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Iwata tweets about the Digital Event reactions.


Good luck. Iwata is still running the company.

he's finally starting to get it, though... almost

“Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform,” he said. But if Nintendo had one unified platform like Apple’s iOS, Iwata said, it could actually create more than just two different game machines each cycle. “To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms

“Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models. The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples.”

it sounds like instead of one spectacular hybrid device he wants to have several devices all operating in tandem.


Unconfirmed Member
While the new Metroid leaves A LOT to be desired, fans are also excessively harsh. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash looks fantastic and seeing half the votes being dislikes because Camelot isn't making the game they were hoping is a bit sad.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Some people might be surprised to know that calendar year 2015 will see Nintendo's strongest support for the Wii U. Here's a list of each Nintendo-published retail title in the U.S. for the Wii U by year:

====2012==== [4 games]
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Nintendo Land
  • Sing Party
  • Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

====2013==== [9 games]
  • Lego City Undercover
  • Game & Wario
  • Pikmin 3
  • New Super Luigi U
  • The Wonderful 101
  • Wii Party U
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

====2014==== [8 games]
  • Wii Fit U
  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
  • Mario Kart 8
  • Wii Sports Club
  • Hyrule Warriors
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
  • Captain Toad: Treasurer Tracker

====2015==== [10 games]
  • Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
  • Mario Party 10
  • Splatoon
  • Mario Maker
  • Yoshi's Wooly World
  • Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water*
  • Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival
  • Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
  • StarFox Zero
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X

*It'll probably be in October
**Devil's Third might get released in August alongside other regions, who knows; that would increase Nintendo's 2015 output to 11 games
I don't know what to say to someone who literally thinks that only children would say "I'd like it if Nintendo announced a single major, frontrunner game." This E3 was one of the most lackluster in the company's history. Apparently if you expected this E3 to not be as bad as 2008, 2003, and 2012, then you're just so silly. I expected them to have at LEAST one major announcement, at least one thing to get people hyped up. Should I have known to not be hyped when Nintendo was basically telling everyone to look forward to this Direct?

To reiterate: E3 is a big event. Nintendo knows this, we know this. Instead of tempering expectations to avoid a backlash of people who were super disappointed, they let people get hyped up for something that was ultimately dull and pointless. "Oh, that game - but again! How wondrous." This is what E3 was, it was just rehashing known information. And you go and suggest that since this is the biggest Direct, rehashing should be acceptable - but how is that the case at all? That's so rarely an issue with Nintendo at E3, so how is it that I should have been prepared for this? These videos are not for shareholders, they're for fans. They didn't construct puppets for the shareholders. And you keep saying that it was obvious, but how obvious is it that an E3 that Nintendo has been hyping up is going to be an E3 that's really not worth watching this year? They either get to temper expectations, let people know not to expect an E3-caliber Direct (though to be frank this Direct struggles to compete with non-E3 Directs), or they get to take the brunt of a lot of criticism. That's the choice they have.

And then you take the position of "what else is there?" as if that is a defense of Nintendo, and really, it isn't! What it is is an excuse. "Oh, what did Nintendo have?" Apparently nothing, which is why they should have said "okay, we're diverting a lot of attention to the NX, so this E3 will be weaker than normal." Instead, they said "this E3 is for games in a certain time period." This tells me nothing. For instance, is it unreasonable to expect any of the following:

A new Retro Studios title (which is a game that has been in development for a couple years now according to Retro)?
A new Punch-Out!! by Next Level Games?
A localization announcement for Rhythm Heaven?

Are these "out there" expectations? NLG wasn't working on an announced title pre-E3, we still don't know what Retro is making, and Rhythm Heaven on DS came out in the US not long after Japan. I'm curious, what one anticipated title is unreasonable to anticipate?

EDIT: No, it's not a joke. It's a factual observation. If you want to resort to hyperbolically suggesting that "people who disagree with your position" are children, then you can't expect people to give you much respect. The fact that you're trying to troll by saying "lol is this a joke" when someone tells you off for doing something that's in poor form tells me that you do not want to - or simply cannot - talk to people about this subject in good faith.
Exactly. What they have said they plan to do is for handheld and home console to share OS, similar architecture but separate specs so if developers want, the games can be on both, but they don't have to be. It also allows for an easier development environment with easier sharing of engines and assets between systems.

