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OS X Apps |OT| Tame the cougar

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The Real Abed

Yikes, that's crowded.

Here's mine:

I want to get rid of the battery icon as well. I could do that with TextBar, but iStat Menus would surely be the better option, just in case I ever want to display other system stats.
I'd put iStats in the sidebar if they made it an option. Something tells me they can't without being on the App Store which sucks ass because there's so much that could be done there.

But it would have to be full featured. It's the same reason I don't use the iStats "combined" mode. Because it loses a lot of the details I love so much when it compresses it down.

They used to have a Dashboard Widget. Shame they can't have a Sidebar Widget. And shame the sidebar widgets can't have a bigger (Non scrolling) area to play in. By which I mean the entire screen. I like to have everything visible at once. I have only one LaunchPad page with all my icons and folders at the bottom for the rest. And my iPhone and iPad have one page of icons with folders for the rest too. I like having it all visible at once. Which is why I never check the actual Notifications section of the sidebar and the NC on my iOS devices. Because I don't like switching to second pages. So I keep the Widgets section showing at all times.


Does anyone have a suggestion for a piece of software that I can use to backup my physical audio library to disk? I have it all ripped into iTunes, which is fine for everyday use, but I'd like to be able to have a mountable copy stored on disk somewhere (that I can then backup with Backblaze) so that I can pack the discs themselves up in the loft.

I've seen both XLD (free) and Roxio Toast (£79) mentioned - does anyone have experience with either? I want it to be as simple as possible, but the ability to error check would be useful. I had used EAC on Windows, but even with that I think I had to rip them as lossless as opposed to as a single disc image.


Tweetbot 2.0 was released today. Looks great.

I've been thinking about switching to TB on iOS for a while, but I prefer Twitterrific. However, there's still no ETA for the long overdue update for the Mac app.
I'm gonna give TB for iOS another try. If I like it, I'm gonna switch to it and buy the Mac app, too.

edit: Wait, there's still no iOS 7 update for the iPad version of Tweetbot?


Tweetbot 2.0 was released today. Looks great.

I've been thinking about switching to TB on iOS for a while, but I prefer Twitterrific. However, there's still no ETA for the long overdue update for the Mac app.
I'm gonna give TB for iOS another try. If I like it, I'm gonna switch to it and buy the Mac app, too.

edit: Wait, there's still no iOS 7 update for the iPad version of Tweetbot?

OS X version looks good. Now that that's done, I'm hoping they move on to updating the iPad version.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a piece of software that I can use to backup my physical audio library to disk? I have it all ripped into iTunes, which is fine for everyday use, but I'd like to be able to have a mountable copy stored on disk somewhere (that I can then backup with Backblaze) so that I can pack the discs themselves up in the loft.

I've seen both XLD (free) and Roxio Toast (£79) mentioned - does anyone have experience with either? I want it to be as simple as possible, but the ability to error check would be useful. I had used EAC on Windows, but even with that I think I had to rip them as lossless as opposed to as a single disc image.

Looks like the built-in Disk Utility might be able to do the job.

I imagine that you can run through the same process with a CD.


Tweetbot 2.0 was released today. Looks great.

I've been thinking about switching to TB on iOS for a while, but I prefer Twitterrific. However, there's still no ETA for the long overdue update for the Mac app.
I'm gonna give TB for iOS another try. If I like it, I'm gonna switch to it and buy the Mac app, too.

edit: Wait, there's still no iOS 7 update for the iPad version of Tweetbot?

Nah, sticking with Twitterrific. TB's UI is just weird. And it's slow. And the lack of OAuth support for reading list services like Pocket is a joke. What year is it?

edit: Pocket is of course available in the share sheet, if the app is installed.


Tweetbot 2.0 was released today. Looks great.

I've been thinking about switching to TB on iOS for a while, but I prefer Twitterrific. However, there's still no ETA for the long overdue update for the Mac app.
I'm gonna give TB for iOS another try. If I like it, I'm gonna switch to it and buy the Mac app, too.

edit: Wait, there's still no iOS 7 update for the iPad version of Tweetbot?

