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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Koufuku Graffiti - 01

Anime is SAVED.

My stomach is full

( yes i watched this episode while eating )

She managed to say no to "this"? congrats.

Love the chemistry between the 2 characters. Loving the food aspect of the show.
Feel like sasami@gabaranai on some points ( probably the same team ??? ) But overall this episode was a solid 9/10 .

Next episode is ....when i'll eat something else


Graffiti must be indicative of a small-scale trend, because Pulltop is releasing a visual novel (Natsu-iro Recipe) with the same general premise.


Anyway, I felt compelled to revisit episode 4 of Evangelion just so that I could savour it one more time and I'm glad I did. While it's been many years since my last viewing one thing stood out clearly in my memory - the atmosphere. I've always wondered what made this episode so unique but a cursory glance at the internet reveals that it was directed by none other than Junichi Sato who you may remember from titles such as Sailor Moon, Utena, Princess Tutu, Aria and Kaledio Star.

This episode spends the majority of it's runtime focused on sequences with little or no character dialogue but the visuals truly speak louder than words in this case. This episode, more than any other in the series, builds a picture of the reality that these characters inhabit to the point where Tokyo-3 feels like a living, breathing place and not merely a battleground. This episode's unique, impressionistic backgrounds are occasionally stunning:

Let's not pay short shrift to this episode's character work. Not only does this episode flesh out and then develop Shinji and Misato's relationship but it also humanises Toji and especially Kenuske who get to develop beyond broad caricatures. The weight both Shinji and Misato must carry is laid bare in this episode and it's an essential part of the story.

It's quiet, reflective episodes like this that separates this series from most of it's contemporaries and from the Rebuild franchise it's well. Rebuild sacrifices the show's unique and memorable characters on the alter of action and spectacle rendering ironically robbing the series of it's weight.
Shounen Hollywood - 2 & 3

Man, I guess idol culture in Japan is just crazy different culturally than the pop star culture is in the US. In Japan people want the reality to become almost a fantasy, while in the US people seem to want make that fantasy a reality.

It's just really fascinating how it is shown here.

There's also a flashback sequence showing the end of the first SH and the beginning of the new one. It uses the mascot of the group, the horned owl named Cat, but I feel like it would better it it were narrated though.


Graffiti must be indicative of a small-scale trend, because Pulltop is releasing a visual novel (Natsu-iro Recipe) with the same general premise.

Well cooking shows, especially contest shows, seem to have been strong for a while now so its not that surprising you'd see it here too.

I'm kind of surprised we don't have a full on Iron Chef anime by now.
Yoru no Yatterman 3

I'm really liking this a lot more than I thought I would. Just the whole darker role reversal thing in a franchise that's mostly comical and light-hearted is super appealing to me. The way it's done is actually something I can't think of a comparison for. I won't point to Casshern Sins because that's not as great a perspective shift as this is.

That being said, it makes me want to both watch Yatterman and not watch it. I want to know more about the lore and the ancestors of these characters, but at the same time, I know it will be so tonally different that I'll want it to be something else entirely. If I was a fan as a kid, that would be another thing, and probably elevate this show far above where I see it now. I could think of so many franchises that I loved as a kid that would be absolutely amazing with a future role reversal re-imagining like this. Venture Bros might be the closest thing, but even that is kind of iffy as I never much cared for Johnny Quest as a kid.


Maturity, bitches.
That being said, it makes me want to both watch Yatterman and not watch it. I want to know more about the lore and the ancestors of these characters, but at the same time, I know it will be so tonally different that I'll want it to be something else entirely. If I was a fan as a kid, that would be another thing, and probably elevate this show far above where I see it now.
My experience with Yatterman is basically Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Honestly, apart from Ryu and Chun Li I had no idea who any of the characters were so it was a complete accident that I took a shine to both Yatterman 1 and Doronjo when I first started playing since I didn't know they were from the same series at first. As a result I looked a bit into the show but not that much and of course that was many years ago so I've forgotten most of it.

