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Anita Sarkeesian has disclosed what she has done with the Kickstarter money

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I imagine she could make videos faster if she wasn't constantly having to fight off an internet hate mob on a daily basis. Getting death threats tends to have an adverse effect on a persons level of production.

I'm honestly curious to know the satisfaction level of those who actually backed her, and the percentage of critics who accuse her of wasting money who actually gave money.

If someone gave money and wants to criticize, that's one thing. I just fail to understand how someone who didn't give money has grounds to criticize as it's not their money.

I don't personally think they do, but even so you have to consider that her visibility, the visibility of the project, and the visibility of her vein of criticism has grown an order of magnitude since the conception of the project. This obviously brought upon her a number of responsibilities and opportunities she did not have before. To do interviews, to do talks, to travel around speaking to various audiences, perhaps even consulting. Should she simply have dropped all those opportunities in order to release the KS content in a timely fashion? Or should she have taken those opportunities and leave the KS content lagging behind?

The crux of the question is heavily focused on the notion that the money invested in her can only be considered profitable if she provides the promised content, and only if she provides the promised content. But that's ignorant of the tumultuous changes that have turned those promises significantly harder to accomplish. And what's more, isn't every other piece of content she has produces in television, in conferences, etc., also return enough for the money invested in her?

Almost like a job. Wait, no exactly like one.

Thank God for some sanity in these threads.
The salary complainers should remember when you participate in Kickstarter or Indiegogo you are making a donation. Federal regulations are very strict about what counts as an investment and these 2 high profile crowdfunding campaigns avoid that.

If you want to back crowdfunded projects where you are an investor and thus can hold the people you fund accountable go to a website like Angel List or Seed Invest.


That's like saying if you didn't vote for Obama/Bush you can't criticize them.

This is a very bad analogy because whether or not you voted for them, their actions after election literally affected everyone on the planet to some degree/the history of the world, whereas if you don't like Anita's videos, you don't have to watch them.


I'm not disagreeing with that, but her criticisms of Samus go beyond the one bad game, and I wouldn't call Samus's portrayal in Other M "anti-woman" or "sexist".

I'm a grown man who loves sexy women in games; I like bikinis and bikini armour and cute poses and all of that. I have no problem with using sex appeal to sell creative media and don't think it's particularly sexist. So I'm not particularly sensitive to this stuff.

But Other M made my skin crawl, it was so overtly sexist. Not in a 'hey, look, boobs!' way, but in a 'women are different from men and have inherent disadvantages' way.

Come on, they took the greatest heroine in gaming history and turned her into a blabbering moron who needed men for direction, who was obsessed with the concept of inter-species motherhood, and whose out of control emotions had the potential to deactivate her own power-armor. A woman who was so subservient to the man she loved (who was violent towards her - he ended up shooting her in the back!) that she'd rather die in lava than turn on her Varia Suit. Makes me sick what some little girl who grew up playing Metroid would have thought about all that, considering it made me (a guy) fucking furious.

I know it's off-topic, but Other M was a sexist disgrace, and if Nintendo cared at all about their female fans or gender equality they'd make it non-canon tomorrow and wipe it from existance like they did the Zelda CD-i games.
Doesn't she say as much at the beginning of most of her videos? I recall a lot of repeats of the message (paraphrase), "Critical analysis is not condemnation of the entire production. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a game while at the same time discussing its more problematic areas."

Sure, but past Samus games are as important to her evolution as a character also as it's representation in Other M. I don't think you can really grasp a true fundation of the problematic areas withoout understanding Samus character in past games or even in cannon works like the Manga.
I don't know what's crazier. The amount of money she's raised making a small handful of videos (that to me aren't revelatory but are mildly interesting) or the fact that these 2 guys are getting $8,600 a month to make a documentary slamming her.


What do they do after the movie comes out? Go back to working normal jobs? The internet is fucking bizarre.

The internet's obsession with Anita Sarkeesian is INSANE. Why would you spend your time hating on something so fucking much? I just don't get it...
First time I'm hearing about Anita. Didn't know she was Canadian and went to the party school of Canada :p. Reminds me of a roommate I once had in College. Girl was a staunch feminist on campus, wrote a feminist newsletter, etc, but in the end, left the scene upon graduation. I think Anita, should take a break and kinda do other things then continue. Even her kickstarter campaign seemed to have faced some questionable backlashes in response to some users. Sometimes fighting the good fight needs a break or too.

