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Overwatch |OT4| You Want A Good Genji, But You Need The Bad Hanzo

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As someone who plays Pharah, this is only true up to a certain rank on Competitive. When Team rank started to encroach into high 50s, more and more people are countering with Soldier 76, D.Va or another Pharah.

I'm currently 62 and the days of just fluttering around raining rockets without punishment is becoming uncommon. If it's not another Pharah coming after me, it's a Soldier 76 or a Reaper waiting for me to land. I've even seen D.Va's flying up and ramming me and taking shots as she falls. (I immediately incorporated that D.Va tactic!)

Just wait until you have a perma mercy on your butt at all times, and just wait until you learn the maps well enough where you never land in open space and just go from top of building to top of building


We've all had those games, where you know you rightfully deserved the POTG, yet it went to someone else's completely undeserving play. Describe yours!

Here's mine:

My team is attacking on Numbani, our opponents are putting up stiff resistance at the first point, repelling us time and time again, time is running out, less than 30 seconds to go. I'm playing as Soldier, heading to the point for one last push with my ult fully charged, and let my team know that it's ready to go.

Right before I turn the last corner to the point, our Ana nano boosts me and I proceed to lay waste to the enemy team. There's 4 of them there, one of them being Torb with his turret, and I take them all out. As my ult winds down, another one of the opposing team shows up and I take him out too, resulting in a team kill.

That sequence's body count ends up being 5 elims plus one turret. We capture the point, and end up escorting the payload to the finish, winning the game. I thought for sure I would get POTG, with a huge assist going to Ana's nano boost.

Wrong. POTG goes to the enemy Torb "Molten cooooooore!" where he took out a paltry 3 of my teammates. If that's not POTG robbery, I don't know what is...


Ive had one where I had a 5 man kill, POTG was a Junkrat killing 2 people and immediately dying

IIRC, the McCree buff makes him a hard counter to Pharah.



Oddly Reaper players are some of the few who might actually pop some shots at her, at least the remnants of shotgun scatter might hit no matter how minimal the damage I guess.

I think it's because reaper *can* kill her, it's just a headache.

As someone who plays Pharah, this is only true up to a certain rank on Competitive. When Team rank started to encroach into high 50s, more and more people are countering with Soldier 76, D.Va or another Pharah.
Nope. High 60s, people still don't on average. Well, lost a lot, but didn't when I was high 60s. Because, after all.

Just wait until you have a perma mercy on your butt at all times, and just wait until you learn the maps well enough where you never land in open space and just go from top of building to top of building

A pharah with a mercy is rather annoying on console.


what's going on with Pharah on PC? sorry, too many discussions went by.

Entire pc meta is slowly being defined by mcree, along w/ ana release and zen buff spurring ppl on to play them as secondary supports. I kinda expect mcree to be toned back a bit, so hopefully i can go back to picking her, but for now im just getting repeatedly 2-shotted so yeah ima ease off on pharah for a bit lol


IIRC, the McCree buff makes him a hard counter to Pharah.

Entire pc meta is slowly being defined by mcree, along w/ ana release and zen buff spurring ppl on to play them as secondary supports. I kinda expect mcree to be toned back a bit, so hopefully i can go back to picking her.

oh yea, they took away the dmg fall off right? yea, that's gonna suck when it hits consoles.


I'm a little miffed. Usually the team averages are 1 or 2 levels off, which is fine.

I just played a game with my team average at 67, and the enemy team average at 72.

That actually a big difference, and we felt it the entire match as well...

If anything it's incredibly demoralizing right off the bat.

That's basically the matchup I had last night when we won and I didn't rank up. So frustrating, lol.

anyone else on PS4 here that I should friend request

PSN is MC_Giygas


I've added a few people in here, but they never accept. RIP ;(


it's fun. lots of people play solo without chatting. it depends how much you care about winning.

Both are fun imo, what system are you going to play on? PC is fine since you can just type and console literally no one talks so you should be fine

It's still fun but you'll run into pockets of frustration if you are really competitive. I caved and have used the mic that came with ps4 once in a group so far. "There's a reaper behind us" vs your whole team being wiped by a reaper. I still play the game 90% of the time without a mic, mostly with one friend who doesn't have a mic either, and it's still fun. Getting rid of hero stacking for ranked mode should help a lot for non-mic people as you won't have to make on the fly massive team composition changes.

I'm gonna play it on PS4. Winning is fun, of course, but I don't really care about competitive play. I'm just looking for something fun to unwind for 1-2 hours in the evening.
Is there some kind of clan feature? Or let me put it this way: Is there a way to restrict matchmaking to fellow GAF users (either via ingame clans/groups or via PSN communities)?


