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Games do really need a Pause mode.


I'm fine with no pausing in Souls games when you're online, but when you play offline you should absolutely be able to pause the game. There's no reason not to at that point.

As for any other "always on" game, it's just the nature of the beast. There's no reasonable way to implement pausing for multiplayer (seriously, try pausing in Dota 2 and see how people react in a match. Spoilers: not well.).


Gold Member
Can BB or DS be "suspended"?

Nah, suspending means disconnecting which takes you to the menu. Basically, saving and quitting would be better and probably just as fast. Souls is also very generous with the auto saving anyway, so you could probably just turn off your system and lose maybe 30 seconds of gameplay at the most.
I just want to be able to pause cut scenes. My biggest gripe is I have to get up or even hit the ps button to "tab" out of the game real quick and I come back and the cutscene was continuing to play in the background OR because I hit options, instead of pausing or confirming to skip, it just ends the cutscene.
I hate that shit
Hitting the home button substitutes pause pretty well for most games. Rest mode is very nice for similar purposes.

To the OP's credit there are more than a handful of games that don't allow pausing aside from DS/BB. Many of them have online integration, sure, but even in single player the option isn't there-- Alienation being the most recent example for myself.


OP said "every game it seems nowadays doesn't have a pause." Then OP just posted example of games that are exactly the same genre. So really the complaint should be SoulsborneNioh games need a Pause mode.

The latest two Need for Speed games (Rivals and NFS 2015) have had no pause and it is one of the few reasons I didn't end up buying NFS 2015.

I always play in offline mode, why is it not possible to pause?
Man, while the "can't shut online off" angle technically applies to those two as well... they're fucking racing games, and in the case of Rivals random cops can see you can lose their shit. In games all about constant momentum you kind of need a pause button unless explicitely playing with other people, and part of why it's sort of OK in the Souls games is that once you're safe in an area you generally STAY safe barring invasions, pulling over to the side of the road, as is logical in reality, could have a cop see you and flip his shit instead.
Aren't those like the only games to not have pause modes?

I can't think of 1 other game that doesn't.
Beyond that "always online with other people interacting" case, there was Salt & Sanctuary doing that, and that's basically a 2D Soulslike. It has that "you're generally safe if the area's cleared out anyway" angle but it's still kind of an annoying thing to copy when Demon's Souls/Dark Souls was really more like PSO not allowing pausing.
Adding a pause function to these games even while playing offline is a bad idea: Pausing just before you're about to die is all you need for not dying; you can use (and abuse) the pause function in games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Otogi, Bayonetta and many others. That's one of the reasons you can't pause Dark Souls even while playing offline.


Everyone keeps saying "but what about invaders" but they could just have a pause mode normally but not when someone invades you....it really wouldn't be that complicated. I love those games but would much prefer a traditional pause mode than what we have now.
Dark Souls/Bloodborne
I know these games are multiplayer/online for lots of people, but developers should make an offline mode with pause. as a person who finished DS1,2 and Bloodborne all offline, not having pause is my biggest problem with these games.


Doesn't pressing the PS button auto pause a game regardless of whether the game has a pause or not? I think I have used this in some cut scenes where a game didn't have a pause feature and it worked ok.
I've seen this complaint, but in practice it has never been an issue for me. If something comes up so important that I have to stop playing immediately.. then I just stop playing immediately and accept whatever mess is left when I get back. Which is almost always extremely minor like being back at the bonfire. I accept this trade off for a game that feels constantly alive and a threat.


I should had said in original post that i was talking about offline games, i totally understand why theres no pause at online games.

And its not about bloodborne or dark souls, maybe im just unlucky cause the last 5 games i played no one had pause button:

Metal gear solid: phantom pain
The division
Dark souls
Ni oh

They have online features but it should have a pause button, those who were paused couldnt get invaded during that time and once you were invated you couldnt pause, seems simple to me.


It's hard to pause Dark Souls ... it's an online game :/

Add Pause mode to Offline mode? Sure, fine by me.

EDIT: MGSV has pause. Just go to the menu and not the iDroid
"Exit to Menu" on BloodBorne/Souls.

These are online games and by their very nature cannot have a pause function. Exit to Menu works perfectly and doesn't really take very long to load back in.


I remember being upset Mike Tyson's Punch Out didn't have pause cause the start button was used for uppercuts. Now almost every game does.