They have also said it won't be a hybrid. It sucks that people keep ignoring that.

Joe, I've gotta ask, as someone who keeps a level head and has a glass-half full attitude when Nintendo hit times such as these, which route do you honestly think they should take when it comes to the future of the company? Should they try and chase the core crowd again, making a machine on a similar level to the PS4 and X1, only to risk not having the same support from third parties? Is there any point in trying to sway the iPad crowd that presumably was part of the Wii phenomenon?

The only thing I can think of is using mobile games to give the more casual player a taste of the game (a watered down version of Splatoon or Mario Kart for example), and use that to advertise where the full experience can be found but that seems like too big of a gamble given their current state. Just curious to hear where you'd have them focus their attention in a post 3DS and Wii U world.
With all of the talk of a hybrid console (which, to me, really is the SMARTEST THING they could do...combine their development efforts to keep a steady stream of titles, third parrties be damned), I have a seen a lot of people wondering how the handheld side of it would work.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't development create two specs for their games ala PC? The system knows if you're in handheld mode to scale the graphics down to X so that the guts of the controller with a screen alone can play it. And then when you put it in the cradle at home (or however it could work), it recognizes that and beefs up the graphics for the TV.

Would that be possible?
I think there will be a separate handheld a console still, but yes, what you describe should be possible theoretically. The only question in my mind is whether they use AMD's (more limited) mobile CPU/APU options or use and ARM's extensive mobile CPU options (but sacrificing x86 support for the console). In my opinion, Nintendo needs to go with AMD all the way (aren't APU's more efficient than a CPU-GPU combo anyway?) It's important that they share PC architecture for the (hopefully) eventual welcome parts.

I think its pretty clear the NX will be a family of systems, and while its great because it unifies Nintendo's development teams, it's also great because they're not tied down to one single type of hardware form factor- which brings me to my next point:

One of the systems Nintendo makes should be a phone targeted at kids. Nintendo could partner with Google, and make a Nintendo portion of the play store that's dedicated for the phone system. Through the normal carrier pricing plans, the barrier to entry would be much lower to parents than it would be to buy the hardware upfront. With Nintendo's unified development pipeline and lower barrier of entry, the system could sell a shitload. And for nostalgia purposes, they should call it the Game Boy (and to placate the feminists out, they can make a "Game Girl" branded one too.)
Tbh, I'm kind of glad the 3DS is dying. The resolution on that thing is just gross. iPhone 4 games look better than that mess.
Didn't stop me from buying one though lol


Hybrid is the way to go, Nintendo simply doesn't have the marketshare they once did, it would be pretty hard justify 2 Nintendo system due the harsh market conditions.
With all of the talk of a hybrid console (which, to me, really is the SMARTEST THING they could do...combine their development efforts to keep a steady stream of titles, third parrties be damned), I have a seen a lot of people wondering how the handheld side of it would work.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't development create two specs for their games ala PC? The system knows if you're in handheld mode to scale the graphics down to X so that the guts of the controller with a screen alone can play it. And then when you put it in the cradle at home (or however it could work), it recognizes that and beefs up the graphics for the TV.

Would that be possible?

For graphics and such it could be possible, but when it comes to scope and size of worlds and such, it would be limited to the lowest possible, so home games would suffer the limits of portables.


Iwata knew they would get some rough reactions. Why would you let Reggie mention that the company is in a transitional phase?


Exactly. What they have said they plan to do is for handheld and home console to share OS, similar architecture but separate specs so if developers want, the games can be on both, but they don't have to be. It also allows for an easier development environment with easier sharing of engines and assets between systems.

They have also said it won't be a hybrid. It sucks that people keep ignoring that.

They also said they would never develop for mobile. They say lots of things, and only the naive would take Iwata at his word on anything at this point.

That doesn't mean I think it's a hybrid. It means Iwata stating its not a hybrid is the opposite of definitive.