I'm gonna play it on PS4. Winning is fun, of course, but I don't really care about competitive play. I'm just looking for something fun to unwind for 1-2 hours in the evening.
Is there some kind of clan feature? Or let me put it this way: Is there a way to restrict matchmaking to fellow GAF users (either via ingame clans/groups or via PSN communities)?

no clans and group feature is pretty garbage. you need to be invited by someone to group up with them. you can't even join a friend's game and be in the same group automatically. at least you get XP bonus when you're in a group.

why are you maining a character in overwatch? smh

does anyone remember posts like these from OT1

i thought you were serious and was about to spew some crap at you. lol
We've all had those games, where you know you rightfully deserved the POTG, yet it went to someone else's completely undeserving play. Describe yours!

Defending enemy player uses ult to kill 4 members of my team in overtime. I fly in to keep the game going, get 1 kill which gets me my ult, rez all 4 teammates which gives us the final push to win.

Enemy ult gets PotG.
Had a game winning quad kill (+ D.Va's mech) with Reaper.

Lucio gets POTG for booping someone off a ledge.

I think the % of health removed is a key component to the PotG.

Like, Environmental kills are almost always a 100%.

Multi kills, espeically ones involving Ults, involve teammates chipping away at damage.

So you might have seen this:

Lucio - 17
Reaper - 12
Roadhog - 25
Genji - 42

Which seems impressive, but doesn't technically beat out Lucio's "Reaper - 100"


Just wait until you have a perma mercy on your butt at all times, and just wait until you learn the maps well enough where you never land in open space and just go from top of building to top of building

Yeah. I've always wanted that. I've faced a Pharah w/ pocket mercy combo once on console but it was on a level 72 team but we lost because it was a great level 72 team and we were level 62.

I'm not saying that it's super easy to take down a Pharah but keeping her at a distance mitigates her effectiveness tremendously. With the GAF crew that I roll with, any time we face a Pharah that's getting on our nerves, one of us switches to Soldier 76 and it just keeps her at bay and keeps her from just dominating us. Entire momentum of matches including escort and king of the hill matches changed when one of us pays attention to Pharah.

Keep in mind that my experience with Competitive Overwatch is colored by the fact that I never play solo.
That's basically the matchup I had last night when we won and I didn't rank up. So frustrating, lol.


I've added a few people in here, but they never accept. RIP ;(

I'll ride with you homie, unless you're from the UK in which case we would lag each other too much to enjoy the game. PSN: killdatninja

I'm usually on around 5pm-11pm pst, normally at least duo-queuing with friends.


POTG has been screwed up pretty badly ever since Comp was released, imo. i've seen POTGs where people did absolutely nothing.


We've all had those games, where you know you rightfully deserved the POTG, yet it went to someone else's completely undeserving play. Describe yours!

Hard defense match on King's Row, reds made steady progress throughout - nothing we could do to stop them, it seemed, so in desperation I went Reaper to hunt their Mercy.

In the last seconds of the match, I teleport above them, but they're all spread out. I possess myself with patience - keep hidden, and wait for the perfect moment.

Starts at 21 seconds: http://youtu.be/m08REPlCsF0

PotG went to a Genji getting a double kill.


Yeah. I've always wanted that. I've faced a Pharah w/ pocket mercy combo once on console but it was on a level 72 team but we lost because it was a great level 72 team and we were level 62.

I'm not saying that it's super easy to take down a Pharah but keeping her at a distance mitigates her effectiveness tremendously. With the GAF crew that I roll with, any time we face a Pharah that's getting on our nerves, one of us switches to Soldier 76 and it just keeps her at bay and keeps her from just dominating us. Entire momentum of matches including escort and king of the hill matches changed when one of us pays attention to Pharah.

Keep in mind that my experience with Competitive Overwatch is colored by the fact that I never play solo.

Most issues come in when you're playing dual or solo, and both you and your teammate are playing the only healer/tank
Hard defense match on King's Row, reds made steady progress throughout - nothing we could do to stop them, it seemed, so in desperation I went Reaper to hunt their Mercy.

In the last seconds of the match, I teleport above them, but they're all spread out. I possess myself with patience - keep hidden, and wait for the perfect moment.

Starts at 21 seconds: http://youtu.be/m08REPlCsF0

PotG went to a Genji getting a double kill.

You can link to timestamps in videos:


I'll ride with you homie, unless you're from the UK in which case we would lag each other too much to enjoy the game. PSN: killdatninja

I'm usually on around 5pm-11pm pst, normally at least duo-queuing with friends.

lol, nah I'm EST. I'll add you tonight.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Really hope ps4 gets the ana patch soon. Kinda lost the will to play after seeing so many streams of the new changes.

I'll be on a lot more again once that hits.


Mine is pretty and pink
Really hope ps4 gets the ana patch soon. Kinda lost the will to play after seeing so many streams of the new changes.

It gets there when Sony has approved the patch, it's out of Blizzards hands at this point.

Should be out tomorrow or early next week.