It could be an idea to make a list of references to the original show for those who are not familiar to it like the die being a reference to Omotchama, the die shaped robot from the original series.


[Death Parade] - 3

One aspect of this story seems a little troubling to me:
The most important part of the tale, you should think, would resolve around the women's decision to get plastic surgery so as to 'attract attention'. Yet this rather dark element is really never explored to the depths that you think it should be - in fact if you consider the way their story resolves the message seems to be that getting plastic surgery is a good idea because it will actually help you get the attention of a man. Sure, she later died but that didn't really have anything to do with her actions, it was just an accident. Kind of a weird message.

This rather shallow interpretation
considering the girl apparently disappear from the boys life after the operation, her lack of confidence with her facial problem made she not able making time with her beloved person, and then she deciding to take surgery and made an new life.. and with the boy, after knowing the truth.. he looked really troubled and realizing its probably partially his fault to not noticing the girl more, and then this is where the Decim's Bar became "fortunate" event for them, they finally got their precious time talking together and knowing each other feeling that symbolized with the heart motive.
So far my Winter Season Rank.

Really Great And Enjoyable

Tokyo Ghoul Root A
Death Parade


Assassination Classroom

Haven't Watched But Will

Rolling Girls
Seiken tsukai no world break - 03
Everyone is craving for the hero ( around the world ).Except the jealous maid that turned out to be an dual dagger wielding assasin of course.

Imouto is still annoying , but i'm beginning to like it . The other girl however is much much more intresting espcially since we're beginning to know her previous story.
It's getting better ?? at this rate , we might even get something impressive out of it.


Chihayafuru and My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU comes to mind.

I'm still bitter about the end of the second season of Chihayafuru.
Having heard a bunch about Nodame Cantabile recently I maybe should give it a try. I mean I was interested in the premise of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso but that failed me.
Nodame is great. Also an even better look into the musical world with a lot more repertoire. It really reminded me a lot of my days at conservatory.

You should also watch Honey and Clover. (which I think was the first show to appear in noitaminA block when it was made).

Some of the relationships get developed in there though, but honestly it's a really good show that actually got me to care about the characters and their relationships.

When I first watched it I thought it was going to be a trainwreck, but somehow it magically turned out good.
Yoru no Yatterman 03

The moon is a skull now. Okay. Is it going to crash into the world someday?
I guess the Yatter Kingdom really is some kind of dystopia. The sequence where the Yatterman soldiers jumped out of the bird was neat. I'm still going with the theory the guy and the girl are descendants of the original Yatterman-1 and Yatterman-2, so seeing them team up with the descendents of Doronjo will be interesting.

Junketsu no Maria 03

Maria hates apple cider?

Zvezda did it better!

A factually accurate, but extremely cursory reading of the episode. Your neutral retelling of events does not allow me to work out whether you liked or disliked the episode but I'm going to imagine you weren't impressed.

Not necessarily, I found it quite unique in a way. I found it amusing how it felt to me like some sort of 'Shinji's day off', that was the vibe I was trying to go for.
Nodame is great. Also an even better look into the musical world with a lot more repertoire. It really reminded me a lot of my days at conservatory.

You should also watch Honey and Clover. (which I think was the first show to appear in noitaminA block when it was made).

Some of the relationships get developed in there though, but honestly it's a really good show that actually got me to care about the characters and their relationships.

When I first watched it I thought it was going to be a trainwreck, but somehow it magically turned out good.

Hmm sounds potentially interesting too, gonna add that on my to-watch list.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You guys were right I'm struggling to even find 10 good shows this year.
Gonna be the Twin-Tail! Episode 6

Twintails is love. Mitsuka's love bringing out the best in Erina, just absolutely cute. I like how this series seems like it's going down the lewd angle, then stops and goes to something more heartening.

Tailred is still best girl, but Twoearle steals the show often, usually with Aika having her in a headlock.

Also, the OP and ED are great, haven't skipped them once.
Just like how we swear by our streaming hair

So far my Winter Season Rank.

