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The God who Peter Molyneux forgot - Curiosity winner Bryan Henderson


Apparently, he just tweeted 'staying at the Mayfair, it's fabulous'...on mobile, so haven't checked. Nice to know he's got the cash to stay at fancy hotels.

EDIT: Back in Jan, but still! Bloody cheek!

Staying at the sublime, wonderful Mayfair hotel, going to the fascinating pocket gamer expo. Great for inspiration.


First of all personal financial health is not necessarly the same thing as the company financial health and second there's a good chance he was invited to that expo and was not paying for the hotel.
Just posting to say that -- and I realize that these are a minority of the posts in this thread -- each time someone in this thread takes this very nicely put-together work of important investigative journalism (an exemplar of really just the best sort of thing we should all be hoping for) and decides to complain about (of all fucking things!) how the author gave a physical description and some basic biographical facts of the subject of the story, God gets so angry that He kills an unborn baby panda.
Does anyone remember that sympathetic profile Kotaku did on Molyneux when he was doing the Godus Kickstarter and facing a ton of criticism? I was quoted in the article saying the guy was a con artist.

I take no satisfaction in my prediction coming true, but I hope this permanently tarnishes Molyneux's reputation. He is not to be trusted.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I love his gushing apology as if he's going to jump in the phone instantly. I'd bet he did nothing of the sort, or even contacted the guy. Molyneux actually seems like a pathological liar.


Just posting to say that -- and I realize that these are a minority of the posts in this thread -- each time someone in this thread takes this very nicely put-together work of important investigative journalism (an exemplar of really just the best sort of thing we should all be hoping for) and decides to complain about (of all fucking things!) how the author gave a physical description and some basic biographical facts of the subject of the story, God gets so angry that He kills an unborn baby panda.

Don't know. For me it was just strange that he mentions several things twice. To me, it felt as if the author assumed I have Alzheimer's disease ;)

Bryan has been left out in the cold with no revenue generated in his name.

"For a moment I was excited. My general feeling was, depending on how well the game does, I was thinking in terms of worst to the best, I could get £10,000 to £500,000. At the very best. Still, that would be awesome. But so far not a penny.

Bryan is yet to see a penny - and he has yet to receive an apology.

By repeating it this often, it seems as if Bryan was only after the money. Actually, the writer makes him look like some poor guy who's crying about not getting this feature that he won. The quotations, however, don't really paint that picture. Those make it seem as if Bryan couldn't care less anymore.


I feel bad for the guy but I don't think anyone who knew about Molyneux beforehand would be surprised. Hopefully there will be a day when people stop giving him money to make games full of empty promises. It was kind of funny at one point but now it is just sad.
Don't know. For me it was just strange that he mentions several things twice. To me, it felt as if the author assumed I have Alzheimer's disease ;)

By repeating it this often, it seems as if Bryan was only after the money. Actually, the writer makes him look like some poor guy who's crying about not getting this feature that he won. The quotations, however, don't really paint that picture. Those make it seem as if Bryan couldn't care less anymore.

I think the author just isn't a very good writer, but I don't read Eurogamer much.


Going from petty lies to breach of contract?

Congrats on everyone that supported Godus for enabling this dude.


I think the author just isn't a very good writer, but I don't read Eurogamer much.

Don't get me wrong. I really like what he wrote about and the approach he chose. But yes, his writing style in that particular piece isn't exactly what I would consider good.
Lots of news around this game / developer, just over the past couple days:


However, one person with intimate knowledge of the Godus project that spoke to GameSpot has described it as a "failure," and adds that "suffice to say, the Godus Kickstarter will not be fulfilled and the team have either quit their jobs or have been moved on to a new project."

Why would anyone trust this snake oil salesman again? Amazing how he can ride his legacy for so long after enough broken promises
Don't get me wrong. I really like what he wrote about and the approach he chose. But yes, his writing style in that particular piece isn't exactly what I would consider good.

I thought the implication that vintage PS1 games like Crash and Tomb raider are less 'retro' than 1997's Dungeon Master was a bit odd, though they do have more recent sequels.


Imagine if Willy Wonka gave everyone golden tickets, then when they got to the factory, the building was on fire.

That, or they'd get to the factory and nobody would ever come out of it, except some Oompa Loompa who does nothing but kick you in the junk and send you on your way.

I know Molyneux is known for his (and I put this gently) extreme exaggerations, but to promise somebody one thing - and then take it away without so much as a word - that's beyond just normal Molyneux behavior; that's being a huge dick.


Anyone else get Heaven's Gate cult leader vibes from that video? It just seemed weird.

"You will be a God and shape the whole video game world, it will be truely amazing and unlike anything else. It will be absolutely life changing and you'll be rich. You'll get 3 wishes from a lamp and also a flying dragon."
I used to give Molyneux the benefit of the doubt in being an amazing mind, but was unable to get his vision into the game but, as time has gone on, it has gone from unfortunate inability to reach goals to blatant lies about the product.

I wouldn't buy another one of his games because, regardless of what the game becomes, it wouldn't be what he says it is and he never had an intention of making it as such.
Wow, this makes the Godus situation 10x scummier. Peter Molyneux seemed very humble about it one breath, then started spewing out fluff the next.

