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Iwata tweets about the Digital Event reactions.


After reading those comments I finally put the finger on why that digital event felt so disturbing to me: I felt insulted watching it. They took what I love the most about Nintendo franchises and they made fun of it. They made fun of me.

SE introduced Kingdom hearts with a mobile title, but then moved on to KH3 footage. Sony introduced FF with World of FF, but then moved on to FFVII Remake. Those were scripted emotional events, bringing people's expectations down and then immediately rebounding so much higher.

Nintendo mentioned Star Fox (the lesser offender) and showed the crappiest textures on a WiiU title yet. Then they mentioned Zelda and showed a tiny filler DS title, and stopped there. Then they mentioned Metroid Prime, and showed a tiny filler DS title and stopped there. Then they mentioned WiiU Animal Crossing, and showed a party game with amiibo prereq. And then they mentioned a new WiiU mario game, and showed a tennis filler title.

They never rebounded from those low points. It was just a streak of low points. They took all the franchises people were expecting the most of, and they destroyed every one of them with insignificant filler titles.They didn't promise anything after those. They just showed the lesser version of everything, and then stopped.

I'm a die hard Nintendo fan, but I can't defend that. It feels like a terrible effort at content between 2 cycles.

quoting this one so that we have it on the new page :p

Yes, Nintendo will try to get third parties on board for NX, like Kingdom Hearts 3. there is no way they can survive without them, if they succeed or not remains to be seen.

Yup. They need decent graphics, a normal controller, and a relevant gimmick to draw people back in. Then just pray for some third party support (moneyhat certain ports if you have to). They have all the elements now- decent online, storage (maybe Iwata will get over his stupid ban on harddrives when solid-state drives start dropping in price?), and outstanding first party support. They just need to put it all together in a package that's no more the $300.


I was literally playing TTYD last night, thinking that somehow that would result in a Paper Mario Wii-u announcement. I was planning to get to the end of Chapter 2, but I decided to quit right before it, instead.

So as a result, I got half a damn Paper Mario game. I need to play harder.

so this is literally all your fault. i have literally now gone 31 years of living without a mortal enemies list, but you just made me start one.

Buggy Loop

Hate to say this but I had been a Nintendo only gamer my entire life until the Wii and the Wii U just cemented it: Nintendo refuses to make the games that most of it's now adult original fanbase want.

Especially the Amiibos, oh god, i just give ~zero~ shits about that. Im frustrated that it even wasted direct's time. (not that they had anything else to fill anyway).


Honestly no. I think if they did not do a Digital Event, the hate would be less.
I would have not taken off work today...

Sorry, I meant they put them in the Nintendo World Championships. Like have Star Fox show up as the kicker, show Blastball when it was revealed, interspeace the other announcements between the rounds, things like that.


Unconfirmed Member
Goddammit just make the current stuff region free. None of this bullshit anymore :( we know it's possible only reason not to are bogus business reasons.


Can someone explain to me why everyone is rating Nintendo conference as a D- or F--?
I was at work the whole day so it was crazy to see so many posters saying it was like seeing their dog got hit by a truck and then a meteor landed on it that you can't even give a proper burial for your dog.

They killed Metroid
The Animal Crossing Wii U game is a stand alone version of the Amiibo Party mode from Mario Party 10 with an AC skin.

There's more but those are the big ones.


To make up for the content for the next E3, I think nintendo should stop doing directs. That's what I'm getting from what most people said. If they stop doing directs and save all the stuff for E3, this would have been a good Digital Event compared to what people are considering really bad.

Keep in mind, I find this Digital Event okay.
This is a terrible idea.
Last year was great and the still had Directs through the year.


So finally im out of the job. I could watch the youtube stream but neogaf is blocked.

So...I guess this is a place like any other to ask but, whats the procedure to sell a Wii U ? With downloaded digital games, how to remove NNID, etc. Serious question.

A console with roughly 3.5 years lifespan, only 1 freaking year being at all interesting. Its the most insulting console purchase i've ever done. Even if its dead, you freaking support it to a reasonable level for those who bought it. I aint even interested in NX after Nintendo pulled this move, i cant support a company that pulls the plug and gives up so fast, no matter how dire the situation, especially when you have 10B warchest doing nothing.

What were all these studio expansions for?

Miyamoto is out of his fucking mind to present Star Fox in this sorry state.

