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Does the hate, hyperbole, and cynicism ever get to anyone else?


The overwhelming majority of games we talk about, no matter how much you dislike them, are not garbage, shit, the worst game ever, and so on. I'm really getting fed up with how causally people can just call something shit, or even worse, dismiss those who may have a differing opinion than your own. I can't think of another medium aside from video games that generates this kind of hostility and cynicism towards the very thing people love. If I go into off topic and enter a book thread, there aren't countless dismissive posts that are just nothing but people shitting on something, or telling someone they are wrong for an opinion. If there's an Assassin's Creed thread, a Destiny thread, watchdogs thread, or pick any 'hated' game I can almost guarantee at least half the posts will be nothing but hyperbolic and grandiose shit talking and it's getting on my nerves. I know why people do it, it's easy and it gets noticed. It's much easier to just call something shit than it is to have a well thought out opinion on why a game is simply okay, disappointing, or maybe even just not for you.

There are ways to be critical without simply saying something is garbage or has no value, it just takes a little work. It's why, contrary to many here, I will value professional reviews and metacritic far more heavily than I will user opinion or neogaf users. There's only so many times I can read a game is awful garbage before I just tune it out and don't believe them. I guess the easy response is "well just don't come on gaf", and I may very well just do exactly that. Which would be a shame because for all of the shit talking and hostility, there can be great discussions to be had about games that you wont find anywhere else. I don't have many real life friends that talk about and care about games like I do, so gaf is really the only outlet I have to have conversations about games I would never be able to otherwise. I just wish I didn't have to wade through pages and pages of shit to get to an interesting post or stumble upon a conversation that isn't just a gang pile of "lets see how much awful shit we can say about 'x' game or 'x' company. I don't even think people mean or set out to do it either, because I've caught myself partaking in the very thing I'm talking about. Sometimes we get caught in the culture and it's hard to break free from it or notice you yourself are contributing to it.

Perhaps it's just something that is natural given how young video games are, and will be something, given the time, will naturally go away.
Hyperbolic hate to match the hyperbolic claims and hype made by the respective developers/publishers or those games (AC:U, Destiny, Watchdogs, etc)

They have no one to blame but themselves


It did, but I realized it's unavoidable, especially here where people are so strongly opinionated. (which is why GAF is great)

I've come to just ignore a lot of the extreme cynicism lately, staying out of threads that would probably annoy me to read some of the comments.

I do think that the amount of vitriol in the gaming community in general is out of control, though.


welcome to the internet. it happens on EVERYTHING. read news story comments, sports message boards, iphone/android comparisons. everyone hates everything.
I think it's just the times we live in. Everyone is overusing hyperbole and cynicism on the internet these days and why not fit in with everybody else? People want to get themselves over anyway they can. They want to feel important.

I mean, I don't have any room to talk myself. I'm guilty of doing the same thing in sports community threads on here.
I used to care then I realized people are not going to stop being people.

This....though there are those times when you are dumbfound with what you read on the net. I have a mindless friend that follows IGN like a religion and got his " my opinions only matter attitude" from there.
With GAF, there's only worst game ever or best game ever. Same with the internet in general. No in between. It's annoying, but it's not going away.


Not to me.

I play whatever game that interests me at least a little bit.

I would never ask for advice on which games to play, especially at GAF. I would've missed several masterpieces if I did that.


listen to the mad man
This strikes me as more of an indictment of the discussions you read and participate in than anything broader; it's perfectly possible, even sticking just to GAF, to overwhelmingly have positive productive conversations about stuff. But there is a strategy to avoiding gravitating to the sorts of threads given to produce hysterics.
I find the hyperbole super annoying, especially around spec wars and cynicism around games that don't match an enthusiasts ideal specs. If games running on different consoles have different specs, one is garbage scum or proof of lazy devs; if games running on different consoles have the same specs, it's proof of moneyhats confirmed paying developer to nerf a game.

I find it really annoying and it feels like people don't even care about playing videogames, they care about comparing specifications of one game to another. It's true of most of us here, that we argue about games more than we actually play them, and it's sad.

The cynicism around certain series is too bad too. And I agree about Watch_dogs, AC, and more. Just "not buying" the game the game they don't like is not enough for many people, they have to not only "not buy" but also trash it and laugh about it and make fun of people who like it.