I like the lack of pause in Souls games, though I can't explain why. All I can say is that, if you could pause mid-combat, I feel like the games would lose something. I would like the experience less.

I can't recall a time when I died in a Souls game due to lack of pause, so maybe it just works for the environment in which I play games.

I've seen this complaint, but in practice it has never been an issue for me. If something comes up so important that I have to stop playing immediately.. then I just stop playing immediately and accept whatever mess is left when I get back. Which is almost always extremely minor like being back at the bonfire. I accept this trade off for a game that feels constantly alive and a threat.

I like this post; sums up how I feel well.


Adding a pause function to these games even while playing offline is a bad idea: Pausing just before you're about to die is all you need for not dying; you can use (and abuse) the pause function in games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Otogi, Bayonetta and many others. That's one of the reasons you can't pause Dark Souls even while playing offline.

If you're referring to using potions/hp recovery items, not necessarily. Skyward Sword lets you pause but selecting and using items is done in real time; the game doesn't stop for you to heal.
Hardly any game lets you pause during a cutscene. Which is fucking inexcusable.

You should also have the ability to pause during a load screen (which would immediately pause the game as soon as the loading had finished).

If I'm playing an offline game, there is no reason whatsoever I shouldn't be able to pause at ANY time.
Everyone who says that the game can't pause due to the nature of the online play / invasions; I'd like to point you to Watchdogs. Being invaded is pretty much the same in that game as it is in Dark Souls. You can normally pause WD but when you are invaded, everything will continue even if you have the pause screen up.

You could make an argument with how player ghosts work and maybe the messages to a lighter extent. Personally, I like the pressure that comes with not being able to pause.
I dont know where this "always on game" thing came up, it seems every game its like that nowadays, i get the idea is to make the game harder and dont let your focus down
That's not why most of these games don't have a pause option. It's usually because of some persistent online stuff.


Part of the tension in those games comes from no pause mode. And how would it work with matchmaking? You could just smash the pause button every so often to interrupt invaders, like a big jessie.

Those games don't need pause buttons. Deal with it.

Some people don't play online. Deal with it.

Man, some people around here these days.

On topic, didn't Salt and Sanctuary also have this issue?


Souls games always save your progress. Just quit to the main menu. When you restart your character will be just where you left him.

Not sure if this works during boss battles though (never tried it)


Being able to pause online would be like that Zangief in Saltybet who can just pause the game at random. No progress!


Second-rate Anihawk
Part of the tension in those games comes from no pause mode. And how would it work with matchmaking? You could just smash the pause button every so often to interrupt invaders, like a big jessie.

Those games don't need pause buttons. Deal with it.

You can go AFK in Firelink Shrine and don't deal with any of that. So tense.
If you're referring to using potions/hp recovery items, not necessarily. Skyward Sword lets you pause but selecting and using items is done in real time; the game doesn't stop for you to heal.

Some games allow you to heal from the menu that's true. What I mean, though is that pausing during a fight may give you the clarity you need to overcome a challenge: Like having a panic attack because you got surprised by an enemy or a bunch of enemies, or perhaps you were not prepared to fight a boss, you pause the game for a few seconds that will help you to regain your composure and then you go back to the game. That's the reason why you don't have pause functions even while playing offline.


It's the worst thing about the Souls games. The games in general are fantastic but I despise the lack of pause.
It's so easily circumvented in the Souls games that I've always been surprised it's such a big deal to some people. I could see disliking it but for it to be a deal-breaker if you like the actual game is surprising.


If you're on a PS4, doesn't hitting the PS button and going to the home menu suspend your game anyway? That's how I've been pausing tbh.


I'm fine with no pausing in Souls games when you're online, but when you play offline you should absolutely be able to pause the game. There's no reason not to at that point.

As for any other "always on" game, it's just the nature of the beast. There's no reasonable way to implement pausing for multiplayer (seriously, try pausing in Dota 2 and see how people react in a match. Spoilers: not well.).

Agreed, when playing on-line it makes sense why you can't pause the game but when you're playing single player off-line then you should be able to pause the game.

It's the only reason why I haven't brought any of the soul series because the game simply does not respect the players time.

Adding a pause function to these games even while playing offline is a bad idea: Pausing just before you're about to die is all you need for not dying; you can use (and abuse) the pause function in games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Otogi, Bayonetta and many others. That's one of the reasons you can't pause Dark Souls even while playing offline.