Joe, I've gotta ask, as someone who keeps a level head and has a glass-half full attitude when Nintendo hit times such as these, which route do you honestly think they should take when it comes to the future of the company? Should they try and chase the core crowd again, making a machine on a similar level to the PS4 and X1, only to risk not having the same support from third parties? Is there any point in trying to sway the iPad crowd that presumably was part of the Wii phenomenon?

The only thing I can think of is using mobile games to give the more casual player a taste of the game (a watered down version of Splatoon or Mario Kart for example), and use that to advertise where the full experience can be found but that seems like too big of a gamble given their current state. Just curious to hear where you'd have them focus their attention in a post 3DS and Wii U world.

Handheld and Console running in unison akin to an iPad and iPhone. Same OS, similar architecture, different specs. Keep dual screen aspect for sure, though optional on NX Console. This allows for everything to be right. Virtual Console is a must and evidence indicates the Wii U's VC will be absorbed into NX and all be there at launch and this may be why we haven't seen 3DS VC in over a year in Japan, because those efforts have been shifted to putting GameBoy and GameBoy Color, among others, up for the NX architecture so it gets straight in insantly. Games can be cross compatible if the developers choose but sharing of engines/assets makes things easy

Mobile games and the Universal stuff will be used as a portal to lure in the casual and young crowd with Nintendo's loveable characters. They need to not do what Square Enix and other developers do and try to emulate previous experiences onto these platforms, but something new.

They need a hook. They can go for power, but they won't go for too much based on Nintendo still following Gunpei Yokoi's philosophy of lateral thinking of withered technology. This allows for them to do something new and still make a profit. That said, thanks to amiibo and these other avenues for income, they could theoretically take a hit but they really shouldn't. The devices have to be cheap and affordable. $250 for the handheld would be too much.

They need to be careful with the gimmick they use to lure people in. While they have to go for a more conventional console and lure third parties in somehow, they need to still separate themselves from the pack. Nobody wants a third x86 console which does the same thing as the others. They have to still be unique while bringing the experiences and capabilities people want. It's a difficult position.

Nintendo are profitable again. They need to stay profitable. While as I think it was Anihawk and others have said the industry is contracting and has lost a lot, and Nintendo may not be number 1 again, but that's ok...they don't have to be. They just have to build a marketshare, fire their marketing team (seriously, I could seriously improve their Digital Event without even adding anything new. It wouldn't be amazing, but it wouldn't have got this reaction) and properly market the consoles. Put it on TV, on billboards, in cinemas. They need to make sure people never forget it. They need to not let their games go out to die like they did with The Wonderful 101 and looks like they're doing with Devil's Third. They need to promote, and not just to kids. As people have said, Nintendo's old fans are now in their 30s. Use that in addition to it. While Nintendo will always be classed as "kiddy" by the vocal insecure minority, their games are ridiculously solid and the Wii U has had some of the most fun and brilliant game experiences I have ever experienced in my 28 years on this planet.

It's tricky, but I think Nintendo can do it, but the media doesn't help. I don't know why, and it feels a bit conspiracy theoristy, but it always seems like the media is wanting to cut Nintendo down. It may be due to the insecurity, but even when Nintendo were doing amazingly, the media was waiting for the Wii bubble to burst, which it did, and making comments about that constantly. Hell, look at how all the media jumped in 2013 with the "Nintendo not attending E3" crap. It was sad and the mistranslations of what Iwata said over the years and the fact they ignored games is why Nintendo came up with the concept of the Nintendo Direct.

Nintendo has very tough times ahead of them. I think they can weather it, but they have to both placate people and adapt to how the industry is now, as much as it may suck, as well as being unique. I don't envy them their task.

But yeah, those are my semi-sensical thoughts as a hardened Nintendo fan. Chances are people will pick it apart :p Feel free!


Iwata knew they would get some rough reactions. Why would you let Reggie mention that the company is in a transitional phase?

