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Uncharted 4 Gameplay Demo [Up: Sony - Was running at 30 fps]


there's so many childish comments on this thread, why was the game capped at 30 ND you lied! well the game is a year out and it runs at a super stable 30, better than unstable frame for demo purposes, the game does not look at good as the reveal trailer, it does, we just haven't got any direct feed video, direct feed people, huge difference from streams and youtube

It's called salt. Never in short supply for games from the naughty gods.


Graphically it's very impressive. Especially at uncompressed 1080p. Controls also seem to be well refined I even thought it was 60FPS at some point.
Hair looks like in the reveal trailer to me. It's also animated. And the beard is still not just a texture. (Sorry for insane GIF size, but downsized gifs don't capture the detail)


Thank you for this. Helps alleviate the "concerns" of certain people.


The order looks better, as in more impressive and complete, than it did before. I wasn't comparing the order to uncharted.

And guess why?
The Order is 2-3 months away and Uncharted 4 a whole year probably.
Knowing Naughty Dog and seeing how much they always improve compared to their early builds Uncharted 4 will blow everything away.

Its bad people can't accept the 2 best games of 2015 will be only on PS4(Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne)
Just buy a PS4 and be happy.

edit : lol seeing those big gifs
Already the best looking game
You have seen the hate thrown towards games currently shown in the past two days right? Zelda is being claimed as the downgrade of all downgrades when its in fucking pre-alpha as well, people are being so stupid.
I will never understand that. I mean obviously the game is no where near being done. It's like people just have to over react to everything
If I quoted all the the people trying to downplay how amazing this game looks, I would bet ya the vast majority are coming from the PC faithful that are well know PC gaffers. That's got to mean something.
You really believe in all that trained eye bull, don't you? You guys may have better monitors, but that's about it.


How can people be claiming downgrades when this is the first gameplay we have seen?

Because many just watched the livestream. The footage was compressed as hell. That, or they smoked crack while typing that.

Everyone who is not impressed should watch the gamersyde video.


One thing I thought about though, do any of the previous Uncharted games even mention the fact that Nate has a brother? I can't remember.

I'm always annoyed by retconned magically appearing family members.


Obviously what they flaunted in the original reveal is never happening on a PS4 or any console for that matter.

At 1080-60 too ? Ridiculous overconfidence by ND tbh...

FFXV or Witcher 3 look better and are actually open world games..BloodBorne looked on par.

With your last paragraph I'm willing to bet you've only seen the stream footage, not the direct feed Gamersyde version.


And guess why?
The Order is 2-3 months away and Uncharted 4 a whole year probably.
Knowing Naughty Dog and seeing how much they always improve compared to their early builds Uncharted 4 will blow everything away.

Its bad people can't accept the 2 best games of 2015 will be only on PS4(Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne)
Just buy a PS4 and be happy.

edit : lol seeing those big gifs
Already the best looking game

Dunno... I've been more impressed with Arkham Knight and MGSV so far. MGSV is by far my most anticipated game of the year.


One aspect that requires reiterating, especially now that I have watched the Gamersyde feed on my tele and monitor:

The black levels are way off from what it should be; Gamma settings have been mishandled noticeably. The release teaser had "correct" settings in contrast. The demo would have had far more "pop"/"impact" colour and exposure-wise if the setting was correct.

ND should re-release the same footage with corrected gamma settings.

Also, on the account of level design, if the snippet is an indication of the design trend for rest of the levels or most of it, then we can expect more open ended encounters. Uncharted 3 excelled at this.

Except he is not. That was rendered all in-engine as well. The lack of unknown variables allows for the resources to be allocated with a greater bias toward visual fidelity.
This is interesting. I'd like to see this as well. Or to at least know if there really was an issue. Can someone tweet ND staff about this?


Now, lets see new Tomb Raider....In my opinion, The last one was better than any uncharted game

Should be a fun comparison. I feel the exact opposite, Tomb Raider was worse than any of the UC games. ND showed us 15 mins of live gameplay. Let's see what SE shows us next of TR.


You have seen the hate thrown towards games currently shown in the past two days right? Zelda is being claimed as the downgrade of all downgrades when its in fucking pre-alpha as well, people are being so stupid.

People bitch about CG trailers and not hearing from some of their most anticipated games but when developers decide to release alpha gameplay footage look at what happens.


The detail in this gif alone is incredible. His eyeball movements, his shirt moving, his hair moving, his neck muscles deforming as he turns his head, the little facial movements/nuances.

ND are incredible when it comes to attention to detail. And their facial animation (and animation in general) is absolute top-tier.


These are hands-down the best graphics on PS4. You don't need gamersyde to see that.

I'm kinda bummed we're getting all these nifty little improvements like the climbing-dagger and rope swing in the last game. It's like Naughty Dog is finally tapping more potential into the gameplay, when Uncharted 3 could've done with a few of these add-ons.

Did Uncharted 1 ever mix climbing and verticality with the combat? Or was that not a thing until Uncharted 2?
I carefully dissected the Gamersyde videos:

  • Environmental lighting.
  • Sharp textures
  • Clean image quality
  • Consistent artstyle
  • Detailed vegetation
  • Skin and eye shaders
  • Depth of field and motion blur

  • Specular and subpixel flicker (temporal aliasing)
  • Dithered translucent vegetation (see e.g 6:15 )
  • terrain lack depth, needs to steam POM/Tesselation tech from Ryse

Half res webm, as promised (full video too compressed to matter)


Now, lets see new Tomb Raider....In my opinion, The last one was better than any uncharted game
The problem with the next Tomb Raider is the fact that it is Cross-Gen. That alone limits the overall game. Uncharted 4 can take full advantage of the PS4 since ND won't need to have the same game playable at a lower resolution and framerate on a last gen console. It'll be interesting to see how the two compare in the end.


According to me obviously. Personally I have no interest in playing games which basically consist of little more than endless waves of whack a mole enemies with some weak platforming thrown in, but that's just me.

Why are you here then? Go away.

Well that looks really downgraded.

What aspects? Keep in mind this is the first gameplay we have seen. If you want to compare in engine cutscenes then go to the last chunk at the end of the demo and compare that to the teaser trailer.


I think the level design is a step up, much more interesting than the flat fields with covers in previous games, I like the way they incorporated climbing in combat and using it as cover. The entire level felt very 3D.

But come on. It's still scripted and very obvious what the game wants you to do. The levels are built for cinematic type excitement, not meaningful gameplay.


One thing I thought about though, do any of the previous Uncharted games even mention the fact that Nate has a brother? I can't remember.

I'm always annoyed by retconned magically appearing family members.
No but Marlowe did bring up the fact that he wasn't who he claimed to be in 3 and it was never followed up on I'm assuming that the plot revolves around that a bit.

Evo X

Anybody else think the older brother kind of looks like Detective Lance from Arrow?

On topic: I think the game looks great, but any flak Naughty Dog is getting for downgrades is well deserved because they set ridiculous expectations that they could never meet from that reveal trailer. Has there ever been a game that has looked as good as it's reveal?

There was so much controversy over Forza 5, Dark Souls 2, Watch Dogs, AC: Unity, and recently even the new Witcher 3 trailer. Wish devs would stop trying to sell us on bullshit under the guise of "target render." It's really getting old.
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