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N-Gage Console Retrospective

So I though I'd do a few console Retrospectives of some consoles most people haven't played or at the very leave have played but forgotten about.

Console Retrospective list:

Now to get started with this, I want to talk about the N-Gage.


The N-gage released in 2002, and it despite what some say while looking back it was a beat for its time. A beast. The closest thing near an N-gage were the Windows Mobile phones at the time.

But the N-gage is special, I remember half the stores that had displays and demos, would have them taken down 304 weeks later. The N-gage threw outsome good games and managed to sell a few million. But by that time it was an uphill battle, and although the redesigned N-gage-second image above) was interesting, it still had similar problems.

N-gage would later become a digital platform for Nokia.

The N-gage had a few issues, it's screen made playing games kind of weird, but the buttons also helped with that. They seemed to have made the insides of console for games first, but the outside for a phone first, and the OS they used was very odd and would take a bit to navigate as the OS was disorganized.

The original N-gage also had you hold the phone up to your ear sideways. While also having to remove the back and battery to change games.

But for this retrospective let's go over some of the games I had found in my ye old closet, and see how well this gaming device holds up today. For those interested I would go for the QD model for a more spacious screen and controls that are better laid out.

One thing I'll give the N-gage over the GBA or others right off the bat is the cool box designs. Also online features in some games? Was pretty impressive fr the time

First up, Crash Nitro Kart:



Crash Nitro Kart is basically the in between version of the PS2 and GBA versions. It's the GBA version with improve graphics, some polygons, and 3D sprite effects. The GBA version of Nitro Kart is already amazing, and the fact this plays really well on the N-gage will give you a good time.

The controls are responsive, the Vertical screen doesn't cause any issues for viewing, and the framerate is solid. I remember playing a demo of this game at demo set-ups, and is one of the games I played that got me to pick one up.

Next up RAYMAN 3:


Rayman 3 for the N-gage is more like a 2D sequel to Rayman 1/2 and plays much differently than the console version. Unlike later 2D Rayman games, ths keeps the magical feel of the first Rayman game while allowing more flexibility and options for traversal. It's a really solid game on the N-gage and much better than other releases of this 2D version of Rayman 3.

One small issue is that on rare occasions, some enemies without knowing they are there, will pop up on screen. But most of the time the level design keeps the Vertical screen in mind. The game runs good, the colors are vivi, and the controls are tight for the most part wth a few small exceptions.

Splinter Cell TSA


Splinter Cell TSA is a very well made, and well animated Stealth 2D game. Everything is responsive, you get your usual Sam Fisher stealth kills and stealth moves. Parallax, enemy A.I. recognizing sound, and pretty good level design.

One small issue I have is some enemies on patrol patterns or camera can pop out of nowhere on the screen because well, the screen is Vertical. Now, this isn't too much of an issue, and you can negate most of this issue if you are stealthy, and after the first couple times you'll have it down, but it is a problem that can cause some annoyances.

Otherwise everything is slick, from moving, to shooting, to traversing.

Bomberman N-Gage


Bomberman N0gage is basically the same Bomberman you've likely played multiple times. The 2D graphics are nice, but basic. IN fact, this may have been a rush job since MP can only have two characters over connection or Bluetooth. I remember getting a bit annoyed with that with some friends of mine.

Anyway the game is fine, runs fine, it's just not really anything new. But a good time waster for your N-gage.

King Of Fighters Extreme


KOFE is the N-gages answer for fighting game fans, and was pushed hard in japan. While the Mortal Kombat for the wet was cancelled. Which is odd because they basically got DA running. Oh well.

ANYWAY KofE is actually a pretty solid fighter. The buttons for the game are definitely there, and input had no lag. Sometimes during certain attacks the frame rate jumps but otherwise, t's not much of an issue.

Tons of characters as well, so this will be a real trat for fightng game fans who have been looking at getting an N-gage.

Splinter Cell Choas Theory



Just look at the video above, I know going down this list some were thinking 3D wasn't a thing for the N-gage, but remember it had plenty of 3D games, including an elder scrolls game I can't find right now, but may add later.

Chaos Theory is the first 3D Stealth game on handhelds, and that line is correct. It's also an amazing game, and this was the game that got me to get the QD consoles to go along with my original.

Movement, Linning up shots, stealth, it's all surprisingly fluid and well done. In fact, I remember my jaw dropping at the time because this game is damn well made, and I had no clue a game of this calibur could run on the N-gage.

One of the reasons may be that despite the name, it's not a port or an alteration tot he original code, it's built for the ground up. Camera control in a portable game console that came out in 2002?