Actually, I think it's fine knowing that Nintendo's in a transitional phase. I just wish they'd made that a little bit clearer, and earlier; a lot of the negative reaction has been driven by fans who went into E3, hyped that the Smash DLC & EarthBound Beginnings release were like appetizers, and not the main course. We just knew that Zelda & the NX weren't going to be there this year, with only a mention that they're preparing everything for the NX. I think people thought they'd still have stuff saved for the Wii U.
I'm surprised at the arguments for NX to launch in 2016. People, you're arguing that Nintendo has learned its lessons. That's a terrible bet to place. The better prediction is Nintendo being slow, learning next to nothing from its mistakes, and generally being boneheaded.

I'm not sure which is more sad: Nintendo stubbornly repeating or compounding its mistakes, or fans repeatedly believing that this time, they've learned.

The smart money (or should I say stupid money) is on NX launching in 2017. Stupid or not, that's the Nintendo way.


With all of the talk of a hybrid console (which, to me, really is the SMARTEST THING they could do...combine their development efforts to keep a steady stream of titles, third parrties be damned), I have a seen a lot of people wondering how the handheld side of it would work.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't development create two specs for their games ala PC? The system knows if you're in handheld mode to scale the graphics down to X so that the guts of the controller with a screen alone can play it. And then when you put it in the cradle at home (or however it could work), it recognizes that and beefs up the graphics for the TV.

Would that be possible?
Yes, but what you're suggesting is not a good idea. There will likely be plenty of consumers who will be interested in the handheld but not the cradle and vice versa.

You're better off selling two separate devices that play the same games and let people decide which one to pick themselves.


With all of the talk of a hybrid console (which, to me, really is the SMARTEST THING they could do...combine their development efforts to keep a steady stream of titles, third parrties be damned), I have a seen a lot of people wondering how the handheld side of it would work.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't development create two specs for their games ala PC? The system knows if you're in handheld mode to scale the graphics down to X so that the guts of the controller with a screen alone can play it. And then when you put it in the cradle at home (or however it could work), it recognizes that and beefs up the graphics for the TV.

Would that be possible?

The problem with this is that you're still setting a potential for limiting the scope of your games simply because a feature can't be implemented because the weaker hardware isnt up to snuff. The reason why we don't have Ice Climbers in Smash 4 is because the regular 3DS cant handle it, the reason why you can't pull out a riot shield and your side arm in BF4 is because the 360/PS3 cant, etc. They would absolutely have to make it 100% crystal clear to consumers from the start that more robust features and not just visuals will be available on the more powerful hardware for this to work without compromising game design.
Oh man. You weren't kidding.

Link, for those curious of the carnage: https://youtu.be/sGu3Xe1uUUg


At the very least, they will go back and retool the game, and it's bound to be better for the extra attention and time.


Jim Sterling's potentially controversial feelings on the Digital Event, among other things

He makes a strong point, barring anything else, the Digital Event was still fun and breezy in tone and well-structured. Regardless of the games, they nailed the format and the general mood they wanted to hit.

I'm surprised at the arguments for NX to launch in 2016. People, you're arguing that Nintendo has learned its lessons. That's a terrible bet to place. The better prediction is Nintendo being slow, learning next to nothing from its mistakes, and generally being boneheaded.

I'm not sure which is more sad: Nintendo stubbornly repeating or compounding its mistakes, or fans repeatedly believing that this time, they've learned.

The smart money (or should I say stupid money) is on NX launching in 2017. Stupid or not, that's the Nintendo way.

How is it stupid for fans to believe that Nintendo won't improve from hitting rock bottom? Saying things like this is like a really stealth "Nintendo should go 3rd-party" shitpost.

Wii U is a rock bottom moment for Nintendo. It will end its life outsold by the Dreamcast, a console that didn't even have the luxury of a complete 5 year lifespan. They have nowhere to go but up at this point and everyone knows that. It's not fanboy delusion to think that there's not much further that their console prospects can sink.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage



The dev stories KILLED all momentum it had. The pacing was terrible. My kids and I were bored out of our minds.

I liked the dev stories a lot, and felt like the entire presentation did a great job of convincing me to open my wallet. There was new stuff, there was old stuff, and there was great presentation to tie it all together. And come on, that SMB tribute at the end was classy, it just felt great.

