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Phil Spencer: I don't know if Xbox One can beat PS4

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No one knows the future. I can go only by personal experience though as that is the only info I have access to, but I have a ps4 and a one and I shut up, invited my pals over to use each and then answered their questions and then gave my concerns on each one when they were done sucking around, and more people I know IRL have chosen the One over the PS4, even my ex-Roomie yesterday to be precise, because of the same reasons; they feel it is the better choice overall with better exclusives and value.

No one knows the future, no one knows which 8th gen console will sell best this gem, but I will tell you this. For Microsoft to win, Sony doesn't have to lose. For Microsoft to win, they have to do a damned good job, and they are doing just that with a console that has community input, is backed by forward-thinking technologies and pro-consumer policies, and excellent value.

To Phil and his team, I say keep up the good work.

We kinda of do. All you need to do is look at the current data we have and you can see why you don't need to look into the future to know who wins.


No one knows the future. I can go only by personal experience though as that is the only info I have access to, but I have a ps4 and a one and I shut up, invited my pals over to use each and then answered their questions and then gave my concerns on each one when they were done sucking around, and more people I know IRL have chosen the One over the PS4, even my ex-Roomie yesterday to be precise, because of the same reasons; they feel it is the better choice overall with better exclusives and value.

No one knows the future, no one knows which 8th gen console will sell best this gem, but I will tell you this. For Microsoft to win, Sony doesn't have to lose. For Microsoft to win, they have to do a damned good job, and they are doing just that with a console that has community input, is backed by forward-thinking technologies and pro-consumer policies, and excellent value.

To Phil and his team, I say keep up the good work.

...the hell?

I think my mom did something similar when I was growing up but it was with Tupperware.

Come to think of it, I have done the same thing too, with scented massage oils. I invited my pals over to use each and then answered their questions and then gave my concerns on each one when they were done sucking around, and more people I know IRL have chosen the Whispering mint over Oregon Summer, even my ex-Roomie yesterday to be precise, because of the same reasons; they feel it is the better choice overall with better tingles and dingles.


Junior Member
Comments like this make me feel like I'm on a message board talking about healthcare, the judicial system or something else far more serious. I think you're taking this way too seriously.

We are talking about video games and the industry. About companies who are providing entertainment and also profiting. If you feel a sense of hatred towards a particular company, that's up to you. Being critical is perfectly fine, but if you're going to continue hating for the rest of your life about decisions a company made years ago (which they completely changed their ways)... that's just foolish.

Sony also made "certain decision" in 2005 with the PS3 that upset many gamers...many PS2 owners jumped ship to the 360. If anyone remembers these forums around that time, GAF was going crazy. It's almost as if both companies completely switched sides. The PS3 became similar to the X1 and the 360 was hailed as the console of choice just like the PS4 is now.

And regarding apathy... I was among those that complained and gave their constructive criticism prior to release. Microsoft changed their policies for the Xbox One..something many companies nowadays simply won't do. It's done...now I'm back focusing on my family and my livelihood while you're still stuck on the past.

If your so focused, why are you posting on a gaming forum and getting so worked up because some gamers feel mistrust towards a gaming company that went so brazenly out of their way to try and flip everything on its head in such a horrifying fashion.

Phil seems genuine, but he was still part of the toxic management group that birthed such a nightmarish scenario for the present generation.

If they release a follow up to Xbox One under his lead and it turns out to be excellent he will really be redeemed, but the waryness is still there until he proves he is more than a soundbite.
Well I already liked Phil. I respect him lot more now. This guy genuinely appreciate competition and good product.

Next Xbox under Panos and Phil's hardware team is going to be god like.

Agree with this post.

I only differ in that I haven't always liked Phil. He's growing on me and I hope he's around for the next Xbox vs Playstation launch.
Agree with this post.

I only differ in that I haven't always liked Phil. He's growing on me and I hope he's around for the next Xbox vs Playstation launch.


When he first took over I would read quotes here and there and see people talking about him and assume that it was MS trying to save face.

After seeing quite a few long form interviews with him though, I'm convinced the dude is for real.


