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Bloodborne |OT3| I Cane, I Saw, I Conqu- YOU DIED

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So to everyone who died on the abhorrent beast- I have developed the lazy method. Like, the "I suck at depth 5" lazy method, and I want little to no risk.

And yes, I was on the mic in a party and he didnt have it set so that he can be heard. I really only uploaded this to show how lazy this fight can be done. (So yeah, watch x2 speed)

For those too lazy to watch it
-20 poison knives, one every 45 sec.


I'm 13 bosses in and have captured footage of most boss fights, along with my viewed difficulty of the fights and which I beat it one attempt (*) which may be useful for those struggling, to gauge if there's an alternative easier boss to do first.


Order encountered - Name - Time to defeat - Difficulty - Beat first time
1 -
Cleric Beast
(1.23) [Medium]
2 -
Father Gascogine
(missed) [Trivial]*
3 -
Blood-starved Beast
(1.36) [Hard]
4 -
Vicar Amelia
(missed) [Hard]
5 -
Witch of Hemwick
(missed) [Trivial]*
6 -
Shadow of Yharnam
(3.14) [Trivial]*
7 -
Rom, the Vacous Spider
(2.18) [Medium]*
8 -
One Reborn
(2:44) [Trivial]*
9 -
Darkbeast Paarl
(0.36) [Trivial]*
10 -
Celestial Emissary
(1.25) [Trivial]*
11 -
Ebriteas, Daughter of the Cosmos
(1.28) [Medium]*
12 -
Martyr Logarius
(3.59) [Hard]
13 -
(3.07) [Medium]*

So far I'm surprised by just how many bosses I've done the first attempt, and the sheer amount of cheesing as seen in these videos. I strolled into
Darkbeast Paarl
scared after reading the posts here with no potions, and 30seconds later he's mush. I don't know if I'm just over-leveled or if the
Ludwig's Holy Blade
is overpowered. So far it's been a lot easier than the Souls series.

Hardest by far has been
Martyr Logarius
, though once I learnt his pattern he was an easy cheese on the third attempt. Easiest has been
Darkbeast Paarl
thanks to being able to constantly knock him over.

My character stats for comparable build/level for the above;
Tip for
since I see he's a current point of trouble for a lot of people.

Kill all spiders before dealing with him. It might take a few minutes longer, but my God does it make it easier. Run along side a spider, and use a vertical attack, like the extended Saw Cleaver's R1. The backside of the spiders are their weakpoints. If you see spiders started to crawl around you, run out and reposition. If you see them jump, just move from your location and then attack then when their head is in the ground. Once all the spiders are gone, go to work on Rom. He disappears every 33% or so, but it's possible to skip phases. I've used this tactic both times I faced him, and one shotted him last night. Just beware of his charged AOE attack in the last couple phases. The ice rain thing can easily be avoided.
No that's the worst strategy! Spiders are super easy to avoid and have too much health to bother dealing with. Just jump out of the way and hit him 2-3 times.


I will try this...I read some advice to ignore them and it's not working as intended...

I had to go through 3 waves of them, leaving Rom exposed each time. Backstepping and slightly moving to the side helped me avoid the meteors for the most part and then I just had to pace myself and avoid the AOE attack. That said, I still had a hell of a time finally making it all work.


Amazing how easily you learn the levels when you don't have a map to use as a crutch.

This is SO fucking true. Like, after playing the game through once I felt you could ask me to draw a map of the entire game and I would be within 95% accurate at a high level of basically everything. Everything is so memorable, you really don't need a map -- you see an area and you just sort of immediately know where you are because of how unique the environments and enemies are. It's level design and art direction that, imo, is the best of any Miyazaki title thus far.

Anyway GAF, I'm now level 101 on NG+ and I've destroyed CB, FG, BSB, and DP. Loving that the balance is to make the game a bit harder, but in reality still giving the player a lot of leeway since you're so much *better* at the actual game when you face the bosses and go through the areas. So it balances out to the point where, honestly, NG+ is a lot like playing the game over again at a difficulty that works out to be almost *exactly* the same as it was for you to go through the first time.

I just think that's a pretty amazing thing. What games tend to be almost exactly as difficult your second time through? That's striking a crazy, well-thought balance.

Can't wait to wrap up my NG+ and go crazy on chalice dungeons. I can't decide whether or not I want to kill every boss or just go straight to NG++. Decisions, decisions.