This may be one of the most condescending posts I've ever read. Shit man, 5 star material.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
That's like saying if you didn't vote for Obama/Bush you can't criticize them.

Uuuuuh... Not exactly, no. What a terrible analogy. Are you serious?

As far as I know, Sarkeesian's actions and decisions don't have a direct effect on your life. Do you really need me to explain the difference between national politics and a youtube video series?


This is a very bad analogy because whether or not you voted for them, their actions after election literally affected everyone on the planet to some degree/the history of the world, whereas if you don't like Anita's videos, you don't have to watch them.

She is affecting game companies already like EA and Bioware.
No, you are the problem.

People like yourself scrutinize and criticize every single claim or assertion as to being an unsavory action by Anita. She has made herself a figurehead for a movement that promotes healthier representations of women, and you have criticized this as a somehow selfish act. You have insinuated she must not REALLY care because she hasn't made a product that also appeals to the people who single-mindedly and vehemently oppose her product. You claim that the arguments that occur over her work and the feminist movement actually reflect poorly on the woman leading it instead of the people slinging the shit. You also imply she is has not been effective by saying somebody who really cared would have "more effective" despite concrete evidence to the contrary.

Then when somebody has gotten very angry with you, because what you're saying is offensive and ridiculous, you are the bigger person because they cannot be civil with you.

And if you didn't mean to say all this, please take a careful look at your posts and realize that this is exactly what you said.
Ive done all that huh? I must have been busy scrutinizing every act even though ive probably posted no more then 10 messages about her in almost a year. Before you go any further, I am all for equal rights and better representation of gaming of females in gaming because apparently if i dont say that it means im not but i am.

As far as not caring i said she didnt care about gaming as a whole. Why do i say this? Because she offers no solutions to her critiques. And people saying "well shes a critic she doesnt have to" thats absolute bullshit. Raising awareness, while a good thing, is just that. Awareness does not always equal change. Yes change can happen and will and already has but you're relying on other people to make the change happen for you. You want real long lasting change? Get more women involved in gaming and development so they can share their experience. And as more girls are growing up or have grown up playing video games thats a very real possibility and is happening already.

As far as looking poorly goes people are always going to sling shit at someone who wants to step in and makes waves. Yes its disgusting behavior on the part of gamers and makes the gaming community look really bad. However if I personally am going to step into the lions den im going to be prepared. As far as beliving someone would be more effective if they had a stronger background and was more integrated into gaming then yes i stand by that. Sorry i implied she wasnt effective. I meant to say that the message often gets mixed in with the negativity of people actively hating her.

I know the internet loves to deal in absolutes but i dont hate her. Sure i dont like her but im not going to go start a hate group either. I do believe she wants to do good things for women but at the same time you cant say she hasnt benefited from this. Her name will still be recognized after the threats stop. If that makes me a jerk for pointing it out then so be it. If im the problem because i have a difference of opinion then im ok with that.
I don't know what's crazier. The amount of money she's raised making a small handful of videos (that to me aren't revelatory but are mildly interesting) or the fact that these 2 guys are getting $8,600 a month to make a documentary slamming her.


What do they do after the movie comes out? Go back to working normal jobs? The internet is fucking bizarre.

Jesus christ.

15k/month before they even start filming.

Now this is a scam...


Someone brought up research why is that not part of the argument? I already stated that her editing and production is that of a 1998 electric playground episode.

And I asked you to prove it and explain how much work that actually is. If you have a background in production, please share it.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
She is affecting game companies already like EA and Bioware.

You really don't see the difference between a politician's actions and a critic saying things game creators can DECIDE by their own will to consider or not consider?

You're a lost cause.


Uuuuuh... Not exactly, no. What a terrible analogy. Are you serious?

As far as I know, Sarkeesian's actions and decisions don't have a direct effect on your life. Do you really need me to explain the difference between national politics and a youtube video series?

I kind of doubt this person is serious. I have a hard time believing a waitress would come online and attack a feminist figure with such idiotic arguments.