After reading those comments I finally put the finger on why that digital event felt so disturbing to me: I felt insulted watching it. They took what I love the most about Nintendo franchises and they made fun of it. They made fun of me.

SE introduced Kingdom hearts with a mobile title, but then moved on to KH3 footage. Sony introduced FF with World of FF, but then moved on to FFVII Remake. Those were scripted emotional events, bringing people's expectations down and then immediately rebounding so much higher.

Nintendo mentioned Star Fox (the lesser offender) and showed the crappiest textures on a WiiU title yet. Then they mentioned Zelda and showed a tiny filler DS title, and stopped there. Then they mentioned Metroid Prime, and showed a tiny filler DS title and stopped there. Then they mentioned WiiU Animal Crossing, and showed a party game with amiibo prereq. And then they mentioned a new WiiU mario game, and showed a tennis filler title.

They never rebounded from those low points. It was just a streak of low points. They took all the franchises people were expecting the most of, and they destroyed every one of them with insignificant filler titles.They didn't promise anything after those. They just showed the lesser version of everything, and then stopped.

I'm a die hard Nintendo fan, but I can't defend that. It feels like a terrible effort at content between 2 cycles. At that point I'm scared they redirected the next Zelda to be a launch title for the next system, along with a proper Metroid.


Drama queens.


Can someone explain to me why everyone is rating Nintendo conference as a D- or F--?
I was at work the whole day so it was crazy to see so many posters saying it was like seeing their dog got hit by a truck and then a meteor landed on it that you can't even give a proper burial for your dog.

I actually thought it was the best of E3. I wanted to play every game they showed, which is more than I can say for the other conferences (the only exception is maybe that Atlus game and that's because I just have no clue from the thing they showed what that game is or what you do).
Can someone explain to me why everyone is rating Nintendo conference as a D- or F--?
I was at work the whole day so it was crazy to see so many posters saying it was like seeing their dog got hit by a truck and then a meteor landed on it that you can't even give a proper burial for your dog.

They were definitely at the bottom this year IMO. The only new games announced were geared towards casuals (AC Party Game, Mario Tennis Game, etc...)


For Nintendo, it's like some else has said:

No real Zelda -- Here's four swords with four Links again.

The new Zelda from what was briefly said about it and what was shown on the Treehouse stream looks much more truly co-op focused than the Four Swords titles. It's using game systems and design from Link Between Worlds, so it looks kind of like co-op 2D Zelda in the same way Portal 2 co-op worked compared to the single player campaign, rather than the more party game-ish semi-competitive setup of Four Swords.

There were many puzzles shown on the stream that required all players doing their parts to solve them while working in tandem. It looks like an actually really interesting co-op game.


This is a terrible idea.
Last year was great and the still had Directs through the year.

But then people wouldn't complain as much now about all these new announcments.

Last year was indeed great and this year, they tried to reiterate it but failed.

Dr. Buni

I have to admit I'm a bit puzzled at all the "Selling my Wii U" folks. I mean, as a big Nintendo fan, I would never sell off my Wii U and all of the digital games and whatnot I have with it, not to mention MK8 and Smash Bros. If you aren't a big Nintendo fan then I have to ask: Why did you buy a Wii U in the first place? It's been patently obvious since launch that it was pretty much only for their diehard fans, hence the terrible sales figures. It's not like the system is going to be worth all that much second-hand anyway.
That is fine, but I am not a big Nintendo fan. I just like games. I bought a Wii U because I expected the system to have support for a couple more years, but admittedly it was a foolish move considering the poor support the Wii got from Nintendo in its last years. So if Nintendo isn't willing to support the Wii U, I have no use for it anymore. I had tons of fun with Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon, but I doubt I will still play these games for more than a couple hours at most. And Smash 3DS is more than enough to me, in fact, I like it a bit more than Smash Wii U.

There's nothing announced for the Wii U I am dying to play. Xenoblade Chronicles X might be a good game, but that's not enough for me. So in short, I have no need for the Wii U anymore. I will still have my Wii U games linked to my NNID even after I sell it, so if the next console have BC with digital games (like the Xbox One have), I will have my games back (if it doesn't, then I will probably not buy the new system, unless it is a handheld/console hybrid).

Only reason I am not selling the Wii U asap is because I have no need for the money at the moment. And where I live, I can sell it for a good price, for sure. I will keep it for a while, maybe someone is willing to trade a PS4 for it or something (lol as if).