This. The game becomes such a joke when you co-op on bosses. I honestly wish they would make co-op available after you beat the game once but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority for that.

I dunno, I had my coop partners die when facing
twice. I still managed to beat him after their deaths (one I was helping, the other one I was being helped).
I'm 13 bosses in and have captured footage of most boss fights, along with my viewed difficulty of the fights and which I beat it one attempt (*) which may be useful for those struggling, to gauge if there's an alternative easier boss to do first.
It's always interesting to see how people struggle with different bosses. #3 on your list was probably the easiest for me, whereas #6 was a struggle and #9 remains undefeated. (This is probably due to different stats and builds, though.)


Ignore spiders and mash mash mash when you get up close to him. If he casts a spell run like hell.

They stand right around him when you start. No way you have enough time to get the five or so slashes that you need. I know you are safe to take them out the first time.

After that is the problem. If I could lead them away quickly it wouldn't be a problem but doing that while trying to avoid the ranged attacks is very hard.

The fact that you don't get hit by his ranged attack while running towards him might help.


No that's the worst strategy! Spiders are super easy to avoid and have too much health to bother dealing with. Just jump out of the way and hit him 2-3 times.

I tried doing it your way and just kept dying, dying, dying.

Once I took down
every spider
individually then focused on
, I won. It's much easier this way.

Thank you sir. Now this is my kind of a fight.

Be warned that guy is probably one of the toughest fights in the game, he can one shot you with ease.
Does anyone still have those screenshots of the Scraping Spear troll invader from Demon's, who made a line behind which he would attack the host?

I'm thinking of emulating his appearance for my next character.


No that's the worst strategy! Spiders are super easy to avoid and have too much health to bother dealing with. Just jump out of the way and hit him 2-3 times.

The little spiders are killed with one hit from the side/behind. Only their front is armored. Much easier to take them down slowly.


This. The game becomes such a joke when you co-op on bosses. I honestly wish they would make co-op available after you beat the game once but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority for that.

I used to be with you on that, Dark Souls was amazing to solo. But I've really struggled with bloodborne to the point where I'll get frustrated at the game and not enjoy it, I'd rather steadily make my way through the game than be stuck on a boss for days. I can always go back and solo them if I want.


I tried doing it your way and just kept dying, dying, dying.

Once I took down
every spider
individually then focused on
, I won. It's much easier this way.

Only two 3 swipes to kill each spider. The fight was a test of patience for me.


So about that jewel you get after beating father g
I chose to give it to the girl and now she's gone, did I screwed up?
why do you guys farm for vials?

Spending Echoes on Vials is much easier and way less tedius than farming for them.

I barely had to farm. Especially early on when they are cheap.

I have like 12 vials in storage right now.

When i go to the hunters dream i always

See if i can lvlup.
repair equipment.
Then use all my remaining echoes on Vials.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I'm having trouble finding a weapon I like as much as LHB. I could upgrade my hunter's axe some more, which I also like a lot. Though, I'd rather have a different weapon than 2 weapons I 95% of the time roll with in 2 handed form.
Not the ones I was fighting, and I had +6 weapons.
I'm guessing you used lighting or something to coat your weapons.

Nope, no paper used, or gem enchants. I might've been +7 at the most at that point. We probably just allocated points differently. I also just did it on NG+ with a +10 Saw Cleaver, same strat, no paper. One shot. Even skipped a phase by dropping Rom to 40% before he disappeared once. Had double spiders when he reappeared, though.


I'm 13 bosses in and have captured footage of most boss fights, along with my viewed difficulty of the fights and which I beat it one attempt (*) which may be useful for those struggling, to gauge if there's an alternative easier boss to do first.

Pretty interesting that the bosses I found extremely hard so far (
Gascoigne, and Witches
) are bosses you found trivial, while bosses you found to be hard (
Blood-starved beast, Amelia
) are the ones I found to be trivial.
Lack of fast travel, lack of boss "souls" to make new items, return to dumb grinding for healing items like in DeS, lack of ways to play the game(no matter your equip you fight everything the same), weak bosses, lack of varying art design, less than half the weapons, armor, items, lack of upgradable armor, less bosses, lack of equip load, half the stats, linier world(outside of a few sidequest you just go point a to point b there is no part where you choose which way to go), load times, texture popping, lack of interactavle npcs, lack of respec, lack of ASKING YOU if you want to move to NG+, & so on.