She is affecting game companies already like EA and Bioware.

So? They obviously find something of value in her work. No one is forcing them to watch them.

Obama/Bush directly changed the lives of billions of people (including being responsible, for better or worse, for wars and drone strikes, actual deaths! etc) whereas Anita has influenced a number of game designers to make mostly subtle changes to their games, while the rest of the market keeps on keeping on.

You realize critics tore into slasher movies for decades and they are still being made, right? (Thank god, I love 'em!) The stuff you like isn't going to disappear just because of one critic.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
I kind of doubt this person is serious. I have a hard time believing a waitress would come online and attack a feminist figure with such idiotic arguments.

After seeing gamergate and their twisted logic, I have come to the sad conclusion that these people really do exist and are not only "trolls" posting bullshit just to get a reaction.


She is affecting game companies already like EA and Bioware.

You need to get out of your bubble, man. A Youtube video series having ramifications on massive game publishers is nowhere near the same as the effects the sitting president has on your life. This is reminiscent of how EA always wins that poll for worst company in the world, as if Mass Effects 3's ending is as much of a crime as crippling the U.S. economy.


Okay, let's do this:

1.) Let's assume, for a second, I want to get into a new TV show. I have three choices, which we'll label A, B, and C. I decide to watch the first few episodes of each, and then decide from there which I want to follow. I quickly realize that A and B are sub-par and not worth my time, while C has a lot of potential. I obviously watch C. Now, months later, I mention to someone that I thought show A was outright shit, and they respond with "Well, it gets better as the season goes on!" Who cares? Why would that invalidate my criticism? So I now have to watch entire seasons / series of shows before I can make a valid criticism? No. I gave her two episodes to convince me that she was producing something worthwhile. I went into it with an open mind. She failed to convince me. I feel that gives me the right to criticize.

2.) How does her getting bashed by ignorant people make her not a questionable character? 1 + 1 does not equal 5, sir.

3.) "Living hell". She wouldn't be making a name for herself if not for the attention she gets, both positive and negative, and she certainly wouldn't be doing speaking engagements and presentations. It's the curse of fame.

Okay, here we go:

1- It is definitely not the same. You are talking about entertainment. Her series, although focused on an entertainment industry, is about research and then reaching to conclusions. So here is why I don't believe your criticism is honest: you are not critiquing something sorely based on taste, but instead her conclusions about a specific topic. It is not a series with a plot. And you didn't give her space to convince you of a better research after the first two episodes. Or, let's put it this way: if you were doing a research and you get a negative feedback about something. But those people who criticised you don't come back to see if you improved and are talking about how your research is terrible. Do you think that is fair criticism?

2- Because you are basing your judgement of her in a way that her life improved. It has not. I mean her personal life, by the way. Of course you get presentations when you are doing a good job. However, how would you feel if your house address was shared around by "ignorant people", who also made a "game" about punching your face? Would you think about your safety or how better your professional life has become since you started a series?

3- Do you believe the curse of fame is to get death and rape threats? And even if you do, don't you think that it is important to raise awareness about that so a conversation about how to stop these threats starts? Or do you think that everyone should be aware that if they get famous, they will get threats and there is no way to improve?


aka IMurRIVAL69
Jesus christ.

15k/month before they even start filming.

Now this is a scam...

They aren't even filming until they hit 15 gs. Wow.

So what are they doing in the meantime with $8,600 a month? When I read that initially I thought they just meant they would make monthly update videos breaking down how they are making the documentary but you could be right.

Man, I am in the wrong line of work.

Seems like it would be so easy to have someone launch a controversial kickstarter dealing with a progressive issue and viral the shit out of it on 4chan and twitter, then have another person make a patreon or a GuFundMe slamming them and we both just ride the gravy train til the wheels fall off.
From my perspective, she doesn't have to do this, but it's interesting to get this kind of inside information on what happens after a crowdfunding project achieves its goal.

I have been a bit underwhelmed by the output rate of Feminist Frequency since the Kickstarter concluded, but I don't know the specifics of what their goals were at the outset, so that's just my opinion from a distance. What I have watched has been good stuff, as far as criticism goes.