At least there were two games that seemingly proved the cynics wrong this year, Shadow of Mordor and I'd argue Madden '15. Shadow of Mordor because everybody is cynical about Lord of the Rings games, they've been mediocre for so long, and Madden obviously because it was mediocre for so long. But both are solid games this year that people are enjoying.


Im not going to lie, theres a few games that GAF convinced me were going to give me eye-herpes or punch my mother during 2014, and they were pretty good


At a certain point, you just have to grow some thick skin, man. Filter and ignore the bullshit. That's really all you can do.

Even with all of the bullshit posts, console bias threads, and overwhelmingly negative atmosphere at times, I will still take GAF game opinions over any corporate game reviews. Anyday.

While the OTs can be a cesspool at times, they also do a good job of calling out real issues with the game in question. Things you wouldn't hear otherwise from the mass media gaming outlet reviews.


Not to me.

I play whatever game that interests me at least a little bit.

I would never ask for advice on which games to play, especially at GAF. I would've missed several masterpieces if I did that.

This, pretty much.

It's games. Not very serious and not worth letting it affect my mood in the slightest. I've learned to laugh at the cynicism.
It doesn't bother me so long as there's some mention of quantifiable or observable aspects of the games in question. Even if someone is being hyperbolic, if they do more than just voice their opinion, then there's a point to reading what they wrote.
I don't care about the "worst game ever" claims. The thing that bothers me is when you get attacked for liking a game that other people don't. Combine that with the thread shitting when you try to discuss one of those games and it really makes you not want to post here.
It's one of the main reasons I don't post often anymore. I also don't watch Quick Looks by Giant Bomb anymore because one of the guys just seems to not care about anything. I actually was thinking the other day how I feel bad for Dan Ryckert because I liked him at GI, and I love his enthusiasm, I just worry that it'll get sucked out of him at GB.

It just seems like people can't wait to shit on something the second it isn't exactly what they want or expect. I sometimes wonder if people have more fun playing the games or trashing them.

I dunno. Everything is just so toxic. I think I'ma go play Bejeweled 3
Hyperbolic hate to match the hyperbolic claims and hype made by the respective developers

Very much so this.
It may not be the worst game ever, but if they overhype the game, and then fail to live up to the hype, then imo we have every right to overreact and say its the worst game, etc...


It's amazing when you see a game get an 8 in Edge and someone here that claims to have been really looking forward to it say they're cancelling their preorder. People can be really dumb.
Not as much as the tireless shilling. I don't get emotionally involved with video games on that level like some other people tend to do. Some people are just downright crazy, though.
A bit. Not so much about the examples in OP, but how people can turn on smaller developers when something goes wrong, and release dates and/or budgets are missed. Instead of being understanding, people like to use words as lazy, incompetent, liers and worse, when it's just that development and project management is really difficult. Things like that annoy me.

I bet there are a lot of people sitting with their "told you so/they're incompetent" comments ready for The Witcher 3, in case that game fails to deliver what people expect.

But when people say that Game X is the worst game ever, they pretty much just fail to express anything meaningful.
I think the film medium has it worse. But yeah, there's going to be extreme negativity anywhere you go. People should be respective of the opinions of others, but I admit that can be difficult when someone makes a post that is so full of hyperbole that it's borderline impossible, if not completely impossible to take seriously. But this applies to overwhelming positivity as well so it sorta swings both ways.
It's amazing when you see a game get an 8 in Edge and someone here that claims to have been really looking forward to it say they're cancelling their preorder. People can be really dumb.

What's worse is the people who will say something stupid like "I respected Edge, now I'll never read them again!" while simultaneously linking to another review that the user thought they were "wrong" about, without realizing that both games were reviewed by completely different people.

"How could Edge give this game an 8/10 but give this other one a 10/10 when the 8/10 game is objectively better?!!?"


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
You know what gets to me even more? Companies that treat their customers and fanbase like shit: Ubisoft pushing out broken releases, Capcom holding their fans favorite ips hostage, Square Enix trolling their fanbase and then having a laugh about it.

That shit bothers me more.


At this risk of making an ironic response, it's literally my most hated thing in games discussion.

Every time someone says "(popular AAA game) looks like absolute dogshit" I immediate ignore them.


I don't care about the "worst game ever" claims. The thing that bothers me is when you get attacked for liking a game that other people don't. Combine that with the thread shitting when you try to discuss one of those games and it really makes you not want to post here.

