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Iwata tweets about the Digital Event reactions.


As I said elsewhere, I believe there is an unspoken covenant between platform holder and consumer that Nintendo is fundamentally betraying here.

Sony shit the bed with PS3, on size, launch window, and price. They were behind Wii and 360 at various points in the cycle but they cut costs, refabbed cheaper models, and threw everything they had at software to rehabilitate the console. They succeeded. Nintendo did a similar thing with 3DS. Wii U? It's got a great library for sure, but to abandon the most loyal customers like this? It's a disgrace. People expect 4/5 years from a £250/$300 console at minimum, and they've every right to feel burned. This is not how you gain good will and confidence for a future console. I hate to say this - as I don't particularly subscribe to the Sony vision for the industry - but in terms of marketing future prospects, respecting the consumer, paying for their own mistakes, learning from mistakes and building confidence in a brand: Nintendo have a lot to learn from the likes of Sony.

Wii u was doing way worse than the PS3 in almost every territory. It was doing dream cast numbers, after a while it is time to move on. And by this ponit anyone who owns a nintendo system knows that year 4 will be fucking terrible, it happen to every nintendo console and it will happen again.

Glass Joe

Maybe Nintendo should go timed thirdparty. Just until the end of the current gen consoles. And launch a new competetive system with the rest.

Yeah, no. That would be a waste of talent, having developers learn new hardware, only to release products that tell the public that Nintendo consoles aren't needed to enjoy Nintendo content. Then turn around and try to sell a new competing console with less quality games ready because you had your staff making PlayStation stuff. Talk about confusing motion with progress!

Obviously Nintendo showed this E3 that the Wii U is winding down. They need to create content for NX and court 3rd parties with considerable incentives. Not have their developers run around making Xbox games.
Nintendo knew this E3 was not going to be a Nintendo fan's wet dreams.
It's apparent now that they aren't going to pump millions of dollars into developing new projects for this system now.

New hardware is needed.


Then we would be in an almost similar situation to Sony and Microsoft that hardly have anything related to direct.

AFAIK, Sony has PSX, but that was only an annual thing.

Exactly, that's my point. Sony's conference was much better than I expected, but most of those games won't be coming out any time soon. I think what will be funny is when a lot of those games are shown next e3, and possibly even after, you'll start seeing people complain 'worse e3 we already knew about final fantasy 2 years ago, I want something new' or something like that.


Honestly, I would not be surprised if Nintendo are working on the NX as an OS and choose to license out hardware manufacturing to different companies, like they did w/ the Gamecube and Panasonic Q. That way if someone wants a mobile device w/ a 6 inch 4k screen, LG or whoever can take the hit with no risk to Nintendo. They've already compared their next gen to iOS/Android. Only one of those OSs has an exclusive manufacturer behind it.

That would be cool, but unworkable. How would Samsung et al make money selling just dedicated gaming hardware when someone else owns the ecosystem?

I think the NX is multi-device OS as well, but Nintendo is still going to have pay for the hardware to be made.


Man, people were really in denial about the Wii U being dead it seems.

Why throw away million dollar projects on a dead system?

Fox Mulder

God I hope the next Nintendo home console actually caters to core gamers properly. I don't necessarily care about 3rd party either, just some really solid exclusives that aren't ridiculously easy.

I'm happy with cheap Nintendo hardware that shines as a great secondary console you get just for their exclusives. Nintendo art styles dont really need tons of power, and the wiiu has great exclusives.

I imagine it's just still too expensive for many ps4 or xb1 owners due to the fucking gamepad.
Yes, Nintendo will try to get third parties on board for NX, like Kingdom Hearts 3. there is no way they can survive without them, if they succeed or not remains to be seen.

If they can at least manage to get KH 3, FF7 Remake, and even FFXV on NX then maybe it would help give it some momentum.


Exactly, that's my point. Sony's conference was much better than I expected, but most of those games won't be coming out any time soon. I think what will be funny is when a lot of those games are shown next e3, and possibly even after, you'll start seeing people complain 'worse e3 we already knew about final fantasy 2 years ago, I want something new' or something like that.

I wish that would happen so that people understand that when content is a bit lacking, all they can do is stretch out titles they already have like starfox and MM. But no, I don't see that happening.

This is because most people will see those games as hope after all these years and constantly clamor for E3 news (or gamescon or TGS, and whatever other events there are).