And as someone else pointed out, he only apparently gets paid while in the God of Gods role, and apparently they won't implement that until it can be challenged:

Eurogamer understands he was promised a royalty of one per cent of revenue from Godus for the period of his role as God of Gods. (This God of Gods feature hadn't been developed yet, but there was an expectation it would be at some point.)

"But we can't have the God of Gods role without the ability for people to challenge the God of Gods role, and the God of Gods role can't be challenged without combat,

Depending on how their mechanics worked, it could be an extremely short time, then he's cut off. Unless they build in some ability for him to regularly gain it back. Which I doubt.

Molyneux should not have to be reminded by a Eurogamer interview about his "God of Gods" after he stood in front of a greenscreen and rambled on about how life-changing the whole thing was going to be. I'm sure they'll make some token gift now that they've been publicly called on it. (I suspect Molyneux's promise really was just for more communication.) But even for a small, struggling "indie" studio, this is shameful.


I was a big fan of Molyneux but his promises over the last while have really soured me.
I helped Kickstart Godus because it seemed like a good genre (is it me or have god games been under-served in the last few years) to get back into.
Now I really regret it. Godus started out good, I could see the framework of a really fun game there and the early betas were reasonably fun. But as time went on you could see how it was never going to get finished. The updates got fewer and fewer.
Sadly Godus, of all the games and projects I funded on Kickstarter, is the one I'm most disappointed in.

I really think Peter needs to move on from gaming. I don't think his heart is in it anymore and it's easier to just promise the world than stay quiet and put out a fun game.


Apparently, he just tweeted 'staying at the Mayfair, it's fabulous'...on mobile, so haven't checked. Nice to know he's got the cash to stay at fancy hotels.

EDIT: Back in Jan, but still! Bloody cheek!

Staying at the sublime, wonderful Mayfair hotel, going to the fascinating pocket gamer expo. Great for inspiration.


Inspiration = "ideas I can steal for my next scam"
I was a big fan of Molyneux but his promises over the last while have really soured me.
I helped Kickstart Godus because it seemed like a good genre (is it me or have god games been under-served in the last few years) to get back into.
Idk, between games like Banished, Reprisal, and Reus, and more simulation-esque games like RimWorld and Craft The World, the genre is thriving among the indie scene

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
So what's the story with Godus? People Kickstarted it, they started making the game, decided they couldn't finish it due to lack of funds/resources and he's moved onto a new one? What a cunt.

Seems Kickstarter enables people like this guy to fleece people pretty easily, in a way. Seems all the risk is on them when his shitty project management goes off the rails and he can just move onto a new project.
Don't get me wrong. I really like what he wrote about and the approach he chose. But yes, his writing style in that particular piece isn't exactly what I would consider good.

Same here. Too much self projection to give the writing "texture" instead of just telling the facts. At least the kid seems pretty cool about the whole thing.
And to think, Molyneux used to be one of my gaming heroes because of his early games (formative ones for me definitely) and the promise of his words about the goals and intentions with each new game.

And with each new game I'd read the disappointment from players who were promised one thing and delivered another. But still, Peter seemed to be one of the few voices out there talking about creating these small emotional connections and creating reactive worlds where the player's actions would reverberate throughout and be reflected in NPC behaviors and evolving worlds.

But I've finally shed any fondness I've had for the guy. His projects are scams and his word means less than nothing. Curiosity and Godus and now The Trial are only the latest - and are so much vapor and false intentions.


I dont understand how Peter got this reputation as one of the most well known developers. True, I didnt play Black or White, but the Fable series was completely terrible in my opinion. Not just average, but just bad. Bad story, bad characters, horrible combat and things that didnt add at all to the game, like the emote system and the dog. I can't even name one NPC from Fable 1-3 and I bet a lot of people also can't.
So what's the story with Godus? People Kickstarted it, they started making the game, decided they couldn't finish it due to lack of funds/resources and he's moved onto a new one? What a cunt.
While also making a big deal of a mobile game tie-in and its life-changing reward, then offering the winner silence and broken promises.


22cans is unable to even pay salaries for enough people to fix their broken games. I got the impression their hopes are currently resting on whatever project Peter is currently trying to push out.

Nah, they're in good financial health. This article is from last week:

Godus finally debuted just before the holiday season in 2014. Molyneux found to his dismay that players raced through content in a matter of days when he expected them to take weeks. That meant the team had to accelerate its schedule for creating new content. Over time, the team created 35 updates for Godus. The result has been “tens of millions of dollars” in revenue, Molyneux said.

Add to that the fact that Molyneux himself must be worth an absolute fortune. I can't find the figures for how much Bullfrog and Lionhead were sold for, but it would be tens of millions for sure. Around the time MS bought Lionhead they dropped over £200m on Rare. So Lionhead must have been around £50m at least?

Plus he's been a VP at EA and a VP at Xbox, both of which probably carry 7 figure salaries.

Molyneux is minted.

22 Cans only has 20 staff, assuming they get an average of £32k each (average UK dev salary) that's only £640k a year in salaries.

The whole Curiosity-Godus thing seems incredibly scummy, I can't believe they don't just send the kid a cheque for £20k or something and call it an advance. If his revenue share ever gets above £20k they can start sending him more money.

Yeah, ok, the terms of his contract means they can wiggle out of giving him anything, but at the moment, the prize in the middle of the curiosity cube was fucking nothing. They were selling upgrades for that game to give people a better chance of winning the "Life changing" prize.

The prize was literally nothing.
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