The 1rst question would be just US(or US/UK) or WW.
Because WW, it's less likely than me winning the superbowl on my own in Madden.
US/UK they could turn it around maybe, in the rest of the world it's dead.
The "uber popular" 360 wasn't able to beat "shitty 599" ps3 so with the situation reversed they have no chance in hell.
But this isn't new information.
The new information is that they know they fucked up and want to do better and are telling us that they really mean it this time.
I feel like this is what we should be discussing but I like arithmetic too.


butthurt Heat fan
Yeah, I don't see it happening. MS should focus with XB1's successor: no Kinect, same price as PS5 at launch, same power as PS5 or more powerful.

Is PS4 still ahead of XB1 in the US?
I can see them doing what Nintendo is doing with the NX and speed up R&D to have it out in 2017. Make it 50% more powerful than the PS4, minimum, backwards compatibility with X1 and X360 titles, and go even more all-in on winning back the crowd.

Giving up isn't an option. Competition is good.


Come on man.

Why though? It's totally true. It's laughable when people try and come in and trash talk an Xbox version of a game for having a few less Ps when the PC version has all the bells and whistles, runs at double the framerate, could go to 4K if you really wanted to, etc. The gulf between a decent PC and either console is vastly larger than the difference between an Xbox and a PS4.

Because it's basically impossible to enjoy gaming on PC for any multiplayer game if you want to use a controller.

I also don't understand how all these people keep talking about power yet cry about price in the same sentence. Really? How can you expect so much power but you complain about a 500$ price tag? I'd gladly pay 500$ for a console that is beasty. Xb1 would have been that without kinect in the picture. A powerful xb1 with zero kinect @ 500$ would have did a lot better vs ps4 if it came out the gate pushing graphics the ps4 couldn't match with its 400$ price tag.


Agree with this post.

I only differ in that I haven't always liked Phil. He's growing on me and I hope he's around for the next Xbox vs Playstation launch.

Considering that Nadella is the new CEO of Microsoft a d his disdain for underperforming businesses, one must not assume that a next xbox is gonna be a thing.
No one knows the future. I can go only by personal experience though as that is the only info I have access to, but I have a ps4 and a one and I shut up, invited my pals over to use each and then answered their questions and then gave my concerns on each one when they were done sucking around, and more people I know IRL have chosen the One over the PS4, even my ex-Roomie yesterday to be precise, because of the same reasons; they feel it is the better choice overall with better exclusives and value.

No one knows the future, no one knows which 8th gen console will sell best this gem, but I will tell you this. For Microsoft to win, Sony doesn't have to lose. For Microsoft to win, they have to do a damned good job, and they are doing just that with a console that has community input, is backed by forward-thinking technologies and pro-consumer policies, and excellent value.

To Phil and his team, I say keep up the good work.

You have video game console-selling sessions with your friends? Do you do it with outsiders also? And how does the sucking get involved in the whole process?


I don't know, even if they were getting thrashed I wouldn't say this. That's like the first rule of sales, you gotta stand behind your product. Now not only are you giving fuel to the console wars by admitting defeat, you're also making your own fans feel bad about owning an Xbox One because they'll think that the company doesn't believe in their own product.


...the hell?

I think my mom did something similar when I was growing up but it was with Tupperware.

Come to think of it, I have done the same thing too, with scented massage oils. I invited my pals over to use each and then answered their questions and then gave my concerns on each one when they were done sucking around, and more people I know IRL have chosen the Whispering mint over Oregon Summer, even my ex-Roomie yesterday to be precise, because of the same reasons; they feel it is the better choice overall with better tingles and dingles.
I think you're trolling a troll post.
He's been trying but they haven't been listening. Fanboys (from both sides) are very stubborn.

The xbone fanboys are a special breed of fanboy, one that I don't think I've seen before this gen.


You have video game console-selling sessions with your friends? Do you do it with outsiders also? And how does the sucking get involved in the whole process?
No, nothing like that. I meant messing around, auto correct got me; also changed gen to gem for some reason. Apologies for the confusion.

And no, I just told my friends I have all the consoles and they messed around with them to see which one they preferred. No better way than to have time to play around with all the options to make an informed choice right? Can't beat a real-world live hands on. I owe most of my informed purchases to friends allowing me to take tech out for a spin.
Considering that Nadella is the new CEO of Microsoft a d his disdain for underperforming businesses, one must not assume that a next xbox is gonna be a thing.

