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Making a Dragon Ball Z film franchise work

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I am in the camp/boat that believes that this is possible, and could potentially become the greatest movie series of all time if it is done right. there are others however that believe that this is impossible and/or never should be done anyway, citing dbevolution.

First, couple rudimentary foundation. the film studio to make it should be columbia pictures. warner bros, universal or disney (they did a good job with potc, maybe not the actual execution but the violence).

now, as far as casting goes, this needs to be done the exact same way as the philosopher's stone; instead of getting any known actors at all, actors who have had careers and roles that they are strongly identified with, we need fresh new faces to fit these roles and for that reason, we need casting auditions.

the actors for goku, vegeta, gohan, bulma, and chichi should all be played by asian people. others may disagree and that's fine because opinions will differ, but i strongly believe that would be a mistake and miscast.

tien to me looks like can be played by a white actor as well as krillin, but they can also be asian. but as far as some of the alien characters go - I'd like to see them take some huge liberties with casting. most people on the internet say a black actor would be the best fit for piccolo - I say hritik roshan. he has the look, and the physique. but obviously since he's not hollywood he'd never ever be considered.

DIRECTORS: I say peter jackson, because he can make long stories look good onscreen. now this is all a possibility due to mos' fight scenes, particularly faora's movements against the army, and the normal fights, but if it is more special effects than directing that gets that done, then we don't need snyder.

so, telling the story of the manga is going to span for a few movies and some sagas need to be split up.

dragon ball z: the saiya-jinn saga
this would be the shortest saga to tell; it would span from the arrival of raditz to the departure of vegeta. things that i feel like are expendable to cut out would be most of the other world; once goku dies they should flash forward to him at king kai's planet.

dragon ball z: the namek saga
this movie would span from the flight to planet namek to freeza finding vegeta, gohan, krillin and dendei after guru dies. it would be long (all of the films will be very long) and should have an intermission scene.

dragon ball z: the freeza saga
this film would span from vegeta's fight with freeza all the way to trunks' arrival and slay of freeza and king cold. the film should end with his warning about the oncoming anroids, and him going back to the future.

dragon ball z: the android saga
things start to get a little tricky for me here, but I think this should start from training for the androids all the way into cell waiting in his arena for his games to start.

dragon ball z: the cell saga
this movie should span from training in the rosat to the birth of gohan's baby brother.

dragon ball z: the majin saga
part 1 of the buu saga and probably the longest of them all, it will take a long time to tell. it should span from goku returning for the tournament, to buu building his own house. it should end with mr. satan approaching it.

dragon ball z: the buu saga
this movie should span from basically the human extinction attack to goku, vegeta, dendei, and mr. satan escaping to the other world.

dragon ball z: the child buu saga
part 3 of the buu saga and the finale of the dragon ball z film franchise. it should span from goku and vegeta luring buu to them to goku's next journey.

the saiya-jinni saga all the way up to the android saga should be filmed back to back, to keep up with the child gohan's actor's age. as well, the scenes before they enter the rosat should be filmed before they wrap up the android saga.

after the cell saga's filming wraps up, the studio should take a few years to allow gohan's actor to age some, in time for the majin saga. i'd say a 5-7 year break for the movie would be good. of course, they can always avoid such a long break by recasting for an older, young adult actor for gohan.

once that comes around, the majin saga all the way to the final should all be filmed back to back again. this would make for a total of 8 films for probably over 10 years. it would have been cool if it fit into 7 films since there are 7 dragonballs. all of the films would be very long and they should all have intermissions.

regardless of my imagination, i feel like if this franchise were done right (NOT dbevolution), it has the potential of being one of the best, highest grossing film franchise of all time.



It already exists.

, and could potentially become the greatest movie series of all time if it is done right.

damn son right off the bat you got my eyes rolling out of my head

just let Zack Synder do the saiyan saga which is the least insane saga and pretty much what Man of Steel was.

im laughing picturing the crazy shit in the buu saga being turned into a movie, fusion dance, fat buu, Gotenks in general, Vegito fighting as a piece of candy, etc


I don't think DBZ would be a good fit for Jackson, although I know Weta would create one hell of an amazing version of the Dragonball Universe on the big screen. I think either Zach Snyder or Justin Lin would potentially be better choices. Both tend to deal in the absolutely absurd, balls-to-the-wall break-neck action that DBZ made its name on.


Just do it marvel style with separate movies focusing on certain characters during the arcs. Buu arcs were pretty bad, keep them to a couple movies at most.

And yeah, it'd be great if a big asian studio could score a huge budget and make the movies and keep the actors mostly asian. Cause Hollywood won't.
Just hire great actors. We don't need silly lookalikes like Goldberg for nappa and stupid shit like that.


