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Iwata tweets about the Digital Event reactions.


I keep reading a lot of posts about NX being released next year. Is this true?

There's no evidence of it. Also Iwata stated that NX is a new concept and not a mere successor to Wii U and 3DS, so we don't even know what it'll be, aside from the fact that is a new dedicated gaming platform.


I want to know this too, why you guys think this?

Also I have a question, why some of you want so much the nx released next year? Is not like Ninty releases a new console and it will have all 3rd party games.

1. iwata and reggie have both said that they will "start talking" about the NX in 2016.

2. the wii u is on life support, and the 3ds isn't far behind it

3. yesterday's direct showed that there aren't any major AAA projects in the pipeline for either system. this suggests that nintendo is focusing their resources on developing titles for NX

given the current states of the wii u and 3ds, there is no way nintendo waits 2+ years to release the nx, especially if they "start talking" about it next year. they need something new, and they need it now. keep in mind - the 3ds is also closing in on 5 years old, and will be 6 years old in 2016. nintendo's most popular handheld, the DS, only managed 7 years.


The only other alternative is third party support and that is never coming back. Nintendo is fundamentally against the loss-leader tech race that MS and Sony like to play, so they'll never release a hi-spec console again. Without that, third parties will continue to scoff at them. It's that simple.
I agree that they'll never have the same level of 3rd party support as Sony and MS without releasing a top-spec console again. And I agree that they will then always lag behind in the most of the EA/Acti/Ubi/Take2 big guns. I don't think this is the only successful strategy for 3rd party support, though.

First, these studios have a number of properties that mesh well with Nintendo. Lego and Skylanders, in particular. I don't care about either but it's obvious given their continued appearances on Nintendo systems that despite the Wii U's terrible sales and low power, that third parties are willing to produce as long as the games find an audience.

Second, one of the biggest trends in the industry is not just the growth of the indie scene, but also top tier developers moving into this space. Ubi is producing things like Child of Light, Grow Home, and more South Park games. EA is getting into a more "indie" space with Unraveled. Nintendo has shown an interest in growing "Nindie" presence and has actually done a halfway decent, if imperfect job. Here, the most important thing isn't necessarily running the highest specs but working in an environment with easily portable standards. This is actually achievable.

Third, Nintendo has maintained good relationships with Japanese 3rd parties. Tecmo-Koei, Bamco, Sega, Level 5, and Capcom in particular. Obviously Japanese third parties have struggled and are moving towards mobile, so it's uncertain how much upside there is here. Oddly, the Square-Enix conference yesterday gives me some hope for the future of Japanese development. They're pursuing a diversified approach across mobile and consoles. Adopting Unreal and trying be productive instead of chasing pipe dreams. If successful, this could be a nice model for other Japanese companies.

My point isn't that these are necessarily good things to bank on, or that Nintendo shouldn't go for a higher powered console. And in some sense I am simply projecting, because Nintendo + Indies + middle budget games from big studios + Japanese 3rd parties would more or less be my ideal console. It's just easy for me to imagine Nintendo going for a developer friendly, middle budget strategy, and getting more much support than they have at present. This might even be what the Android rumors were all about. It's also hard for me to imagine what else will work for them - going super casual seems unlikely to work, and going high end seems even less likely. What I've outlined isn't really a good idea either. It's just an ugly situation for Nintendo, top to bottom.


I want to know this too, why you guys think this?

Also I have a question, why some of you want so much the nx released next year? Is not like Ninty releases a new console and it will have all 3rd party games.
They showed no new Wii U games for next year. The only two we know of are Zelda and FE X SMT. Of course it's all speculation, but I really think the Direct all but confirmed it. They're moving everything to NX


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
...except for when they do exactly that?

There were games shown yesterday that still haven't been released that were announced over two years ago. And not in a "Haha, maybe we're working on this!" way, they were announced.

It's not like they're taking some principled stand against announcing games early and will cling to this regardless of the hardships they face. They've fucking done it already! The only reason they didn't do it now is because they can't.