They just had a hardware event that was 1.5 hours long this week including getting as many Xbox references in there as possible (despite nothing to actually show).

Gaming fits in with what else they're doing, even cloud stuff which they will push, I think they will definitely do another box but it won't be built by a group inside a cave who are trying to push misguided feature sets (Kinect, TV, DRM etc).

They also spent big on the likes of Minecraft (which regardless of its other uses is a video game first), Gears of War IP, the plenty of other stuff they're developing... gaming won't be affected except trying to capture the market across PC and console, they're going to run it better and with their eyes open. Its a huge market and if Satya didn't see it already I think he certainly does now


I don't know, even if they were getting thrashed I wouldn't say this. That's like the first rule of sales, you gotta stand behind your product. Now not only are you giving fuel to the console wars by admitting defeat, you're also making your own fans feel bad about owning an Xbox One because they'll think that the company doesn't believe in their own product.

I don't know why xbone owners would feel bad for buying an xbone because the PS4 won this gen. If they wanted to own the best selling console for some reason, they should have browsed the internet prior to launch. Even back then, it was easy to tell how things would end. Spencer is just telling it like it is here.


my hard graphic balls
Considering that Nadella is the new CEO of Microsoft a d his disdain for underperforming businesses, one must not assume that a next xbox is gonna be a thing.

Oh, yea? That's why they pushed out another Lumia, right?

I don't know, even if they were getting thrashed I wouldn't say this. That's like the first rule of sales, you gotta stand behind your product. Now not only are you giving fuel to the console wars by admitting defeat, you're also making your own fans feel bad about owning an Xbox One because they'll think that the company doesn't believe in their own product.
What does software updates, backwards compatibility, and great games show if not support? When you are talking about people not wanting to hear that XBO isn't first in the console race, you are talking about a minority of fans. The average Joe, aka. the majority, doesn't care about console wars.


I think you're trolling a troll post.

The xbone fanboys are a special breed of fanboy, one that I don't think I've seen before this gen.

They gotta be like that. They're the minority. PS fanboys LOVE to remind ANYONE who will listen just how much better and awesome their console is. Two sides of the same coin really. Tim dog is something else though.

For me, Phil can say whatever he wants as long as great games keep flowing.
Edit: And if the reason for this is the fact that they aren't winning then..well...it isn't so bad for me is it.


They gotta be like that. They're the minority. PS fanboys LOVE to remind ANYONE who will listen just how much better and awesome their console is. Two sides of the same coin really. Tim dog is something else though.

For me, Phil can say whatever he wants as long as great games keep flowing.
Edit: And if the reason for this is the fact that they aren't winning then..well...it isn't so bad for me is it.

Tim Dog is exactly the kind of fanboy that I'm talking about. I watched a video of him recording people walking into best buy going "that guy is probably going in there for an xbone". And I've heard him do even worse things.

I wonder how he's holding up today. :p
Why in the world did this thread get to 20 pages?

It's a Phil Spencer thread. You should be asking why it isn't locked yet.
It also has a lot to do with price and launch time. Last gen the 360 was cheaper and was available earlier. If they were both at the same price and same launch date I highly doubt the 360 would have dominated the US like it did. PlayStation is the biggest brand in gaming.


If your so focused, why are you posting on a gaming forum and getting so worked up because some gamers feel mistrust towards a gaming company that went so brazenly out of their way to try and flip everything on its head in such a horrifying fashion.

Phil seems genuine, but he was still part of the toxic management group that birthed such a nightmarish scenario for the present generation.

If they release a follow up to Xbox One under his lead and it turns out to be excellent he will really be redeemed, but the waryness is still there until he proves he is more than a soundbite.

No disrespect to you, but I do find it a bit ironic that you're saying that I'm getting "worked up" when many people are still holding a pessimistic grudge after 2 years.

My livelihood consists of gaming. It's my favorite hobby..almost a necessity. I focus on upcoming games I'm excited for and the future of gaming rather than holding a grudge and hating a specific company that, believe it or not, actually does a lot of good for this industry and its fans. Everyone forgets about backwards compatibility, quality of Xbox Live, Free Games with Gold, the great exclusives, listening to fan feedback/continuing to improve, and much more. All those help push the industry forward IMO....but in general, many gamers tend to focus on the negatives while completely neglecting the positives...I just don't like that.
Yeah, I don't see it happening. MS should focus with XB1's successor: no Kinect, same price as PS5 at launch, same power as PS5 or more powerful.