In order

Best -

Yoru no Yatterman
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders Egypt Arc
Rolling Girls
Death Parade

Good -

Junketsu no Maria

I dunno what to think of -

Yuri Kuma Arashi

Bad -

Aldnoah Zero S2

Dropped -

Koufuku Graffiti
Tokyo Ghoul √A

You guys were right I'm struggling to even find 10 good shows this year.

I had trouble squeezing it down to ten! I even had to leave off stuff like Barakamon and Robot Girls Z
Leaving off RGZ was probably a mistake.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Have you tried mahouka ? sword art online ? Blade and soul ?

Blade and soul in particular was an experience like no other.
r u fucken trolling me m8
told u so
I stand by my decision to limit OVAs to 7, because the choice there are actually interesting. Next year will probably be 10 if I'm doing it, though.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - 05

Don't think I've mentioned this, but the OP is pretty damn catchy! Damn Mecha, you angry. Looked like it was going insane, punching the walls, without a pilot!
Also there seems to always be some sort of ominous soundtrack playing whenever Shinji is sitting in the cockpit. I hope they let that penguin pilot.
That angel design is interesting to say the least, and it seems quite powerful which is kinda hilarious by the way it looks
r u fucken trolling me m8

I stand by my decision to limit OVAs to 7, because the choice there are actually interesting. Next year will probably be 10 if I'm doing it, though.

Just a little.

I mean seriously nobody watched blade and soul untill the end , so i know nobody that can relate to what i've experienced.

My therapist told me that i should express my feeligns on paper once and for all ... but i can't summarize this in a way that can fit into neogaf character limit.

I'm stuck


So far my Winter Season Rank.

Tough for me to do that given how few shows lasted beyond episode one. Even after only three episodes my new anime list is down to:

Koufuku Graffiti
Rolling Girls
Absolute Duo

And the bottom two I expect to drop. Hell the only reason Isuca is still there after episode 1 (which I thought was bad) is that I enjoyed what I read of the manga. So I'm giving it another episode to redeem itself.

I guess of the list I'm enjoying Koufuku Graffiti and Saekano most so far.

Its really a poor season of new anime for me.


if u need stuff to fill the list then dont forget to check out good short series like ai mai mi, pupipo, yamishibai or nandaka velonica!
Tribe Cool Crew Episode 16 - Jay EL in Japan

We need more Jay El concerts. He and his dancers are really good. I do wish they hadnt used the same song that we've been hearing all the time, but that song is so good and never gets old. Its just we can already anticipate the kind of move they will do at each part. Still yet another dance routine that I rewatch and rewatch and rewatch.


Maria The Virgin Witch - 3

This show has some good messages there, like I'm kinda surprised at times, pretty solid.

I feel the show is quite good overall, probably best thing airing right now.


Slaine's VA is the witch boy while Inaho's VA is the monk boy. ehohehoh.


Yama no Susume
Witchcraft Works (another Mizushima anime past year, if Yozakura can rank high last year this actually fit similar bill)
Hozuki no Reitetsu (one of the most well produced show last year)
Shounen Hollywood

is some title that I felt overlooked by some regulars in here despite I thought they fit the criteria that usually gonna got mention, beside lolsportanimu that I know not gonna given a chance.


The Oingo Boingo Brothers episode is easily in the top 3 episodes of the entire adaptation.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I happen to believe it might be the greatest episode in the modern adaptation, at least since the start of Battle Tendency. It's got just about everything you could want.

I guess it's just not what I want out of Jojo. My favorite parts of the Jojo series all happened in that first season with Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency. I prefer Hamon over Stands. Jonathan and Joseph are better Jojo's than Jotaro. There isn't enough Dio. There isn't enough SpeeEEEeeeeeEedwagooOOoon...

I just liked more of that first season than anything that's happened since. The orangutan was pretty great though. The baby too. Oingo Boingo brothers, not so much.


I think I could have made a top 20 pretty easily. I think I feel that there was lots of good shows just much fewer standout great shows. At least that line up with my tastes. Though at least there was a no brainer #1.
It's Rail Wars, am I right?
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