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Uncharted 4 Gameplay Demo [Up: Sony - Was running at 30 fps]


The level of quality is still the same. I think people are just deceived by the different light conditions.

But you took that out of a cut scene though, people claimed gameplay wont look as good as the cut scene reveal and they were right, but it still looks absolutely incredible and the new graphical benchmark for consoles to beat (probably by ND again)


Neo Member
You realize the game is still a year away right?

Exactly, the game is a year away but you will not see a version which looks like the E3 build as what we were shown will have some minor upgrades, especially as they are targeting 1080p 60fps. What we were shown at E3 still can be considered as a downgrade from since what have been shown today.


It's all relative. Compared to this, where is beard isn't just painted on to his skin texture, and his hair is much more detailed:
Look at the brother's beard. Let's also remember that this was gameplay and we have a long time for them to try to get it to that cutscenes as far as hair goes.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Again you can't compare him to drake in the reveal.

Why not? Reveal-Drake's hair looks as static to me as the hair in the demo. Of course you'll see more detail in the reveal trailer since there his face is bigger than the screen.


That was a very well designed combat encounter. Varied terrain, showing off a variety of moves (even 1 or 2 new ones).

It doesn't really have the same visual WOW factor Uncharted 1 had for the PS3 compared to its time, but I'm sure it'll look and run just fine.

Nothing this gen has done that so far. Or gears of war or other games that blew people away visually last gen.
So are they still going for the 60 FPS or not?

The combat looked fairly interesting. Classic uncharted but way more dynamic. I hope they can keep that up in the final game

There has been no word that they don't plan to target 60 still. But there's always a possibility that they will need to make sacrifices to get there when comparing to what we're seeing now.
Will the released game run at 60fps ? I thought Naughty Dog said that starting with The Last of Us Remastered, all of their games would run at 60fps.


Neo Member
Yeah the hair is not as high-quality.

The hair looks literally exactly the same to me. The only difference I see is the sharpness. The E3 screenshot looks out of focus and blurry, the new screenshot is extremely sharp and his face & hair are perfectly in focus. The softness of the original screenshot hides the videogamey-ness of it in my opinion. If it was sharpened and in focus, I think it's the exactly same model and hair.
Wouldn't say that. But Uncharted has a lot more going on, obviously. Ryse is a fairly limited space game.

So I think Uncharted is probably more impressive, but not quite better looking. Not far off, though.

Believe me I wouldn't say something like that so easy.

For me the Ryse on the PC have the best graphics that I have ever see (until now) but I am seeing my screenshots now from Ryse and these from the Uncharted 4 and I don't know... the Uncharted 4 looks better.

And we compare a compressed video from a console game with a CryEngine 3 game, at ultra settings + supersampling in a way more expensive and powerful PC.

Screenshot of Ryse (PC) from my playthrough:

Screenshot of Uncharted 4 from Gamersyde video:


two things

- What an unremarkable trailer.

- It doesn't look as good or run as well as I expected considering what the said.

conclusion: :/

Conclusion, your wrong

1.. its not a trailer.. it was a live game play demo

2. what ever your expectations are, I don't know.. never seen anything look this good and at this stage in development on a Console before.. so..


I weep for the set piece moments.


Core gameplay >> Set pieces.

Yeah they were great in U2 and 3, but really the reason i kept coming back to them was the great vertical level design and fun movement+ gunplay of those few levels that really shone.
Village siege in 2, and Ships graveyard in 3.
Ok guys forgive me for shitting on the Graphics, i seen it first on my tablet, after watching the video on my PC, an in much higher video quality, the graphics are amazing, still not mind blowing, but not as meh as i thought.


There has been no word that they don't plan to target 60 still. But there's always a possibility that they will need to make sacrifices to get there when comparing to what we're seeing now.

Really hope they won't, it runs great and looks so good i don't want them to downgrade the visuals.