One thing though the game does have areas with branching paths and areas, however don't expect any open open levels in this game. It's not a strict line, which is good, but don't expect a town of RDR here.

There's multiplayer as well! It's a must have for the N-gage.



Sonic N is a altered port of Sonic Advance.. With 4 playable characters. Some graphical changes, and arguably faster gameplay.

Now there is s small minor problem I have with this game and it's the fact going fast horizontally with a vertical screen may have you run into issues. They do a good job with giving you some seeing space but it will trip you up.

Otherwise, like the original Sonic Advance, plus more characters, it's a pretty decent game. Nothing special, and just like the GBA version not sure what ST was doing with the stage design. But you'll get some enjoyment here. Especially since you have added replay incentives.

Red Faction


This game blew minds back when it was shown. It came out in 2003, and there was no alternative in anyform.

You have here a polygonal full 3D FPS running at an excellent framerate, and no input lag. Sure it's missing a few advanced features and slicker graphics from the console versions, but we still have a pretty good game here. It feels like Quake with some Red Faction elements.

Add in wireless Multiplayer, and well, I mean this was a must pick up. It was the second game that got me to buy the first N-gage. I did borrow a friends for a bit, and played the demos, but this along with the game I mentioned near the top of this page were the games that told me, time to get a damn N-gage.

Aiming is a bit fiddly, but other than that, you have one great game. Red Faction regardless of version, isn't immediate pick up and play, it expects you to learn as you go and this version is no different, ut it's not annoyingly frustrating and takes a very short time. You'll be blasting baddies in no time.

Well that's it for the N-gage retrospective for now. My suggestion would be to buy one now as they are still at reasonable prices, that includes "some" of the games as well.


People slammed it but I thought it was cool. Look at the dumb games people play on their phones today, meanwhile I was playing a decent version of Tony Hawk on my phone in the XB/PS2/GC era


The original was my main phone for like 3 years. It wasn't actually that bad, but I rarely ever played games on it once a portable 3D THPS wore off. I tried everything else slowly and found them to be garbage while my GBA and eventually DS were just so much better.
I still haven't found any videos of Xanadu Next for N-Gage and it's driving me batty. Otherwise I don't really care about the machine, but you'd think someone has that game.


I still have my N-GAGE here with a bunch of games. Sims Bustin' Out, Red Faction, Pandemonium and some others - somewhere. I just no longer have a Nokia charger to get it working again. I really enjoyed by Nokia N-GAGE, regardless of it's status as a gaming device even now. :)
Wow, Red Faction looks really good. I think the only thing that comes close to it from the technical and historical standpoint was Pocket PC port of Ultima Underworld.


I still have 2 original N-Gages, one with gray and other with green case.
My favourite game was Elder Scrolls Travels, only Elder Scrolls that has co-op to date?


I detested those Exxxtreme! ads, basically another way to play off that 'Nintendo is kiddie' image:



How powerful it was compared to the GBA?

Seems like 2D games on GBA looked better for some reason (that Rayman, ugh) but the N-gage had more grunt for 3D?


Gold Member
I had the second version of the N-Gage phone. It was pretty awesome except the rubber around the phone started to come out. I had to crazy glue it back.

I had so much fun playing Tony Hawk 2.


What, no side-talking taco pics?



Nokia's head of entertainment and media said:
GameBoy is for 10-year-olds, If you're 20 or 25 years old, it's probably not a good idea to draw a GameBoy out of your pocket on a Friday night in a public place.


How powerful it was compared to the GBA?

Seems like 2D games on GBA looked better for some reason (that Rayman, ugh) but the N-gage had more grunt for 3D?
More powerful.
Problem is that a bunch of games released at the beginning were castrated GBA ports (due to the screen bizarre ratio).
Of course other games were released that used better the system capabilities although I think N-Gage game library is quite weak.
That's the reason I never got one as a collector.


Played Tony Hawk's Pro Skater on this thing once at a GameStop a long time ago. I'll say that the concept is ahead of its time, but man did it have flaws out the gate.

Makes me wonder why no one has cracked the code on a gaming focused phone yet.


When looking for a cheap clearanced unit at a Gamestop, the manager just gave me their demo unit + fifa. It was pretty nifty for the time. I picked up a few more games off of ebay and it became my phone for the year. Pocket Kingdom was my jam.
I had the Taco and 2nd Gen versions. They were good phones and good gaming platforms. I eventually gifted them to a couple of GAFers.

Funky Papa

You forgot two of its most impressive games:

Pathway to Glory (which remains one of the finest phone games ever)


and One, which had some INSANE visuals for the era


I still haven't found any videos of Xanadu Next for N-Gage and it's driving me batty. Otherwise I don't really care about the machine, but you'd think someone has that game.