Gameplay is far less strategic due to the regen mechanic you can just keep mashing against slightly weaker enemies & never worry about dying. How about the fact all viceral attacks are the same instead of unique animations per weapon type like the previous game? The list is infinite how much is NOT in this game. Every system mechanic was either dialed back or removed from previous Souls games. Wanna Duel wield? Better get that ONE weapon that allows that. What's power stance? Never heard of it. Stronger healing items? You can only carry one, go back & farm more Bloodviles in Central. The game is so boring once you get to NG+ cause there is nothing else to do. No stronger new enemies, no new drastically different builds to attempt, no new attacks from bosses, nothing. All it is is the same enemies but more health & they do more damage. Also bo bonfire aestic equivalent either. Sorry, the game lacks content ESPECIALLY when compared to Dark Souls 2.
I'm pretty glad that this game isn't just Demon's Souls 4. Dark Souls and ESPECIALLY Dark Souls 2 were just Demon's Souls with some extra shit tacked on. In the case of 2, it became ridiculously bloated as they just threw any half assed idea into the game. And DaS dropped quite a few things from DeS, so don't act like this is the first time features were taken out.

It's different enough that it feels new and similar enough that its still enjoyable in the same way.
Nope, no paper used, or gem enchants. I might've been +7 at the most at that point. We probably just allocated points differently.

You were probably just hitting them from in front. Like the boss, they take massively increased damage when attacked in the side/back.

Edit: Woops, misquote. Directed obviously at the poster you were replying to.


funny, i did the oposite, i killed off those little bastards then the fight got laughably easy.

Yep, same here. Get those little fuckers out of the way so you don't have to worry about getting ganged up on or having one jump on you while you're trying to go after R himself.

Just took a little time after that. Wait for the opening, attack. Watch for him rearing up and back off. Rinse and repeat and he went down pretty easy. Patience was key.
Pretty interesting that the bosses I found extremely hard so far (
Gascoigne, and Witches
) are bosses you found trivial, while bosses you found to be hard (
Blood-starved beast, Amelia
) are the ones I found to be trivial.
You wouldn't happen to be a cane wielder by any chance, would you?


why do you guys farm for vials?

Spending Echoes on Vials is much easier and way less tedius than farming for them.

I barely had to farm. Especially early on when they are cheap.

I have like 12 vials in storage right now.

When i go to the hunters dream i always

See if i can lvlup.
repair equipment.
Then use all my remaining echoes on Vials.
yeah, just do 1 run though half of the forbidden forrest and posibly level up and use remaining echos to buy vials or bullets. (honestly i never had to buy vials since they drop like candy for me, i am overstocked with vials i found on bodies lol)


Ok, I just beat (optional I think) boss M
a path to the queen opened. She refuses to give me an audience and there is nothing else to do. Should I kill her, or is there more to this? I don't really feal like completely messing up my game.

That was not an easy boss by the way. I felt like I was overlevelled at 65, because the area was ridiculously easy, but that was one mean boss.

I'm king now though, I've got the crown to show it, give me an audience queenie.
They all die in 2 hits for me though...

Maybe because I tried hitting them in the face? Hmm.

Anyway (BOSS SPOILERS!) I've uploaded videos for my fight against two bosses a lot of people have been having trouble with, so you can watch me beat them if it helps in any way. First on is
Shadow of Yharnam
, second is
. I used the cane for each.

yeah, just do 1 run though half of the forbidden forrest and posibly level up and use remaining echos to buy vials or bullets. (honestly i never had to buy vials since they drop like candy for me, i am overstocked with vials i found on bodies lol)

I was constantly at max vials storage until I got to Yara'ghul, and then they were quickly gone. There are some areas where the enemies just don't seem to drop them.


Thanks. I spoiler tagged the name, didn't mean to add to the untagged spoilers in here.

I think I'm okay in terms of missed npc quests. I've explored every area leading up to
with the exception of
Hemwick Charnel Lane, and I have yet to fight Darkbeast Paarl

I think you need to at least find
darkbeast paarl
before you kill
Not sure though
yeah, just do 1 run though half of the forbidden forrest and posibly level up and use remaining echos to buy vials or bullets. (honestly i never had to buy vials since they drop like candy for me, i am overstocked with vials i found on bodies lol)
Forest is the place for sure. Just keep running circles around the local area back through the gate, port, port, repeat. Anywhere from 15-20 vials in less than 10 minutes and you can buy just as many with the echoes acquired.
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