King of Gaslighting
Thank god they didn't come out and say "This will be 60FPS" -

All I want is a game that picks up where UC3 dropped the ball (still a decent game). That entire fight sequence seemed like one big set piece, but not in the "this is super obvious. . ." way as some of the others were (the train sequence in UC2 comes to mind). The slide into gunzerking and a last minute jump was particularly good.

Come on Dawg. You've been here long enough


I still don't get that GIF. . .hell I don't get 90% of them on here. This one in particular.
Why not? Reveal-Drake's hair looks as static to me as the hair in the demo. Of course you'll see more detail in the reveal trailer since there his face is bigger than the screen.

Because it's not the same character, environment, lighting anything. Comparing drakes and talking about downgrades at least makes sense, comparing something we've seen for the first to something else is a very skewed comparison.
People are already saying how silly the comparisons are cos of lighting and TOD differences so to compare two very different character models from cutscene to real time make less sense.

Not saying it looks bad or anything, Drake and his bro still look amazing in game and much better than most games.
Fuck, looks amazing. I love that combat arena too! It's huge and there are tons of options, and the improved stealth, platforming, and hand to hand...too good.

Also, ND continue to create the best vistas in gaming.

My thoughts exactly. Started off looking same old, same old but then opened up into that big combat arena with tons of verticality and I was sold.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Hair looks like in the reveal trailer to me. It's also animated. And the beard is still not just a texture. (Sorry for insane GIF size, but downsized gifs don't capture the detail)



Neo Member
the first is an in engine cutscene, the second is gameplay

every uncharted has had great looking cutscenes, then the graphics downgrade a bit as it transitions to gameplay. gameplay still looks great, just not as good. i'd expect this one to be no different

Second one is also part of the end cut scene during the gameplay.

Point is i never expected such a big difference between the two. Even though the game is a year away i don't think the character model will reach E3 level.
It's all relative. Compared to this, where is beard isn't just painted on to his skin texture, and his hair is much more detailed:

This proves it's not the same quality as the reveal. A different league in fact. Why do developers do this? Starting to become a staple for ND and it won't do them any favours in the long run imo.

Loved the gunplay. Thought it was excellent and looks just about perfect imo. Lack of bullet sponging is a + .

Thought the graphics looked great (especially from a twitch stream, so really looking forward to footage with proper sharpness, contrast, colour etc) with some wonderful graphical touches throughout too although wasn't impressed with the grenade explosion.


just seen the hair animated (above gif) and its not as different as I first thought.

also I still realise this is @ a year away before release and it looks like a lot of people can't see that (then again, ND and their shady TLOU downgrade on ai doesn't help people think like this.

btw, back to TLOU, I sure hope I can turn that glowing shit off in UC4 - that shit has no place!


I've seen people earlier in the thread say this looks like a PS3 game?



Moments in the cave aren't too dissimilar from what i would imagine an Uncharted 3 remaster to look like.

Once he gets in the open with the foliage though, the jump is far more evident.


The downgrade virus on every graphics thread is really annoying when you try to read a topic (even when it's not Ubisoft) especially when it's an unreleased game and the comparaisons are not fair.


Hair looks like in the reveal trailer to me. It's also animated. And the beard is still not just a texture. (Sorry for insane GIF size, but downsized gifs don't capture the detail)


Thats amazing.. you can see his shirt move also with the wind..


Moments in the cave aren't too dissimilar from what i would imagine an Uncharted 3 remaster to look like.

Once he gets in the open with the foliage though, the jump is far more evident.
Yeah. I have to say I had similar thoughts during the cave scene. That they seem to reuse some animations (or at least imitate old ones) doesn't help that much either


:( I can't un-see his water flask clipping through the wall.

We live in an age of video games where Uncharted 4 is possible and that's what you have to say. :/

Not having a go at you, just think it's sad that people will race to find the flaws in everything.