Really hope ps4 gets the ana patch soon. Kinda lost the will to play after seeing so many streams of the new changes.

I'll be on a lot more again once that hits.

Here's hoping we get a nice surprise tomorrow, just like when the Comp patch hit PS4 on a Friday.


She is not off the table unless you are rank 80 playing against ESL teams every match.


People think their rank 50 games are comparable to the pro eSports meta, but it's not. There are great general paradigms and patterns to follow, but the comp meta is definitely not 1:1 at lower ranks.


Really hope ps4 gets the ana patch soon. Kinda lost the will to play after seeing so many streams of the new changes.

I'll be on a lot more again once that hits.

I feel the same way, especially has a D.VA main who can rarely use her in comp.

And I want to play as Ana so baaaad


She is not off the table unless you are rank 80 playing against ESL teams every match.

Not that im particularly gotlike w/ her, but im getting shot down and shooting pharahs down way faster than last patch so for me at least it's not worth the effort to play her and if i see a pharah on the other team im pretty happy. Im only ~60 tho and i do see some pharahs getting away w/ things they shouldnt be getting away with but yeah in general havent seen a terribly effective one since ptr and the patch drop.

But i mean ofc if something is working for u continue with it, shes just not doing much for or against me and i attribute that to the patch

I've added a few people in here, but they never accept. RIP ;(

I haven't tossed you, or anyone really, invites lately.

Work stuff has been getting intense so I've been using this game as a decompression i.e. playing while getting rapidly, increasingly hammered.

I don't want to wreck anyone's rank or be a...pause...letdown.
As someone who plays Pharah, this is only true up to a certain rank on Competitive. When Team rank started to encroach into high 50s, more and more people are countering with Soldier 76, D.Va or another Pharah.

I'm currently 62 and the days of just fluttering around raining rockets without punishment is becoming uncommon. If it's not another Pharah coming after me, it's a Soldier 76 or a Reaper waiting for me to land. I've even seen D.Va's flying up and ramming me and taking shots as she falls. (I immediately incorporated that D.Va tactic!)

I love ramming people with D.Va especially the Pharah that think she's safe flying around spamming rockets.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's incredible how good Zen feels to play now. I'm contributing and getting complimented, and I'm a pretty mediocre Zen.

Time to invest in a skin...

I just wish his alt fire shot all his orbs at once but I guess that's too strong.


What does everyone think about the direction Blizzard are taking with McCree? The OW subreddit doesn't seem too pleased; he seems to be a mid-range sniper now, like Hanzo in a way. I've tried to play him before & after the patch and I just do not like his kit, I find him really boring which is strange because I LOVE pistols & revolvers and will always choose to use a pistol if I can.

Range probably needs to come back down a touch. Or if his range stays as is, take down his left click damage a little bit so that he isn't a mini sniper.

PSA: If you got gold eliminations as Lucio it doesn't mean you are hot shit killing everyone while everyone else is fumbling. It means you tagged the enemy for 5dmg with one of your balls which is not hard to do since you spam it constantly.

I don't get Gold Elims for Lucio but I often get Gold Obj. Elims with him. Besides, don't you want your Lucio to be reliably landing damage and contributing to elims? It's not like he can't heal at the same time. Besides, being able to land shots with Lucio consistently is pretty fun due to the slow travel time on the orbs.

Nah, I think if a Lucio is topping the kill charts, no matter how much damage he's laying out, the team is probably shit. There's simply no way he can get access to the amount of kills offensive characters do, cmon.

This is true. However, a Gold in Obj. Elims is doable simply because of the amount of time Lucio can spend on the objective in a game match like KoTH.

better quality matches with better players is the theory. altho when i was playing with Kor we played against guys who were 10-20 ranks higher than me and i didn't find them that much better.

My theory is that an average team of 3 - 6 is probably going to consistently rank higher than a solo player who is approximately the same skill level. This is a team game and many times communication and teamwork trump outright skill. I think a lot of the frustration comes from que'ing up as a solo player and having one or two clueless team members cause loss after loss.

This is why you can play with folks who are 10 - 20 ranks higher and it not feel drastically different, especially if they usually que as a group and are used to playing together.

I think you can, but you have to be at least 20+ rank higher than the average to do it. I guarantee you that if you put Seagull on a rank 40 smurf, he'll win 90% of his matches.

Not if he's playing support, he won't.


That's basically the matchup I had last night when we won and I didn't rank up. So frustrating, lol.


I've added a few people in here, but they never accept. RIP ;(
Friend me! PSN is IKizzLE. Mid 60s, and roll with teams between low 60s and low 70s.


no clans and group feature is pretty garbage. you need to be invited by someone to group up with them. you can't even join a friend's game and be in the same group automatically. at least you get XP bonus when you're in a group.

i thought you were serious and was about to spew some crap at you. lol

Ugh. That's a shame.
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