This one for me. I'm a Resident Evil fan and we can't have even one without every other post being hate.

EDIT: I don't think this happens only with video games either, music discussion on the internet is pretty much the same.


I couldn't agree more, I don't understand why people even feel the need to comment on games they have no interest in or even in the genre, yet every CoD or Destiny thread is filled with comments implying I'm 'wrong' or stupid for enjoying those games.

Hyperbolic hate to match the hyperbolic claims and hype made by the respective developers/publishers or those games (AC:U, Destiny, Watchdogs, etc)

They have no one to blame but themselves
This is pretty much the weakest justification I've ever seen for this, just ahead of 'well everyone else is doing it'.
Yes. I love GAF and at the same time, fucking hate GAF. I understand that people dislike many things, but the hyperbole really gets to me after a while.


OP, that is the single greatest post I have ever seen on GAF. It's exactly how I feel. The constant hate and shit posts gets so bad here. GAF can be relentless when they dislike something and its just annoying sometimes. I purposely try to avoid certain threads cause I know for sure its just gonna be shit post after shit post after drive by post etc.
It's one of the main reasons I don't post often anymore. I also don't watch Quick Looks by Giant Bomb anymore because one of the guys just seems to not care about anything. I actually was thinking the other day how I feel bad for Dan Ryckert because I liked him at GI, and I love his enthusiasm, I just worry that it'll get sucked out of him at GB.

It just seems like people can't wait to shit on something the second it isn't exactly what they want or expect. I sometimes wonder if people have more fun playing the games or trashing them.

I dunno. Everything is just so toxic. I think I'ma go play Bejeweled 3

YUP, idk i've learned to not take alot of people on this site seriously

I just ignore it and play video games



Hyperbolic statements are what make threads. If we all agreed and offered up middle of the road statements all day, this place would be pretty boring.


Whenever I'm in a location with a cynical discussion on a game, my least favorite line is the token "mediocre at best" (or really anything "at best"). As if the poster can only allow a (non)-compliment (like "mediocre") to pass if they append the "at best" to their post, as if they're throwing the game a bone by not calling it something worse.
You're not alone OP. I often find it hard to remain positive scanning through popular threads here and am disappointed to leave a browsing session more depressed about my hobby of choice than when I entered.

Moreover, I've been troubled by this air of indifference, cynicism and hyperbole carrying over to a lot of my favorite podcasts. Listening to the Giant Bombcast without Vinnie is fast becoming a exercise in percevereance and though I respect the work Patrick does the depressive tones of him and Alex in Scoops and the Wolf make it unlistenable.

I work in tech support so a good chunk of my day is spent listening to upset or escalated people so where video games and the media/community around them used to be a great escape but now I find feeds into the stress I carry from my work day.

All that said, focusing more on the experience of playing games with others as opposed to getting wrapped up in the hobby proper has really brought some of the joy back. When playing my Wii U with my gf she doesn't point out a dropped frame or a jaggie that is an a front to her vision she just takes joy in the experience. Playing Monster Hunter with my buddies we don't worry about how poor Nintendo's online system is setup as for the time we spend together it serves its purpose.

In summary, turn to friends and family to share in the hobby you love and remember if you enjoy a game for one reason or another just enjoy it instead of worrying about defending why you enjoy it to the internet at large.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Yeah I do think it gets out of control. I can't say I'm totally innocent. It's just so easy to get sucked in when you are in an Internet discussion about something you are passionate about.

I think when you see someone try to "damage control" something you find indefensible, it just makes you dislike it even more and want to tear it down.

E.g. If I see someone saying that Lymle and Sarah (from Star Ocean 4) are actually great characters, my gut reaction is to tell them how wrong they are.

Unfortunately I don't know any way to really de-escalate. All it takes is one or two people to make a snarky comment like "the infinite power of the cloud!!!" or "$599 US dollars!!!" and things spiral out of control.


We've got ISIS throwing people off buildings because they're the wrong kind of Muslim and we've got the oh-so-wholesome Duggar family wanting to throw people off buildings because they're homosexual and we've got a neverending list of family friendly celebrities getting caught molesting children and we've got so-called enlightened people murdering each other over poor race relations and we've got hundreds of innocent schoolchildren being slaughtered in their school because who the hell even knows anymore so no, I absolutely don't care in the slightest if some acne-ridden loser on an internet forum thinks there aren't enough pixels in his stupid video game.

