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Rare and crazy historical photos

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How did this happen ? Whats the explanation to this ?

Maintenance basically

Erosion control efforts have always been of extreme importance. Underwater weirs redirect the most damaging currents, and the top of the falls have also been strengthened. In June 1969, the Niagara River was completely diverted away from the American Falls for several months through construction of a temporary rock and earth dam (clearly visible in the photo at right).[37] While the Horseshoe Falls absorbed the extra flow, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers studied the riverbed and mechanically bolted and strengthened any faults they found; faults that would, if left untreated, have hastened the retreat of the American Falls. A plan to remove the huge mound of talus deposited in 1954 was abandoned owing to cost, and in November 1969, the temporary dam was dynamited, restoring flow to the American Falls. Even after these undertakings, Luna Island, the small piece of land between the main waterfall and the Bridal Veil, remained off limits to the public for years owing to fears that it was unstable and could collapse into the gorge at any time.





Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Photograph of Mariya Oktyabrskaya


Why is it awesome? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariya_Oktyabrskaya

Hello. My name is Mariya Oktyabrskaya. You killed my husband. Prepare to die.
This is an absolutely beautiful thread. Humans are shitheads, but beautiful shitheads. As a history major, I've been enamored.

History is generally boring unfortunately. But learning context, perspectives of individuals, society, or other groups is so much better than just dates and times.

As for my contribution, I just have one that I posted in another thread that died.

Bellamy salute. This is the one to the US flag prior to the Nazi hijack. In addition to that, the pledge did not have any reference to god and the creator was a socialist. Assuradely, this would make and Fox News talking head or conservative's head explode.
It's not just terrifying how far in the past so many of these events are, but also how few years have actually passed since things changed so radically, and continue to do so with or without our active awareness. What is alien to us was normal to them. They were all real people caught up in the madness of the world they lived in. I'm convinced that humanity is merely stumbling along in the chaos, trying to make the best of what they're given as it comes to them.



Flares from planes light a field covered with the dead and wounded of the ambushed battalion of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division in the Ia Drang Valley, Vietnam, on November 18, 1965, during a fierce battle that had been raging for days. Units of the division were battling to hold their lines against what was estimated to be a regiment of North Vietnamese soldiers. Bodies of the slain soldiers were carried to this clearing with their gear to await evacuation by helicopter. (Rick Merron/AP)


Nuclear Bomb “Shadow” in Hiroshima, Japan 1945


Like a lot of great pictures it looks like nothing special unless you know the context.
A watch from Hiroshima,at 08:15 the bombing started. All watches stopped working at this time.

If you guys ever get the chance:
Visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.
One of the most impressive and haunting museums I've ever been to.

They have multiple watches (maybe even that one) that froze after the bomb went off.
They even have the cut-out steps that lead up to a bank/post office (can't remember) with a shadow burned in. Someone sat on the steps when the bomb went off.

Other things I remember seeing:
- Tricycle and helmet was all that was left of a kid biking around his own garden.
- Documents from the U.S. showing that the scientists basically set up a list of conditions on when/how to use the bomb: having a city near water, minimum amount of people, etc.
- If I remember correctly they have some pieces of skin that literaly fell off of one of the bomb victim's during the aftermath


An RAF pilot getting a haircut while reading a book between missions

Nikola Tesla

Einstein being fabulous

A liberated Jew holds a Nazi at gunpoint

Hitler's pants after he survived the attempted assassination known as Operation Valkyrie

Hitler in lederhosen

Artificial legs, UK, 1890

Austrian boy receives new shoes during WWII

Australian soldiers after their release from Japanese captivity in Singapore, 1945

The shells from an allied creeping bombardment on German lines, 1916


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The shells from an allied creeping bombardment on German lines, 1916

Holy shit. That's some dramatic illustration of the scope of bombing that went on in trench warfare. No wonder some former battlefield areas in France are still uninhabitable.

To add to that, a German infantry attack at Verdun, using flamethrowers:



A battlefield after/between battles:


A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Holy shit. That's some dramatic illustration of the scope of bombing that went on in trench warfare. No wonder some former battlefield areas in France are still uninhabitable.

Verdun today, preserved.

Listening to Dan Carlin's podcast on WWI really messed me up.

And gas warfare was common. Chemical shelling was a part of the strategy.

That's the most ghastly detail. It's certainly a hell on earth.


Awesome thread, here are a couple I saved over the years.