I have played many action game and I have have never used the pause button to "cheat" at the game and if the person is playing single player off-line who fucking cares if they are abusing the pause button to cheat as they will get wrecked if they try that tactic on-line.

I am sorry but it's just poor game design if the game doesn't allow the player to pause the game in single player off-line and not a game feature nor a case of how you soul fan say "git gud"

In Wii and Wii U, I use the Home button as Pause. It works fine by me.

Same in my N3DS XL.

Doesn't work if your playing on-line and in the case of Soulborne it doesn't work either as my little brother tried.
i'm confused, does the other side of this argument even exist? what advantages does not having a pause button bring?

some of you seem to be defending the Souls games as if we're saying the whole game is shit because no pause. this topic isn't even directly aimed at Souls.

Adding a pause function to these games even while playing offline is a bad idea: Pausing just before you're about to die is all you need for not dying; you can use (and abuse) the pause function in games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Otogi, Bayonetta and many others. That's one of the reasons you can't pause Dark Souls even while playing offline.

is this even a real concern for the devs? i dont remember this issue being rampant. also, those are all single player games, there are far easier and more effective ways to cheat if thats the user's intention.


It's so easily circumvented in the Souls games that I've always been surprised it's such a big deal to some people. I could see disliking it but for it to be a deal-breaker if you like the actual game is surprising.

This. Souls games are always-online by default and design, so they don't have a pause function. You can play offline, but the game isn't designed around that. Worst case you can just save and quit, and the game will hold your position. You can save anywhere, anytime.

i'm confused, does the other side of this argument even exist? what advantages does not having a pause button bring?

some of you seem to be defending the Souls games as if we're saying the whole game is shit because no pause. this topic isn't even directly aimed at Souls.

OP directly mentions souls games, so yeah it is. The argument is that the games are always online, and also that it creates tension, the feeling that you're never safe.


Some games allow you to heal from the menu that's true. What I mean, though is that pausing during a fight may give you the clarity you need to overcome a challenge: Like having a panic attack because you got surprised by an enemy or a bunch of enemies, or perhaps you were not prepared to fight a boss, you pause the game for a few seconds that will help you to regain your composure and then you go back to the game. That's the reason why you don't have pause functions even while playing offline.
I don't know if that's intentional so much as a happy side effect for the hard core and exasperating for anyone who wants to never be offline. Though I think the fact the game is always active in that you can still run around, use the inventory, etc is probably a key factor for why it's not there in that it might require more of a careful reworking to ensure as few issues as possible, and when the AIM is to make it a persistently online game it's not worth it to them, fairly or not to us.
What about the lack of being able to quit the game when somebody has been summoned (either an invasion or a helper). That's frustrating when I have to quit the game go to work then the game moans that I didn't quit the game and autosave like I'm supposed to. Well, they're not really letting me, so how can I?
Dark Souls/Bloodborne
I know these games are multiplayer/online for lots of people, but developers should make an offline mode with pause. as a person who finished DS1,2 and Bloodborne all offline, not having pause is my biggest problem with these games.

This is the main reason I haven't ever really tried to get into the Souls series. Not being able to pause if something comes up is a big deal for me, whether it is in-game or in a cutscene.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I have played many action game and I have have never used the pause button to "cheat" at the game and if the person is playing single player off-line who fucking cares if they are abusing the pause button to cheat as they will get wrecked if they try that tactic on-line.

I am sorry but it's just poor game design if the game doesn't allow the player to pause the game in single player off-line and not a game feature nor a case of how you soul fan say "git gud"

If it weren't fairly easy to "pause" the game in an unofficial way I might agree with you but seeing as its as easy as just logging in and out. Obviously its more work than just hitting a pause button but I consider it such a simple thing to do otherwise that I don't really mind. Of course different strokes for different folks as I don't really care if a death in game was caused because I couldn't pause. In the scheme of things for me that's annoying at worst.
OP directly mentions souls games, so yeah it is. The argument is that the games are always online, and also that it creates tension, the feeling that you're never safe.

i meant to say singling out Souls, but yeah i get that Souls are the most notorious for this.

i understand there can be tension when managing inventory and such but i just dont get how having an option to pause everything (offline only) and give you a black screen or something somehow breaks the game/tension.

i think this argument boils down to how people play their games. i have a few things/people around my house i need to tend to at a moments notice so i feel like the game isn't considering realistic situations. i guess i just despise games that don't respect the player's time.
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