Clearly the projects have been moved somewhere else. And you know that, that's fine. Wii U's dead, let's just lower it into the grave already rather than Weekend at Bernies-ing it, Nintendo should be applauded for trying to keep it alive as long as they did and not just abandoning it like Sony did the Vita. That time is over now, though. But let's not pretend this is part of some corporate ethos to never show things too far off. You're ascribing weird motivations to something far simpler: they don't want to show Wii U owners games they won't get to play without buying new hardware.

It's problematic because Nitnendo thought that by not discussing anything past 2015, they could control the conversation. Look at how well that worked. Instead, NX is all anyone can talk about and the speculation about the future of the Wii U and prospective games past 2015 is rampant. Nintendo has completely lost hold of the conversation, and has now sullied their ability to make a solid first impression with whatever comes next. If there truly are more Wii U games coming next year as Nintendo obvious wants people to believe, then they needed to show them off. If that isn't the case, and a new console is coming, I feel like Nintendo needs to start working now to convince gamers that it won't be a repeat of the Wii U instead of limping along like we'll ignore the next 12 months or so.

The Weekend at Bernies analogy is a particularly apt one. The Wii U is waving at us like everything is ok, but we can see the strings and levers holding up its arms.
Go Nintendo is saying that GameSpot is showing a mystery Nintendo game tomorrow at 11:40am Pacific. Could be nothing, but heads up.


Ugh these kinds of things are so hit and miss. Wasn't it 2012 where people were disappointed but reggie had a "special" announcement which was wii fit trainer in smash or something?

But in 2014 devils third was premiered so now I don't know what to expect. Though tbh if they had something cool they woulda shown it in digital even right?
I keep reading a lot of posts about NX being released next year. Is this true?

I think their financial reports have suggested NX/QOL, whatever it is, will be out between April 2016 and March 2017. Next year seems to make sense given how much the Wii U and 3DS are dying and how they're obviously pulling mainline software support.
If it's not Nintendo's fault, then there isn't anything they can do.

But it IS Nintendo's fault. They courted third parties like crazy at the Wii U launch, even getting huge support from Ubisoft and others. But other than their marketing they didn't change anything they did with third parties. They still gave them no development support monetarily or otherwise, They released very limited hardware in compared to the montrosities of their competition. They provided no advertising money for any of these games, forcing them to market themselves. And there was no major Nintendo release at launch, killing any and all momentum right off the bat.

In short, third parties collectively walked out of the Wii U, middle fingers in the air. Why make games for a console where they are all almost assured to lose money, when Sony and Microsoft will provide development support and even funding?

My Dad had a saying. "If you want to shit with the big dogs, don't piss like a puppy". The Wii U completely burst that bubble, and now they've lost all third-parties, a lot of goodwill from the media, and are continually losing consumers.
I don't think they have the infrastructure in place for a Skylanders-esque game.

They still only own three factories, buying any more would be an incredible expensive that would rival any profit they could make from it. They could partner with someone else, but either price would need to increase, quality would need to decrease, or in a worst case scenario, production numbers could actually go down in the interim while they sort everything out.

They can make a Toys to Life game easily, turning amiibo into a Toys to Life game is a much harder prospect.
Having one console with no competition, means they can do whatever they want and their is no where else to go. Imagine all the worst things from Sony, MS, and Nintendo. All that in one console. We need competition. It's healthy for the industry.
In my conception, having a "universal console" means having a universal console framework, around which all console hardware is built. Kind of like a DVD/Blu Ray player. There will be features that companies can add and whatnot, but the framework would be unified. You could just put games in and play.


But it IS Nintendo's fault. They courted third parties like crazy at the Wii U launch, even getting huge support from Ubisoft and others. But other than their marketing they didn't change anything they did with third parties. They still gave them no development support monetarily or otherwise, They released very limited hardware in compared to the montrosities of their competition. They provided no advertising money for any of these games, forcing them to market themselves. And there was no major Nintendo release at launch, killing any and all momentum right off the bat.

In short, third parties collectively walked out of the Wii U, middle fingers in the air. Why make games for a console where they are all almost assured to lose money, when Sony and Microsoft will provide development support and even funding?

My Dad had a saying. "If you want to shit with the big dogs, don't piss like a puppy". The Wii U completely burst that bubble, and now they've lost all third-parties, a lot of goodwill from the media, and are continually losing consumers.

