had done something quite cool.

God damn it, seriously contemplating just canceling the sub, 10% be damned.

Why EA, Why...


EA's website for Access doesn't really do much in the way of making a distinction.

They do say it is early access, but this image is way more in your face if you're doing a quick glance at the site.

Not sure what you mean? Those games are in the vault. You get to play those as long as you have a subscription.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey!! EA if you're reading this, just give me the Season ticket on the xbox one and call it a deal. i rather have that 2 day trial then 6 hrs.
How is this worse than a demo? Have you ever played a Madden demo? It's not even worth playing for more than 1 hour. In the demo you get to choose from 2 teams with 2 minute quarters with the clock speed set on fast. The early access is 6 hours of access to the full game. Thats a pretty big difference.

Last FIFA demo I played, you could easily play full matches with a few teams. Sorry is not the case with Madden, but is the case on a number of other sport titles...

And for the awesome price of free.


This is not hard to follow. Taken from the EA access page. Please don't tell me that the type of people who post here cannot follow this.

Well, the alternative is people are trolling. I choose to believe there aren't THAT many trolls here. Maybe I'm naive.

Last FIFA demo I played, you could easily play full matches with a few teams. Sorry is not the case with Madden, but is the case on a number of other sport titles...

EA Sports demos have always sucked. I'd much rather have six hours with the full game than endless two minute long matches with the same two teams. FFS.
People who think 6 hours is generous don't play sports games. This kind of time limit is really not needed for madden or fifa. The deal is still ok though.


People are trying to find a problem where there isn't one. You get access to the game 5 days early for 6 hours (which is plenty of time to try out new features), you get 10% off the game if you decide to purchase, AND you get access to the vault. In sports games I prefer this to the demo because it lets me play with the slider settings and see how the AI acts way better than a two month old demo build that usually differs from the final product in terms of gameplay. If you spend $5 for the monthly sub today you can play 6 hours of madden 15, 6 hours of NHL15 , and 6 hours of FIFA 15 (I think; have to double check the date) and access to the vault for a month. That's a hell of a deal.



Wait so that makes it sound like I get 6 hours to try, but then if I want I can then buy straight away and carry on playing BEFORE street date....

I'm so confused.

Tell us whatnis outlined here that wasnt informed to you when you subbed?

I didn't realize that the "early access" would only amount to 6 hours. I thought if it was 5 days before everyone else, I'd at least get a day.

If I can then buy the title within the 5 days and carry on playing, I'm fine with that, but being able to play for a limited amount of time then it being taken away from me seems cruel.


Last FIFA demo I played, you could easily play full matches with a few teams. Sorry is not the case with Madden, but is the case on a number of other sport titles...

And for the awesome price of free.

3 minute a halfs in the FIFA demos, I'm not a fan of them.
Last FIFA demo I played, you could easily play full matches with a few teams. Sorry is not the case with Madden, but is the case on a number of other sport titles...

And for the awesome price of free.

Lol, your totally ignoring the fact that this option is still available to you...



Wait so that makes it sound like I get 6 hours to try, but then if I want I can then buy straight away and carry on playing BEFORE street date....

I'm so confused.
No it doesn't it clearly says "you can download upcoming EA games five days before release date to play for a limited time". Later on in the text they're talking about simply unlocking the full version and keeping your save-file, like the XBLA games used to do on the 360.


I paid $25 a year for the Season Ticket on 360 and that let me play the game unlimited for 5 days before release. Was hoping the same thing would apply here :(


No it doesn't it clearly says "you can download upcoming EA games five days before release date to play for a limited time".

"if you love it you can buy it and carry on where you left off"

Sorry that does not say "if you like it wait till release date and then start playing again"


Neo Member
Not sure what you mean? Those games are in the vault. You get to play those as long as you have a subscription.

Ah, I think I misunderstood. I thought the Madden game in the image I posted was the same in question for early access. I thought that was where the outrage was coming from. I don't understand the issue people are taking with this now.

I'm not interested in this offering at all, but I don't see how this is a bad deal for someone who is interested in EA titles.
Sounds fair. Not sure what the uproar is. More trial than any other platform.

The season pass for EA sports games allowed you to play the game fully, with no time limit, 3 days ahead of release, and now with something like this, you only get 6 hours over the course of 5 days. And the fact they didn't tell people about the 6 hours thing until a week after it was announced (or was it announced longer ago than that?).


You guys are awesome. I plan on buying Madden 15, Fifa 15, and Dragon. So with a %10 off discount, thats almost $20 saved right there. Plus I got the 4 free games in the vault. And I traded in my physical copies of Madden 25 and BF4 which got me around $30. Plus the early access. This deal is a no brainer. Plus I get to play the games early for a few hours. I love it.


Do people think this will be the only caveat? This service is going to become a joke looking at EA's track record. Can't believe people were so trusting.


Hey!! EA if you're reading this, just give me the Season ticket on the xbox one and call it a deal. i rather have that 2 day trial then 6 hrs.

I like the forward way you are thinking

what they should do, is if I buy after trialing, let me continue play.

now, you ea guys can ask microsoft to mask my activity in friendlist or even disable the 'record that' function until release, if you like. maybe I can understand that.
I am a good customer for ea that buys their good games and has yearly sub. so accommodate me better god damit Peter Moore!! :D
The season pass for EA sports games allowed you to play the game fully, with no time limit, 3 days ahead of release, and now with something like this, you only get 6 hours over the course of 5 days. And the fact they didn't tell people about the 6 hours thing until a week after it was announced (or was it announced longer ago than that?).