I suspect the rest of the world may be starting to get to me, though.


Gold Member
I do my best to ignore it.

We've got ISIS throwing people off buildings because they're the wrong kind of Muslim and we've got the oh-so-wholesome Duggar family wanting to throw people off buildings because they're homosexual and we've got a neverending list of family friendly celebrities getting caught molesting children and we've got so-called enlightened people murdering each other over poor race relations and we've got hundreds of innocent schoolchildren being slaughtered in their school because who the hell even knows anymore so no, I absolutely don't care in the slightest if some acne-ridden loser on an internet forum thinks there aren't enough pixels in his stupid video game.

I suspect the rest of the world may be starting to get to me, though.

Jeez, you think?
People force each other to extremes.

People that go out of their way to defend bad games probably force people to make their criticisms more extreme, while people going crazy with their criticism probably makes people who like a game get hyperbolic in their defense.


While I'm all against the hyperbolic nature of some threads around these parts, there is nothing wrong with a healthy dose of cynicism. No matter how good a game's marketing is, I always wait for release for reviews and impressions as a general feel for how a game is and I'll watch the first part of a playthrough or something. I've avoided quite a lot of shitty games over the past couple of years by being skeptical of every new release that interests me.

For example, I loved Thief 1 and 2, and even a little bit of Deadly Shadows, but I waited for release on the reboot to see how it was. Judging by how it was received by critics and people here, I definitely dodged a bullet.
I know why people do it, it's easy and it gets noticed. It's much easier to just call something shit than it is to have a well thought out opinion on why a game is simply okay, disappointing, or maybe even just not for you.
This is a great point. I've been guilty of it myself. Just yesterday I made a thread about Crysis 3 PC being on sale for $4 and in the OP I called the game terrible. It's not a terrible game. People use hyperbole like this to get noticed, get attention, and because it's easier than elaborating with a lengthier post. You're right.
Hyperbolic statements are what make threads. If we all agreed and offered up middle of the road statements all day, this place would be pretty boring.

What about putting some effort in framing opinions so that they're more nuanced than "this game is shit/the best," and leaving it at that?


More times than not in my experience, the shit storms that ensue over games always end up being internet hyperbole that blows things beyond the actual reality. Even when there really is a real underlying problem at the core that deserves to be called out. But that is what tends to happen when something goes viral. It's like a snowball effect.

That said, it's the internet and that is how it rolls. Sometimes I will agree with something and other times I don't. In the case of the latter, I simply take it in stride, agree to disagree and move on. Hate and ridicule from others does not affect my enjoyment of something... unless I choose to let it.
This is pretty much the weakest justification I've ever seen for this, just ahead of 'well everyone else is doing it'.

Not really. I should have explained more. Yes, GAF does seem to have a major issue of hyperbole where even small or trivial issues are massively blown out of proportion. I would say this thread could have even gone in OT, because it applied to films as well.

However, when it comes to certain movies, games, etc that are MASSIVELY hyped, where we're bombarded with blatant lies and promises, where we're made to think they're the best thing that will come out on their release dates and then they drastically fall short in a large number of regards, the cynicism and hate is perfectly warranted.

These companies need to stop shitting up every media outlet with their nonsense, using money and sway to essentially buy hype, and they need to make some fucking decent games. And it's not even just about the features promised that weren't there, but AC:Unity's performance problems are pitiful. That game should have never been released in that state, and Ubisoft realized this, hence the super transparent review embargo crap they keep pulling. Why shouldn't they be called out on it? Give me a single reason why they aren't deserving the the massive amount of shitting they get?

And Destiny. The earlier trailers literally had content that was locked away in the game. The DLC area was stumbled into by a player months before it was released. Why shouldn't Bungie get shit for on disc DLC? Yeah it might not have contained all of it, but they also didn't have to release the game in the state they did. Not to mention all the claims beforehand of this massive galaxy that amounts to a few planets, and of this grand story that amounts to a few snippets and half assed characters


I used to be bothered by it, but once I accepted that the internet was mostly useless for serious and meaningful discussion I was able to let it go and just be entertained by it all.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Hyperbolic hate to match the hyperbolic claims and hype made by the respective developers/publishers or those games (AC:U, Destiny, Watchdogs, etc)

They have no one to blame but themselves
There is some truth to this as well. This is an industry dominated by hype. And the more we buy into the hype, the more we want to tear it down when it fails to meet our expectations.
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