I sincerely hope the GAF hivemind reaction doesn't match the general reaction, because I saw nothing to apologize for.
There's not that many people who bought a Wii U and those of us that did? We're not fools, we have eyes and ears, we KNOW the platform is over. I've known since the release of Smash Bros. that we were in for a downhill ride from here. We just managed to get Splatoon, as well. Wii U reached the summit in its journey up the mountain, we're just riding its corpse back down to base camp. There's nothing to be pissed about that we wouldn't already feel about it at this point. And people aren't rushing out to buy it now, so... I just don't see what there is to actually lose at this point.
But we only know Wii U is dead because Nintendo themselves have seemingly abandoned it. And if Nintendo pushes out a successor too soon, Wii U owners will feel burned and may not purchase that machine. We've seen it in this thread already. The common sentiment is Wii U is dead and Nintendo has pushed any projects they had to the next system. I keep asking this question, but why would anyone buy whatever game they had on the successor that they wouldn't buy on Wii U?


How I'd do NX:

1. Two parts to the project: Handheld and home console, running the same OS. Modern, unified account, no customer service call bullshit. Sold separately as they're separate devices, but perhaps marketed together.
2. Handheld comes first, or they release together, but the handheld must be the priority.
3. They can play many/most of the same games at different specs. Unified development environment. Some kind of cross-buy applies, even if it's just a discount like the WiiU VC.
4. Each has two versions of the hardware, one that's cheap as fuck for the kids ($150-200 max) and one for hardcore fans with money, and the specs / screen quality of the latter are higher. The market is used to this by now, I think, with phones etc.
5. Launch with Mario Kart, Pokémon and Zelda.
6. Almost every game has a F2P version with now traditional aggressive microtransactions, but is built as a traditional game and sold as one too. So you get the choice. (In the above example Mario and Pokémon have F2P versions but Zelda probably doesn't). For your average consumer to buy into new hardware in the smartphone era they need to hear 'Buy the new portable NX and get to play Mario Kart, Pokémon and Zelda for free' or something like it, rather than "Buy the NX and pay 180 extra dollars combined for Mario, Pokémon and Zelda." It's horrible, but it's app culture and it's true. If they do as I say, both fans and casuals will be catered to with pricing. I'm happy to keep paying 40-60 bucks, but not with 'wait mechanics'. Most people aren't happy with more than free, but are fine with F2P mechanics. There's gonna need to be something that gives there, and I think Nintendo needs to address it.

Of course, following Nintendo is like watching Game of Thrones, so expect none of that and for the NX to be a simple handheld releasing in 2017 with NSMB 5.

EDIT: For point 6, imagine if Pokémon shuffle had been sold as a 20 dollar game without the F2P stuff alongside the F2P version. That's what I'd be talking about.
Jim Sterling's potentially controversial feelings on the Digital Event, among other things

He makes a strong point, barring anything else, the Digital Event was still fun and breezy in tone and well-structured. Regardless of the games, they nailed the format and the general mood they wanted to hit.
I think the puppets were a good move, but the developer stories were slow and boring.
Really nothing that different than Pele speaking at EA.
Nintendo's last year was pretty much perfect so it is amazing how lacking this year was compared to it.
Well the signs of the Wii U tanking were so premature that they probably have been baking the successor at an advanced pace for a long time now, I believe. Doesn't have to be rushed to be out by holiday '16 if they planned accordingly.

The lack of new big Wii U projects is actually a good sign in that regard.

This is starting to get annoying we literally no 2 wii u games that will be in 2016 and thats #FE and zelda wii u and that was because the E3 direct and we were told this in advance was only going to be about 2015 and very early 2016 games. Where people really expecting them to show off Metroid, and other huge franchises and expect them to release this year when nintendo's holiday lineup is already full?


But we only know Wii U is dead because Nintendo themselves have seemingly abandoned it. And if Nintendo pushes out a successor too soon, Wii U owners will feel burned and may not purchase that machine. We've seen it in this thread already. The common sentiment is Wii U is dead and Nintendo has pushed any projects they had to the next system. I keep asking this question, but why would anyone buy whatever game they had on the successor that they wouldn't buy on Wii U?