We live in an age of video games where Uncharted 4 is possible and that's what you have to say. :/

Not having a go at you, just think it's sad that people will race to find the flaws in everything.
I think the more realistic a game looks the more will stuff like that stand out though. For example am I happy to see that Drake uses the strap of the gun instead of it magically attaching to his back. Anything else would probably feel weird with this level of graphics.
What Ubisoft did with Watch_dogs has effectively ruined visuals talk in unreleased games into a declarative mess, where people use different shots, with different lighting, with different effects (water) to make a final statement on graphics.

You can't take any conversation like that seriously.


We live in an age of video games where Uncharted 4 is possible and that's what you have to say. :/

Not having a go at you, just think it's sad that people will race to find the flaws in everything.

Perhaps it was in bad spirit to point out the clipping, after catching up 18 pages I see why. I loved pretty much all of the trailer, the small details and the large.

My favourite aspect is the foliage and how it is affected when he walks through it and how he used it to stay hidden.


I think the more realistic a game looks the more will stuff like that stand out though. For example am I happy to see that Drake uses the strap of the gun instead of it magically attaching to his back. Anything else would probably feel weird with this level of graphics.

True enough I suppose. For my part I was absolutely amazed. The foliage!
This proves it's not the same quality as the reveal. A different league in fact. Why do developers do this? Starting to become a staple for ND and it won't do them any favours in the long run imo.

Loved the gunplay. Thought it was excellent and looks just about perfect imo. Lack of bullet sponging is a + .

Thought the graphics looked great (especially from a twitch stream, so really looking forward to footage with proper sharpness, contrast, colour etc) with some wonderful graphical touches throughout too although wasn't impressed with the grenade explosion.


just seen the hair animated (above gif) and its not as different as I first thought.

also I still realise this is @ a year away before release and it looks like a lot of people can't see that (then again, ND and their shady TLOU downgrade on ai doesn't help people think like this.

btw, back to TLOU, I sure hope I can turn that glowing shit off in UC4 - that shit has no place!
Well, that's an extreme closeup. You will never that detail when you're playing Drake in 3rd person. And there will be a difference between cutscenes and gameplay probably, like always.

Game looks fucking good allready.


That was a very well designed combat encounter. Varied terrain, showing off a variety of moves (even 1 or 2 new ones).

It doesn't really have the same visual WOW factor Uncharted 1 had for the PS3 compared to its time, but I'm sure it'll look and run just fine.
Hmm, it sure did for me. The level of detail was absolutely unreal. And the art direction seems to be beyond anything ND has done yet. The environments were absolutely stunning, not just in detail but in design.


Believe me I wouldn't say something like that so easy.

For me the Ryse on the PC have the best graphics that I have ever see (until now) but I am seeing my screenshots now from Ryse and these from the Uncharted 4 and I don't know... the Uncharted 4 looks better.

And we compare a compressed video from a console game with a CryEngine 3 game, at ultra settings + supersampling in a way more expensive and powerful PC.

Screenshot of Ryse (PC) from my playthrough:

Screenshot of Uncharted 4 from Gamersyde video:
I still think Ryse edges it overall. One of my screenshots from that same little area:

I find it funny that people are calling down grade when the game is still in pre-alpha. I'd say we wait until e3 next year when the game will actually be more ready before calling down grade...


Believe me I wouldn't say something like that so easy.

For me the Ryse on the PC have the best graphics that I have ever see (until now) but I am seeing my screenshots now from Ryse and these from the Uncharted 4 and I don't know... the Uncharted 4 looks better.

And we compare a compressed video from a console game with a CryEngine 3 game, at ultra settings + supersampling in a way more expensive and powerful PC.

Screenshot of Ryse (PC) from my playthrough:

Screenshot of Uncharted 4 from Gamersyde video:
I still think Ryse edges it overall. One of my screenshots from that same little area:

But yea, like I said, I think Uncharted, for all its doing, is more impressive.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
The problem with this U4 demonstration, in my opinion: it was very unremarkable. I mean... all of the same we're used to see in every Uncharted game. And it was a long gameplay section. IMO: they should have showed an awesome trailer followed by a 4-5 minute gameplay section of an actually interesting bit of the game.
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