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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Well...it's not like Denton didn't prepare for that. Now's the part where lightning strikes Heroman and the day is saved. Right?

John Blade


Okay, just finish the show (need to look into the OVA episodes) and wow...I got to say, this is the weakness show in the franchise of the three. Well...where can you start.

Well...let`s start with the big change and it`s the pacing of the story. In the 1st series, the pacing of the story is mix with serious and comedic tone and done it quite well so you don`t feel too overwhelm and the pacing of it was smooth for the audience that you don`t feel like you need to stop watching. Well, they take all the comedic tone of the show and put all serious minus the Episode 0 (but I count this episode as filler really).

I am fine with serious tone drama anime before like Noir but when you change the tone of the show which in the previous season work quite well, you loose quite a bit of the charm of what make the 1st series work and this is where I notice quite a bit. Yes, you have more mech fighting scene here but you loose the other stuff which make the 1st series tick and which make me even more like the 1st series over this one.

Another issue I am having is they try to put too much stuff in a small 13 episodes series (plus two more episodes but it`s like a filler so doesn`t count much). They`re a lot of interesting things happened range from new characters to interesting plot development to storyline which for the character side didn`t develop much at all and become a two dimensional character who you don`t care and feel like a waste opportunity and on the story side, interesting things happened but didn`t explain much in the show. I will list as much as I can here from what I remember.

  • On the character, the twin sister Xia, Yu Fan and Xia, Yu Lan. They have a good potential of becoming an interesting villain but nothing much have been done to develop them and they die too quickly to even have a chance to develop (or just there and die like other character in the show). Which is pity as I like to see what they can become then what we see in the show.
  • Sticking on the character development issue is the main villain of the show (if you can call him that) Gates. I don`t know what to say about him. He isn`t like Gauron even though both are insane. He is more insane in a funny but not scary way unlike Gauron who is literally nuts who will kill anyone for pleasure. This make him less fearful and more like a joke character. Gauron was in this show but it`s very short. Even with this, he is still the crazy guy you know him from the 1st show even though he is bed ridden and got kill too quickly after the dialogue. Wish he stay dead in the 1st show. Don`t like the idea to bring a death character back alive again and again. It get tiresome.
  • The scene where Chidori was save by Leonard Testarossa from the attack of one of the twin, you don`t really know if he is a friend or a foe and nothing much explain about this in the show. All you know is he bring the dead girl to Gates and he use the dead girl to piss off the other twin girl. From the look of it, he might be working on both side and we kinda know he is the brother of Teletha Testarossa based on the dialogue in the show. Unfortunately, with limited time he was shown, it`s kinda disappointed he wasn`t develop much and he might be one of the better villain than what we have in the show.
  • Belfangan Clouseau is another character which didn`t develop much and feel like it`s something a lost in the show as he can be an interesting character on the ally side who can be use as someone who can train the team to be stronger. Would be interesting of what he become if they develop more in the show.
  • The romance feeling toward Chidori and Sousuke (the lack of) is literally non existence. Yes, they did try to push the idea a bit in the show but it didn`t feel right for me. It make Chidori look like a typical female character in animated who is distress and need someone like a knight who will protect her. How they end the series of when she get emotional is something a miss for me. Yes, she did get hurt and got attack by the twin and when Sousuke was gone, she feel threatened now as they is no one there to protect her. Even this and the dialogue between them, it wasn`t much development between them to call it more romantic.

The major issue I have with the show and it`s a big one is going back to Sousuke and his emotional issue. This entire show (or almost 60%) is basically about Sousuke emotional feeling and how he can`t really fight because of this and it all come down to he can`t go back to see Chidori because of the mission. Because of this, you start to see him become the opposite of what he was in the 1st show who is strong will and fight like a tough solider. Even with his big nemesis Gauron who he fear, he didn`t get emotional and still fight.

In this show, his emotion have change him to the point where he feel like a loser to the point where he become like a emo. What make it even worst is how he manage to get out from it which is basically let Chidori be with him. Basically, this tell the audience that if the military didn`t send the order of telling him not to be a bodyguard of Chidori and don`t see her anymore, almost all the emotional side of the show from Sousuke can be avoid.