Latest status:


Great. So until those morons at Twitter change their mind, Twitterrific will never receive an update.
In a different tweet from last month, the Twitterrific guys actually recommend to get Tweetbot for Mac instead.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a piece of software that I can use to backup my physical audio library to disk? I have it all ripped into iTunes, which is fine for everyday use, but I'd like to be able to have a mountable copy stored on disk somewhere (that I can then backup with Backblaze) so that I can pack the discs themselves up in the loft.

I've seen both XLD (free) and Roxio Toast (£79) mentioned - does anyone have experience with either? I want it to be as simple as possible, but the ability to error check would be useful. I had used EAC on Windows, but even with that I think I had to rip them as lossless as opposed to as a single disc image.

XLD works amazingly, use that


Just bought Tweetbot. It's cool, but I think there's something off with the New Tweets Bar. It's set to persistent, so I'd expect it to be visible all the time. But it disappears when I scroll down, just like in the iOS app. Why call it 'persistent' when it's not persistent?

edit: And occasionally, it doesn't show up at all.

edit 2: No support for the system share sheet. Come on now, that's a Mountain Lion feature.

edit 3: No support for multi-image viewing. It opens each image in a new window.


listen to the mad man
Weird question:
Anyone out there with a GoPro know how to make the stupid always-running menu bar icon disappear? It's super infuriating.
Latest status:


Great. So until those morons at Twitter change their mind, Twitterrific will never receive an update.
In a different tweet from last month, the Twitterrific guys actually recommend to get Tweetbot for Mac instead.

It's also frustrating because Twitter seemingly doesn't want you using their own Mac app, as it hasn't been updated since last year, and is missing huge features like muting.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Is there any viable alternative to Image Capture? That has to be one of the worst programs on the Mac.

It doesn't reset to a default low-res mode when doing a preview, so it scans things at the last resolution used, even if it's like 1200DPI. Then when I actually scan, I hear the scanner complete but Image Capture just slows to a crawl and crashes.

It just makes me use Windows to use its app. -____-

The Real Abed

Realmac released a beta for Deep Dreamer, an app for Google's Deep Dream.
$14/$25 seems way too overpriced for this. Is Deep Dream even worth that much? It seems like something that should be a free web service provided by Google themselves. I mean this isn't SETI@Home or anything. Or is it? Am I misunderstanding exactly what Deep Dream is for?


$14/$25 seems way too overpriced for this. Is Deep Dream even worth that much? It seems like something that should be a free web service provided by Google themselves. I mean this isn't SETI@Home or anything. Or is it? Am I misunderstanding exactly what Deep Dream is for?

Did a quick search - there are indeed several Deep Dream web services available (not from Google). Sorry, I didn't really follow news about Deep Dream; I just saw Realmac's blog entry about the app and thought I could share it.

The Real Abed

Did a quick search - there are indeed several Deep Dream web services available (not from Google). Sorry, I didn't really follow news about Deep Dream; I just saw Realmac's blog entry about the app and thought I could share it.
It looks really cool. But the price. I mean Deep Dream, isn't that free code offered by Google for people to play with? Shouldn't it be like $5 or $10 at most? Or is it doing something bigger like SETI and Folding do where all results are sent to Google's AI for analysis? In which case, even SETI and Folding were free. (I think) $25 just seems massive for something like this. As cool as it may be. Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe it is worth it. I dunno. I can't make hide nor tails of any explanations of what it is for.


Can anyone chime in with their thoughts on whether Mac's *need* or benefit from these cleaners programs like Onyx, CleanMyMac, etc?

I've been using CleanMyMac for each time I start that it finds anywhere from 500MB to 1GB to "clean" .. but I am suspecting that Macs self-clean and that a lot of this is cache files that automatically get removed after a certain amount of time. Am I wrong?

Are cleaner programs potentially dangerous?
Can anyone chime in with their thoughts on whether Mac's *need* or benefit from these cleaners programs like Onyx, CleanMyMac, etc?