Yup. Nintendo comes across as having zero desire to compete directly with Sony or Microsoft. They want to do their own thing, so we're left with a console that only plays first party games. Which is good for us Nintendo fans, but terrible for business since the Wii U becomes a supplemental console for anyone who wants to play the AAA releases. And then when the solid first party titles dry up, like they have at e3,then all we're left with is disappointment.


Even gamexplain said in there recap video they felt sad walking around the Nintendo booth knowing WiiU is winding down
Its happening, Wii U is on its last legs

Well if even gamexplain is saying it then it must be true

there's no proof nx is coming next year, no proof at all. Nintendo directs generally focus on upcoming titles and that's that they did. People choose to read it as "Wii U is done" because that's what they want to hear.


People choose to read it as "Wii U is done" because that's what they want to hear.

think about it. the wii u is 3 years old. the 3ds is 4 years old.

both of these systems should be hitting their stride. they should both be at the apex in their life cycles in terms of AAA titles being released for them.

yesterday, however, we saw the exact opposite. the Direct was nintendo's chance to get people excited about these systems - if they had something big, even if was coming in fall of 2016, they would have shown it. the fact that they didn't is highly suggestive of the fact that their resources are being diverted somewhere else. not to mention the fact that reggie actually namedropped "nx" in the presentation itself.
Is this a joke post or

This is literally exactly what they did. But the line from "Let's make new studios" to "Let's ship a game" isn't two years.
As much as I respect your point of view Alberto, I would suggest you let the man have his doubts : Nintendo were (briefly) by far the fifth biggest capitalization in whole Japan back in 2007 and they had immense spenditures in R&D. Instead of using this momentum to attract (force) as many third party studios to join their cause, they painfully gave birth to the worst selling, the most wasteland-ish, console of their history (and by a huuuuuuuuuuuuge margin).

How can you turn half a billion investment into this.


I'm not surprised, since it was just the English stream with subtitles for them. They really didn't need to know any more about stuff they're actually getting within the next few weeks, or have already been released, like Xenoblade X.

Or had for two years, like Yo-kai Watch


NX isn't some magic bullet, and I'm willing to eat crow if they actually throw that thing out in 2016. We'll HEAR about it in 2016, sure. But actually getting the thing released, with a proper infrastructure to guarantee reliably frequent games... we're still a couple of years away from that.


NX isn't some magic bullet, and I'm willing to eat crow if they actually throw that thing out in 2016. We'll HEAR about it in 2016, sure. But actually getting the thing released, with a proper infrastructure to guarantee reliably frequent games... we're still a couple of years away from that.

nintendo can't do this again. they simply cannot introduce nx next year, and then not release it for another 1.5 years. that's part of the reason the wii u tanked. sony and microsoft know how to do it - big e3 introduction, release the system later in the fall. cash in on the hype and excitement.

nintendo is in trouble if nx isn't made available until the 2nd half of 2017. that means we have 2+ more years of the wiii u and 3ds, and sales are showing that both of these systems are already done.
I agree that migrating to a unified platform to make development easier is the best thing for Nintendo, but I'm still skeptical about it being so soon. All that would do is piss of anyone who bought a Wii U, and I doubt anyone who hasn't bought one yet would be rushing out to buy whatever it is Nintendo will release next. Also, I thought most people hated the use of Amiibo in games? Some people even complain about having to buy Amiibo for Yarn Yoshi costumes.

Edit: By skeptical I don't mean I believe Nintendo won't do it; I mean that Nintendo shouldn't do it. But I know this is a minority opinion.


Looking forward to the end of E3 so we can get a good NX speculation or discussion thread up. If that's where Nintendo's focus is, it should be where ours is too.

I'd love to chat about:
1. Proposed hardware configuration and relative power
2. Proposed software and launch titles
3. Proposed pricing strategy for software
4. Proposed marketing strategy

But I know that right now
a) Such a thread would be locked
b) Assholes who don't enjoy wild speculation would whine 'but we don't know anything yet!' Yeah, it's when you know nothing that speculation can be the most fun.

As long as we don't have wind-bags like whats-his-name that probably got banned over inflating expectations, we should be fine.

Count me out. I was lurking during the WUST days and by no means i'm not going to get sucked into hype that make you crash and burn. It was madness, it made us go crazy, and the result was so fucking bad it got me off most Nintendo hype trains.