A man having his nose measured during Aryan race determination tests. 1940


The USS Iowa displays its firepower, 1987


KKK members pose on and around the Ferris wheel in Cañon City, Colorado, 1926


In the early 1900’s this photo of a little girl at a grave site was captured. It wasn’t until years later the spooky reflection

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
The USS Iowa is a museum in the LA harbor.
Those guns are huge!

Those guns can shoot artillery at 20+ miles. Insane.


The Odeonsplatz is on a lot of photos already, but I'll add this one : in 1914 the Müncheners are learning that Germany will go to war. Guess who was there? And look at this happy face.



The Odeonsplatz is on a lot of photos already, but I'll add this one : in 1914 the Müncheners are learning that Germany will go to war. Guess who was there? And look at this happy face.


I know someone explained this before, but I think there's heavy discussion as to if this was a hoax. Apparently this image surfaced when Hitlers patriotism was questioned in arround 1922 when it was found out he didn't sign up/go to the Austrian Army for some reason so it's possible it's a forgery in order to save Hitler's public image at the time.



I know someone explained this before, but I think there's heavy discussion as to if this was a hoax. Apparently this image surfaced when Hitlers patriotism was questioned in arround 1922 when it was found out he didn't sign up/go to the Austrian Army for some reason so it's possible it's a forgery in order to save Hitler's public image at the time.


I also think Hitler had a much bigger moustache in those days.


He almost died in the trenches in WWI because of it, his gas-mask didn't fit properly.
It's rumoured that was the reason for his ''WWII'' stache.


I know someone explained this before, but I think there's heavy discussion as to if this was a hoax. Apparently this image surfaced when Hitlers patriotism was questioned in arround 1922 when it was found out he didn't sign up/go to the Austrian Army for some reason so it's possible it's a forgery in order to save Hitler's public image at the time.


Yes, I just read that but it's still up for debate : in his Hitler biography, Ian Kershaw explains that he was interrogated by the Austrian army for having fled from his military service, and then released. At the time he was incredibly poor and living in München, which appeared to have save his ass.
When the proclamation is done, he lives there, jobless, and on the brink of depression. I don't think it would be incoherent for a man in his position (and already convinced that he's a hero) to be irrationally happy.

However, it could be fake. Apparently there aren't any negatives.


Awesome thread, here are a couple I saved over the years.

A man having his nose measured during Aryan race determination tests. 1940

Something about these kind of photos and behaviour is million times more sinister and evil to me than images of actual warfare. Pure evil.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Not historical but some really cool shots of nature being awesome

"Blue" vulcanolava in Indonesia.

Pink lake in Australia

Vulcano and Lightning

A rocket leaving earth's atmosphere

Aurora borealis, Norway



This is considered to be the last photo of Hitler alive : at the entrance of his bunker, he's looking at the damages done to what was once his architectural playgorund.

Not so much an amazing photo, but an amazing character. Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier, Captain of the HMS Terror, part of the ill fated Franklin expedition to find the fabled north west passage. Both ships, Terror & Erebus became locked in ice and the crews were never seen or heard from ever again


Aboriginal children were kidnapped and sent to live in residential schools where they were given white names and were forbidden to speak their aboriginal language. If they were heard speaking anything but English or were seen performing a cultural ritual or practice, they were savagely beaten or killed.

"Thomas Moore" before and after his entrance into the Regina Indian Residential School in 1874 Saskatchewan.

"Tom Torlino", student at the Carlisle Indian School (USA), in 1882 when he arrived and three years later.

An undated photo of a Grade 8-9 class at St. Mary’s Indian Residential School, British Columbia.

Swampy Cree boys pray before bedtime with an Anglican supervisor looking on at Bishop Horden Memorial School on Moose Factory Island, Ontario, in 1950.

Over 150 000 students attended the residential schools. (Approximately 30% of native children were placed in residential schools nationally.) The legacy of the schools on aboriginal people of today has been referred to as a “collective soul wound.” A sample of 127 survivors revealed that half of these survivors have criminal records, 65% have been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder, 21% have been diagnosed with major depression, 7% have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder and 7% have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
The lasting impact that the schools have had is also manifested in the rate of drug and alcohol abuse among survivors. As an attempt to hide from the memories and the pain many aboriginal people found themselves turning to substance abuse, which means that the suffering continues as they and those around them are forced to deal with addiction on a daily basis. It is both because the residential schools continue to cause harm, and because the hardships they created in the past continue to haunt survivors, that the aboriginal people are simply unable to be consoled at present time.

Today, Aboriginal adults account for one in four admissions to provincial/territorial correctional services even though they represent 3% of Canada's adult population.

The last residential school in Canada was closed in 1996.


The Nazis also welcomed Arabs, Indians and Africans into their ranks.

