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It looks like The Witness was priced correctly: week 1 sales tracking > Braid year 1

The most popular torrent on KAT says 20.6 K in 5 days so it seems piracy is taking a good chunk of potential sales.



He should be upset. Piracy sucks asses.

Being upset about piracy is natural. That doesn't mean his game isn't selling well or that PC is void of people willing to buy his game.

The person I was replying to was acting like this was a huge "Take That" to people who passed on the game due to it's price but the only one I see who is upset is Blow.

I am not saying that one one is willing to buy his game, and I'm certainly not condoning piracy. The game is above the price I'm willing to pay for a digital download, that doesn't mean I want to see the guy lose his shirt, it means I'll wait for a physical release or buy it on a discount later.
He made a tweet or two about piracy but people took it more for what he meant IMO.
Hold on, are you saying people on gaf were being overdramatic? That never happens, ever ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I have some work at the moment, but I'll be buying this game in the first of days of February.


Why do people keeping saying Blow is upset? Did they actually read the tweets that started all these assumptions?


You can't really tell how many of those would have been sales one way or the other.

I think you are failing to detect sarcasm. 20.6k isn't a huge deal. I mean, if every single one of them was added to his sales, it's a chunk of cash, but it wouldn't mean the difference between success and failure. He has every right to be upset about it, mind you.


Awesome news! The Witness is a steal at $40 and truly one of the finest puzzle games I've played in years and years.

I'm actually only on GAF right now because I'm giving my brain a break from a particularly brutal puzzle. But I will crack it, just like I cracked the last one.

The Real Abed

I'm fascinated with the fact that he could tell that a streamer was playing a pirated version of the game just from looking at it. I wonder what he did. Does the game display elements differently when it's pirated? And how does a game know it's pirated? This stuff fascinates me.
didnt he just say piracy was ruining his sales


no he didn't

Like Blow's? That guy seems really upset about the piracy despite this.

prove it.

I thought he basically just said piracy was going to affect his life and his ability to make more games

I assume that means he wasn't sure if they'd be able to move the office to a private island or not

more like a simple human appeal to pirates to consider the impact of their actions a little, made by a man who's poured his heart and soul and life into his work

i honestly can't fathom where he was coming from, mostly because i'm a jaded person who doesn't like to publicly display a lot of empathy or read into context too hard, so i'll just repeat the kinds of tired platitudes i picked up off of oink.cd during my formative years


So to ask the obvious question, how well did Braid sell? I seem to remember it doing pretty well, which would make the Witness numbers crazy high.

Can't fault it, either. Game is really great.


I'm fascinated with the fact that he could tell that a streamer was playing a pirated version of the game just from looking at it. I wonder what he did. Does the game display elements differently when it's pirated? And how does a game know it's pirated? This stuff fascinates me.

This would be really interesting to learn more about, I loved learning about all the previous instances where devs did certain things that only effect pirated copies.


True but even if 10% of the people that pirated it actually bought the game that's still a couple thousand sales missed

Which would be great and all, but that wouldn't really tip the scale between sales success or failure. It wouldn't even tip that scale if every one of those pirates bought the game.


Good price point. Was warey going in because "puzzles!" But hell naw. More than worth it.

Fuck. After playing the game and in the process of finishing (this part is done rarely) I can't help but feel I got one hell of a deal (yea Dr sues up in this bitch. Wish I was as good as puzzles...) and a great experience.

Fuck the haters. More than I could say about any game I've ever played.

Edit: please, PLEASE release dlc. And make it friggin awesome.



I'm fascinated with the fact that he could tell that a streamer was playing a pirated version of the game just from looking at it. I wonder what he did. Does the game display elements differently when it's pirated? And how does a game know it's pirated? This stuff fascinates me.
Oh, he did? Interesting. Wonder what kind of hooks they inserted.

The Real Abed

This would be really interesting to learn more about, I loved learning about all the previous instances where devs did certain things that only effect pirated copies.
Like Serious Sam which would spawn an unkillable monster that chases you around if you are running a stolen version. Like how does it know it's pirated? As for Witness, I haven't seen the game in motion much aside from all the previews. I'm trying to remain in the dark as long as possible. But I assume it doesn't have any on-screen UI elements that he could make appear in different places. Maybe certain things show up different colored if it's pirated? I'd love to see the stream he was watching and compare it to one that is legit and see what ingenious method he used. He should just make it so the pirated version only plays in black and white because it would suck to remove the beautiful colors out of this game.


I think you are failing to detect sarcasm. 20.6k isn't a huge deal. I mean, if every single one of them was added to his sales, it's a chunk of cash, but it wouldn't mean the difference between success and failure. He has every right to be upset about it, mind you.

If it was sarcasm I missed it. People's arguments about piracy generally seem to be black and white "Every download is a missed sale" or "Literally no one who pirated would have bought it anyway" with very few people seeming to take a grey area argument somewhere in the middle.

I'm fascinated with the fact that he could tell that a streamer was playing a pirated version of the game just from looking at it. I wonder what he did. Does the game display elements differently when it's pirated? And how does a game know it's pirated? This stuff fascinates me.

If you're interested in this type of stuff the cutting room floor has a lot of info about anti piracy methods and sometimes gives an explanation of how they work.


