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Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy's Journey Trailer, delayed to February 28th, 2017

Is this running on Neo? Might be my memory but this video impressed a lot more than previous showings.

I wonder if the delay is related to neo being supported as well, they made it sound like it on that post.
I feel like you can't really critisize writing from this trailer. Writing is everything, not just dialogue.

This is very true. Indeed writing includes storyboarding, narrative arcs, character development and setting development. However, dialogue is arguably the most important of all of these because it is the means by which a traditional narrative is given for centuries. Dialogue is the "execution" of overarching story concepts so to speak. This does not apply to all narratives but I'm certain it applies to this narrative.
That croc is awesome



Lip sync looked a little off in one scene.

That is one hella good box art. Loved the trailer. Goodness this is a gorgeous game. I can deal with the release date. Make it as good as possible GG!
Fantastic trailer!!

Main story sounds dull but the setting is awesome, if they build a good backstory and lore around it might be something really great! we'll see.


Love when Sony releases stuff like this before E3... Making room for the good stuff, eh???

Or for more VR :(


How does an open world game like this looks so good from a 1st or 2nd party sony dev, but Halo 5 looks like complete dogshit.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
It looks like a notable step up from Uncharted 4 despite being an open world game and draws in a ton of detail at a long range to boot.

This is almost assuredly the PS4K footage unless this is all cutscene mode.

I disagree with the detail, but I might be just overestimating the strengths of the PS4 with open world games. Much of the draw distance is hidden behind DOF, and in GIFs like this...


...there's pretty evident heavy culling of foliage, shadow, and detail over distance.

This looks more impressive to me in the foreground than over draw distance. Which isn't to say the draw distance looks bad, but it doesn't jump out to me as particularly incredible as an open world game.


I was wondering if anyone here knew or read any info on how prominent the monster (robot) hunting will be compared to other aspects of the game (human combat, narrative, etc). Is this going to be primarily a story driven game that just happens to have some giant robots to kill or is it primarily a giant robot killing game with other supportive elements? I know there isn't a ton of info out there yet, but I was curious if anyone had read anything that would point in one direction of the other.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
So we've seen climbing of rock faces and such and we've seen gigantic towering mechadinos so what's to say we can't climb said robocreatures like say Shadow of the Colossus? Not saying its in there but the potential is there!


Dreams in Digital
Yeah, I guess it more the combination of various cliches that bothers me.

Cliqued scenes sell games and keep the interesting things hidden. I'm fine with that. The writing though ... I just hope it's not too difficult to accept. The pathos on those voices was straight out of a Saturday matinee cartoon. It was as if the director said 'action and emotion'. I call it the David Cage affect.


This has been the game from Sony that ive been most tempted by (not really into JRPG's or similar) and was hoping for a good deal on a PS4 when Horizon releases.

The fact this releases next year makes me wonder if it will be PS4K enabled and if I should go for that console or try and pick up a really good deal on a standard PS4.

Descisions, descisions?!

I'd wait on getting a PS4 if I were you, at the very least wait till after E3. More exclusives, or the lack of exclusives, could change your mind.


It's a game with robotic dinosaurs and you play as a human with a bow and arrow.

I will never not want to play as a robot dinosaur over yet another game with a bow.

Yet another? When was the last game where the main weapon was a bow?
Delay sucks but the game looks incredible. The visuals are just insane.

That said, the dialogue in this trailer was really rough
Eh? Films announce way ahead of time, all the time.

Yeah and they don't slip their release dates like games do. What if 3 months before the next Star Wars was to come out the producer puts out a trailer that has a later release date on it? It's gotten so bad with games that it's to be expected at this point.
I don't mind devs taking longer to work on a game, but I really wish these folks would just give themselves a couple of extra months when announcing the game to begin with.


"These questions, the tribe has forbidden. What if the answers are worse than not knowing?"

I agree with the tribe. I'm not sure there can be any answer that will satisfy any curiousity as to why there are robot dinosaurs everywhere or what her origin is.

Now they could surprise but I was sort of hoping they wouldn't go down this path towards explaining everything about why stuff is.

Much like how I don't care about how and why zombies exist in zombie stories, I was hoping for a story more... umm skirting around this sort of common issue movies and games have.

That being said everything else looks great. I may have to buy the CE for it just because the box looks samn good.
Perhaps some things about game development should be explained to you, seeing as how you think Sony allowing their games to be delayed is a bad thing.
I think the change in number of delays from last gen to this gen is a large disappointment.

Good for business? Sure. Disappointment as a consumer that they keep announcing shit too early? Yes. It's an industry-wide annoyance.
Having a talented writer is meaningless if the dev team or whoever calls the final shots and they're not very good at story (see Crysis 2 as an example).

The robot dinosaurs are unique but it's "you're an outcast with a mysterious past who wants to find out the truth". It's a generic set up. I didn't say it's bad, but that doesn't wow me. Robot dinosaurs are cool though, I never said they weren't.

And it's not like Guerilla's previous KZ efforts weren't unique. They had interesting set ups and narrative potential, but Guerilla squanders that every single time. It's a new IP, sure, but their last four games all had this problem.

Im with you, man. Im so excited, but so very skeptical. I want the world to be separate from Aloy too. I dont want the entire story and universe of the game to be tied to her, and I worry they may try that. Im hoping this is more a story of a girl, as opposed to "the" girl.

A lot of the excitement for me is in the fact that the world is so mysterious. How GG chooses to unravel that mystery, how much they reveal, how much they leave hidden, and how much they enrich it remains to be seen, but it's all very important. It's one thing to do a game with a great premise, but another to pull it off, and after Shadow Fall and Killzone 3, I'm just not sure what to base my trust on.

Even Killzone 2, as fun as that was, wasn't particularly story driven, but man did it have an atmosphere. I hope that GG hired the right writers and designers, and that they have some level of control over how this game ends up.


Looks amazing, I wish it wasn't delayed. I am not interested in many of the "big games" this fall, but if it makes a more polished experience I am all for it.
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