It's possible to have such a discussion without it devolving into hype by simply acting in a way that discourages it. I'm sure that we can all handle a NoFunAllowed.jpg thrown our way if it leads to a better discussion.

Satoru Iwata said that part of the reason he did not attend this year's E3 is because it was not super important since this was a software-based E3 for Nintendo and not a hardware-based E3 to discuss new next-gen platform(s). He implied he would have gone to this year's E3 even though he had to still make preparations for the company's investor's meeting next week. Nintendo has also said (I think it was back in 2013 after its Digital presentation) that they would always consider going back to a traditional E3 press conference, but they wanted to give the Digital Event presentations a chance. I think what Nintendo really meant is that they would consider doing a traditional E3 press conference if it's about focusing on next-gen hardware. The Digital Event can be appropriate if its just about software announcements.

I'm still of the firm belief that a press conference will be held, but it won't be for the public. We'll get a Digital Event while the press gets something else entirely. And I'm OK with that. If the information is well-presented, the better format wins. And a Digital Event will give me clearer images of the hardware prototype that they can be really hyper-specific about, if need be, rather than leaving it all up to random hypothesizing.

Again, Sony gets a break because they have third party support to fulfill gamers between exclusive releases. Nintendo doesn't. And it's nintendos fault.

And it's a good thing Sony has that, too. I will never forget Sony launching PS2 with nothing but Fantavision until Dark Cloud was released a half a year later. If we want to talk about 1st-party launch year droughts, no one can ever top that shit. And the 3rd-party games in between weren't exactly lighting the world on fire.

The only other alternative is third party support and that is never coming back. Nintendo is fundamentally against the loss-leader tech race that MS and Sony like to play, so they'll never release a hi-spec console again.

2 things:

1) Sony and Microsoft aren't exactly too big on loss leader tech anymore, either, if PS4 and Xbox One are anything to go by. Both were so desperate to get back all that money they lost on their hardware last gen that they went with the highest they could go without losing money past the first 6 months to a year.

2) People need to stop saying "never" to things. We just got Shenmue 3 and the FFVII remake. That's 2 "never" situations that got crushed under heel 2 days ago. Absolutes are bad for you.

I keep reading a lot of posts about NX being released next year. Is this true?

2017 at the latest.

There's no evidence of it. Also Iwata stated that NX is a new concept and not a mere successor to Wii U and 3DS, so we don't even know what it'll be, aside from the fact that is a new dedicated gaming platform.

Iwata has said a lot more than that; we have a very solid outline for what to expect.


41 > 38
NX isn't some magic bullet, and I'm willing to eat crow if they actually throw that thing out in 2016. We'll HEAR about it in 2016, sure. But actually getting the thing released, with a proper infrastructure to guarantee reliably frequent games... we're still a couple of years away from that.

Nintendo absolutely cannot sit on the unmitigated failure that is the Wii U for two more solid years. Especially if they don't have any games other than Zelda to release for it over the course of those two years.


With all of the talk of a hybrid console (which, to me, really is the SMARTEST THING they could do...combine their development efforts to keep a steady stream of titles, third parrties be damned), I have a seen a lot of people wondering how the handheld side of it would work.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't development create two specs for their games ala PC? The system knows if you're in handheld mode to scale the graphics down to X so that the guts of the controller with a screen alone can play it. And then when you put it in the cradle at home (or however it could work), it recognizes that and beefs up the graphics for the TV.

Would that be possible?


nintendo can't do this again. they simply cannot introduce nx next year, and then not release it for another 1.5 years. that's part of the reason the wii u tanked. sony and microsoft know how to do it - big e3 introduction, release the system later in the fall. cash in on the hype and excitement.

nintendo is in trouble if nx isn't made available until the 2nd half of 2017. that means we have 2+ more years of the wiii u and 3ds, and sales are showing that both of these systems are already done.

but the other side of this coin is "nintendo was stupid for rushing their new platform to get it out before it was really ready"

people on internet message boards had that EXACT complaint with 3DS

what exactly do people prefer


NX isn't some magic bullet, and I'm willing to eat crow if they actually throw that thing out in 2016. We'll HEAR about it in 2016, sure. But actually getting the thing released, with a proper infrastructure to guarantee reliably frequent games... we're still a couple of years away from that.
Oh I can't wait for two years with next to no games on Wii U!