I've been using CleanMyMac for each time I start that it finds anywhere from 500MB to 1GB to "clean" .. but I am suspecting that Macs self-clean and that a lot of this is cache files that automatically get removed after a certain amount of time. Am I wrong?

Are cleaner programs potentially dangerous?

I use AppCleaner and I occasionally experience problems with certain apps that I've reinstalled after uninstalling this way. It's really rare though so I still use it.

The Real Abed

You don't really "need" any of those. But I don't know if any are dangerous. They all do the same thing. Clean out caches. Which you can do manually via the Finder.

I used to use Onyx way back. Is it still around and up to date? Some shady companies will make fake cleaner apps just to get you to install adware on your machine. Like MacKeeper.

Really all I do these days is manually throw all the contents of ~/Library/Caches/ and /Library/Caches/ in the Trash and reboot and it's fine. (Empty the trash after rebooting. Not before.) But only when it gets big. It's not a big deal though. I don't even know if it really does anything anyway except free up space for a while. It's good if you have large caches for apps you don't use much or if one has ballooned faster than it should.

I'll also delete my hidden DropBox cache when I've removed some big files from it since DropBox stores them in a cache in case you put them back so it doesn't have to reupload and redownload them again.

And occasionally I delete contents of the well hidden /private/var/folders/ because I'm a rebel and live on the edge and because it's just more cache. But that one actually does cause some noticeable quirkiness for a while after doing it while it rebuilds the stuff it needs so I only do it when I'm having problems in the Finder. But not often.


Can anyone chime in with their thoughts on whether Mac's *need* or benefit from these cleaners programs like Onyx, CleanMyMac, etc?

I've been using CleanMyMac for each time I start that it finds anywhere from 500MB to 1GB to "clean" .. but I am suspecting that Macs self-clean and that a lot of this is cache files that automatically get removed after a certain amount of time. Am I wrong?

Are cleaner programs potentially dangerous?

i got a family license of CleanMyMac 2 with a humble bundle and i went on to purchase a dual-license of CleanMyMac 3 when it released.

beyond just deleting caches its best features include:

* iPhoto cleanup (removes all but the actual image file (like rotated photos, etc.) - no idea if "Photos" handles this any better, really. But i don't think they'll fuck around with that library, since it's being constantly synced across devices.)
* removal of language files other than english from applications
* removal of app leftovers (like plist files)
* removal of junk like iOS software updates, locally stored mail attachments etc.

in my experience it's perfectly safe and just the first 2 features tend to clean up a few gigs of space, even after a fresh OSX install.

just from the apps that got updated with the latest 10.10.4 update, i could clean up 1.3 gigs of language files.

The Real Abed

I use Monolingual for removing localizations and non-64-bit Intel binaries from apps. (Some apps still have old PPC code. Some still have 32-bit as well as 64-bit. I don't really need that so it can be safely removed.)

And I have Hazel for automation which also includes a feature to watch the Trash for app deletion and offers to remove its settings and other caches and files as well. And if you put the app back it will restore them if you want as long as the trash isn't emptied yet. It's well worth it for everything it does. Automation is nice. Have it watch a folder for a certain thing, then move that thing elsewhere. Or watch for a files Label to change to a certain color and do something else with it. I have it watch for certain files on the desktop, move them to a folder in my DropBox, then on my other machine it watches my DropBox for files in that folder and moves them elsewhere. It's really nice for moving files to my server. I have it watch my desktop for Screenshots and automatically file it into a folder specifically for screenshots.

And the iOS updates thing reminds me, my dads Mac seems to have a bunch saved up because I noticed them sitting in the backup his computer makes every day. I should do some maintenance on his machine. He still had a duplicate leftover iPhoto library (22GB) for weeks after upgrading to Photos.


Junior Member
I use Monolingual for removing localizations and non-64-bit Intel binaries from apps. (Some apps still have old PPC code. Some still have 32-bit as well as 64-bit. I don't really need that so it can be safely removed.)