El Topo

A dumb idea I've been tossing around in my head recently: what if Amiibo support could be used to attract third parties? Make the next console easier to port to, then allow third parties to create and use Amiibo in their games.

I mean, shit, wouldn't you pick up Mass Effect 4 on Wii U if you could use a Samus outfit in it?

I don't think that would make any difference. The problems 3rd parties have with Nintendo are well known (and understandable).


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Sony gets to win E3 the next three years just by bringing those games up again. I was stoked by the FF7 and Shenmue announcements until I realized that I'd be lucky to see either before I turn 30. Then I got fucking depressed. Every day we get one day closer to death, guys.

I agree. But they are winning in the public eyes and gaining goodwill and selling more consoles thanks to it. Showing pipe dreams and vaporware is the best solution to win E3, as Sony proved this year.

Can it get worse than Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival?

I wont comment on Animal Crossing, since its one of the few Nintendo-franchises I dont play.


Yeah, and than people will complain about being kept in the dark for 8 months and unsure of whether they should sell their system. People like to complain. What's worse is that they'll build up their own expectations and get disappointed when Nintendo already showed multiple times this would cover games coming out until early 2016.

Then we would be in an almost similar situation to Sony and Microsoft that hardly have anything related to direct.

AFAIK, Sony has PSX, but that was only an annual thing.


Junior Member
I don't think even Iwata is so deluded as to believe that the gaming business can be turned around merely with better marketing. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that.

And the big third parties aren't coming back, outside a few possible exceptions in Japan. They're gone. Best to accept that.
I'm surprised that you've made it this far in the thread, m8.


Wait, we're complaining about STAR FOX now?
Fucking hell, people are just looking for excuses to whine now.

Yeah I'm not surprised. People were shouting "Nintendo could never top Sony" last night before they even saw this. Nintendo had to fucking shatter expectations into dust for them to even "stand a chance" against this backlash.

They didn't show a second trailer for a game that was supposed to be done years ago and say "it's still coming!" Or say "hey go fund this game you want yourself" or "oh we added backwards compatibility sorry we didn't do it earlier" or offer a new fancy controller of some sort. They also didn't throw enough money at third parties for exclusive dlc.

They showed up to a games conference with some games that are coming out before next e3 but it wasn't what people who want the console for cheap or free wanted so fuck Nintendo.

I'll take miyamoto standing in a beautiful place telling me about his inspirations for star fox any day. I loved all the interviews and the games shown were fine. Not great, some were sort of letdowns, but fine. Starfox looks great, Mario Tennis looks rad, they showed lots of stuff and we already know that more games are coming out.

How? They do more than one fucking thing a year. E3 isn't shit for Nintendo. They already "lost" when websites went out of their way to not really even mention the wii u in all the console wars horse shit. So xbone/ps4 players already decided Nintendo lost.

And Nintendo said "fine we don't want to compete with you anyways" and put ryu in smash. And had the Nintendo world championships. And showed off a bunch of shit in a micro direct already.

Jesus Christ I hope all you guys really do go sell your consoles


To be fair they tried to support it for three years, the thing is dead, everybody that buys one should know its for a few quality games and thats it. a big part of the fanbase wanted Nintendo to drop it earlier, actually.

Its a difficult situation, and you could say Nintendo made a move that pleased no one, but then thats the reality of business.

As I said elsewhere, I believe there is an unspoken covenant between platform holder and consumer that Nintendo is fundamentally betraying here.

Sony shit the bed with PS3, on size, launch window, and price. They were behind Wii and 360 at various points in the cycle but they cut costs, refabbed cheaper models, and threw everything they had at software to rehabilitate the console. They succeeded. Nintendo did a similar thing with 3DS. Wii U? It's got a great library for sure, but to abandon the most loyal customers like this? It's a disgrace. People expect 4/5 years from a £250/$300 console at minimum, and they've every right to feel burned. This is not how you gain good will and confidence for a future console. I hate to say this - as I don't particularly subscribe to the Sony vision for the industry - but in terms of marketing future prospects, respecting the consumer, paying for their own mistakes, learning from mistakes and building confidence in a brand: Nintendo have a lot to learn from the likes of Sony.
Nintendo looked creatively bankrupt. Compare their titles to even indie developers and Nintendo looks defunct.

They are a slow company that can't compete with the massive road maps Sony and MS have in place. They need to be more agile if they want to succeed next gen.