Is PS4 still ahead of XB1 in the US?
yeah but not by much. popularity of the consoles here are pretty even.


Junior Member
Spencer is such a pain. Instead of his usual "we are losers" talk, he could push for more IPs, more global coverage (for Christ sake Xbox is Windows, support more languages like Windows then), less politics for Indies and third party deals.

I don't know man. When I see Panos Panay talking about Surface for example, I can feel his passion straight up in my veins. Spencer? Just the usual we are trying and we know. I remember him talking about optimizing disc installs, background osts, and even someone asking him to remove regional locking and nope, still just talk and talk.
Spencer is such a pain. Instead of his usual "we are losers" talk, he could push for more IPs, more global coverage (for Christ sake Xbox is Windows, support more languages like Windows then), less politics for Indies and third party deals.

How do you mean, "push for more IPs"?

They have 4 new IPs due next year: QB, Recore, Scalebound and Sea of Thieves plus other returns/big sequels (KI, Gears, Crackdown, Halo Wars 2), plus the stuff they've already pushed out this gen which varies between new IPs and old ones, next year is really opening up on that front.

They have been busy with things like backwards compatibility and NXE on the OS side which has taken priority, hopefully they will get to the other stuff but they have to prioritise what is most important and I think what chose is definitely that.


No disrespect to you, but I do find it a bit ironic that you're saying that I'm getting "worked up" when many people are still holding a pessimistic grudge after 2 years.

My livelihood consists of gaming. It's my favorite hobby..almost a necessity. I focus on upcoming games I'm excited for and the future of gaming rather than holding a grudge and hating a specific company that, believe it or not, actually does a lot of good for this industry and its fans. Everyone forgets about backwards compatibility, quality of Xbox Live, Free Games with Gold, the great exclusives, listening to fan feedback/continuing to improve, and much more. All those help push the industry forward IMO....but in general, many gamers tend to focus on the negatives while completely neglecting the positives...I just don't like that.
I'm with you there. I was pretty convinced that ibwasnt going to get an XB1 at the start of this generation based on the the direction that MS was taking. However, just as they can change their polices, so too can I change my opinion of the brand. I ended up getting an XB1 for super cheap last holiday, and slowly over the last year I have pretty much completely moved over to the XB1 as my main platform. A constantly evolving OS proved that MS is willing to put in the time and money to keep improving the user experience, BC proved that they are willing to honor past purchases, and changes to their controller have shown that they are listening and willing to make changes where they are needed.

MS may not win the console war, but they won me over. There is too much that MS is doing right too keep hating them for what their plan was two years ago.


Junior Member
How do you mean, "push for more IPs"?

They have 4 new IPs due next year: QB, Recore, Scalebound and Sea of Thieves plus other returns/big sequels (KI, Gears, Crackdown, Halo Wars 2), plus the stuff they've already pushed out this gen which varies between new IPs and old ones, next year is really opening up on that front

They have been busy with things like backwards compatibility and NXE on the OS side which has taken priority, hopefully they will get to the other stuff but they have to prioritise what is most important and I think what chose is definitely that.

From that list, only surprising one is Recore and maybe Halo Wars 2 because knowing MS, they just release one game and quit.

The rest aren't news to me. I want something unexpected. Something like Sunset Overdrive but please don't bother if you ain't gonna continue with it.

As for Sea of Thieves, fresh yes but since it's online type of game, I will wait and see.

And while BC and NXE are great, I don't believe for a sec they are more important than faster disc installs. That's the first thing you do when you buy a disc and it's mandatory. Why ignore it since launch?
I remember him talking about optimizing disc installs, background osts, and even someone asking him to remove regional locking and nope, still just talk and talk.

I remember him saying they were looking into backwards compatibility, and many other user requests that have been acted upon, so its not ALL talk.
From that list, only surprising one is Recore and maybe Halo Wars 2 because knowing MS, they just release one game and quit.

The rest aren't news to me. I want something unexpected. Something like Sunset Overdrive but please don't bother if you ain't gonna continue with it.