And I have Hazel for automation which also includes a feature to watch the Trash for app deletion and offers to remove its settings and other caches and files as well. And if you put the app back it will restore them if you want as long as the trash isn't emptied yet. It's well worth it for everything it does. Automation is nice. Have it watch a folder for a certain thing, then move that thing elsewhere. Or watch for a files Label to change to a certain color and do something else with it. I have it watch for certain files on the desktop, move them to a folder in my DropBox, then on my other machine it watches my DropBox for files in that folder and moves them elsewhere. It's really nice for moving files to my server. I have it watch my desktop for Screenshots and automatically file it into a folder specifically for screenshots.

And the iOS updates thing reminds me, my dads Mac seems to have a bunch saved up because I noticed them sitting in the backup his computer makes every day. I should do some maintenance on his machine. He still had a duplicate leftover iPhoto library (22GB) for weeks after upgrading to Photos.

I don't think it's a duplicate.


The Real Abed

It was a duplicate. I did the same thing myself. I think it depends on how you initially set it up. That article doesn't make sense because it contradicts everything I know about what Photos did for me and my dad. It definitely made a duplicate of everything. I looked inside both and saw that it was the same stuff. All image files and not symlinks. There was 22GB in both the iPhoto Library and the Photos Library.

I think you can choose whether you want to keep iPhoto as an option or jump completely to Photos. If I recall it did ask me when I first launched it which one I wanted to do.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Can anyone chime in with their thoughts on whether Mac's *need* or benefit from these cleaners programs like Onyx, CleanMyMac, etc?

I don't do automatic cleanups, but sometimes it is interesting to inspect your storage with DaisyDisk.

I regularly clean Final Cut Pro's generated files. They eat up a lot of GBs, and I don't need them anymore for finished projects anyway.

The Real Abed

It uses hardlinks, not symlinks. The data isn't duplicated, but the Finder is not sophisticated enough to do reference counting so it thinks it is duplicated.
The point still stands that in my case and my dads case and the person above's case that the entire Library was duplicated and works fine with the iPhoto Library completely deleted.
The point still stands that in my case and my dads case and the person above's case that the entire Library was duplicated and works fine with the iPhoto Library completely deleted.

Yes, but it's not 'duplicated' in the sense that a 22GB library is now two 22GB libraries using a total of 44GB— it was using 22GB of disk space before and after you deleted the unneeded iPhoto library.

The Real Abed

Yes, but it's not 'duplicated' in the sense that a 22GB library is now two 22GB libraries using a total of 44GB— it was using 22GB of disk space before and after you deleted the unneeded iPhoto library.
According to the Finder, it was. 48GB of space was being used. I still have the 24GB iPhoto Library in a backup as well as the 24GB Photos Library that was created next to it. Both of which contain the exact same Masters photos and thumbnails.

Are we misunderstanding each other?


Reeder 3 Public Beta

Version 3.0b1

Reeder 3 requires at least Mac OS X 10.10
Reeder 3 will be a free update for Reeder 2 for Mac users
Sharing services still need some work

What's new
More themes
Updated UI
Unread and starred counts for smart folders
Hide smart folders in unread/starred view if there are no unread/starred items
Private browsing support (see Settings > Reading)
Display the URL in the status bar when hovering a link in the article viewer or browser
New article viewer display settings: separate font and uppercase options for the title
Fullscreen now also works when in minimized layout mode

Sync Services
New service: Instapaper
Feedbin: Support for Saved Searches
Readability: Tags
Readability: Delete articles
Minimal Reader: Tags
Inoreader: Tags
BazQux Reader: Tags
Feedly: Tags
Feedly: New setting to enable downloading of read items (disabled by default)
RSS (local): Tags

Disabled “Mark all as read” for read later services (Readability and Instapaper)

Inoreader authentication
Incorrect unread/starred counts
Reeder now uses San Francisco as UI font on El Capitan
Full screen split view on El Capitan
Various visual glitches on El Capitan

Not Fixed
Links not opening in the background (seems to be a Chrome issue)


Is there still no support for reading content from Pocket? That's the last thing that is keeping me tied to ReadKit. I would switch to Instapaper but it's a monthly fee to be able to import content to third party apps where it's free on Pocket.