Really, you should have been paying attention to sales threads. Its goose was cooked a while ago. Only thing left to do now is just enjoy what we get, which won't be anything spectacular outside of possibly Zelda, if they keep their promise on that. Zelda being moved would piss people off, but moving games that were never announced to a new console? Not much reason to care, at this point.
Unless your name is Helen Keller, it's pretty clear where we stood with Wii U since the 2nd year in.

I would buy the game on either. But I own a Wii U. One of the few people who does. The sentiment is thus: move the games to new hardware that more people might actually buy.


I'm sensing why Iwata didn't want to be within a hundred miles of E3.

The sad thing is one big announcement can save a conference - they just didn't have a viable console to announce it for.


Given how many DS's and Wii's are on the market which add to casual brand confusion, Nintendo's next console and handheld should not have Wii or DS in their names, respectively. Nintendo should give themselves a new start with their brands.

Gameboy brand was on the market for 15 years (1989-2004)before DS was launched. DS line has been around for 11 years (2004-Present) and counting. So it's about that time for a new line anyway

I think it's a positive sign that Iwata said they're not iterating on 3DS/Wii U.

Honestly they should consider keeping the name NX. It's like the only name of the last 10 years that has resonated and has the same simplicity as the DS.


That's a content problem, not a tone and structure problem.
No, it absolutely is a structure problem, especially when the director talks were for games that have already received extensive coverage like Yoshi's Wooly World. They basically brought the show to a screeching halt.


No, it absolutely is a structure problem, especially when the director talks were for games that have already received extensive coverage like Yoshi's Wooly World. They basically brought the show to a screeching halt.

The developer talks were in the 2014 digital event too and that was one of their best E3 showings in years. They can make it work if they have plenty of interesting content surrounding them, which they lacked this year. And yeah only having them for new games instead of stuff we've all seen before like Yoshi's Woolly World and Mario Maker would be better


So NintendoGAF, after 64 pages+11 in the metroid thread and all the other threads that have popped up since e3 2011, have we come to an agreed consensus on how Nintendo can get out of their situation?


So NintendoGAF, after 64 pages+11 in the metroid thread and all the other threads that have popped up since e3 2011, have we come to an agreed consensus on how Nintendo can get out of their situation?

They don't really have a situation per se, but all signs point to them forgetting 3DS, ripping Wii U's dick off early, and pouring efforts into whatever piece of hardware NX ends up being.
Wii U is a rock bottom moment for Nintendo. It will end its life outsold by the Dreamcast, a console that didn't even have the luxury of a complete 5 year lifespan. They have nowhere to go but up at this point and everyone knows that. It's not fanboy delusion to think that there's not much further that their console prospects can sink.

Get a grip.

First, no, the Wii U will have outsold the Dreamcast by the end of this year, if it hasn't already.

Second, I'm not talking about Nintendo "sinking further". I'm merely pointing out that they've made the same or similar mistakes multiple times. We've seen this before, that's what I'm saying, and not just once. I'll be as pleased as anyone if Nintendo pulls its head out, but there's little to differentiate this transition from any other one they've flubbed.

And third, "rock bottom" could be, and certainly was, used to describe Nintendo's situation at the end of the N64 and Gamecube's lives. It's meaningless. Of course there's somewhere to go besides up. But I'm not predicting whether they'll "go up" or not. I'm just quite accurately pointing out that they've historically been, and continue to be, very slow to develop and release their products.

The Hermit

NX seems like its on the right path

If they

- Devote a lot of high qulaity software
- Have a modern account system
- Go back to the basics while incorporating modern features

And leave the Blue Ocean crap to the Mobile and Toy side of the business

I could see Nintendo be a disruptive force once again.

I think it NX will be an OS instead of a system.

Iwata seems enamoured of iOS and Android...

EDIT: OMG @ above


NX isn't some magic bullet, and I'm willing to eat crow if they actually throw that thing out in 2016. We'll HEAR about it in 2016, sure. But actually getting the thing released, with a proper infrastructure to guarantee reliably frequent games... we're still a couple of years away from that.

When did you expect a new handheld to release? That's when NX launches.