This kind of openness might help stop certain otherwise reasonable people from being lulled into the idea that Feminist Frequency is a shady group and must be exposed, but at the same time there are plenty of people who won't be satisfied with anything they do to exonerate themselves from the ridiculous accusations and insinuations - and there's no need for them to prove their innocence, either.

A lot of the basis for the campaign against her (and it is personal) seems to be that she shouldn't be getting paid for this work she's doing at all, and I really don't understand why not, regardless of whether this project turned a profit for its creators or not. If it did, that's just good business on top of the good work, right?


Why is it such a crime that she got a salary out of this? Isn't that the point of a Kickstarter? Correct me if I'm wrong, but usually Kickstarter projects need funding because they need to be pursued full-time, which means that you're not only funding the material costs of the project but also allowing the creator to feed themselves while making the final product.


Did you really just compare Anita Sarkeesian to Neil Degrasse Tyson? Imagine if Tyson stopped midway through "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey" and didn't return to the series for three years because he was busy promoting himself. People would likely be pissed.

For that analogy to work, Anita would have had to produce absolutely nothing for the project for three years.

That's the issue, though: Sarkeesian wasn't a gamer before going into this, so she approaches all games looking to further her agenda. It's impossible to know what games she likes or enjoys, because she never had a chance to truly experience them before trying to use them to further herself in the media.

This isn't true, though. Anita played video games before starting this project. If you've ever heard her speak on stuff outside of FemFreq, she's pretty knowledgeable about them.

I don't think her videos are amazing, but they're fine, and they approach games from an angle that most people in the public sphere aren't approaching them from. The only way I could imagine being upset with what she was doing would be if she were deceiving people, and I don't see how that's the case. It'd be nice if she produced stuff faster, but her videos have made visibly positive contributions to female representation in gaming.

Aaron D.

Sure, but past Samus games are as important to her evolution as a character also as it's representation in Other M. I don't think you can really grasp a true fundation of the problematic areas withoout understanding Samus character in past games or even in cannon works like the Manga.

I agree that pulling in earlier examples of Samus' portrayal would provide greater context to the arguments levied against her character in Other M. If anything, that would make the problematic areas in M even more damning.

Do you think this across-the-board analysis of individual characters or franchises might be getting into the weeds too much, though? Context is indeed important, but it seems like you could get lost in the message if you go over every example in such hyper detail. I think Anita gives solid examples of feminist issues in the titles she covers. If she were to dive deeper into each individual character or game, she'd have to use less examples in order to provide greater context for the titles she's covering.

Would that be preferable? I'm cool with the way she works now, but I'm curious what others might think.


And I asked you to prove it and explain how much work that actually is. If you have a background in production, please share it.

Film editing is fairly easy if all you're doing is cutting together footage of video games and footage of someone talking.

Its why youtubers can churn out content so fast.

Most of the process if these videos is in the research and the talking which doesn't have a technical quantifiable time we can attach to it. But considering most of her videos was basically just pointing out tropes and not really doing much else, it's not hard to assume that the level of research wasn't very good, especially considering how a lot of her points were taken with limited knowledge of the situation or the games world.

The last part is the talking in front of a camera part, which may take a while to get good takes and such. But that most likely takes a day to shoot, maybe 2

Overall with the current production, its not very well organized or very efficient, but hey, her backers seem to be happy I guess, but with the way people treat her cult of personality, she could probably shit on camera and have people love it.

Anita has made better progress as of late, especially with much better critical thought, but it's not silly to assume that she doesn't treat this like a daily job and more like a hobby. If people want a hobbyists view point, then that's fine, but to imply that she's working hard every day on the project isnt very smart.

I don't think what she does is very good personally, but hey people like it so no sweat off my back. Doesn't affect me at all
Anita Sarkeesian has done an incredible job for the money she received, when looking at the bigger picture. She has created an enormous amount of publicity for this very important issue and I think her work will have (and already has) had an influence on the gaming industry, with major developers speaking out for her work. If anything, she is underpaid, taking into consideration all the abuse she receives.