Announcing a new console and then waiting a year and a half to release it is stupid. We all saw how Wii suffered during 2011 and 2012
Your problem is we already knew most of their line up. And yeah we knew it was not very strong. Nintendo does not exist to make people jump up and down like children at a digital event.

Meanwhile we knew Zelda was not there; and Metroid U doesn't exist. Where Nintendo is just now is building on Splatoon. Again am not sure what people expected. You can more or less predict there would not be much - 3DS is hitting the second round of some franchises and Wii U is in an awkward release point.

Big drop from last years event but I expected that. It seemed obvious prior to it and at least they had fun with the show.

First off, let's get this out of the way. Only a child would even think to create the comparison of people in a discussion to children. It's ridiculous, inflammatory, and diminishes your point.

Secondly, they spent a good chunk of the show rehashing information. This is not fun. This is not informative. People can find these trailers online, and they don't have to show up for a live show to do so either. Xenoblade didn't need a trailer, Yoshi's Woolly World didn't need a trailer, Super Mario Maker didn't need to have half as much as it did. Fire Emblem Fates was rehashing what we already saw except in English. We spent so much time on these trailers because we were waiting for something huge, and to be frank, we got nothing huge. Every game was mid-tier - something you show alongside that high-tier game. Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Bayonetta 2, Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, etc. In fact, the fact that this is E3 is likely WHY they rehashed the trailers like they did - no other Direct would have done such a thing to such a degree.

This is the biggest Direct of the year, objectively. Nintendo knows that, everyone knows that. If Nintendo wanted people to treat it like any old Direct, they should have told people to do so. But whoops, that doesn't get people super hyped, which is what Nintendo wanted. Nintendo didn't - or couldn't - have their biggest Direct of this year during E3, but they definitely wanted people to expect that. What am I supposed to expect from the most promoted Direct? Shouldn't I say "well if they promote it to such a degree, they must have something really great and surprising to show?" Or should I say "Nah, their biggest games will probably just be things we already knew about from last E3."


but the other side of this coin is "nintendo was stupid for rushing their new platform to get it out before it was really ready"

people on internet message boards had that EXACT complaint with 3DS

what exactly do people prefer

I don't really see much harm in waiting frankly. They released the wii U too late in the Wii's lifecycle (due to the massive decline) but the Wii U is pretty flatlined already and it's most popular games have long legs. I don't personally see the harm in delaying until the next system is ready. The Wii U...is what it is and an extra year wouldnt' frankly change that. And I'll also agree the 3DS was hardly ready for prime time...oddly nor was the Wii U but I'll chalk that up to HD development and new controls.


With all of the talk of a hybrid console (which, to me, really is the SMARTEST THING they could do...combine their development efforts to keep a steady stream of titles, third parrties be damned), I have a seen a lot of people wondering how the handheld side of it would work.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't development create two specs for their games ala PC? The system knows if you're in handheld mode to scale the graphics down to X so that the guts of the controller with a screen alone can play it. And then when you put it in the cradle at home (or however it could work), it recognizes that and beefs up the graphics for the TV.

Would that be possible?

It's more than possible, but is it the best route? The danger is that you'll end up with a game full of compromises, stuck between being a true next-gen game and a game designed for portable gaming.


It's more than possible, but is it the best route? The danger is that you'll end up with a game full of compromises, stuck between being a true next-gen game and a game designed for portable gaming.

Why is that? You could still have games more mobile-based, but with the ability to play them on your home console. Not everything would ahve to be made with high quality assets for HD...there could be 2D games and whatnot.

I just think it would be so important for them to combine their efforts for one platform, rather than splitting their fanbase up. Every game for one system, their lineup would be ridiculous.


It's more than possible, but is it the best route? The danger is that you'll end up with a game full of compromises, stuck between being a true next-gen game and a game designed for portable gaming.

Exactly. What they have said they plan to do is for handheld and home console to share OS, similar architecture but separate specs so if developers want, the games can be on both, but they don't have to be. It also allows for an easier development environment with easier sharing of engines and assets between systems.