It would be one of the hardest series to pull off while pleasing everyone, but i'd be open to a legitimate attempt (I don't feel the last time was even an attempt really)
The dragon ball z movie that released years ago was complete shit and a joke. I don't think anyone will want to try it again.
Telling the dragon ball z story in movies is a bad idea, it should be an original story.

Also, if I had to hire Peter Jackson he would be doing Dragon Ball, not dragon Ball Z


nothing fundamentally wrong with bringing DB to the screen but it'd be hard to make a movie that'd make sense, assuming they pass up the entire kid/teen goku sagas


Live action anime. Not even once.

Well certainly not this series. That hair is gonna look dumb as fuck no matter how hard you try.
I think that fan film posted recently is proof it can be done. Fight scenes should look almost exactly like that.

Peter Jackson is a terrible choice for director. It needs to be someone who understands how to shoot a martial arts fight or at least understand they need a second unit director that does. They also need to understand what makes DBZ's fights unique which again, that fan film nails. Yuen Wo Ping or Joseph Khan might be good picks here.

I also think starting straight in to DBZ's Saiyan saga is a mistake. As someone who only saw the original broadcast run of DragonBall (which did not include any of the King Piccolo stuff) prior to DBZ, I was totally lost on a lot of the context of characters at the beginning. I didn't understand why everyone was mad at Piccolo because I had no clue who Piccolo was. The context that a previous antagonist was basically kidnapping the main protagonist's son to train him because he was that afraid of what was coming was totally lost on me. The revelation that Goku was actually an alien meant little. At the very least, you need to start with a movie that goes through the King Piccolo saga, maybe interspersed with a lot of flashbacks to young Goku meeting all the main players (Bulma, Krillin, Yamcha). Ideally you would start with a whole movie going through the first arc of Dragon Ball. Then King Piccolo. Then you can get on with DBZ. All these sagas should be loose adaptations though. Lots of liberties should be taken to actually have a compelling story outside the fight scenes and to make narrative sense.


he's Virgin Tight™
I am happy because Man of Steel was basically Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Saga movie. Snyder can make it work but I don't think it'll happen. The potential is there though
The problem with DBZ is the stories wod have to be heavily heavily altered to work as live action, as most of the dialogue and humor is too cartoony. It could be done for sure, but it seems like studios don't feel like going through that effort.
Nothing after the Frieza saga should be adapted because it is all trash. Goku killed Frieza on Namek and no one else turned Super Saiyan for at least another thousand years.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Should definitely start with kid Goku, Harry Potter style. Part of the fun of the entire DB saga is watching the characters grow and change over extended periods of time. It would be a waste if at least one film didn't convey that grand sense of wonder and adventure in the early years. And ya'know, a story that actually focuses on the mytique of dragon balls themselves.
I should've edited to say one OF the greatest of all time. Obviously the original is an incredible hard feat to take on.

Right now it's harry potter but soon to be the MCU to takeover, which isn't a finite story by any means


I don't think that many pictures (with the required budget for a good DBZ film) would ever be greenlit. I think this series needs to be pitched as a trilogy.

Firstly, fuck Buu and fuck that whole saga. DBZ ends at cell.

Movie 1: Saiyan Saga
Same as you described. Raditz's arrival to Vegeta's depature. Possibly have some flash back scenes or a 5 minute intro that summarized some of the content from the original Dragonball.

Movie 2: Freeza Saga
We don't need a Namek saga. Film ends with with Goku going ssj and dropping Freeza.

Movie 3: If the first two are hits, I'm sure the studio would likely split it into 2 parts: Android and Cell. If not, just a straight up Cell saga

After that, if the franchise is established, the studios can consider side films (ie. Vegeta origin story, original Dragonball), or start bringing in elements from the movies and do side stories that way. There is no way in hell that any studio will greenlight your 8 movie commitment with the budget DBZ needs. Especially when some of the movies will be so long that they require intermissions.

in addition, the actor for piccolo who is a main character, should be 7'5".

Is this serious? There are probably only a handful of people on earth that could fill this requirement.
I don't think that many pictures (with the required budget for a good DBZ film) would ever be greenlit. I think this series needs to be pitched as a trilogy.

Firstly, fuck Buu and fuck that whole saga. DBZ ends at cell.

Movie 1: Saiyan Saga
Same as you described. Raditz's arrival to Vegeta's depature. Possibly have some flash back scenes or a 5 minute intro that summarized some of the context from the original Dragonball.