I honestly believe Nintendo is trying to get out of gaming for good.

Reggie kept mentioning in the direct about how this is about Nintendo "transitioning".

My guess is that they leave console gaming for good in the next few years and move directly to apps/mobile gaming, theme parks, and amiibo styled toys. Maybe they'll stick with handheld, but it's never been more clear that Nintendo has given up on the Wii U.

I'm a fan of their games, but Star Fox (not even that impressive really), Xenoblade X, and Zelda is really all that is left for the next 2-3 years. That, IMHO, does not justify my $300 Wii U purchase. There really is no defending them at this point.

Azure J

They killed Metroid
The Animal Crossing Wii U game is a stand alone version of the Amiibo Party mode from Mario Party 10 with an AC skin.

There's more but those are the big ones.


I'm deflated from the presentation too, but really?
I agree. But they are winning in the public eyes and gaining goodwill and selling more consoles thanks to it. Showing pipe dreams and vaporware is the best solution to win E3, as Sony proved this year.

I wont comment on Animal Crossing, since its one of the few Nintendo-franchises I dont play.

Such salt and nonsense...Sony has been in gaming a long time and people trust the brand, and they showed a lot more then those 3 games, come on. Horizon and UC looked amazing, creativity with Media Molecule, No Mans Sky, new FF game, indies etc... They have every genre and niche covered.
Well, I had to do this...





But Nintendo made fun of me! They slapped me in the face with troll games and didn't give me Metroid Dread and Zelda U! My unrealistic expectations weren't met, damn it!

It's unrealistic to expect a decent Metroid game nearly five years after the last one? Neat.


Maturity, bitches.
Did anyone else think they were going to reveal a new Super Mario game at the end
end, but then it turned out to be an ad for a fucking website? That one hurt me.
You expected another new Mario game with Super Mario Maker coming?
Then I simply can't imagine what Nintendo can do besides marketing. New hardware doesn't sell itself. If it's all only for Nintendo games and IPs, even on new hardware, then shit, I guess that leaves them with about 10 million or so people willing to buy a Nintendo console for Nintendo games.

So what changes again? Besides new hardware, that people who didn't buy Wii U, or did buy Wii U, would somehow want to buy?

Edit: Marketing is huge, btw. There are so many amazing games, Nintendo or not, that people simply don't know about.

I actually agree with the bolded, which is why I think NX will probably fail and will probably be Nintendo's last dedicated gaming platform; the remaining audience for a dedicated device that exists primarily to play Mario and Zelda just isn't that big.

But a go-it-alone (plus whatever indie and mobile developer support they can get) unified console/handheld platform is really the only option they have left.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Wow at people saying they "killed" Metroid
It's a spin-off you hyperbolic fools.

I honestly believe Nintendo is trying to get out of gaming for good.

Reggie kept mentioning in the direct about how this is about Nintendo "transitioning".

My guess is that they leave console gaming for good in the next few years and move directly to apps/mobile gaming, theme parks, and amiibo styled toys. Maybe they'll stick with handheld, but it's never been more clear that Nintendo has given up on the Wii U.

I'm a fan of their games, but Star Fox (not even that impressive really), Xenoblade X, and Zelda is really all that is left for the next 2-3 years. That, IMHO, does not justify my $300 Wii U purchase. There really is no defending them at this point.

He said "transforming" not "transitioning"


Many hours late to watching it. All I could think of was "That's it?"

My guess is they really don't have a lot of development ready yet. They could pace themselves before but now are stretched super thin and are still trying to pace themselves to not release a bad game.

They have to keep supporting 2 systems alone (3DS, Wii U) while starting production on a new system (NX) and still have to allocate resources for mobile, QOL, and licensing they're expanding to. All of this leads to games being made on the same engines to get something out quickly.

I think had they not done Smash on Sunday and kept both Roy/Ryu hidden, kept Blastball hidden, kept Earthbound Beginnings as something for today the reaction would've been very different. But the games we're seeing, I'm glad I have my PS4 and PC right now.


But then people wouldn't complain as much now about all these new announcments.

Last year was indeed great and this year, they tried to reiterate it but failed.
They failed cause they had nothing to show.
Not doing Directs throughout the year cause they have nothing to show in June isn't the fault of the format. Their focus on Wii U games is largely amiibo-based now, and they couldn't even show those games.
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