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Iwata tweets about the Digital Event reactions.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The fact that the reaction was so bad that Iwata was forced to respond is a good thing.

Goddamm what the hell was he thinking?


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I love Nintendo. But after experiencing Sony's conference it really hit me. I'm wasting my time in a way. There's NO WAY modern Nintendo would ever do the same thing. They just want to surprise us now.

Know what? Most of the time, I don't wanna be surprised. Sometimes I want exactly what I'm thinking, exactly what I expect.

So I decided to be a Sony customer and fan. I'll always follow Nintendo in some fashion, but I'm keeping my distance from now on.

Wish you good health Iwata.
Yeah next year is Sony's show me year. If by then they don't start nailing down release dates for some of these games, then they can fuck off for doing this song and dance of promising the world even if the games are far off. As for Nintendo, I kinda see next year as a rebuilding year where they won't have a ton of stuff, but the potential will be there. Also, there's directs to release information throughout the year, so who knows. Till then I'll enjoy what they put out and check out till probably 2017

Shenmue 3 has a date of Dec 2017
TLG is 2016
FF7R....they are probably going to release when it reaches 20 years old: 2017. Showing games 2 years in the future is not far off nor uncommon.

Its really weird Nintendo focused on 2015-early 2016 for E3 (rarely we see titles release in less than a year from E3 announcement let alone your entire show being in that time frame)....its kind of worrying actually.


I...I think people have the impression that NOTHING is showing for the holidays. Nintendo said they were going to talk about games up until the early 2016 year. And that's what they did. Here's what's coming up:


No, it's not great. But that is a pretty solid list of games for the holiday season. They gave us exactly what they promised: a bunch of games for late 2015-early 2016. This is definitely not "betrayal" or "must go third party" or any of the prattle you guys are spitting out.

Red Devil

Nintendo could have really avoided a lot of hate if they told people to temper their expectations and clarified that they were basically going to recap stuff and show off mid-tier games.

Why? They didn't generate any expectation, they said games getting released later in 2015 and early in 2016, unless they fail to comply with that, they haven't broken any promise.


Let's hope they save some good stuff for E3 this time. It'd be so weird if they revealed the NX or Metroid or something in another direct.

You know what I hate? Getting hyped for Nintendo's E3 for an entire year, have it be shit, and realize I'm going to have to wait another year to get what I want. In the meantime, somehow I'll be like 47.

I agree, it sucks getting hyped up, but I always forget about shit that gets announced in Directs. There's a post floating around about how Nintendo could've had a great conference if they just adjusted some things and saved things for this instead of previous directs/NWC. But I have to realize that outside of next year(and perhaps 2017) being the launch of the NX, Nintendo is putting a de-emphasis on E3 and sprinkling news throughout the year. I do wish they saved stuff, but I'm not particularly mad about the conference, especially after remembering stuff that got announced earlier this year. Good amount of stuff to play till next E3, where they can announce new stuff

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
If the criteria for consumers is "the very best in hardware" they shouldn't bother with PS4 or XB1 either since they are both rather anemic hardware as well, albeit better than Wii U.

For the money I spent on the PS4 and Vita, they are the best hardware they could have delivered. This is hasn't been the case with Nintendo hardware since the Gamecube.

Also don't base any argument on some $∞.∞ scale that is just ignoring we're clearly talking about consoles.


Genuinely worse than I ever expected. This is it, this is the end of the rope. Nintendo can ride someone else's nostalgia from here on out.

What are they even doing? I know Iwata and the rest of the corporate team are smart people, you don't get as far as they have otherwise. So how in the hell did they fuck up the last three years this badly?


I think if they had cut down on the interviews and were better at announcing developers (NLG and platinum would have helped reception for ff and zero, respectively), it would have been a much better conference.

And cut out that youtube bullshit at the end.