Where's the "All aboard the disaster train". It seemed more of a confirmation conference than a true showing. Nintendo stocks gonna plummet.

Star Fox Zero is actually what it is. A 0/10.


Yeah, and than people will complain about being kept in the dark for 8 months and unsure of whether they should sell their system. People like to complain. What's worse is that they'll build up their own expectations and get disappointed when Nintendo already showed multiple times this would cover games coming out until early 2016.

There is no winning with Nintendo. I don't think I've ever seen a company so damn scrutinized over every little thing. Even when other companies screw up, no one blows up as much as when Nintendo makes a mistake that isn't as comparable. Especially from people that don't give a shit about Nintendo stuff. I really just don't understand it. The direct wasn't that good this year and I would have some recommendations on how to improve, but there are games that are coming out and seeing them on the Treehouse shows that they are shaping up very well.

PS3 started out shit, but by around 2009 (Ironically enough after dropping PS2 BC, wtf?) it really started to pick up steam.

WiiU never got that second wind, unfortunately.

That is because Sony basically begged 3rd parties to help them, and kowtowed to any desires that the 3rd parties had for them to change their system and network around. They basically did everything they could to appease EA, Ubisoft, and Activision since Western games were eating the lion's share of games and Japanese devs were still getting their feet wet in HD gaming, while Western devs knew how to program at higher resolutions forever with the PC. Nintendo is a bit too proud and protective for that and would rather ride out the storm than let 3rd parties intrude on their space.
What I dont get: did they not preview this godawful digital (un)event to someone that said "this is awful, the fans will tear you apart and this will get us no (positive) media coverage."




I'm already packing up all my wii u and 3ds stuff and giving them a viking funeral.
I'm disgusted by this sham of an event and am denouncing ever owning anything with the nintendo logo.

*tattoos 'sony4ever' on arm over where a tattoo of reggie's face once lay*


I cannot believe that after that Mario 30th anniversary montage they didn't drop a big new Mario title.

Mario Galaxy 3? 3D World 2? Nothing at all??? Terrible!!!

Just like how the camera guy felt about it all.


They better come back with something kickass next year!


As I said elsewhere, I believe there is an unspoken covenant between platform holder and consumer that Nintendo is fundamentally betraying here.

Sony shit the bed with PS3, on size, launch window, and price. They were behind Wii and 360 at various points in the cycle but they cut costs, refabbed cheaper models, and threw everything they had at software to rehabilitate the console. They succeeded. Nintendo did a similar thing with 3DS. Wii U? It's got a great library for sure, but to abandon the most loyal customers like this? It's a disgrace. People expect 4/5 years from a £250/$300 console at minimum, and they've every right to feel burned. This is not how you gain good will and confidence for a future console. I hate to say this - as I don't particularly subscribe to the Sony vision for the industry - but in terms of marketing future prospects, respecting the consumer, paying for their own mistakes, learning from mistakes and building confidence in a brand: Nintendo have a lot to learn from the likes of Sony.

The Playstation 3 was never in the position the Wii U is in now. It still had third party support and even at its worst was selling much better than the Wii U.


Man, people were really in denial about the Wii U being dead it seems.

Why throw away million dollar projects on a dead system?

Because the alternative is releasing a system waaaaay earlier than they should. At best it'll be on par with X1 and PS4 three years into their cycle. What happens when they release their next system? Nintendo will be in an even tougher spot than they are now.
I was in denial that Nintendo could be that out of touch... but that was just absolutely dreadful.

Not just the quality of the announcements, but the fact that they didn't know how to manage expectations and announced a bunch of stuff BEFORE the event and then managed to not top it with anything particularly good.

Most of the major titles they showed we already knew and they didn't really have any major surprises.


Maybe Nintendo should go timed thirdparty. Just until the end of the current gen consoles. And launch a new competetive system with the rest.

You really are a maniac, maniac-kun.

Games would need to be completely redeveloped or even developed at this point for the Wii U, near the end of it's cycle.


The Birthday Skeleton
It's not about the new announcements or lack of them. It's about the fact that the Digital Event wasn't on par not even with the usual Nintendo Direct. There were so many Nintendo Directs better than this.

