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Iwata tweets about the Digital Event reactions.

El Topo

All that stuff looked good - but it was the three 2020-games that pushed the conference into legendary status - and sent the conference from a solid C to A+ - even though they are nowhere in sight. My suggestion is that Nintendo should start doing this as well - not that Sony should stop.

Here's the thing: There's also plenty of other games coming to PS4 that didn't have to get shown at their conference. People don't have too much of a problem with early game announcements if they can be sure that there'll be more than enough to play until then (even if it's not necessarily exclusive).
I don't think the presser was THAT bad. I mean, as a whole it wasn't more of a disaster as their E3 '08 presser, which still holds the shit crown for the worst Nintendo conference of all time.

With that said, I would like to know what the fuck was in the water at Nintendo HQ when they thought Metroid Prime Hunters 3DS Soccer Edition was a good idea. As that trailer was ending I was thinking "...Metroid, the series known for its oppressing solitude, sense of sci-fi fueled wonder, exploration, and even horror elements...reduced to chubby robots shooting lasers at each other and a soccer game..."
Since Sony can get away with gaining massive hype on 2017 games, Nintendo will join the party

I would have been happy with a "here's whats coming in the future" , its E3, at least show something

but yeah
lol at anyone that thinks FF7 remake and Shenmue will be out next year, 2017 if we are lucky, hell i expect the last guardian to barely make the end of 2016, and i own a PS4

i had a lot of smh nintendo tweets and one saying im selling my wii u lol, Iwata read my tweet ;)


i don't think taking feedback means anything. nintendo clearly deliberately sabotaged their showing this year because they want to have a really focused, exciting show for their new platform, to cleanly associate the excitement with the new platform they want you to care about. i love the wii u like mad but it's a total albatross, it doesn't matter if people are excited for games on it. so this e3 it's like resting yr best players in a dead rubber so they're better refreshed for the title decider. the choice you make. it's not like they've closed ead tokyo, they've closed retro, that the new leaf team isn't working on a new full animal crossing, the pikmin 3 team all got fired, that zelda is canceled. whatever.

i think the best feedback is probably even in an off year to not diminish it through too many directs. e3 is not that important but it does stand as a state of the nation type thing for many gamers, as i realized when i saw how many people watching missed that we knew zelda wasn't showing.

then again spreading across multiple directs to get viewers for each does allow you to sell stuff to your core audience better, which is their best model atm. but i think the lack on enthusiasm in treehouse this year as a result of a dimmer showing is a missed opportunity as they are so good at selling you stuff, but lots will be too bored to care.


Yes, it does. The economics of a 3rd party Nintendo means a vastly different company. You're talking about cutting off both arms and legs and making them into little more than a Mario factory on console, with the bulk of their franchises probably ending up going mobile.

It feels their consoles have no legs compared the competition. The next console will still probably have almost no third party support, sub par online/no nonsensical profile system, underpowered, and a gimmicky controller trying to reclaim that Wii fluke. I'd rather they focus on trying to innovate in their games, rather than consoles.
Should've showed 2017/2018 stuff like Sony did ;)

Seriously people, calm down. Next year Sony's conference will bore because it'll mostly be a repeat of this conference. Same games, new trailers.

Nintendo will be at the part of the cycle where they have brand new stuff to tease/show.

It's a cycle.

So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

As long as they keep making the best games, of course.
I guess I've been doing this dance too long to be too disappointed by Nintendo's mediocre conference.

So they didn't announce anything noteworthy beyond Star Fox. And they had a bunch of stupid assed puppets that were really terrible.

At least a new Star Fox is (finally) coming. And it looks awesome.

that's good enough for me
Nintendo could have really avoided a lot of hate if they told people to temper their expectations and clarified that they were basically going to recap stuff and show off mid-tier games.
I'm as disappointed as everyone else maybe even more so, but some of the posts in this thread are embarrassing.