Just curious but do you dislike ReadKit? I like having both a RSS feed and Pocket in the same app. Also, it has everything I need as far as usability and UI. If anything, I'd love it if they made an iOS app that included both.
Just curious but do you dislike ReadKit? I like having both a RSS feed and Pocket in the same app. Also, it has everything I need as far as usability and UI. If anything, I'd love it if they made an iOS app that included both.

ReadKit is pretty good. It works for what I like which is Pocket (or Instapaper if you prefer) in the same place as all my Feedly feeds. I'm not sure what the situation is with development is. I get a few small updates here and there, but not sure if they have anything big planned in the future. I'll admit I haven't used the new version of Reeder though so I can't really compare.


Is this useful to you, Abed?


FaviconBar for Safari

I try not to buy from there if I can help it. I'd rather give the extra 30% to the developers than to Apple.

I try to avoid it, too. Buying non-MAS versions means less restrictions (e.g. sandboxing) but more purchasing options (e.g. paid upgrades). I only buy from the MAS if I require the convenience of iCloud sync. However, I still bought the non-MAS version of 1Password, as I don't want to store my password database on any server. That's why I'm using WiFi sync instead.

The Real Abed

Is this useful to you, Abed?


FaviconBar for Safari
I've never really been able to get into having my favorites displayed on screen like that since the concept of a NTP was invented. Safari has all my favorites laid out for me so all I need to do is Command+T or Command+L if I wish. If I had all my faves up there I'd have to Command+Click all the time since I never like to replace the tab I'm in. I always either keep the tab or close it first in a fast Command+W > Command+T action.

I just want SafariStand to update already so I can have my tab icons back.

Also I like to keep my screen as empty as possible. So having just the toolbar and the tab bar is nice. Actually, if I could, I'd want the Tab Overview page to allow for dragging and dropping from within it and an option to hide the tab bar all together. Then it'd just be a toolbar and my tabs would be a pinch gesture away.


Does anyone happen to have any idea why OPML import might be disabled in Reeder?


I'm using it with a Feedbin account, if that matters. Feedbin supports importing OPMLs, of course. I just imported one.


The point still stands that in my case and my dads case and the person above's case that the entire Library was duplicated and works fine with the iPhoto Library completely deleted.
They're not duplicated on the storage device, it just appears to be the case to the user. It's the same way Time Machine is able to have so many snapshots without quickly filling up the hard drive.

The file system keeps track of how many times a file is referenced and only marks the space the file takes up as empty when all references to it are deleted. So you can delete either library and the other will be preserved.

According to the Finder, it was. 48GB of space was being used. I still have the 24GB iPhoto Library in a backup as well as the 24GB Photos Library that was created next to it. Both of which contain the exact same Masters photos and thumbnails.

Are we misunderstanding each other?
Yep. If you open a Tme Machine volume and go into any snapshot folder, it'll report the folder size to be the size of that complete backup. But how can you have 30 backups, each 100GB in size on a 2TB hard drive? Because any duplicates only appear as such to the user, it's not duplicated on the physical storage medium. A Photos library imported from an existing iPhoto or Aperture library works the same way?


In case you had any issues with apps from the Mac App Store yesterday, it's because Apple's root certificate expired and they didn't refresh it in time.


edit: When I launched Tweetbot, I had to enter my iCloud credentials. Worked fine. TrashMe still wouldn't launch, but it did after restarting my Mac. Reeder, on the other hand, didn't start at all. The dock icon jumped once, but nothing else happened. I had to re-download it from the MAS. Get your shit together, Apple.

The Real Abed

Yeah, I had one of the apps I have that loads at startup ask me for my password after it scanned it with FileVault (Which I don't use) to make sure it was valid.

Great jorb, Apple!
I'm sure this gets asked all the time, but what's the current preferred duplicate finder for Photos?

and why the hell after all these years can't Photos just do it
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