I know they`re more issue I have in the show but don`t want to drag this too long here. Overall, if you`re a fan of the Full Metal Panic! from the 1st show, do watch The Second Raid as it`s the squeal of the series. It`s still fun to watch but it`s the weaker of the thre show in the series. I have a feeling, if the show push from 13 to the normal 24 episodes from the 1st how, a lot of the major issue like the character development, plot and event will be flush out better. Still, what you got is a show that try to be serious but lose the touch of what make the 1st show click and what make me like the 1st show. That`s all I can say about the show now and going to finish the ova and go back to Fumoffu and finish that.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Rolling Girls - 01

What a first episode! If all of the gang leaders end up being women I am going to be so thrilled. And if they can keep up their stylish visuals and animation from start to finish then it will easily crack my top ten. Loving the music in this, paired with the setting I got some FLCL vibes. And those Kill la Kill sparkle effects are so hype.
Yoru no Yatterman - 01

Yeah this was pretty good. The water sequence with Leopard's mother was well done. I like the goofy elements, such as the badly sewn uniforms and the dynamic between Smough and Ornstein. Leopard being adorable helps as well.
I'm not sure what to expect from this, it remains to be seen if the 'grittiness' will be a returning thing, or if it's all out comedy/adventure out from here on. It does have a promising start though.
Kimi wa shooting staaaaaar (〜^∇^)〜
Seiken Tsukai no World Break 01

Ahh I see what role this show plays. It is the absolute trash harem show that airs every anime season whose fanservice isn't titillating in the slightest.

I shall not be continuing with this.


Poet Centuriate

Watching Blood C and Arjuna at the same time could do serious harm. Please do be careful. I cant deny I am enjoying this though.

i'm trying to build up my immune system, but I'm sure Chris would vaguely admonish me for being such a modern human shitlord while he rolls around it his big ass helicopter and rocket wheelchair and is kept a live by modern science and computers.

I wonder, did the author of Arjuna got to write more in the industry??

He's apparently also created/written AKB0048 and Nobunaga the Fool, which are very recent, among other things.


taberu~ taberu~
fuck that's catchy and cute

Great, now it's going to be on my YT history, who knows what youtube will recommend me tomorrow.

Not using incognito mode, suffer the consequences


i'm trying to build up my immune system, but I'm sure Chris would vaguely admonish me for being such a modern human shitlord while he rolls around it his big ass helicopter and rocket wheelchair and is kept a live by modern science and computers.

He's apparently also created/written AKB0048 and Nobunaga the Fool, which are very recent, among other things.

taberu~ taberu~
fuck that's catchy and cute

Not using incognito mode, suffer the consequences

I know right? Its been stuck in my head since I first heard it.


He's apparently also created/written AKB0048 and Nobunaga the Fool, which are very recent, among other things.

Nobunaga was not that great a show, but I had way more fun watching it week to week than the vast majority of stuff last year.

Besides those two, (relatively) recent stuff he's directed was Aquarion EVOL and the Macross Frontier movies. Also did Basquash, the original Aquarion and Macross Frontier and Zero after Arjuna. Presumably he's working on the new Macross as well.


Nobunaga was not that great a show, but I had way more fun watching it week to week than the vast majority of stuff last year.

Besides those two, (relatively) recent stuff he's directed was Aquarion EVOL and the Macross Frontier movies. Also did Basquash, the original Aquarion and Macross Frontier and Zero after Arjuna. Presumably he's working on the new Macross as well.

AKB0048 is absolutely amazing
Yuki Yuna is a Hero - 01

A pretty by the books introductory sequence transitions into far more interesting happenings by the midway point of the episode. By comments made by people who've seen the show I was honestly expecting it to stick to the slice of life route for a few more episodes before diverging but I was pleasantly surprised at how eager the show seems to be to just jump into things from the outset. Really like the character designs at work here and though I could do with less "oh so clumsy" little sister I ended up coming away pretty satisfied with how things played out by the end point. Been too long since I've seen a decent looking Magical Girl show to latch on to. Hoping wheelchair chick mans up soon.