Here's two pictures of 11-year-old Nestori Lindström, who ran away from his home during the Continuation War because he wanted to help on the northern front against the Soviets. He made it there but was eventually sent back home.
A couple of children/pre-teens served voluntarily during the Winter and Continuation Wars, but probably the most interesting one of them was Heimo Kettunen from Jyväskylä. He was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant when he turned 13, for his "bravery and resourcefulness demonstrated on the battlefield". He voluntarily served as a messenger during the Winter War. He was encircled by Soviet forces, and was forced to end the life of his wounded horse Nuoli (Arrow) with a grenade. After this he broke through the Soviet encirclement armed with his Suomi-machine gun, while wounded, taking the lives of multiple Soviet soldiers. After he reached his fellow Finns, he still continued operating on the front lines for a couple of days, until they realised that during the Soviet encirclement he had sustained multiple hits from grenade fragments to his leg.

I could not find a proper source for the story, but I believe it to be true. It's amazing that these kids were allowed to serve.
Here's a link to the Finnish Wartime Photograph Archive. Lots of interesting pictures and descriptions in there, all in Finnish though. I can translate the descriptions if any of you find anything there that interests you.


Neo Member
This thread just keeps on delivering. Keep up the good work everyone!

Found some more, that I wanted to share.

When the people of the town of Hastings awoke one morning to see one of the Kaiser’s U-boats on their beach, it caused some shock. Thousands of visitors flocked to see the beached submarine. The Admiralty allowed the town clerk to charge a fee for people to climb on the deck. Two members of the coastguard were tasked with showing important visitors around inside the submarine. The visits were curtailed when both men became severely ill, they both died shortly after. It was a mystery what killed the men at the time and so all trips into the sub were stopped, it was later discovered that chlorine gas which had been escaping from SM U-118′s batteries had caused severe abscesses on the lungs and brains of the unfortunate men.

SM U-118 was commissioned on 8 May 1918, following construction at the AG Vulcan Stettin shipyard in Hamburg. It was commanded by Herbert Stohwasser and joined the I Flotilla operating in the eastern Atlantic. After about four months without any ships sunk, on 16 September 1918, SM U-118 scored its first hit on another naval vessel.

Jan. 25, 1948: A Santa Fe diesel passenger locomotive hangs over Aliso St. after running off the end of its track at Union Station. The locomotive had just been unhooked from the El Capitan passenger train from Chicago at 8:45 a.m. when the accident occurred.

People having a picnic on a deserted highway during the Great Oil Crisis, 1973

March 7, 1966: “Longhaired” Palisades High School students protest school’s demand that they get haircuts.

The Monday morning protest before classes occurred after the Friday expulsion of approximately 50 boys with longhair.

In 1927 the park opened the Cyclone Roll Coaster, which was one of the most vicious and violent coasters ever built. It was one of three such coasters designed by Harry Traver, and was notorious for having an on duty nurse stationed at the ride to attend to its victims. The coaster operated up until 1947, when it was dismantled and rebuilt as the Comet. The original design was a headache to operate and maintain. The G-forces the cars pulled through the figure eight were tremendous, and took a toll on the track.
In addition, ever since I got interested in roller coaster, the Crystal Beach Cyclone has always been fascinating to me.

Mauch Chunk Switchback Railway
Location: Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Year it opened: 1827

The founding father of roller coasters was actually a working railway built to transport anthracite in Pennsylvania’s coal country. A “gravity railway,” it was powered only by pack mules that pulled it up the steep inclines. Downhill momentum took care of the rest. Word of the exhilarating ride spread, and soon the railway was accepting paying passengers who rode just for the thrill of it. It eventually became one of the biggest tourist attractions in America, spending its last five decades in service solely as a source of amusement.
Some Apartheid photos.

Children taunt South African police at an ANC political rally, 1991.

Blacks only bus in Johannesburg, 1970s.

"Johannesburg housewives fire .22 pistols at a target during one of the weekly "pistol parties" in the capital of jittery white supremacist South Africa, Aug. 30, 1963. These housewives belong to a pistol-packers' club of women aged 25 to 61, all top marksmen. They bring coffee and sandwiches for a mid-morning break during their practice on the range. It's all part of South Africa's defense build-up against attacks which the country's leaders say they expect from other African countries. (AP Photo/Dennis Lee Royle)"

"Johannesburg, South Africa, on a typical Saturday morning in a market near the main railway terminal linking with the black African township of Soweto. The AP-Photo shows a black woman servant taking charge of a young white child while the little girl's parents are working. (AP-Photo/David Van Gur) 1985"