I simply don't agree. Their position as far as core-oriented third-party gaming goes is so abysmal that they're effectively starting from scratch, and it's far too late to do that. Even MS, with far more resources at its disposal, took more than one generation to truly pull that off.

Then they dip into their savings and contract something. Nintendo leave so many genres untapped and half-ass so many others. Get some arcade racers from Sega. Get something horror from Capcom. Or hire on some of that overlooked indie talent.

Instead they seem to squander their resources on silly phone-style spinoffs and an endless parade of 2D platformers.

They can turn it around. They just need to stop being so damned dense.

Nothing wrong with spinoff games...as long as the main games that they're supposed to be spun off from still exist.

Hell, F-Zero and Wave Race don't even get spinoff games. Their most recent content was mini-games in Nintendo Land and Wii Sports Resort, respectively.

Yes, where are these games? As stated above, there is a lot they could do with untapped genres, or old franchises. Instead we get AC Amiibo board game crap.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I think the biggest reason for the criticism is that most of the "big" titles have been shown in Nintendo directs before, such as the Xenoblade X, Mario Maker, and the FE games. Nintendo didn't have any big bombs to drop because they were announced earlier. There is less hype in one day but more spread across the year. I think I prefer it this way, but if they find a way to make E3 even more hype without sacrificing the directs' hype, I'm all for it.

Zelda U will likely be shown in a direct before next E3, and people will likely say that E3 wasn't hype.
They did exactly that last year, the problem is they didnt have 3rd parties to fall back on whilst they have more titles in development for this year.


NX will probably come out in 2017. Exactly or almost 5 years. About the same as Gamecube and less than XBOX actually.

2017? no way.

this direct today clearly showed they don't have much left in the pipeline for the wii u or 3ds. nintendo knew they made a mistake with the wii u by introducing in at e3 in 2011, but not releasing the console for another year and a half.

reggie said they're going to start talking about the NX in 2016. with 2 systems on life support, they're not going to start talking about the NX in 2016, only to wait 12+ months to release it. i'm confident that the NX will be out for holiday of 2016.


It was pretty disappointing event for a Wii U owner, realistically there is about 2-5 games in the next year I will buy on the Wii U and they didn't reveal anything interesting for me personally.

Last year was very positive with and it's difficult to top that but that doesn't excuse at least one major reveal on this year's E3. Honestly if there was at least one new major title the situation could have been rescued.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I just think it's too late in the game to get the big sales.

I don't think they are waving the white flag but they realize that nothing is really going to move a lot more Wii Us.

Probably - but this damages their brand as a whole into next-gen. Will they be able to turn that around? Its possible, but this conference makes it even harder.
If they've proved anything with the last two consoles and their recent history, I have absolutely no desire to support them on their next console.

This works especially well if you ignore the impressive library already avaiable on the Wii U. But i guess everyone is in fanboy mode today. Bad E3 suddenly erases all avaiable games from existence, They should have shown a cgi trailer for 2019 to make everyone happy instead. ^^


Shenmue 3 has a date of Dec 2017
TLG is 2016
FF7R....they are probably going to release when it reaches 20 years old: 2017. Showing games 2 years in the future is not far off nor uncommon.

Its really weird Nintendo focused on 2015-early 2016 for E3 (rarely we see titles release in less than a year from E3 announcement let alone your entire show being in that time frame)....its kind of worrying actually.

It just means they have a brand new console they can't talk about yet that all of their games will be on in 2017. Maybe even 2016.


I have an idea about the NX for some times now and maybe this conference furthered the idea in my mind
When they mentioned Transforming.

What if, NX is

Dual handheld and home console?

The Handheld gaming part

Kinda like the WiiU gamepad part but now you can take the offscreen gamepad controller with you as if it was a 3DS It would be a Bit bigger than a 3DS XL and a little bit smaller than the WiiU gamepad.