Yuki Yuna is a Hero - 01

A pretty by the books introductory sequence transitions into far more interesting happenings by the midway point of the episode. By comments made by people who've seen the show I was honestly expecting it to stick to the slice of life route for a few more episodes before diverging but I was pleasantly surprised at how eager the show seems to be to just jump into things from the outset. Really like the character designs at work here and though I could do with less "oh so clumsy" little sister I ended up coming away pretty satisfied with how things played out by the end point. Been too long since I've seen a decent looking Magical Girl show to latch on to. Hoping wheelchair chick mans up soon.

This show is a lot more than it seems.

Well, it's not a mecha show without an awesome Super robot finishing move right?

And it's not a show written by the founder of Marvel without
a post-credits scene indicating there's more to come. Unfortunately it looks like a season 2 won't be happening any time soon, considering how long its been since this show aired.

So do I recommend this show? Ehhhhh....yeah I kinda do. It's better than most airing mecha shows nowadays and is good spirited fun for the most part.

But that doesn't mean its without its problems. Specifically, the show's characters. Not that they're bad, or even unlikable. They just really felt by-the-books. With the exception of Will and Hughes, per say, none of the main characters personalities really stood out to me.

I liked the villains for being over-the-top cartoonish kinds of villains that you don't really see much in anime nowadays, and yet they still come across as threatening.

It's the show's middle I think is where things slowly go downhill. Like, it doesn't fall flat on its face or anything. But
once the aliens are destroyed
the show kinda loses its way a bit in how it proceeds. Like,
it's got a backup villain, but he doesn't get his chance to shine until well a ways in, before the show starts to get better again.

All in all, the show isn't terrible by any means, and you could do much worse when it comes to mecha. I wouldn't mind a season 2 at all. In fact, I kinda want one considering
the show ended leaving a lot of things open, specifically on what Will's going to do from this point onwards and that post-credits cliffhanger.

It's a decent show that, yeah doesn't do anything new, but plays its cards effectively enough. I'd say go check it out. Just don't expect anything among the likes of Eureka Seven, Gundam Build Fighters, or TTGL going into it.


Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls episode 1

Instead of dork Producer-san, we get wooden Producer-san. And the two lead girls are carbon copies of Haruka and Chihaya.


This is a good season for Girls anime.

Rolling Girls 1

I didn't expect much going in, but this was a lot of fun. Taking an anime in a setting with powerful individuals fighting and putting the focus on the "mob" around them is a concept that seems like it should have been used ages ago. The fights look wonderful, and the world is bright and colorful. Tokorozawa must be thrilled to have sponsored this show.

The backstory they throw at the audience in episode 1 is ridiculous and overwhelming, but it's so ridiculous that I think the general message is that you don't really have to care. It's an excuse to build these weird fights with consequences, and to have these young characters act as a representative group taking care of their town.

Awesome ramen-eating action, too.

Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls 1

I actually kind of liked the first episode of the original series, but this is probably a better way to go about it. Starting slower, with fewer characters, makes the episode feel manageable, and gives the show space to explore those characters as individuals and establish themes. By the end, we have a good sense of what makes Uzuki and Rin tick, why they've decided to be idols, and what they need to do to improve. I like how rough the producer is here too. He's so awkward and socially helpless, but at least he seems sincere. I like their running gag involving how all the dogs bark at him.

This episode's strengths really bring Kantai Collection's flaws into relief. Even though Kantai Collection spends all this time showing all these different characters, there's no sense of why they're really there, or of what any of them (outside of Fubuki, I guess) want. They're just a randomly assembled group of cute traits without purpose, which makes the show feel as pandery as it does. Cinderella Girls, like its predecessor, establishes a theme of transformation early on, asking the characters, "What does it mean to be an idol? Why do you want to be an idol?" By the end of the episode, we have an idea what some of their answers are, and the difficulties they'll have to overcome to reach their goal. It's a good start.

I also really like how the show used repetition to establish the passage of time without being explicit about it. Seeing the producer waiting for Rin, or asking Uzuki to practice again and again, made those characters' frustrations obvious to the audience when they finally got fed up.
Seiken tsukai no World Break - 01

Classic LN start ..

MC get power-up , is the savior/hero , 2 concubines already in the starting blocks Witha genki girl & a kuu-dere with some sluttyness ..

