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Jurassic World: Biggest Worldwide Opening Weekend Ever - $511 Million

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Congratulations to Chris Pratt on his upcoming role as Indiana Jones. No way he doesn't get a huge offer for IJ5 now. It may not happen tomorrow, but suits are salivating over the idea of Ford passing the torch to Pratt.


Well deserved, total fan service and fantastic for what it was.

I don't think it was trying to reinvent the wheel, more like acknowledge the wheel works and give us a good ride/homage.

Def. an instant classic for me.

Damn. I'm salty as fuck. These should have been Mad Max numbers >:-(
It's never late to remember this:
This is an immersive and tactile world, with death-defying stunt work; and that's because the sets are immersive, the props are tactile and the stunts defy death. I dare anyone to see Mad Max: Fury Road and Jurassic World back-to-back (which will be possible, since Max is sure to last more than a month in theaters) and declare that the two are of the same artistic medium. They are not. One is a grand, handcrafted mixed-media installation of grit and weight and sweat and slapstick and substance and cameras careening through the Namibian desert, the other is Chris Pratt and PhotoShop.


People who find Mad Max Fury Road boring must be the kind who need explosions ever 4 seconds via Transformers movies.


It's never late to remember this:

Doesn't help homey. I mean, I agree with it and have no problems being a snob in this particular case, but all that simply plays into the disbelief that Jurassic fucking world is breaking records.

I've never felt so out of touch with the mass public on anything before.

Jurassic World is as much a generic corporate product as Marvel movies are, by all accounts he should be seeing Mad Max instead.

I was pointing out the hypocrisy in his post.
Jurassic World is as much a generic corporate product as Marvel movies are, by all accounts he should be seeing Mad Max instead.

But with Marvel we see multiple of them every single year.
With Jurassic World you are getting something you haven't been beaten over the head with in 14 years.


Absolutely crazy. Might watch this the next few days.

I assume this means Star Wars will nuke everything then.


But with Marvel we see multiple of them every single year.
With Jurassic World you are getting something you haven't been beaten over the head with in 14 years.


I will admit it was better than Ultron, so I guess if we go by that measurement, it should be breaking records.

Although, Ultron was coming off a better prequel than JW was. I'm guessing nostalgia and summertime helped huge here because those trailers were laughably bad.


Doesn't help homey. I mean, I agree with it and have no problems being a snob in this particular case, but all that simply plays into the disbelief that Jurassic fucking world is breaking records.

I've never felt so out of touch with the mass public on anything before.

Just get over it, dude. Like, seriously. Being salty over mainstream blockbusters achieving massive success will never be something that works out in your favor. Films with a wide target audience will always make more money than more niche, cerebral projects, not as a product of their relative quality but rather due to their marketability and mass appeal.

Besides, Mad Max did respectable numbers given what it was - a niche passion project destined for cult classic status.


If Fury Road is boring, I don't know what entertaining is.

Lighten up, chap.

Fury Road was rated R and afaik not released in Asian territories; I think they skipped China entirely.

Quality and sales don't always go hand in hand; this is the world we live in.



Jurassic World was a great movie, brought me back to JP1 levels of awesome so well deserved! This is probably Universal's best year ever with Furious 7 and JW breaking records?


Why do people keep failing to recognize SW isn't going to be about its OW in December but rather those fine sultry legs in a galaxy far away?
Why do people keep failing to recognize SW isn't going to be about its OW in December but rather those fine sultry legs in a galaxy far away?

The Box Office game is a strange and confusing game. It's like Jenga and Backgammon combined. So you think you know how it should go, but you never QUITE get the hang of it.
I'm at the same theater I saw Avengers 2 at on the same day (opening Sunday).

A2 was about half full. For JW the first set of tickets we bought 30 mins before the movie had to be returned due to no seats being left.

We're waiting for the next show in the theater 45 mins early now and there are only about 10 seats left.



AoU probably would've matched it, but for some reason Marvel did that staggered release. US got it two weeks after a number of regions.

Star Wars is going to kill it.
The staggered release is supposed to help it open bigger in overseas markets and build momentum for the U.S. release iirc. But I wonder if they'll be looking at changing that up going forward.


AoU probably would've matched it, but for some reason Marvel did that staggered release. US got it two weeks after a number of regions.

Star Wars is going to kill it.

No it won't. China will get Star Wars in 2016. It's also December. People have to buy gifts, write exams, and travel. They will still go see Star Wars, but it will be at their own leisure during the holidays.


Wow, just saw this thread title, am shocked. As a JP fan I'm delighted, although I live in a country with no cinemas so I'm going to have to wait to see it myself.

There must be a ton of people out there like me hungry for any decent blockbuster that isn't capeshit, which I 100% refuse to see anymore.
That's it. This thread convinced me to see Fury Road again. For the 8th time.

Yeah I'm salty as fuck. Not because JW is making money, but because people calling Fury Road boring.


That's it. This thread convinced me to see Fury Road again. For the 8th time.

Yeah I'm salty as fuck. Not that JW is making money, but because people calling Fury Road boring.

people hating on Doom in the gaming side, and now calling mad max of all movies boring.

This sure is NeoGaf.
On the one hand, I want to say that it's pretty probable that Star Wars won't do what people are starting to think it might do because December isn't June, and attendance just does not work the same way in that season as it does in the Summer, and never has.

But then again, nobody has ever called any of the Box Office monsters BEING those monsters before they started stomping on everything. Titanic, Avatar, Avengers, Furious 7, Jurassic World... there was no reason to think conventional wisdom wasn't going to hold firm. And then hindsight made everything look sooooo obvious.

So who knows. Maybe Star Wars' marketing will touch enough nerves that domestic opening weekend is an Alderaan-esque blowup. I don't think that's going to be the case, I don't think we're going to get Summer numbers in December. But if we could call that kind of stuff accurately all the time, we wouldn't have the surprises we're currently being fascinated by.
people hating on Doom in the gaming side, and now calling mad max of all movies boring.

This sure is NeoGaf.

I dunno, people are welcome to their opinions. If someone doesn't like Doom or Mad Max that's cool, it's just annoying when people try to tell you that you're wrong for liking/disliking something that goes against what they think of it


Are the prequels enough of a thing to make people not want to give a chance or will more trailers showing luke,han, leia be the game changer?
That's it. This thread convinced me to see Fury Road again. For the 8th time.

Yeah I'm salty as fuck. Not because JW is making money, but because people calling Fury Road boring.

Nobody with any taste could say Mad Max is boring. That's a broken compass bro just move on
Chris Pratt is a no one here in latam. He's nowhere to be seen.

Gaf stop. This is based on brand name alone and summer time . Pratt is not one of the goats yet.

Jackman, RDR and The Rock are the most important actors of this gen


Are the prequels enough of a thing to make people not want to give a chance or will more trailers showing luke,han, leia be the game changer?

Much like Jurassic World, there's been enough of a break that I don't think it'll matter. Just like with JP3, people actively want to forget the Star Wars prequels.
Are the prequels enough of a thing to make people not want to give a chance or will more trailers showing luke,han, leia be the game changer?

I think Jurassic World provides an argument that so long as there's enough distance, and you minimize/avoid mention of that disappointment, people will basically forget that you had a disappointing sequel preceding the new film.

edit: Guek beat me!
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