If they completely restructured the way the E shop and network works, so it's easier to buy, download and transfer games around the place, you could download games from the network to the home console and onto your handhelds SD cards to take with you (think like how you can have ps1 games on the vita and ps3)

The physical games would be on a Card like current DS games, there's card slot in the console and the handheld device. (Think how you can put vita cards in the vita tv and vita) all you do is pop the game out of the console, pop it in the back of the hand held and away you go.

The console

Slim console that takes cards that are like the 3Ds ones but high capacity, these can be taken and put in the hand held to take with you as explained above

The controllers now are basically a 3ds Crossed with the wiiU gamepad but newly NX designed, it also comes packed in with the WiiU Pro controller, which can control the entire O.S without the need for the handheld N.X part.

The system would be available to buy separately or together but only need need to buy the games once.
So if you buy the console (packed with a pro controller) and decide to buy the handheld later you already have the games and vice versa. Or you can just buy the big bundle of console and handheld in one package

Kind of in a weird way what the WiiU should have already been in my opinion.

I really, really like this idea. If 3DS had a bit more horsepower and HDMI out (perhaps via a wireless setup with a little AppleTV/PSTV box) it would be great. Every title only needs to be developed once, and they're free to port to 'traditional consoles' without cannibalizing themselves.
So many things need to be radically changed at Nintendo for NX to get them back in the game... Sadly I dont see that happening with their rusty management.

Since the Gamecube era Iwata has been apologizing. Not much has been improved since, thank god Wii blew up for them.

Now get a new CEO that knows what he is doing. Greenlighting Wii U is something you should lose your job over.
Genuinely worse than I ever expected. This is it, this is the end of the rope. Nintendo can ride someone else's nostalgia from here on out.

What are they even doing? I know Iwata and the rest of the corporate team are smart people, you don't get as far as they have otherwise. So how in the hell did they fuck up the last three years this badly?
The last 3 years? Most people agree that they won E3 last year.
I hope what Iwata understands is that the format was great, loved the puppets and the nintendo charm. It was the content that was disappointing.

I agree completely. The style of the presentation with the puppets was charming, and the Amiibo animations were a nice transition between segments. Just the content was not what I was expecting at all.

I have to admit I'm a bit puzzled at all the "Selling my Wii U" folks.
I've sold off/given away my old consoles before. I regret it and would not do it again.

So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?
It's going to depend on their software plans on both content and release dates. I bought a Wii U day one because of Nintendo's assurance of a new Smash game from Sakurai and, at the time, thought that Pikmin 3 and other launch titles were just around the corner. We know how that turned out. I have little doubt that, like the Wii U, the NX will eventually have a solid library. But unless there are solid assurances of a good launch (not 6-12 months after) lineup, I will wait to get one. I'm doing the same with a PS4. I had one on preorder right after its reveal but after seeing the launch lineup I cancelled it and decided to wait. Now that it has a much more robust lineup of games available with more to come I may get one in the near future.


I...I think people have the impression that NOTHING is showing for the holidays. Nintendo said they were going to talk about games up until the early 2016 year. And that's what they did. Here's what's coming up:

No, it's not great. But that is a pretty solid list of games for the holiday season. They gave us exactly what they promised: a bunch of games for late 2015-early 2016. This is definitely not "betrayal" or "must go third party" or any of the prattle you guys are spitting out.

Opinions and all that, but that is anything less than solid to me. A lot of those games looked like they were hap-haphazardly put together due to 'getting shit out the door'. A process of complete and utter mismanagement when it comes to development. The same story we have been seeing for an eternity.

Azure J

Yeah, thats the thing, the presentation wasent necessarily bad, the content was just lacking.

I think the big issue is E3 is traditionally used for building hype for the future of the console- last year Nintendo did a good job with that IMO.

The 2015 lineup isn't bad IMO, but there was a virtual lack of any future projects to get excited about.

That could mean it was simply Nintendo's strategy this year, or, more likely IMO, most of the future projects are for the NX.