Barely alright but can get good.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero - 02

I'm loosely reminded of the Angels in Evangelion after the particulars of how they'll be defending the world is explained. Though I feel like they've diminished the individual threat of these dudes by throwing out multiples of them this soon in the game. The pacing in this series seems to be pretty quick though, I was struck by how fast
wheelchair chick was able to get her head into the game
like last episode, it's a part of the series I'd have expected they'd have dragged out a bit more. I felt like the fight in this one was a bit less entertaining and the shift to using CG when the camera's zoomed out is a bit is kinda disappointing as well. Digging the soundtrack though.

This show is a lot more than it seems.



Maria the Virgin Witch #1

First complaint about the series is the ecchi elements are definitely off-putting and kind of detracted from my enjoyment of the episode. Like really what was the point of all those shots of Maria naked? I mean fucking anime.

Asides from that, I thought it was a pretty entertaining first-episode. The setting and how it utilises it's historical setting is pretty fucking cool, and the characterization and charm of the setting feels reminiscent of a good j-rpg. The character designs of the witches are also all pretty good and well-drawn.

The "Maria is a virgin" plot device is surprisingly amusing and the sense of irony in the context of the western christian-dominated setting is kind of interesting. I'm concerned that it will mostly be the subject of a lot of stupid anime jokes and some generally uncomfortable and wrong stuff that shouldn't be written as the show progresses though. But I'm hoping with the current strength of the writing that the series proves me wrong with that assertion I just made.

Will tune in next week I guess!

The Rolling Girls #1

First 5-minutes were fucking awesome with the awkward exposition, the genuinely stylish animation, awesome character designs and action culminating in one of the most entertaining opening sequences in a anime this year.

Biggest problem with the series so far is the plot and setting seems undefined and as a result the series seems to be hard-to-follow from a plotting perspective. I'm hoping that it just serves as a excuse to showcase awesome stylish action sequences and for the characters to be the progenitors of that, but I'm unsure considering the staff of the series if they'll be able to maintain that level of style for the entirely of the series.

Guess I'll just tune in next week to see if that's the case then.

Well, it's not a mecha show without an awesome Super robot finishing move right?

And it's not a show written by the founder of Marvel without
a post-credits scene indicating there's more to come. Unfortunately it looks like a season 2 won't be happening any time soon, considering how long its been since this show aired.

So do I recommend this show? Ehhhhh....yeah I kinda do. It's better than most airing mecha shows nowadays and is good spirited fun for the most part.

But that doesn't mean its without its problems. Specifically, the show's characters. Not that they're bad, or even unlikable. They just really felt by-the-books. With the exception of Will and Hughes, per say, none of the main characters personalities really stood out to me.

I liked the villains for being over-the-top cartoonish kinds of villains that you don't really see much in anime nowadays, and yet they still come across as threatening.

It's the show's middle I think is where things slowly go downhill. Like, it doesn't fall flat on its face or anything. But
once the aliens are destroyed
the show kinda loses its way a bit in how it proceeds. Like,
it's got a backup villain, but he doesn't get his chance to shine until well a ways in, before the show starts to get better again.

All in all, the show isn't terrible by any means, and you could do much worse when it comes to mecha. I wouldn't mind a season 2 at all. In fact, I kinda want one considering
the show ended leaving a lot of things open, specifically on what Will's going to do from this point onwards and that post-credits cliffhanger.

It's a decent show that, yeah doesn't do anything new, but plays its cards effectively enough. I'd say go check it out. Just don't expect anything among the likes of Eureka Seven, Gundam Build Fighters, or TTGL going into it.

It needed a continuation, not even the manga provided it :(


Maria the Virgin Witch 1

It was missing something, really can't explain what though. I guess ill watch next weeks.


I love how almost nobody understands Death Parade. It disguises itself as this schlocky, overacted drama with great animation and style, and most people lap that part up without trying to dig deeper. This show has an amazing sense of detail, and most of the finer points pass by unnoticed unless you actively engage with the material by reading theories, rewatching the episode once or twice, and really thinking about it.