"Black South Africans line up at the counter at a government office to get their new passbooks in Johannesburg, South Africa, April 7, 1960. Hundreds of blacks, who had publicly burned their passes during recent campaign of defiance against the Apartheid government, picked up new passes required by all black South Africans to return to work. (AP Photo)"

"A jubilant Sowetan holds up February 11,1990 in Soweto, a newspaper announcing the release of anti-apartheid leader and African National Congress (ANC) member Nelson Mandela, at a mass ANC rally. South African President de Klerk lifted February 2, 1980 the 30-year-old ban on the ANC and the South African Communikst Party, and 11 February, Nelson Mandela walked out of Victor Vester prison, near Cape Town, after 26 year since he was sentenced to life imprisonment. (TREVOR SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images)"

"Far right-wingers and Conservative Party supporters burn an election poster with President de Klerk's portrait, March, 26, 1994, at a rally held by the Conservative Party in Pretoria. The CP is demanding their own homeland and declared Pretoria their capital. (AP Photo/Joao Silva)"

"Police take cover as Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) supporters flee as they are fired upon by unidentified gunmen, in this March 28, 1994 file photo in Johannesburg. Nine IFP supporters were later killed outside the African National Congress (ANC) headquarters as gunmen from the building fired on protesters marching past the building. The IFP are opposed to next month's all-race election and had called for a day of protest in the city. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)"
Since the bridge opened in 1957, every year on Labor Day, foot traffic is allowed across the Mackinac Island bridge that connects Michigan's upper and lower peninsula. The walk is always led by the state's current Governor.

The first year, approximately 68 people participated, but now 40,000 to 80,000 people participate in the event every year.

"Mighty Mac" is the longest suspension bridge with two towers between anchorages in the Western Hemisphere. During construction, only 5 workers died and they are memorialized with a plaque on the bridge.

In 1989, a woman died when her 1987 Yugo was blown off the bridge by high winds.




New York 1937 - Funeral service for the 37 victims of the Hindenburg zeppelin crash

1949 - Pablo Picasso paints with light

1963 - Arnold Schwarzenegger enters his first bodybuilder contest at the age of 16
Geronimo: Chiricahua Apache leader. Photograph by Frank A. Rinehart, 1898.


Apache leader Geronimo (right) is depicted with a small group of followers in northern Mexico in 1886.


Photo by C. S. Fly of Geronimo and his warriors, taken before the surrender to Gen. Crook, March 27, 1886, in the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico. Fly's photographs are the only known images of Indians combatants still in the field who had not yet surrendered to the United States.


Geronimo as a U.S. prisoner in 1905

Aboriginal children were kidnapped and sent to live in residential schools where they were given white names and were forbidden to speak their aboriginal language. If they were heard speaking anything but English or were seen performing a cultural ritual or practice, they were savagely beaten or killed.

"Thomas Moore" before and after his entrance into the Regina Indian Residential School in 1874 Saskatchewan.

"Tom Torlino", student at the Carlisle Indian School (USA), in 1882 when he arrived and three years later.

An undated photo of a Grade 8-9 class at St. Mary’s Indian Residential School, British Columbia.

Swampy Cree boys pray before bedtime with an Anglican supervisor looking on at Bishop Horden Memorial School on Moose Factory Island, Ontario, in 1950.


Today, Aboriginal adults account for one in four admissions to provincial/territorial correctional services even though they represent 3% of Canada's adult population.

The last residential school in Canada was closed in 1996.
It seems both Canada and Australia treated their Indigenous populations the same. Really sad what happened to those children especially now that we know kids need to have their parents to have a strong development.
Tasmanian Tiger, believed to have gone extinct around 1936, seen here in Washington D.C., c. 1906.


Tasmanian Tiger family at Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart, 1910.


Hunter with his killed Tasmanian Tiger, 1869.


Wilf Batty with the last Tasmanian Tiger that was killed in the wild.


The last known Tasmanian Tiger photographed at Beaumaris Zoo in 1933.


Supposedly the last footage of the animal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odswge5onwY
The World Fair regularly had a "Negro Village" on display, put on display for gawkers.


This shot is from the last one - at the Belgian World's Fair in 1958. Less than 60 years ago you had African kids being fed like they're in a goddamn petting zoo.

Jesus - it's crazy to think that sort of shit was happening when my parents were kids.

This is one of the best (most fascinating and terrible) on GAF. I'll see if I can contribute later.
All these female Russian Sniper pictures remind me of David Bennioff's The City of Thieves. It's a great book, and if you find these shots fascinating you might enjoy it!
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