I have a press copy of Xanadu Next. I don't really know how Nokia persuaded the devs to port it, but there it is. Rifts was also another surprisingly meaty title.


I had the Taco and 2nd Gen versions. They were good phones and good gaming platforms. I eventually gifted them to a couple of GAFers.

I think I may have been the one that got your Taco version.

I have been trying to get a copy of Rifts for what seems like forever. Last time I saw one on Ebay that wasn't sealed and $100, I was broke.

Ninja Dom

The original was my main phone for like 3 years. It wasn't actually that bad, but I rarely ever played games on it once a portable 3D THPS wore off. I tried everything else slowly and found them to be garbage while my GBA and eventually DS were just so much better.

OG? You were side-talking for 3 years?


Splinter Cell TSA was a great game. I played it on my Nokia N95 years after it launched and it was one of the first mobile games that truly hooked me.

Funky Papa

Holy shit, that "One" game looks like a good looking DS game.

One was absolutely wild stuff. People couldn't believe an N-Gage (let alone a mobile phone) could put out those visuals. It was some real black magic.

It's too bad it came out when the platform was basically dead, although some people got to experience through the N-Gage download service for Symbian devices.


The QD model was the best! i had 2 ngage qds back at the time , the first one broke but i was so amazed about the smartphone capabilities , the games and all.
The graphics where some of the best you can find in a portable back then.
I love this as a console . As a phone worked perfectly but it wasnt very comfortable or portable .
i remember to use emulators and all in the console .
Some of the games were actually really good like that sega rpg thingy , sonic adventure, those 2 strategic war games. glimmerati the exclusive racing game , asphalt games and of course one of the best wipeout lookalike games "system rush"


That Snake game was good too:

Had one. Loved it.

My mind was blown when I was doing Tomb Raider time trials over the Internet against other people's best scores/ghosts in 2003.

Also where's the Ashen love?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I still can't get over the fact that the one and only Rifts game ever made was exclusive to this piece of shit.

Like that is the coolest license you could ever score and it's wasted on a fucking nGage game.


Funky Papa

I still can't get over the fact that the only and only Rifts game ever made was exclusive to this piece of shit.

Like that is the coolest license you could ever score and it's wasted on a fucking nGage game.


It was a cool one, too!

*caresses review copy*


I played mostly GBA ports on this, and loved them. Rayman 3, Sonic N and The Sims Bustin' Out as well. The Sims was basically a mini-GTA, you could drive a scooter, bond with other people and do some quests. Best Sims game ever.



I played mostly GBA ports on this, and loved them. Rayman 3, Sonic N and The Sims Bustin' Out as well. The Sims was basically a mini-GTA, you could drive a scooter, bond with other people and do some quests. Best Sims game ever.

Oh God, I played a lot this game. I forgot about its existence but now, I remember I had a good time with it.

I do like the n-gage. There were some legit good games (do not forget that this machine got an Elder Scrolls) but I did not like it that much as a mobile phone.
You forgot two of its most impressive games:

Pathway to Glory (which remains one of the finest phone games ever)


and One, which had some INSANE visuals for the era


I have a press copy of Xanadu Next. I don't really know how Nokia persuaded the devs to port it, but there it is. Rifts was also another surprisingly meaty title.

I forgot it because I only posted the games I own (and could find I have more somewhere.) :)


Unconfirmed Member
Oh God, I played a lot this game. I forgot about its existence but now, I remember I had a good time with it.

I do like the n-gage. There were some legit good games (do not forget that this machine got an Elder Scrolls) but I did not like it that much as a mobile phone.
Totally forgot about the elder scrolls game and now I wonder what they never ported it to the DS/3DS or vita

I have a press copy of Xanadu Next. I don't really know how Nokia persuaded the devs to port it, but there it is. Rifts was also another surprisingly meaty title.
A company called ScriptArts got the rights to port it from Falcom, though.

I just want to see how it looks in motion, not sure if you've got any device for video capture from an N-Gage or if your copy still works. Online screenshots aren't high-quality either, a shame as I want to see how much was gutted in this version.


I had one. I fucken loved Glimmmeratti, Rifts and the two Pathway to Glory games. Legit great games on their own right. I wonder what's the best way to play N-gage games today since mine doesn't work anymore.


I got both version of these from ebay or the like. The only way to play X-Men Legends and use Beast (my favorite super hero).

I never really did anything with either, except maybe one is locked out.

I should see if there is an emulator for it.
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