Some of them are very interesting. Earthbound's anti-piracy measures are particularly sadistic and it's a must read if you're not familiar with them.
Lol. Now lets think of all the posts claiming PC release shouldnt have happened or later.
Game is currently sitting at 40k on Steamspy, twice more than when the outrage started.

Piracy still sucks though.


This game is legit amazing. There are only so many games that I can call "genius", and this game is one of them. Without spoilers it's one of the most rewarding games I've ever played.

Absolutely worth $40. The guy spent $6M making his dream game.

EDIT: Can we stop with the piracy sales mediators? It's had an impact on sales but none of us know how much. Either way it's shitty to steal someone's game, regardless of whether or not it's a sale.


I wonder how often this happens. Like genuinely curious

i can only speak from personal experience. when i was a teen, i couldn't afford not nearly as much as i can now, thought that dcc'ing was the bees knees and whatnot, so i pirated lots of games. many of those games, i went on to buy; some of them, i bought multiple times (physical, digital and then digital again when i lost my 1st steam account). while i'm sure that there's a few lost sales in piracy, i'll guarantee that it makes the industry more money than it costs them thru exposure, people enjoying the product and paying for it and from kids growing up into adults that support a hobby that they first got introduced thru piracy. it's certainly not as cut and dry as 1 pirated copy == 1 lost sale.

in any case, blow did seem to be a little put-off by the piracy, as he should be considering he worked hard and for a long time on something people are just taking for free but i'm sure the sales numbers will make him feel better.


Lol. Now lets think of all the posts claiming PC release shouldnt have happened or later.
Game is currently sitting at 40k on Steamspy, twice more than when the outrage started.

Piracy still sucks though.

steamspy numbers are far from accurate yet.
They probably weren't going to buy the game anyway tbh.
a long time ago, i pirated crysis.

i would have bought the game at full price if that option wasn't available.

and during my teen years the games i bought were the unpiratable ones

whether they were multiplayer, or difficult to crack. if i wanted to play it, and i couldn't download it, i'd buy it. sometimes at full price. sometimes during sales.

but i'd still buy it. that's a thing that happens. i don't know why it's apparently reasonable to insinuate that people who take the cheapass option out wouldn't ever, under any circumstances, pony up the cash for an experience they already know they want. even if only the equivalent of 4000 full priced copies went unsold due to the free alternative, that's still a fair sum of money that the people behind this game deserve no questions asked.


38000 +- 4000 copies were sold on steam so far. Either Braid sold poorly in its first year, or the witness sold much better on PS4
This would be really interesting to learn more about, I loved learning about all the previous instances where devs did certain things that only effect pirated copies.
my favorite is still the subtlety and effectiveness of your inability to glide whatsoever in a pirated copy of arkham asylum. people going to their forums like "wtf rocksteady why is your game broken" "because you're a piece of shit, banned"
For those curious braid sold around 450k copies by 2012 according to wiki/quick Google search.

Don't know how it sold in its first year alone, probably not disclosed by Blow. Now the issue comes on whether he is able to make a profit considering the amount of time he took working on this game.


prove it.

The fact he's made multiple tweets about it is enough to show that it seems like he's upset about it.

True but even if 10% of the people that pirated it actually bought the game that's still a couple thousand sales missed

Absolutely. I'm not defending the piracy, I'm just saying not every download is a lost sale. It's pretty unlikely that none of them are lost sales though, which is unfortunate.


38000 +- 4000 copies were sold on steam so far. Either Braid sold poorly in its first year, or the witness sold much better on PS4

Steamspy is inaccurate early on (he even says so in his tweets, actual amount is much higher).

He also said PS4 was comparable, but not higher than PC.
Well, in 6 years braid is at 747k sold according to steamspy(not accounting for other platforms, either), not sure how its legs have been but I don't think it'd be too huge a stretch to say it was about 200k in the first year? If that's the case, then 200k up front for The Witness would mean about $5.47 mill after PSN/steam's 30% cut into the studio's profits. IRRC the game's budget is about 8 mill? So even if it's half that, that's not a bad opening, especially considering the game will probably have legs longer than Braid(especially with its $40 launch point).

Don't forget development time. It is all about the profit you make divided by the effort it took to make it. For example I'd rather make $100k for one years worth of work rather than $100k for two years worth of work. I don't have any stats but I've heard that The Witness took considerably more time to make.

As for the legs, let's wait and see. As I've pointed out The Witness has had a much higher visibility which would front load sales. If the game has to quickly drop its price to keep its numbers up then that's not helping it.

The Real Abed

If he had a way to detect when the game is pirated, he should have done some more creative fuckery. Like someone in the Twitter chat said, move puzzles around and make it harder to solve. Maybe he actually does. It's something most people wouldn't expect. Maybe he made it so on pirated copies, the puzzles look different. Not too different, but just different enough for Blow and company to know when they see it, but other people wouldn't really notice because to them it would just be a puzzle. That would be amazing and I bet that's what he did.
Good to see his risk paid off. Given the amount of work him and his studio put in, and the quality of the final game, it was absolutely worth the price.
The fact he's made multiple tweets about it is enough to show that it seems like he's upset about it.

have you... read the tweets?

if so...

i'd really like you to point to the part where he's 'really upset' like you characterize him as being. like, go ahead and repost the tweets here in a quote for everyone to see. if you're as sure as you seem then the tweets in context should only corroborate your point. right?
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