So NintendoGAF, after 64 pages+11 in the metroid thread and all the other threads that have popped up since e3 2011, have we come to an agreed consensus on how Nintendo can get out of their situation?

NX portable 2016 (Wii U-level power)
NX console 2017 (Noticeably more powerful than PS4, easy to port games from PS4, competitively priced. Standard controller bundled in)

NX console plays all NX portable games.

All games support party voice chat with friends
Voice chat disabled by default and all parental controls are enabled. Have to pay small fee ($1) with credit card to enable voice chat and prove you are an adult. You get $5 in eShop credit for this.

Launch window titles for console version:
Super Mario Galaxy 3
Zelda NX (crossgen with Wii U)
Brand new IP from EAD
New IP developed by external studio, published by Nintendo
Ultimate Mario Kart 8 (MK8 + DLC in 1080p + 4 new cups of courses, more characters, new battle mode with classic courses, challenge mode)
Smash Brothers Turbo (5-10 more characters, all DLC, Turbo mode that plays at Melee speed. More stages & trophies)
Splatoon NX (all DLC and amiibo content, 1080p, 4-player split screen local MP, play online with local friends. 2nd single player campaign mode. More clothes/weapons/maps)
2D Metroid from Wayforward or Inti Creates while Retro finishes Prime 4.
If you have the Wii U version of Mario Kart/Smash/Splatoon, you can upgrade to new versions for $20/30

Nintendo announces region-free gaming, crossbuy between systems. Proper account based system and all your eShop purchases carry over.

Mother 3 is translated and put on the eShop

All virtual console titles on the Wii U are out at launch for NX. More are added.

NX console supports all major engines and has great development documentation outside of the box.

Nintendo provides ad money for 3rd parties, support in porting games from PS4. Continues to provide incentives for indie ports. Some game deals are made with Japanese developers and others.
NX portable 2016 (Wii U-level power)
NX console 2017 (Noticeably more powerful than PS4, easy to port games from PS4, competitively priced. Standard controller bundled in)

Then the competitors leap in 2018-2019. Seems like we just did the exact same thing last gen. I want Nintendo to hold out until 2018 and get back in the same pattern as the other two.


Regarding the talks about the NX....I think a few of its future tittles (Zelda, Metroid Prime Sequel, EAD Mario tittle, Diddy Kong Racing 2, ect) have to be cross-platform with Wii U, as not only did these games start on Wii U, but people would be pissed that a significant chunk of the Wii U's heavy hitters migrated to the NX and that they have to buy a whole new platform just to play them.

A bad move on the level of the 'surprise' announcement of the Saturn releasing the moment it was announced and the CD/32X add-ons; moves that alienate your core fan base and flat out confuse consumers.

But the thing is that Nintendo is in a 'do or die' position; they need third party support and the Wii U isn't viable for the console for third party support (the excuses of lack of install base and lack of horse power for big games (KH3, FFXV, ect) come to mind :(). So, if they want that support, they have to move on with stronger hardware to support future tittles. And.....I think it isn't a bad move gearing up for the launch now so that way there will be no software droughts like their was for the Wii U's first year.

And to be honest, the line up for the next year is very solid in comparison to the GameCube and Wii around this time period:
-Mario Maker in Sept.
-Star Fox Zero in the fall
-Yoshi's Wooly World in Oct.
-Xenoblade X for Dec.
-Devils Third and Fatal Frame coming in the fall (don't know the dates on those sadly :l)
-Mario Tennis for this fall
-Mario Party Cl....I mean Aninmal Crossing Amiibo Party coming in the fall
-SMTxFE coming in 2016
-Pokken's console debut coming to Wii U first in 2016
-Zelda coming in 2016

Those releases alongside remasters for a few GC and 3DS tittles (Mario Sunshine, KI: Uprising, Paper Mario TTYD and Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon) could create a strong line up for the final year of the Wii U's life.

That alongside a number of the NX's launch tittles being playable on Wii U (Zelda coming to Wii U first, Metroid Prime Sequel also coming to Wii U after the NX version and maybe even the EAD Mario coming cross-platform for Wii U and NX) and maybe even having a cross-buy system where your Wii U tittles automatically work on NX through the new Nintendo Account system coming could foster good will for Wii U owners for the 'rushed' push on NX.