Since Sony can get away with gaining massive hype on 2017 games, Nintendo will join the party

While this isn't incorrect, it's a bit unfair. The reality of the situation is that the majority of the games announced at Sony's presser won't be seen until next year/2017, but it was more that the announcements had significant impact. After years of being teased, a Final Fantasy VII remake is a really big deal (despite the fact that game isn't going to be out until 2018 at the earliest), and having it on Sony's stage was very smart.

As someone who's not a fan of seeing games being teased too early, which is something both Sony and Microsoft do quite a bit and Nintendo is guilty of to a lesser extent, I'm super excited about what they're doing in the next few years, which means they accomplished their goal. Creating buzz and generating hype is important.

I don't think it was so much that Nintendo dropped the ball as it was they couldn't show their hand too early. Pretty clear that we're moving into the NX days after this direct, and hopefully they'll just bring the house down next year.

Still don't regret my WiiU purchase, and I bought it at launch.
I disagree and I think they can turn it around. I've already stated some of the huge amounts of work they'll need to do.

I simply don't agree. Their position as far as core-oriented third-party gaming goes is so abysmal that they're effectively starting from scratch, and it's far too late to do that. Even MS, with far more resources at its disposal, took more than one generation to truly pull that off.
The thing about this is: how do we know some of these games are stopgaps? The Metroid game, for example, could be an attempt to gauge interest in the franchise as a whole. If no one buys it, will we never get a traditional (ie. single player campaign with Samus) Metroid game?

Well either way I can't find myself to be excited about tripe like Metroid Prime Federation Force
Nintendo could have really avoided a lot of hate if they told people to temper their expectations and clarified that they were basically going to recap stuff and show off mid-tier games.

Not their responsibility.

They didn't promise huge surprises and megatons.

They showed exactly what they said they were going to, it just didn't jive with what many wanted.


Nintendo desperately, desperately needs some fresh, western eyes at the top of the pyramid.

Its clearly evident guys like Miyamoto etc still run the roost and his ground breaking ideas form decades ago just aint cutting it anymore. If they really think that Starfox is going to cut the mustard as the sole WiiU game for god knows how long... then you may as well pack it up now.

We have heard this same old excuse for THREE platforms in a row now:

Gamecube... er, wait for Wii - it'll come!
Wii..... Oh WiiU, thats where the development has gone!
And Now WiiU... NX, it'll all be NX!

They are in utter denial and now so far from left field of what their competitors (you know, the other 2 companies that you refuse to acknowledge?) that I am struggling to see how they are gonna come back.
I just can't believe Nintendo had that little to show. Or thought they could show that little without also showing zelda

I don't understand the harm in showing Zelda. The only logical conclusion I have is that it's not coming to Wii U or they are uncertain if they will release it on Wii U.

Otherwise why not show something?


Hey Nintendo, maybe people would be excited if you showed some new titles that weren't bastardizations of classic franchises.


All that stuff looked good - but it was the three 2020-games that pushed the conference into legendary status - and sent the conference from a solid C to A+ - even though they are nowhere in sight. My suggestion is that Nintendo should start doing this as well - not that Sony should stop.

Two of those games are also ones that you can play on another platform that arguably can push the performance better than the PS4 can, and one of those two was a god damn kickstarter announce for a game that Sony wasn't going to fund themselves. You can't really say that Sony is the one blowing things away; Square Enix and Yu Suzuki are doing that. Sony has some interesting first party stuff, to me it is the same situation as Nintendo, they aren't coming out until next year or later, and it isn't a lot of stuff revealed. I would agree that Nintendo should be doing the same, but I also understand that they don't want to overshadow their games that aren't coming out for a while.


I just can't believe Nintendo had that little to show.

it's obvious at this point they're starting to pour all of their resources into the NX. it's not like they're sitting around complacently, they're just going all in on their new system which they can't exactly talk about yet.

2016 will be a big year for them.