Movie 2: Freeza Saga
We don't need a Namek saga. Film ends with with Goku going ssj and dropping Freeza.
I'd say we do need a Namek saga to build up to the Frieza saga, same way they split the cinematic adaptations of a lot novels.
Movie 3: If the first two are hits, I'm sure the studio would likely split it into 2 parts: Android and Cell. If not, just a straight up Cell saga
yep. Just like I said.
After that, if the franchise is established, the studios can consider side films (ie. Vegeta origin story), or start bringing in elements from the movies and do side stories that way. There is no way in hell that any studio will greenlight your 8 movie commitment with the budget DBZ needs. Especially when some of the movies will be so long that they require intermissions.
I'll say the Buu saga's got a lot of narrative and pacing issues, but why skip out on it entirely? We'd be neglecting SSJ3, Majin Vegeta and all his character development.

Is this serious? There are probably only a handful of people on earth that could fill this requirement.

I actually wrote the OP a long time ago - I should've edited it before posting, no the actor doesn't have to be that tall because nowadays they've got their tricks to making actors look way taller than they really are


First movie should start with the Freeza saga.

Ain't nobody gonna wait till the second movie for the super saiyan transformation.


I think they'd have to condense things so we'd get four movies:

  • Saiyan Movie
  • Frieza Movie
  • Cell Movie
  • Buu Movie

They'd have to cut a lot, but I think it would be possible. I however don't think Hollywood would ever do the movies correctly. The job of translating DBZ to film is less about making your own movie, and more about taking the source material and translating it correctly. They'd be cutting content more then creating anything new, plus making the action look decent would be challenging.


I'll say the Buu saga's got a lot of narrative and pacing issues, but why skip out on it entirely? We'd be neglecting SSJ3, Majin Vegeta and all his character development.

There has been much debate about Toriyama's intentions with the Dragonball Z series. Some have reported that his original intention was to finish everything after the Freeza saga. Other claim that his true ending was at the end of the Cell arc, once Gohan 'takes the lead' so to speak. Either way, it has been said that the popularity of DBZ prevented him from ending the series.

On a personal level, I love the Saiyan and Freeza sagas, and I still somewhat enjoy the Cell saga. The longer DBZ ran, the messier things began getting. With the the introduction of all the children, the different levels of SSJ, the massive power reduction of Gohan, and the overpowered nature of Buu and Uub, it really began tough to follow and hurt the original dynamic of the DBZ series. It really got over-complicated and threw off the balance.

I'd be happy if a film franchise ended at the Freeza saga, but I'd be okay with it going into Cell.
I'd say we do need a Namek saga to build up to the Frieza saga, same way they split the cinematic adaptations of a lot novels.
yep. Just like I said.

It really doesn't need to be two movies. Once you cut out a lot of the filler, and streamline the story in adaptation, you could easily do Namek/Frieza in one. If the intention is to hit each saga, they're going to need to condense a few since 9 movies (even when you shoot some back to back) is a huuuuuuuuuge commitment.


Here would be a really basic version of how I'd do a DragonBall film franchise

  • First movie - An abridged version of DragonBall. Cover Goku growing up and fighting Piccolo. End the movie with Goku & Piccolo vs Raditz.
  • Saiyan Saga - Begin with the aftermath of the Raditz battle, end the movie with Vegeta's retreat and the set up for Namek
  • Freiza Saga Part 1 - Everything up to Goku's arrival
  • Freiza Saga Part 2 - Everything after Goku's arrival
  • Cell Saga
  • Buu Saga
Here would be a really basic version of how I'd do a DragonBall film franchise

  • First movie - An abridged version of DragonBall. Cover Goku growing up and fighting Piccolo. End the movie with Goku & Piccolo vs Raditz.
  • Saiyan Saga
  • Freiza Saga Part 1
  • Freiza Saga Part 2
  • Cell Saga
  • Buu Saga

I think this would be a better breakdown.

  • First movie - An abridged version of DragonBall. Cover Goku growing up and fighting Piccolo.
  • Saiyan Saga
  • Frieza Saga
  • Cell Saga Part 1 (basically Android saga)
  • Cell Saga Part 2
  • Buu Saga
I still think letting the events of Dragon Ball breathe with two movies (second being King Piccolo focused) would be ideal though. That's where most of the character relationships are established whereas DBZ has a huge chunk of them just sitting on the sidelines watching the fights on TV.


With the way the last Dragonball movie turned out, no studio is ever going to start off with the original series. I'd love a standalone Dragonball movie or 2, but it isn't realistic. The only way it will happen will be if DBZ gets made and it becomes huge like Transformers. Then we may see a prequel trilogy similar to a LoTR/Hobbit situation.
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