They have also said it won't be a hybrid. It sucks that people keep ignoring that.

boiled goose

good with gravy
With all of the talk of a hybrid console (which, to me, really is the SMARTEST THING they could do...combine their development efforts to keep a steady stream of titles, third parrties be damned), I have a seen a lot of people wondering how the handheld side of it would work.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't development create two specs for their games ala PC? The system knows if you're in handheld mode to scale the graphics down to X so that the guts of the controller with a screen alone can play it. And then when you put it in the cradle at home (or however it could work), it recognizes that and beefs up the graphics for the TV.

Would that be possible?

How I see it is that there would be a core unified environment but there could be platform exclusive features.

For example VC games would be developed for this core, so they could be played on all platform variants. Not cross play, but the same game. Same with indie titles or mobile ports.

Games could also have platform exclusive features or be entirely platform exclusive. Basically how some iOS games are iPad only or how some PC games need better specs.

The important thing to me is that content delivery is all tied through a unified platform and account that is flexible and upgradeable.

This would be a very good longterm strategy. If dedicated hardware goes away, you still have this platform.


...hate me...
but the other side of this coin is "nintendo was stupid for rushing their new platform to get it out before it was really ready"

people on internet message boards had that EXACT complaint with 3DS

what exactly do people prefer
Well the signs of the Wii U tanking were so premature that they probably have been baking the successor at an advanced pace for a long time now, I believe. Doesn't have to be rushed to be out by holiday '16 if they planned accordingly.

The lack of new big Wii U projects is actually a good sign in that regard.


I agree that migrating to a unified platform to make development easier is the best thing for Nintendo, but I'm still skeptical about it being so soon. All that would do is piss of anyone who bought a Wii U, and I doubt anyone who hasn't bought one yet would be rushing out to buy whatever it is Nintendo will release next. Also, I thought most people hated the use of Amiibo in games? Some people even complain about having to buy Amiibo for Yarn Yoshi costumes.

Edit: By skeptical I don't mean I believe Nintendo won't do it; I mean that Nintendo shouldn't do it. But I know this is a minority opinion.

There's not that many people who bought a Wii U and those of us that did? We're not fools, we have eyes and ears, we KNOW the platform is over. I've known since the release of Smash Bros. that we were in for a downhill ride from here. We just managed to get Splatoon, as well. Wii U reached the summit in its journey up the mountain, we're just riding its corpse back down to base camp. There's nothing to be pissed about that we wouldn't already feel about it at this point. And people aren't rushing out to buy it now, so... I just don't see what there is to actually lose at this point.


Announcing a new console and then waiting a year and a half to release it is stupid. We all saw how Wii suffered during 2011 and 2012

it was beyond stupid. not only do you kill off any sales of your current system, as everyone waits around for the new system that has been announced, but the hype and excitement for the new system completely deflates over that time as well.

nintendo made so many huge errors with the wii u, and releasing the console 1.5 years after telling us about it was one of them. i can pretty much gaurantee that NX will be a success, especially relative to the wii u, if nintendo does 3 simple things:

1. launch the console no later than 6 months after formally announcing it
2. name it something that isn't confusing
3. launch it with a next gen version of zelda as an exclusive

proceed to watch NX systems fly off the shelves
Yup. Nintendo comes across as having zero desire to compete directly with Sony or Microsoft. They want to do their own thing, so we're left with a console that only plays first party games. Which is good for us Nintendo fans, but terrible for business since the Wii U becomes a supplemental console for anyone who wants to play the AAA releases. And then when the solid first party titles dry up, like they have at e3,then all we're left with is disappointment.

Well, I'm still looking forward to Starfox, Mario Maker, and Yoshi, but these are games we KNEW about, and none are going to be first run AAA titles. I like Nintendo, I have both a Wii U and 3DS, and I want them to succeed. Badly. But they continue to keep making poor decisions that it's hard. It's really hard.