Also I think most people don't realize how carefully her arguments are constructed in the videos. It is not easy to do that, when you have an army of haters ready to pick on any little thing. Practically every "logical fallacy" the haters try to accuse her of is explained or accounted for in her videos. Most people who try to debunk her outright admit to not watching her videos when asked, because "she is a liar" or whatever. That at least has been my experience on other forums.


Okay, here we go:

1- It is definitely not the same. You are talking about entertainment. Her series, although focused on an entertainment industry, is about research and then reaching to conclusions. So here is why I don't believe your criticism is honest: you are not critiquing something sorely based on taste, but instead her conclusions about a specific topic. It is not a series with a plot. And you didn't give her space to convince you of a better research after the first two episodes. Or, let's put it this way: if you were doing a research and you get a negative feedback about something. But those people who criticised you don't come back to see if you improved and are talking about how your research is terrible. Do you think that is fair criticism?

2- Because you are basing your judgement of her in a way that her life improved. It has not. I mean her personal life, by the way. Of course you get presentations when you are doing a good job. However, how would you feel if your house address was shared around by "ignorant people", who also made a "game" about punching your face? Would you think about your safety or how better your professional life has become since you started a series?

3- Do you believe the curse of fame is to get death and rape threats? And even if you do, don't you think that it is important to raise awareness about that so a conversation about how to stop these threats starts? Or do you think that everyone should be aware that if they get famous, they will get threats and there is no way to improve?

Response time:

1.) This is irrelevant. I'm not criticizing the subject, I'm criticizing the content she's produced. Your example is thus lacking. A better equivalent would be me doing a ton of research, and then putting out a paper on the subject matter. Individuals who are passionate about the subject matter read my paper, and they realize that what I've written is of poor quality and doesn't do a good job of tackling the subject in an objective way. So I write a second, more thorough paper on the subject years later, but those same people now disregard it because I've proven myself to be lacking.

2.) I would be counting all the money I've made, from Kickstarter, from presentations, from guest appearances on television, etc. I wouldn't be too concerned about the rest.

3.) I definitely think there's a conversation to be had about fame and the way the public reacts to it. Let's just hope Anita doesn't decide to tackle it in a video series...
Overall with the current production, its not very well organized or very efficient, but hey, her backers seem to be happy I guess, but with the way people treat her cult of personality, she could probably shit on camera and have people love it.
Is there one, though? I've been getting the impression that the majority of people don't like her (to varying degrees, obviously).


Go on YouTube. You get the same quality without paying a dime.

Oh, thanks for clearing that up for me. Obviously, you have NO idea what you are talking about. At. All.

So, what it is about then, is that you don't like what she has to say, which is fine by me, and are salty that she made money from those who do feel she had something important to say. That, and you are mad that she made more money doing something you find little value in than you do being a waitress.

Did I get all of that right?
Wow, this fucking thread.

As always, the comments about an article on feminism justify the need for feminist articles.

I hope Saarkesian continues to produce good videos. I'll be interested to hear what she thinks about portrayals of men and masculinity.


Is there one, though? I've been getting the impression that the majority of people don't like her (to varying degrees, obviously).
She has it both ways, just like any really charismatic individual, there are people who do love her unconditionally though and will refuse to look at negatives, but like I said, that's their own prerogative and she's not doing anything inherently bad or immoral, so there's really no need for me to get upset about it. She is what she is at this stage.

People who do get upset at it are weird, but hey, that's the internet for ya


2.) I would be counting all the money I've made, from Kickstarter, from presentations, from guest appearances on television, etc. I wouldn't be too concerned about the rest.

I don't think she has made quite enough money to have that attitude. It's not like she is raking in millions here and pocketing all the money.
DAT salary & wages...
It's not a good sign to show vague numbers.

What's so vague about the number? Are you concerned that it isn't broken further down by employee? Whether the payroll was disbursed to domestic or foreign contractors? Are you concerned about the breakdown of payroll in service to advocacy versus marketing versus video production?

Or are you just another drive by "I'm just asking questions" poster with an axe to grind?


Film editing is fairly easy if all you're doing is cutting together footage of video games and footage of someone talking.

Its why youtubers can churn out content so fast.

Most of the process if these videos is in the research and the talking which doesn't have a technical quantifiable time we can attach to it. But considering most of her videos was basically just pointing out tropes and not really doing much else, it's not hard to assume that the level of research wasn't very good, especially considering how a lot of her points were taken with limited knowledge of the situation or the games world.