So many things went wrong:
  • The awkward Skylander discussion
  • The long discussion about Yoshi Woolly's World
  • The awkward 5 minutes long Mario singing at the end
  • Lack of existing games that are coming for Wii U this year: Fatal Frame, Devil's Third
  • The bad pacing of whole Event: 10 minutes developer talk, a number of 30 seconds trailers, 10 minutes developer talk, 5 minutes of nothing, 5 minutes of awkward singing
  • The horrible idea of presenting the strangest of spin-offs for the 2 wanted franchises at E3

It's like they fired everybody who directs in the past year, since last E3.

The muppets thing was great, but was put in the shadow by the rest.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
The puppets were great. THE PUPPETS WERE GREAT


But I mean, not a lot they could do this year with a defunct console that they're devoting most of their resources to replace. ALMOST solid showing with that in mind.

It is still not very nice for their customers and for their brand to clearly handle their products like this with support drying up while they work to start the hype machine to get you to buy their new product. They need to show a bit more appreciation to their customers IMHO.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I agree. But they are winning in the public eyes and gaining goodwill and selling more consoles thanks to it. Showing pipe dreams and vaporware is the best solution to win E3, as Sony proved this year.

Agreed, but it's not what I and, I would've assumed before today, the majority of GAF would want.

It just seems massively delusional to me for everyone to expect some sort of software push for the Wii U. If it's not dead this year, then it's dead next year. It's going to come to an early demise, there's no getting around that. Why blow your load with new Metroid, Mario Galaxy-esque and Zelda games when you can hold out five more minutes and blow the doors off with your next console's launch lineup? Sure, it sucks that we're not getting everything we want right now but it is what it is.


It's an transition period for Nintendo. The Wii U is dead as a door nail. Has been for a long time. Nintendo NX is almost certainly coming out at the end of 2016 and they are putting everything into that... whatever it is.

I think the only other option Nintendo had was to not even show up to E3. If they had done that, confidence in the company would have evaporated. So they showed the new 3DS games they had in the pipe as well as whatever is left for the Wii U.

Learn from your mistakes and move onto E3 2016.

Azure J

That would be cool, but unworkable. How would Samsung et al make money selling just dedicated gaming hardware when someone else owns the ecosystem?

I think the NX is multi-device OS as well, but Nintendo is still going to have pay for the hardware to be made.

I think there's too many assumptions being made about NX that change in reaction to whatever the hot topic of the moment is. For what it's worth, I have no reason to believe that the thing is going to be anything more than what they've said about it so far, namely it will be some form of console, it is not a hybrid and it has a strong sense of modularity to itself mostly in its software design. I don't see how it will all work out but that's because nothing else has been said on it to begin with.

Wii U though, is far more certain. This thing is getting phased the fuck out and sooner as opposed to later.


As I said elsewhere, I believe there is an unspoken covenant between platform holder and consumer that Nintendo is fundamentally betraying here.

Sony shit the bed with PS3, on size, launch window, and price. They were behind Wii and 360 at various points in the cycle but they cut costs, refabbed cheaper models, and threw everything they had at software to rehabilitate the console. They succeeded. Nintendo did a similar thing with 3DS. Wii U? It's got a great library for sure, but to abandon the most loyal customers like this? It's a disgrace. People expect 4/5 years from a £250/$300 console at minimum, and they've every right to feel burned. This is not how you gain good will and confidence for a future console. I hate to say this - as I don't particularly subscribe to the Sony vision for the industry - but in terms of marketing future prospects, respecting the consumer, paying for their own mistakes, learning from mistakes and building confidence in a brand: Nintendo have a lot to learn from the likes of Sony.

There was this thing called the Vita. It's a legacy system now.

Sony can be just as bad if not worse. Nintendo is throwing more behind Wii U than Sony did Vita.
But Nintendo made fun of me! They slapped me in the face with troll games and didn't give me Metroid Dread and Zelda U! My unrealistic expectations weren't met, damn it!

When two long standing, fan favourite Nintendo franchises, that have appeared on every system they've ever produced, showing up in at least trailer form, is an 'unrealistic expectation', especially over 3 years into the current generation, then something is seriously fucking wrong.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Pretty insulting to Wii U owners. I'm not buying another Nintendo system if they're going to abandon it when things don't go their way.


I think I'm starting to better understand his recent health issues. I think he actually takes this criticism to heart and has been causing him major stress.
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