Just as I said before. Thing is, this isn't going to change anytime soon. It feels like they're already setting up to ride out this generation on whatever things they had in development for Wii U and just go all in on next gen development. It's 2005 GCN all over again.


I seriously hope Iwata doesn't take these kids' opinions to heart. With that said, it would be nice if they were able to demonstrate something with regards to Nintendo ID, user account, 'app store' updates, cross platform announcements... anything with that regard. Also, this is day 1 of a 4-day showing, and GamesCom is coming up... so maybe there's more to be shown.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I think the big issue is E3 is traditionally used for building hype for the future of the console- last year Nintendo did a good job with that IMO.

The 2015 lineup isn't bad IMO, but there was a virtual lack of any future projects to get excited about.

That could mean it was simply Nintendo's strategy this year, or, more likely IMO, most of the future projects are for the NX.


No, it's not great. But that is a pretty solid list of games for the holiday season. They gave us exactly what they promised: a bunch of games for late 2015-early 2016. This is definitely not "betrayal" or "must go third party" or any of the prattle you guys are spitting out.

Oh come on, they lack any actual heavy hitters for Winter.
Not until Nintendo can give me confidence they won't abandon a console this quickly again in the future.

This is what leaves me feeling a bit cheated out, even if the Wii U has been fantastic.

At the very least I expected an exclusive mainline Zelda, Metroid and Animal Crossing.

Exactly. This is what I don't get when people are saying that reactions are unreasonable. Some have been over the top, yes, this still wasn't as bad as E3 '08 but was certainly as bad as '12. The Wii U has a great library if Nintendo games are your thing. But this has been over 2 and a half years, whereas even the fucking Wii had 5 years of decent support even if it did thin out towards the end. And here we are at the halfway point with little left.


I said before this direct that it was either going to be very surprising or very boring. We knew about a number of the 2015-2016 games beforehand, there were leaks of a few things we shouldn't have known about and we knew there would be no Zelda or NX talk.

It wasn't a *terrible* presentation it was just dull in terms of reveals (I found the puppets amusing though...dat reggie). The most hype moment for me was Mario Tennis. I hope the mechanics are solid and there's online play. Even if it's more of the same otherwise I'll gladly take it.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
The last 3 years? Most people agree that they won E3 last year.
I think Reebot is referring to the Wii U era, as the console came out almost three years ago now. "Winning" E3 doesn't necessarily translate to actual results and satisfaction for the consumer.
Why? They didn't generate any expectation, they said games getting released later in 2015 and early in 2016, unless they fail to comply with that, they haven't broken any promise.

So you don't understand the value of being a company that doesn't disappoint your fans? Like, do you really not understand that Nintendo is the one that's hurting, not the fans?

Nintendo has a press conference slated for E3. It would have been a foolish assumption to say "this isn't going to be any big deal."

So yes, Nintendo can continue to not think about potentially disappointing fans - I'm not the one that's struggling for relevancy in an industry that's growing beyond them.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Two of those games are also ones that you can play on another platform that arguably can push the performance better than the PS4 can, and one of those two was a god damn kickstarter announce for a game that Sony wasn't going to fund themselves. You can't really say that Sony is the one blowing things away; Square Enix and Yu Suzuki are doing that. Sony has some interesting first party stuff, to me it is the same situation as Nintendo, they aren't coming out until next year or later, and it isn't a lot of stuff revealed. I would agree that Nintendo should be doing the same, but I also understand that they don't want to overshadow their games that aren't coming out for a while.

And as a result, they get this fan-rage that we are all part of in this thread. Should have been avoided and would have with the Sony-method.


So you don't understand the value of being a company that doesn't disappoint your fans? Like, do you really not understand that Nintendo is the one that's hurting, not the fans?

Nintendo has a press conference slated for E3. It would have been a foolish assumption to say "this isn't going to be any big deal."