The last part is the talking in front of a camera part, which may take a while to get good takes and such. But that most likely takes a day to shoot, maybe 2

Overall with the current production, its not very well organized or very efficient, but hey, her backers seem to be happy I guess, but with the way people treat her cult of personality, she could probably shit on camera and have people love it.

Anita has made better progress as of late, especially with much better critical thought, but it's not silly to assume that she doesn't treat this like a daily job and more like a hobby. If people want a hobbyists view point, then that's fine, but to imply that she's working hard every day on the project isnt very smart.

To assume without knowing isn't very smart as well.

I don't think what she does is very good personally, but hey people like it so no sweat off my back. Doesn't affect me at all

Good list, but as someone who does understand the professional production side of this, her video production and workflow is not the same as using moviemaker and shot using a webcam.

Your bolded comment is the actual point and I completely agree with it.


Did you really just compare Anita Sarkeesian to Neil Degrasse Tyson? Imagine if Tyson stopped midway through "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey" and didn't return to the series for three years because he was busy promoting himself. People would likely be pissed.

PhD candidate to PhD specializing in promoting their fields? I say an apt comparison, I'm glad it makes you uncomfortable.

Also, let me know when FF gets picked up by a massive production company and has several companies and hundreds of staff working on it and we can revisit the Cosmos comparison.

I would be willing to entertain that the videos are taking longer than perhaps they should, but I'll not fault her for going on the lecture circuit, no more than I fault Neil Degrasse Tyson from going on dozens of shows a month.

If Anita is taking time to lecture and consult with game companies, is this a bad thing? Nah.


Response time:

1.) This is irrelevant. I'm not criticizing the subject, I'm criticizing the content she's produced. Your example is thus lacking. A better equivalent would be me doing a ton of research, and then putting out a paper on the subject matter. Individuals who are passionate about the subject matter read my paper, and they realize that what I've written is of poor quality and doesn't do a good job of tackling the subject in an objective way. So I write a second, more thorough paper on the subject years later, but those same people now disregard it because I've proven myself to be lacking.

2.) I would be counting all the money I've made, from Kickstarter, from presentations, from guest appearances on television, etc. I wouldn't be too concerned about the rest.

3.) I definitely think there's a conversation to be had about fame and the way the public reacts to it. Let's just hope Anita doesn't decide to tackle it in a video series...

1- I don't believe your example is convincing either, because you talk about one paper only. It would be better if it was about a "series of papers" (I know, not realistic, but it is the closest we can get to her research series, right?). So, again, people give negative feedback about your first two papers, but they don't come back to see the rest and start writing on forums how your research is terrible.

2- So you really wouldn't worry about you and your family, considering people who made a "game" about punching you could now be in front of your house, waiting for you? Seriously? Do you really believe that money is more important than safety?

3- A sarcastic response doesn't help here. See how you don't even give her space to improve? How do you think that is fair? While you are joking, she had to leave her house to not be physically attacked.


To assume without knowing isn't very smart as well.

Good list, but as someone who does understand the professional production side of this, her video production and workflow is not the same as using moviemaker and shot using a webcam.

Your bolded comment is the actual point and I completely agree with it.

Not to imply that it is, but its definitely something that can be produced very easily. Like I said to simply produce the video IE film and edit it, I could probably do it in 1-2 days with proper knowledge of the filming software that I'm using. The long part would be the research that goes into it, and people have very different ways of churning out that content.


Seeing all the "delivering" posts...

Slightly OT, but how does Kickstarter handle not delivering on promises normally?

I've never supported anything that didn't deliver. Say a game is promised with a couple expansions, a copy, a few rewards....but all you get is a digital art book and a Demo/Beta.

What happens?


Not to imply that it is, but its definitely something that can be produced very easily. Like I said to simply produce the video IE film and edit it, I could probably do it in 1-2 days with proper knowledge of the filming software that I'm using.

Sorry, not as simple as just knowing the editing software. Like saying I know how to hold and use a paint brush = being a skilled painter.

The long part would be the research that goes into it, and people have very different ways of churning out that content.

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