The reality is that Nintendo is doing a better job supporting a 'failing' console then Sony ever did with the Vita and unlike the Vita, Nintendo can't just drop it, so they did a ton for the system across 2013-2015. If I owned a Wii U, I would be happy with its line-up of software and mirroring Sony's output on the Vita, we got a mix of solid new entries in franchises and new IP's altogether. Nintendo did a strong job with the system and we still have games coming.

It sucks that the future of the Wii U is now looming over the platform again after such a strong year between 2014 and early 2015, but great stuff is still coming and I have hope Nintendo will do good for loyal fans who got a Wii U :D.



I'm going to have to save this. Other than Konami being treated like a relevant third party (I mean, I guess MGSV is still coming), this was perfect! I mean, based on Iwata's reaction, I could even see that being his response to the Digital Event (Or at least, his response to the response)


Regarding the talks about the NX....I think a few of its future tittles (Zelda, Metroid Prime Sequel, EAD Mario tittle, Diddy Kong Racing 2, ect) have to be cross-platform with Wii U, as not only did these games start on Wii U, but people would be pissed that a significant chunk of the Wii U's heavy hitters migrated to the NX and that they have to buy a whole new platform just to play them.

great financial decision for nintendo. create AAA games to drive people to purchase their next gen system, but also make them available on a dead console that they're trying to distance themselves from.

a metroid prime successor isn't being developed for the wii u, and it won't appear on wii u. just NX. http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/06/17/e3-2015-next-proper-metroid-prime-game-not-likely-until-nintendos-next-console the same goes for most of those titles you mentioned.

nintendo isn't going to risk tens of millions of dollars to preserve the feelings of a handful of core fans that would feel "slighted" that the wii u only had a lifespan of 4 years instead of 5 - especially when most of them will end up buying a NX anyway.


I don't see the rationale behind those who are skeptical of NX being a proper dedicated console. I mean, the slide said "Dedicated Game System" right under the Wii U and 3DS. Metroid producer mentioned NX as a console. Zelda got delayed likely because it will release alongside on the NX. I don't understand. If NX is not a console, then what is it? An OS? Okay. On what will that OS run? I do, however, believe that the next handheld and console will feature the same OS--similar to what we see across Apple's products.


I don't see the rationale behind those who are skeptical of NX being a proper dedicated console. I mean, the slide said "Dedicated Game System" right under the Wii U and 3DS. Metroid producer mentioned NX as a console. Zelda got delayed likely because it will release alongside on the NX. I don't understand. If NX is not a console, then what is it? An OS? Okay. On what will that OS run? I do, however, believe that the next handheld and console will feature the same OS--similar to what we see across Apple's products.

i think it will be a handheld system, akin to a smartphone. ~5" screen, 1080p resolution, ARM based. however, it will come with a separate controller and a simple adapter that allows you to easily connect the device to your HDTV via HDMI. come home, plug it in, it charges the system while concurrently projecting everything on your tv.


great financial decision for nintendo. create AAA games to drive people to purchase their next gen system, but also make them available on a dead console that they're trying to distance themselves from.

a metroid prime successor isn't being developed for the wii u, and it won't appear on wii u. just NX. http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/06/17/e3-2015-next-proper-metroid-prime-game-not-likely-until-nintendos-next-console the same goes for most of those titles you mentioned.

nintendo isn't going to risk tens of millions of dollars to preserve the feelings of a handful of core fans that would feel "slighted" that the wii u only had a lifespan of 4 years instead of 5 - especially when most of them will end up buying a NX anyway.

Okay, remove my statements on a Wii U Metroid and EAD Mario. Now that seems a bit more realistic :).

Both make since (as Zelda is still coming to Wii U and next year would be a great time to launch Diddy Kong Racing 2) as if the NX is a hybrid console, then the 'handheld' version will be coming first and if reports are correct about it being on the Wii U's power level, then a Wii U original game and a cartoony kart racer being its first tittles makes since on paper.
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