As for Sea of Thieves, fresh yes but since it's online type of game, I will wait and see.

Im not really sure what you want from them... to gasp at something? I don't get it.

I think Scalebound was quite "surprising" in the partnership and what the game is (action rpg), unless you're disappointed Cboat then ntkrnl leaked it before hand? Although I'm not sure why that matters really

No Love

This looks like a repeat of Xbox vs. PS2 all over again. We're going to see Microsoft working their asses off to recover their momentum which should create a "slingshot effect" and allow them to kill it with Xbox 4. They are in the exact same position (Sony once again has a massive lead that Microsoft has no hope of significantly narrowing) but this is a 3rd rodeo Microsoft, not the 1st round amateurs going up againat the seasoned vets. They have 3 generations they've learned from, and I'd be highly surprised if they have any major missteps before next generation.

TLDR; Microsoft will continue doing great and working hard to increase that installbase but we once again won't see the true fruits of their labor til their next gen system comes out and the race begins again.
I don't know why xbone owners would feel bad for buying an xbone because the PS4 won this gen. If they wanted to own the best selling console for some reason, they should have browsed the internet prior to launch. Even back then, it was easy to tell how things would end. Spencer is just telling it like it is here.

I enjoy my XB1, actually more than my PS4, so this is a very true quote. I often think that people forget that just because the product doesn't hold top billing in the warz doesn't mean that the product is a failure from a business standpoint.


Junior Member
Im not really sure what you want from them... to gasp at something? I don't get it.

I think Scalebound was quite "surprising" in the partnership and what the game is (action rpg), unless you're disappointed Cboat then ntkrnl leaked it before hand? Although I'm not sure why that matters really

Simple really. I want him to push 343 to do a new IP like Naughty Dog with the Last of Us instead of Uncharted every other year. Same with the Coalition.

Look, I will just end my petty talk with one thing: Spencer is going on with what he can do this gen but personally, I find him boring.
This looks like a repeat of Xbox vs. PS2 all over again. We're going to see Microsoft working their asses off to recover their momentum which should create a "slingshot effect" and allow them to kill it with Xbox 4. They are in the exact same position (Sony once again has a massive lead that Microsoft has no hope of significantly narrowing) but this is a 3rd rodeo Microsoft, not the 1st round amateurs going up againat the seasoned vets. They have 3 generations they've learned from, and I'd be highly surprised if they have any major missteps before next generation.

TLDR; Microsoft will continue doing great and working hard to increase that installbase but we once again won't see the true fruits of their labor til their next gen system comes out and the race begins again.

Probably a pretty fair assessment, though I'd argue we fans are already starting to see the real benefits starting already, even if its not reflected in sales. Lots of promising gaming on its way and the Xbox in my living room now is so superior to the one I started with its crazy.


That's pretty candid and humble of Phil, though I'd like to see more big moves from him. Acknowledging your past mistakes is nice and all, but they should be focusing on diversifying their lineup and making Xbox into a more global brand. Oh, and more Japanese support would be nice, as there's a fairly large group of people that will always opt for a PlayStation instead of an Xbox as long as there's no guarantee that the big Japanese games will come to the platform.


They won't, but at the same time, who cares at this point?

Keep improving the XB1 like you have done and others will come to the console.

I have both consoles and love them both. Fanboy wars have always bewildered me.
This. I see a lot of stealth fanboys here on gaf and I just don't get it. I think it's the sports fan mentality, weak minds need something to root for and something to hate. I love both my Xbone and my PS4 and I hope for the best for both of them. I also adore my Wii U and my PC, and I just want to see great things on all of those platforms. There will always be a winner, but honestly who gives a shit? Let's just play fun video games man.


This. I see a lot of stealth fanboys here on gaf and I just don't get it. I think it's the sports fan mentality, weak minds need something to root for and something to hate. I love both my Xbone and my PS4 and I hope for the best for both of them. I also adore my Wii U and my PC, and I just want to see great things on all of those platforms. There will always be a winner, but honestly who gives a shit? Let's just play fun video games man.

Funny how things work, Phil himself said "we want to be number one" or some such ish, but now that reality is setting in he suddenly realizes that he was wrong... please... you keep your fanboy war accusations out of this, he brought this upon himself. Makes him look like a hypocrite.
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