It's a show that's too deep for most of its audience. Can't say I don't feel a bit of elitism for being in the informed minority. C:

Really though, this stuff is sharply written and I'm glad they haven't lost their edge between this and the original short. Now, the next episode will be a whole other ballgame…


Oh we love it here.

I dont hate it. I actually bought it. Because its magnificent.


I love how almost nobody understands Death Parade. It disguises itself as this schlocky, overacted drama with great animation and style, and most people lap that part up without trying to dig deeper. This show has an amazing sense of detail, and most of the finer points pass by unnoticed unless you actively engage with the material by reading theories, rewatching the episode once or twice, and really thinking about it.

It's a show that's too deep for most of its audience. Can't say I don't feel a bit of elitism for being in the informed minority. C:

What are people missing exactly?


I love how almost nobody understands Death Parade. It disguises itself as this schlocky, overacted drama with great animation and style, and most people lap that part up without trying to dig deeper. This show has an amazing sense of detail, and most of the finer points pass by unnoticed unless you actively engage with the material by reading theories, rewatching the episode once or twice, and really thinking about it.

It's a show that's too deep for most of its audience. Can't say I don't feel a bit of elitism for being in the informed minority. C:

I dropped it after watching the OP.
Glad you mentioned the PTSD thing too as I wasn't really cognizant of what PTSD entailed the first time I watched it. It's going to be interesting going forward after seeing how afflicted Chirico is in those introduction episodes, particularly the end of both episodes 2 & 3 where Chirico finds solace in the abandoned AT and where he realizes he's trapped in the battlefield once again respectively.

On the one hand it's a mecha anime on the other hand it's rather telling that his first reaction, after lying low for 6 months, when shit gets serious is to rebuild a broken down killing machine. Then proceed to wage a one man war in the middle of the city streets.
I love how almost nobody understands Death Parade. It disguises itself as this schlocky, overacted drama with great animation and style, and most people lap that part up without trying to dig deeper. This show has an amazing sense of detail, and most of the finer points pass by unnoticed unless you actively engage with the material by reading theories, rewatching the episode once or twice, and really thinking about it.

It's a show that's too deep for most of its audience. Can't say I don't feel a bit of elitism for being in the informed minority. C:

Really though, this stuff is sharply written and I'm glad they haven't lost their edge between this and the original short. Now, the next episode will be a whole other ballgame…

When you're done patting yourself on the back, feel free to enlighten us. It doesn't help that the official sub leaves out some pretty important details though. Thanks Funi!
Witch craft Works OAV

Everyone should watch this oav , yes , even if you don't like withccraft works ...
It's just GLORIOUS

Thank god you guys told if was just Cola , i could have misunderstood !!

The best Cg Brawl in 2014.

Watch this if you want :
-A good laugh about incest
-American catch
-Over the top stupidity
-Bad Cg that look good
-The perfect reaction on oreimo ending
-A better protector than Saya from Blood-C.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Witchcraft Works OVA and Kuroko no Basket 3? Today is a good day.
What threads? The only eroge adaptation to get an OT recently was FSN and that did get locked.
That one wasn't locked for being an eroge though otherwise the TYPE-MOON thread would have been locked since it encompasses that and other properties.

The FSN thread was locked for spewing a constant stream of spoilers despite a mod warning.


Witch craft Works OAV

Everyone should watch this oav , yes , even if you don't like withccraft works ...
It's just GLORIOUS

The best Cg Brawl in 2014.

Watch this if you want :
-A good laugh about incest.

Was an interesting way to handle the wall of text rant Kasumi went on in the manga. I preferred the manga though.
That one wasn't locked for being an eroge though otherwise the TYPE-MOON thread would have been locked since it encompasses that and other properties.

The FSN thread was locked for spewing a constant stream of spoilers despite a mod warning.

I know that. I just found it amusing that someone is complaining about anime eroge OTs when the only recent example of one got locked.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Kuroko No Basket 3 - Episode 1

Alright one of my favorite shows is back. This episode was mostly a recap and some setup for the upcoming Winter Cup games but so far it's looking really good.

I can already tell that Kise is going to lose with a broken knee or something and that Kuroko and friends will probably have to end up getting revenge for him or something. Hope I'm wrong but the laws of Shounen seem pretty glaring here.
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