For a lot of us, Nintendo is more than just a company. They were a best friend growing up, especially if we were socially-inept shut-ins (like yours truly). And when Nintendo does stupid events like this, and then people rip on them for it...well, it hurts. It's like your best friend losing his job or getting his house foreclosed. There's nothing you can do, but the pain is still there.
I think another problem I have with the Direct is that it doesn't leave me thinking (aside from Mario Maker, but I credit last year and the time in between E3 2014 and 2015 for most of that). The only thing I'm really thinking about is "jeez, they could have done better in this area with that Metroid game, or they should have done something more interesting with Animal Crossing than an amiibo-based party game." Even my favourite game they announced, I'm not thinking really about what they'll do to wow me. I can only imagine that Papercraft is one of the big gimmicks.


First off, let's get this out of the way. Only a child would even think to create the comparison of people in a discussion to children. It's ridiculous, inflammatory, and diminishes your point.

I can only imagine the above is a joke. I did laugh but am not sure.

Secondly, they spent a good chunk of the show rehashing information. This is not fun. This is not informative. People can find these trailers online, and they don't have to show up for a live show to do so either. Xenoblade didn't need a trailer, Yoshi's Woolly World didn't need a trailer, Super Mario Maker didn't need to have half as much as it did. Fire Emblem Fates was rehashing what we already saw except in English. We spent so much time on these trailers because we were waiting for something huge, and to be frank, we got nothing huge. Every game was mid-tier - something you show alongside that high-tier game. Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Bayonetta 2, Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, etc. In fact, the fact that this is E3 is likely WHY they rehashed the trailers like they did - no other Direct would have done such a thing to such a degree.

This is the biggest Direct of the year, objectively. Nintendo knows that, everyone knows that. If Nintendo wanted people to treat it like any old Direct, they should have told people to do so. But whoops, that doesn't get people super hyped, which is what Nintendo wanted. Nintendo didn't - or couldn't - have their biggest Direct of this year during E3, but they definitely wanted people to expect that. What am I supposed to expect from the most promoted Direct? Shouldn't I say "well if they promote it to such a degree, they must have something really great and surprising to show?" Or should I say "Nah, their biggest games will probably just be things we already knew about from last E3."

If its the biggest direct surely rehashing is what it can be for. Anyway am not saying it was good, nor do I think they have more. Fact is it added nothing but nor did it take much away - am really not sure what people were expecting, this was clearly going to be a weak E3 from Nintendo.

The fact they have so many known releases is testament to this, most years we don't know what their Q4 line up is. We mostly knew all 2015 releases since January, strong start and a decent Q3 and X in Q4.

Zelda was next year, AC main is now a 3DS series, Metroid is clearly not in a good place as a series.

What else was there? Star Fox is coming, we'll see more in the next direct on that. Mario Maker as well. Am not sure what series was going to appear here. E3 changed very little and that in itself is not something to get worked up about. If they had nothing announced for 2015 and 2016 and talked about games already out, maybe - but people are just going in for announcements.

What did you expect? Not a debating question, I honestly just wonder?


Why is that? You could still have games more mobile-based, but with the ability to play them on your home console. Not everything would ahve to be made with high quality assets for HD...there could be 2D games and whatnot.

I just think it would be so important for them to combine their efforts for one platform, rather than splitting their fanbase up. Every game for one system, their lineup would be ridiculous.

That logic only works for certain types of games. What happens when you want to develop an open world game that utilizes insane amounts of memory and space? You can't simply turn down a few graphical settings and expect it to run fine on a handheld.

If they make the compatibility optional, that's fine. Forcing every developer to optimize for both systems only hinders creativity.
Given how many DS's and Wii's are on the market which add to casual brand confusion, Nintendo's next console and handheld should not have Wii or DS in their names, respectively. Nintendo should give themselves a new start with their brands.

Gameboy brand was on the market for 15 years (1989-2004)before DS was launched. DS line has been around for 11 years (2004-Present) and counting. So it's about that time for a new line anyway
With all of the talk of a hybrid console (which, to me, really is the SMARTEST THING they could do...combine their development efforts to keep a steady stream of titles, third parrties be damned), I have a seen a lot of people wondering how the handheld side of it would work.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't development create two specs for their games ala PC? The system knows if you're in handheld mode to scale the graphics down to X so that the guts of the controller with a screen alone can play it. And then when you put it in the cradle at home (or however it could work), it recognizes that and beefs up the graphics for the TV.

Would that be possible?

There is no hybrid.

it sounds like instead of one spectacular hybrid device he wants to have several devices all operating in tandem.

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