So yes, Nintendo can continue to not think about potentially disappointing fans - I'm not the one that's struggling for relevancy in an industry that's growing beyond them.

I'm a Nintendo fan, and I wasn't disappointed at all.
If they already ditch the WiiU so early then all they do is proof to me that they are not able to properly support a console. I would certainly not be stupid enough to buy the next console from a company that is not able to do that...

Nintendo had a chance to save the Wii U early on, like they did w/ 3DS and like MS did w/ Xbone. Instead, they stuck to their guns w/ the Gamepad and all the cost that it added to the system. They made the wrong choice. If they had dropped the Gamepad and price along w/ it, maybe they would have reached 20-30 million consoles LTD. Now, if they continue to support Wii U into 2017, their gaming business will fail so catastrophically that they may not go bankrupt, but they will certainly never be able to launch another console after it.
Nintendo lowered standards...NintenGAF lowered standards...I don't know if one or both of (or neither) these is true, but what happened? We're going to be talking about this until next E3, aren't we?

So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

Yeah. Not immediately, though. One bad console run (with great games nonetheless) doesn't seem to me like a reason to give up on Nintendo altogether.


I had a thought/have a theory. What if, the Square Enix conference had a factor in this. There was the scheduling conflict and Square Enix agreed to delay an hour but what if Nintendo had to cut their Digital Event down so that there was no further clash.

As such, we ended up with the random Japanese Nintendo Direct on May 31st (seriously, that came out of nowhere) and its US equivalent on June 1st which contained many other titles including Chibi Robo and Bravely Second and caused them to shift the Earthbound and maybe the Smash stuff to the Sunday rather than having it all in one.

If Nintendo did have the last Direct's stuff and Earthbound/Smash in the Digital Event, then it would have been a solid showing. Not amazing, but definitely solid and would not have got this reaction.


Nintendo lowered standards...NintenGAF lowered standards...I don't know if one or both of (or neither) these is true, but what happened? We're going to be talking about this until next E3, aren't we?

We're going to talk about this until the next Direct in two months where they announce Mother 3 localization or some shit.


I honestly don't understand why so many people think it was that bad. It was good enough for me.

People were hoping for Animal Crossing U and they got a party game spinoff, they were hoping for an epic Metroid Prime U and they got a Hunters spinoff, and already disappointed by the Zelda delay some were hoping against hope for Zelda and they got a multiplayer Zelda spinoff. No huge blockbuster surprises for the home console. Starfox's visuals made for a really bad first impression (I think it looks like a lot of fun tho). The time spent on amiibo x Skylanders stuff. Time spent on Wooly World when it was heavily featured last year. I'm a Nintendo fan and I'm looking forward to their 2015 games, but this e3 showing was a gut punch. I'm sure they'll rebound however.

I'm glad you enjoyed it but it's easy to see why so many are disappointed.


Why? They didn't generate any expectation, they said games getting released later in 2015 and early in 2016, unless they fail to comply with that, they haven't broken any promise.

You sound exactly like Nintendo when they say that Sony and Microsoft arent their competitors.
I'm a Nintendo fan, and I wasn't disappointed at all.

You've posted this like five times. I'm glad you enjoyed their press conference. Many people didn't. And that's perfectly fine. At least try to understand our points of view instead of dismissing us for not being "true" Nintendo fans or what have you.
I honestly don't understand why so many people think it was that bad. It was good enough for me.

I don't know if "bad" is the right word. I think the right word is "disappointed". It's not as if they didn't show content. It's not content people seem to be especially interested in, but it wasn't as bad as Nintendo E3 2008 or anything like that.

After coming from Sony's event last night, I guess it really boils down to bad timing. I understand the position that they're in, but I am also starting to understand the perception of Nintendo in the casual marketplace. If I were someone who didn't follow video games religiously, and I saw both of those press conferences, it'd be pretty clear where I'd want to go for games.

I thought Starfox looked great. At least there's that, right? :(
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