Please tell me why it was a good idea to spend 15 min on Triforce Heroes and Hyrule Warriors?

Whatever your feelings were on the games shown, the pacing in this Direct was terrible. My god. I personally thought the content they showed was fine. Nothing was "wow", or I "must have that". But I liked most of the titles. But as an E3 showing, it was very flat.


Lots of talk of denial in this thread, but if any of you think they can go from this current situation to a new console that will see greater success, I'd like to know how.

They should be cutting the price of hardware and releasing every bit of software they can for the Wii U to increase its value. Even handheld experiences like Four Swords, Blast Balls, Luigis Mansion or Kid Icarus would be welcome, in terms of ports at least. Instead, they are allowing great titles like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon to go unappreciated by millions, by abandoning buyers, abdicating shelf space that they will STRUGGLE to reclaim when PS4 and Xbone start hitting their stride, and risking irrelevance altogether by losing mindshare as other companies announce holographic / VR HMDs and sequels or remakes to some of the most beloved games in the cultural zeitgeist.

Nintendo have the money, they have the power to turn around a bad situation, they just don't have RESPECT for the loyal consumer or the CONVICTION needed to sell their own ideas. They're not agile enough, they're not fast enough, their finger is no longer on the pulse, they are still behind and now it seems that when they stumble, they're no longer prepared to own their mistakes, reward their customers and maintain their very laudable output. Events like this are annoying solely because - even without the support of monoliths like EA, they have the talent and the pedigree to be the best.
I don't understand the harm in showing Zelda. The only logical conclusion I have is that it's not coming to Wii U or they are uncertain if they will release it on Wii U.

Otherwise why not show something?

It's clear that it's been moved to NX. As such I would bet they are retooling it massively. There's a good chance it looks significantly different when we see it next.


Thank you Nintendo. Now bring it next year. I want to see you guys do well and I want to have my socks knocked off.


So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

Most definitely, yes. I've spent far more time with my Wii U games than anything on my PS4 or Xbone so far. I still play Smash Bros nearly every day and have done so since it came out. All in all, the Wii U is the only one of the three that I would actually miss if I didn't have it now. That'll change though with releases like Battlefront, Uncharted, Deus Ex and many more next year.
one of the great troll conferences of our time

"yeah we aint got shit...but you still gon buy the next console for dat new Mario and Zelda anyway"



So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

Yeah sure. Loved the Wii U, and I got more information and solid release dates on game I was looking forward to this year. Despite it being a failure, I still probably have more games I enjoyed on Wii U than most other consoles I've owned. I might not be there Day 1, but I'll definitely eventually get an NX

one of the great troll conferences of our time

"yeah we aint got shit...but you still gon buy the next console for dat new Mario and Zelda anyway"


There was a sense of beauty in the level of trolling going on in that event that I appreciated


I simply don't agree. Their position as far as core-oriented third-party gaming goes is so abysmal that they're effectively starting from scratch, and it's far too late to do that. Even MS, with far more resources at its disposal, took more than one generation to truly pull that off.

I don't even see them targeted the core outside of potentially giving 3rd party developers something better to work with. They're going to have to put in a ton of work either way so we'll see.


Since Sony can get away with gaining massive hype on 2017 games, Nintendo will join the party

Right. Because Wii U has Fallout 4 and a lot of the major AAA titles hitting this Holiday season.

Edit: not to say Nintendo doesn't have titles. I'm just saying we need context. PS4 showed a lot of OMG titles in 2016 while also being the leading platform for all the big budget AAA titles.


I don't think the presser was THAT bad. I mean, as a whole it wasn't more of a disaster as their E3 '08 presser, which still holds the shit crown for the worst Nintendo conference of all time.

With that said, I would like to know what the fuck was in the water at Nintendo HQ when they thought Metroid Prime Hunters 3DS Soccer Edition was a good idea. As that trailer was ending I was thinking "...Metroid, the series known for its oppressing solitude, sense of sci-fi fueled wonder, exploration, and even horror elements...reduced to chubby robots shooting lasers at each other and a soccer game..."