Dude. Everyone who has the service is happy as hell with it, me included.

Youre fighting a battle nobody is fighting.

I still have the vault, and i still get 6 hours to decide if i even want to buy madden.

the second i bought ea access i got 4 games for free and it paid for itself.
Hahah stupid Xbonerz trusted EA. M$ and EA overdelivering on value

So I get 6 hours free to decide if I want to buy the game at 10% off? Lovely. Then I buy the game and keep playing. Oh the travesty. Some people really need to get off their high horse. I'm not planning on buying DA:I, but I will definitely give the game a trial to see if I like it.


Tee hee. That's such an EA like solution.

Anyway, what needs to be hammered down is how the six hours are measured. Is it six hours from first start? Six hours of gametime (including menus/pause screen/etc)?

I do understand that some people can be bummed out by this. The wording could be parsed in a way that you have five days of unlimited access to the "demo" game. Ridiculously optimistic for sure, but people tend to see what they want to see.

I mean, half a day is okayish. A bummer that it's not like the three day early access from before, but whatever.


Bish loves my games!
So less than a buck per hour of early access gameplay?

And that's just for Madden.

OMGZ! Greedy EA overlordz!!


Unconfirmed Member
ok, this is a fantastic service for me and the main reason I subbed. I pretty much have everything ea could add to the vault before my yearly sub ceases.

now OBVIOUSLY, people that say <<monetizing demos blah blah>> should do their basic investigation before writing shit down. you guys got me worried for a minute there..
Pfft don't be stupid, who is actually going to put any effort into their ramblings here?
sort of /s

I honestly can't see the problem, $30 to get 4 games (and more when they are added), money off off digital purchase and 6 hours of full games in order to decide if you want to purchase. I sold my copy of BF4 so the service really only cost me something like $5 (not sure of the exchange, I live in the UK but purchase everything in $).

Of course if you take everything else out yeah I can sort of understand all the bitching and 'lulz EA making people pay for demos', if everything else was ignored.
I paid $25 a year for the Season Ticket on 360 and that let me play the game unlimited for 5 days before release. Was hoping the same thing would apply here :(
Did that also give you free full games like the vault and money off digital purchases?

Honestly so many posters here:



The season pass for EA sports games allowed you to play the game fully, with no time limit, 3 days ahead of release, and now with something like this, you only get 6 hours over the course of 5 days. And the fact they didn't tell people about the 6 hours thing until a week after it was announced (or was it announced longer ago than that?).

They said originally there was going to be a limit.
You guys are awesome. I plan on buying Madden 15, Fifa 15, and Dragon. So with a %10 off discount, thats almost $20 saved right there. Plus I got the 4 free games in the vault. And I traded in my physical copies of Madden 25 and BF4 which got me around $30. Plus the early access. This deal is a no brainer. Plus I get to play the games early for a few hours. I love it.

The Vault will continue to grow too.

Regardless Xbox 1 owners have the choice to subscribe or not. The only thing people are doing thanking Sony for not having this is saying Thank You Sony for restricting my choices as a consumer.


AHHHHHH man. I was thinking about this last night, like "what is EA going to do to screw this up?"
Sure enough 12 hours later this news breaks.
AHHHHHH man. I was thinking about this last night, like "what is EA going to do to screw this up?"
Sure enough 12 hours later this news breaks.

Did you really think they would get unlimited access to a brand new game... Come on now!! 6hrs is plenty, I can beat a game within 6hrs!!!
Still confused... is it 6 hours and then you buy the game and get access to it 5 days early... Or is it 6 hours and then you have to wait for Madden to come out on Tuesday Aug 26 before playing it?

If it's the first, that you get 6 hours of the game as a trial, but still can buy it and get early access 5 days early then I'm fine with that.

I dunno, I'm still confused about it.
LOL at all the people that think paying for what used to be a free demo is great or "alright".

The Madden access they had before used to have allowed the game to be played for 5 days straight before release. Now they throw this out to you and its still "great". Amazing.

EA Access:

Pay 5$ or 30$ for a 6 Hour Trial that used to be free as a demo

Get Access to Year old sports games that no one will give a rats ass about when the new one is out anyway. And if you really believe they will release their other big IP on EA Access within 6month timeframes then prepare to be disappointed.

5$ off a digital game you cant resell. You can get 5$ off the physical disc literally ANYWHERE just look. Hell Gamestop gives 5$ off for preordering.

But I guess people are fine with wasting money for the convenience of not having to get up to switch a disc...
I'm a member to EA access, and what's the beef here? I'm a casual FIFA player and no longer a MADDEN fanatic. I got FIFA, BF4, and that amazing Peggle as well. I don't feel like spending 60$ on sports games, so I don't mind playing them 6 or so months down the line just to mess with them on EA access program for 30$ a year. I mean, I always wanted to mess with NFS:R so that will most likely go up there. If I really like it, I'll buy it like most of my games. Is not like I'm going to play BF4 in four or ten years down the road, so I don't care for that franchise because of the SP, unlike COD.
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