Perfectly said. You especially don't do that to Metroid after not releasing a decent Metroid game in many many years.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
There are things that I liked from the Digital Event (Star Fox, Mario & Luigi, Zelda, partially Mario Tennis, since we don't know if it has online multiplayer), but...what happened. Heck, even the presentation was a step down from what happened last year: great start, with the Muppet Execs, but then, not that good. Waaaay too long interview sections, they felt way longer than last year (it's probably because they needed to fill the Digital Event runtime) and then, all of a sudden, trailer after trailer. It felt schizofrenic. Also, Animal Crossing amiibo party is...not what most fans were expecting as AC U. Nope. Not at all. I'm also shocked that, while they announced titles for 2016 for 3DS, they didn't the same for Wii U. No new 2016 Wii U games. That's absolutely WOAH to me. It's not like I was expecting lots of them...1/2. Not even one. It was bad. 3.5/10 bad. :( I hope they REALLY get where the (most reasonable) complaints come from for next year. Next year's NX time, they can't fuck up. At all. And this event seems so out of place after all their improvements in terms of how they showed games, in terms of a specific direction for the whole company (home and handheld divisions under the same roof, better use of their IPs, even mobile development - and, honestly, we saw definite signs of these initiatives). They nailed the pre-E3 and the Nintendo World Championship too, and then...the fuck happened.

You know, I've always thought that 2016 would've been a decent Wii U year, in terms of games (a bit slower pace than 2014/2015) and 2017 a EOL year with very few games, but right now it seems that next year is already the EOL one, ugh. So far, just Fire Emblem and Zelda, I can't believe it's just that, come on.


The best way Nintendo could have eleveated this disaster with just a few words. "I'll leave you with just one more thing". And it will be a New Super Mario 64 with amiibo support and you play as those characters in full third person acroatic 3D like a combination of 3D platforming and Super Smash Bros.


Seriously people, calm down. Next year Sony's conference will bore because it'll mostly be a repeat of this conference. Same games, new trailers.

Nintendo will be at the part of the cycle where they have brand new stuff to tease/show.

This is what I keep thinking. Sony and the rest will mostly just show more of what they showed this year, while Nintendo will have brand new stuff + Zelda.
So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

Considering that I'm incredibly partial to games like Splatoon/Angry Birds/Sonic Colors/Super Mario 3D World/Rayman Legends/Wii Sports and they're the only major AAA hardware manufacturer that actually focuses on creating a software ecosystem that's conducive to that kind of youth/family/casual-aimed software in the dedicated console market, yes.


Unconfirmed Member
Well yeah, it would have been better if they showed some 2017 games, but the Wii U and 3DS will both be dead by 2017, so that doesn't really work for them, unless they want to throw their current consoles under the bus with over a year before the next system is ready.
consumers started wondering why they should bother with a company thats purposely not giving them the very best in hardware anymore.

If the criteria for consumers is "the very best in hardware" they shouldn't bother with PS4 or XB1 either since they are both rather anemic hardware as well, albeit better than Wii U.


Hey Nintendo, maybe people would be excited if you showed some new titles that weren't bastardizations of classic franchises.

Jesus, I guess this is why they've hitherto been so protective of their properties.

No one will ever be happy.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Ah, right.
This conference's ending channeled so much my memories from 2012 and the fireworks. WHY DID IT HAPPEN AGAIIIIIIIINNNN
Guys, Miyamoto told you this was going to happen. Not only did he tell you, the reaction on GAF was generally positive. I tried saying it would be a bad thing and I got shouted back.


Nothing wrong with spinoff games...as long as the main games that they're supposed to be spun off from still exist.

Hell, F-Zero and Wave Race don't even get spinoff games. Their most recent content was mini-games in Nintendo Land and Wii Sports Resort, respectively.
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